Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 843: The Insatiable Netherworld Woman! This Tm... Really Humiliating! (Seeking Subscription)

If you can't beat it, bow your head first!

Joining is definitely not possible, so what else can I do?

The third elder stands above the sky, behind him is a crane with wings covering his face, and above his head is the scorching sun!

He just bowed 90 degrees like this, and confessed to Wu Zhao and the two:

"I'm sorry, it's my dog's eyes that see people as inferior and made a mistake. Please be magnanimous and forgive me once. I will leave now and never step here again!"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Zhao and Yan Yi were a little stunned.

What kind of tricks is this old thing playing?

Are you really shy?

Wu Zhao raised his eyebrows, and looked at the crane behind the third elder with a pair of phoenix eyes.

Immediately, the third elder realized.

Hastily dispersed the Taoist form behind him, raised his head and said seriously: "You two, I offended you a lot before, it was all the old man's fault, today the old man admits it" I hope you two can hold your hand high

After finishing speaking, he gritted his teeth, and directly took out two elixir of immortality from the storage ring, and sent them to Wu Zhao and the others under the breeze.

"You two, this is the enlightenment elixir made by the top alchemist in Linmen in my fairyland. After taking it, it can remove the impurities of the Dao soul, and the comprehension of one's own Dao will strengthen it. It is a good fortune to see the two of you today. It's a meeting gift for the two of you!"

Excuse me!

This old guy is worth it!

Yan Yi and Wu Zhao looked at each other, took the elixir in their hands, 617 probed with his own strength, and accepted it after confirming that there was no problem.

Wu Zhao looked over with cold eyes: "You are so presumptuous in my dynasty today, if you let you leave alive, wouldn't it make me a laughing stock!?"

As he said that, a ray of golden light suddenly appeared! A purple-gold color appeared in the sky, and the dragon's power invaded.

This tm, even after accepting the gift, still not forgiving?

This insatiable lower world woman!

The third elder twitched the corners of his mouth, his face trembling.

There is no move, the breath of these two people is locked on him, and there is no way to escape!

In this situation, there are only two possibilities.

One kind is burned, the other is killed!

Then he doesn't want to choose either!

I can only continue to confess!

"That little baby, no, fellow Taoist Majesty, if you think I'm too presumptuous, I can make up for it. We have something to discuss."

I thought I could fool the ignorant lower-world people with two elixir, but they don't like this.

If he did it, he would definitely not dare now.

I want to live, baby Tao!

Thinking about it, the third elder directly took out the good things that had been treasured for many years in the storage ring one by one.

Wrapped in the breeze and handed to the two.

"This is Kunsuo, which can lock practitioners whose real combat strength is below the second level of Dao Realm..."

"This is called the Lawless Sky Hammer, and it is a top-level holy artifact of the Consummation level..."

"There is also this, the supreme nourishing holy material, making soup and taking it can increase life span"

After taking out good things one by one, seeing the two people's faces gradually getting better, the third elder heaved a sigh of relief.

He wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, twitching the corners of his mouth and said:

"Well... I've given you all the good things. This compensation should be enough, right? If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first."

"Wait a moment."

Wu Zhao's calm voice came.

The smile on the third elder's face froze, and he turned around tremblingly, "What else is there for your Majesty, Fellow Daoist?"

Wu Zhao looked over with indifferent eyes: "You just flew away like this, and it still affects me, so you have to leave in another way."

The third elder let out a long breath, and said with a smile: "Okay, then I will show my face before your dynasty and walk away."

"No." Wu Zhao shook his head: "You have to walk away in my dynasty, and let all the people in the imperial city hear your apology!"


The third elder's wrinkled face flushed a little.

He is an elder from the upper realm of Linmen in the fairyland, and he wants to let a group of savage monkeys from the lower realm hear his apology?

What's the point!?

"Why, if you don't want to, we can kill you and take your treasure."

Wu Zhao's beautiful eyes (cidf) shone with a dangerous light, and the purple-gold dragon's power shone in the sky.

"The people of the imperial dynasty, the old man made a mistake!!"

The third elder immediately turned around and bowed to the densely packed heads of people in the imperial city below!

The people below were stunned for a moment, then laughed excitedly when they came back to their senses.

Apologies to the powerhouses of the fifth level of proving the Dao!

How many people have never been treated like this in their entire lives!

That is, Your Majesty Niubi!!

Hearing the undisguised laughter from the people below, the third elder lowered his head and clenched his teeth!

If it weren't for these two girls watching this muddy horse!

I must go down and kill you all!!

To be mocked by a group of "monkeys" in the lower realm, he was extremely aggrieved.

I can't wait to find a seam in the ground and dig in!

Only then did Wu Zhao nodded in satisfaction: "You can leave now."

"Huh, thank you."

The third elder breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly landed in the imperial city, and left with a dark face amidst the taunts of a group of people who gave way.

Looking around the huge sky, besides Bai Yun, only Wu Zhao and Yan Yi were left.

Yan Yi glanced at Wu Zhao faintly: "Why let him go?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Wu Zhao's mouth:

"Let him go? No... I'm using his hand to do things.

Yan Yi looked over with puzzled eyes: "What do you mean?"

Wu Zhao stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Jibeiyuan:

"When we fought just now, he mentioned that we will go to Demon Realm to pick up his young master after we deal with it."

"Now we can't deal with him, so naturally, his next step is to go to Demon Realm.

Hearing this, Yan Yi's beautiful eyes flashed with clarity:

"You mean, let him meet Yuechan?"

"Heh..." Wu Zhao sneered on his face:

"Although this old man is not a match for you and me, but this is when we join forces. If Yuechan faces him by himself, the outcome is uncertain."

"Besides, he picked two of the Big Three in the vast land, and bypassed Yuechan alone. Don't you think we are at a loss?"

Yanyi:  …

The dreadful narrow-mindedness!

After thinking about it, she seemed to think of something again, and asked: "He said he was going to pick up his young master, how did you know that Yue Chan would make a move?"

Wu Zhao's face remained calm, and a light smile emerged:

"Once bitten, twice shy."

"The site of the Lord of Demonic Dao, after experiencing that time of your master, will not allow any strong person who can threaten her to appear..."

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