Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 839: Hiss—What Did You Eat? This Elixir Is Not Serious! (Seeking Subscription)

Although the way this confession is a bit strange.

But it still touched the softest part of Shangguan Wan'er's heart.

At the very least... Yun Zhou treated her sincerely and gave her enough respect.

He even put down his proud body for this...

Feeling moved in my heart, Shangguan Wan'er's exquisite eyes were full of tenderness like water.

Suddenly, as if she had made up her mind, she tiptoed slightly, wrapped her hands around Yun Zhou's neck, and pecked like a dragonfly on water.

Then let go quickly and turned around.

In Yun Zhou's beeping eyes, the sound of stirring fingers is like a mosquito:

"King Yun~ Wan'er understands your intentions, don't worry, in the future Wan'er will marry you with His Majesty... even if, even if Your Majesty does not marry, I am willing to ask Your Majesty, and, and 134-.. ..."

After speaking, she seemed ashamed.

Covering her hot pretty face, she turned around.

With a "shua", it turned into a stream of light and flew towards the hole where the two of them came down.

Yun Zhou, who left a "?" on his forehead, looked at the ground where Shangguan Wan'er stepped into the deep hole, unable to recover for a long time.

ah this...

I got hit all of a sudden?

But... why do you hate me...

Yun Zhou touched his lips, it was cold, and he couldn't recover for a while.

It took him a long time to shake his head and chuckle.

It doesn't hurt to be bullied by Shangguan Wan'er, what's more true.

Shaking his head, he glanced at the empty place, and finally made sure that everything was searched, and his figure turned into a phantom and disappeared in place.

Return to the inheritance.

Yun Zhou glanced at Shangguan Wan'er, who was blushing and lowered her head, and laughed a little.

【Give it to me, why are you still shy?】

[Sure enough, female cultivators are mostly unreasonable. 】

Shangguan Wan'er didn't know what Yun Zhou was thinking, she secretly glanced at Ling Weiyang who was still meditating to improve her aptitude.

The little head lowered again.

Sweet in my heart~

What's wrong with the female general, she hasn't snatched me~

Yun Zhou glanced at the good things found in the storage ring.

Finally, he was attracted by a gilt locket.

Dao force surges, take it out.

The box was opened, and two pills floated out of it, hanging in the air.

Yun Zhou took one with some doubts.

There is no poisonous gas on it, nor is there any magic gas.

I can't even feel the existence of Dao Qi.

For a while, Yun Zhou was a little confused, found the system, and asked in his mind:

"What is this?"

[Ding, Longfeng Dan, the two parties can be used as a complementary object of yin and yang, and it is of great benefit to the body...]

Hearing this explanation, Yun Zhou blushed.

Good guy, my eyes are sharp enough!

There is no one who can pick out the Shuangxiu pill by just picking it.

Holding this thing and looking around, Yun Zhou thought of the book "Dragon and Phoenix Spirit Art", and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily:

"If that old bastard Li Kunlun knows that this kind of elixir can perfect his kung fu, he will go crazy with joy.

All right.

As I said before, his skills are not complete, and Yun Bai happened to find the elixir he gave him now.

It's outrageous.

He was looking at Feng Dan and thinking about how to give to Dabao Shizun in the future, when a soft voice suddenly came from his ear:

"King Cloud..."


Good guy, this sound of Cloud King almost gave me the past!

He looked back suspiciously, only to see Shangguan Wan'er walking over with curly steps, her brows and eyes dodged a little, her pretty face was still flushed:

"King Yun, I see that you stared at this pill for a long time, is there something wrong?"

Yun Zhou was stunned for a moment, and took a look at her.

Seeing her delicate and charming appearance, he couldn't help but eloquently said: "Indeed, there are dragons and phoenixes carved on this pill, implying that dragons and phoenixes will bring good fortune..."

"I've heard Master say that men and women who take this elixir at the same time can connect with each other, but I don't know if it's true.


Shangguan Wan'er looked bewildered: "The mind is connected? Is it true or not?"

The corners of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "Of course it's true, let me tell you, this thing is amazing.

"The men and women who listen to my master's persuasion of this thing will draw an invisible red thread, which can bind each other for a lifetime, the kind that can't be separated no matter what.


Shangguan Wan'er couldn't believe it, she stared blankly at the phoenix-shaped pill in Yun Zhou's hand, her eyes were blank, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Seeing this graceful sister Yu being fooled into such a state by himself, Yun Zhou smiled and shook his head.

I was about to open my mouth to explain a few sentences.

Suddenly, a gust of fragrant wind passed by.

I saw Shangguan Wan'er approaching him suddenly at some point.

His slender fingers got into his big hand, squeezed the "..." phoenix-shaped pill, and threw it into his mouth without thinking.

Yun Zhou: ????


Oh trough!!


This is a dual cultivation pill!!

Yun Zhou twitched his mouth, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop it.



With a "grunt", Shangguan Wan'er directly swallowed the elixir raw.

Then, she looked at Yun Zhou expectantly with a gaze of autumn water, and exhaled like a ranch:

"It's time for you to eat."


Yun Zhou looked at Shangguan Wan'er with sparkling eyes, a black line appeared on her forehead.

What is it that I eat??

He twitched the corner of his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

This tm, the little hands are really fast!

(Wang Li's) originally wanted to keep it for Master, but she ate it.

How do you say this?

Willows and peaches are all trees? Who eats them?

Yun Zhou rubbed the center of his brows, looked at Shangguan Wan'er's clever smile, and didn't want to explain anything.

He is a villain, can he hide when he meets a woman?

And he could also tell that Shangguan Wan'er really liked him, and she would definitely be his woman in the future.

So what else is there to say?

eat chant.

Anyway, this thing is not something like Mihesan, it is only useful if the feelings are in place.

Without thinking too much, Yun Zhou took out the dragon-shaped pill in the box and threw it into his mouth, blinking at Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful eyes.

The elixir melts in the mouth.

At the same moment, a notification sound came from my ear:

[Ding, binding villain +1, binding object "Shangguan Wan'er" Weixi host's luck value +10. profit】.

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