Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 837: Question: What Kind Of Experience Is It To Hold Tight? (Seeking Subscription)


These two words struck Shangguan Wan'er's heart like a heavy hammer.

Suddenly, her heart beat faster!

In his eyes.

I am cuter than Your Majesty...

"Could it be that he likes me more than His Majesty?"

As soon as this thought came out, it was like scratching Shangguan Wan'er's heart.

I saw her pretty face flushed suddenly, a hint of panic flickered in her eyes, and she stammered:

"Don't talk nonsense, King Yun, how could I be cuter than Your Majesty..."

"You, you apprentice..."


Is it okay to be scolded for no reason?

Yun Zhou didn't think much about it, he just thought it was a girl's shyness.

He took a look at the long narrow road, and saw a green light in his eyes.

He felt a little strange:

[There is not much recorded in the original text about this secret room inherited from the Demon Land. 】

【Just go on like this, won't you be trapped to death here?】

[Formation didn't notice it, but there was a feeling of panic alone. 】

Yun Zhou frowned, a white light glowed all over his body.

In an instant, with the two of them as the origin, the long and narrow road brightened up.

Shangguan Wan'er couldn't hear Yun Zhou's voice because of her character design.

But seeing the other party's eyebrows frowning, subconsciously stretched out his small hand to smooth the other party's eyebrows.

Feeling the heat on his head, Yun Zhou looked sideways.

Shangguan Wan'er's pretty face flushed, she lowered her head and looked away: "I, I just think it's not good to frown... Don't get me wrong.

Yun Zhou chuckled, pointed at the stone beside him and said calmly:

"We have just been to this place... This place should be a loop road opened by the spirit in the Tianmo Mountain, in order to hide the treasure."

There is no record about this paragraph in the original text, but Yun Zhou thinks his intuition should be right.

Shangguan Wan'er was a little confused: "Where is the place where the treasure is hidden?"

Yun Zhou rubbed his chin: "Based on what I know about spirits, that guy likes to hide in the ground himself, so his treasure should not be put on the bright side.

Shangguan Wan'er thought for a while: "You mean, below us?"

"Well, it should be enough."

"Actually, the place of inheritance is in Tianmo Mountain, and the treasures he has accumulated over the years should also be at the bottom of this mountain, so..."

"We're going to make a pangolin."

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up.

Speaking of which, in the original text, Lin Yuan didn't get the treasure here either.

Moon Cicada found it by himself in the later period.

But the record at that time is also a brushstroke, and now Yun Zhou can only think for himself based on the situation.

"Hmm... What King Yun said should be right."

Shangguan Wan'er blinked her eyes and stepped on the road.

There is a hollow sound inside, and it should be able to go down.

"Okay, don't study, come with me."

Without giving Shangguan Wan'er any time to think, Yun Zhou stretched out his hand to hold her little hand, and then stomped hard!


The dazzling brilliance sounded, and the gravel rolled down.

Yun Zhou immediately fell down with Shangguan Wan'er.

The further you go down, the stronger the strong demonic energy, and you can still vaguely see the pitch-black formation at the bottom.

A frightening death air came, bringing out bursts of coolness.

But for some reason, Shangguan Wan'er, who was held by Yun Zhou, didn't have the slightest fear.

While falling into the air, she quietly looked at Yun Zhou's profile.

A kind of confusion flickered in the eyes, and a very absurd idea suddenly appeared in my heart:

"If there is no His Majesty, I should also like him...

This "also" side reflects that she has fallen in love with Yun Zhou?

have no idea.

Anyway, she just can't resist this side face.

Soon, the two fell to the ground.

With Yun Zhou beside her, Shangguan Wan'er fell very smoothly.

But he leaned unreasonably against Yun Zhou, unable to stand upright for a long time as if he couldn't muster his strength.

I don't know why.

They looked up, and a group of dark magic fog enveloped the place.

In front of him was the Heavenly Magic Formation laid down by the spirits, which seemed to be more powerful than the formation covering the Heavenly Demon Mountain.

There are bursts of devilish energy permeating the surface, and occasionally, shrill screams can be heard from nowhere.


"Ah this..."

Shangguan Wan'er was born with a feeling of resistance to this place.

She ducked behind Yun Zhou, "Did we come to the wrong place?"

"It doesn't look like there are treasures here, but rather like Nine Serenity Prison......

Yun Zhou glanced at the closed magic circle, and said flatly: "King Yun will teach you a lesson. Generally speaking, the more dangerous the place, the more treasures there will be."


Shangguan Wan'er was a little puzzled.

Yun Zhou stretched out his hand with a smile, and the Formation Breaking Bow that shone with dazzling golden light jumped into his hand.

Immediately afterwards, bowed and aligned.

Raise your big hand, "whoosh"!

The supreme coercion seemed to explode in an instant, the terrifying power condensed into a phantom arrow, and Dao Yun condensed a little, blasting on the magic circle.

That's when.

Yun Zhou suddenly pulled Shangguan Wan'er into his arms.

Before she could react, a magnetic voice suddenly came from beside her ear: "Hold tight."

As the gentle voice fell, the figures of the two turned into afterimages in an instant, and rushed towards the gradually shattering magic circle.

Everything happened between the fire and light stones, but in Shangguan Wan'er's view, it took as long as tens of thousands of years.

She was held in Yun Zhou's arms, listening to the strong heartbeat, she felt that her breathing became involuntarily short.

Even Shendu's eyes became blurred.

Until it hit the ground, listening to Yun Zhou's words, "Don't hang up, come down quickly."

She just came back to her senses.

It was only after she came down that Shangguan Wan'er realized how close she was to Yun Zhou just now.

The whole body is hung on other people's body, and it is almost crowded with other people's clothes.

Her cheeks were hot, and the little head under her pretty face seemed to be unable to conceal the lies in her eyes.

"What a shame..."

She was a little annoyed: "Holding him so won't be misunderstood by him?"

"It's really comfortable..."

"Forget it, sooner or later it will be his people, I think what's the use of these.

"Cough cough."

Yun Zhou glanced at Shangguan Wan'er, who was bewildered, and said, "You have spoken out your thoughts.

(O_0a million).

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