Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 854: Can You Bend And Stretch? The Shyness From The Extreme Sickness! (Seeking Subscription)

The more Li Ang spoke, the more excited he became. With a serious look, he prostrated himself on the ground and said loudly:

"Since he is your cutie, the subordinates don't have to share the worries of the devil, and naturally they won't harbor ill intentions towards Shengzi Yun."

"And tell the truth."

"Lord, the first time I saw Shengzi Yun, I thought he looked like my father!"

"Just relying on that calm energy that is exactly the same as my father, I can't plot against him."

"Devil Lord Mingjian, this is all a misunderstanding caused by a matter of position!"

The voice fell.

A group of demons lowered their heads.

Good guy!

They really can't imagine why a demon can do such a shameless thing!

Just now he said he was going to kill Yun Zhou, even the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu couldn’t stop him!

Turning around, he looks like your father??

This nonsense is not as nonsense as you!

The speed of this face-changing is worthy of being the leader!

Yue Chan gave him a condescending look, and said with a sneer, "So, it's because of me that I delayed you from recognizing your father?"

"Ah this..."

Li Ang shook his head, "Don't delay, the demon lord comes first. Even if I want to recognize my father, I have to get the demon lord's consent."

"This seat agrees."

Without saying a word, Li Ang immediately slammed his head in the direction of Yun Zhou, his voice was like a bell:


Yun Zhou: ".……………

All the demons:

Ling Weiyang Shangguan Wan'er: "...

what is it called

A man can bend and stretch??

Looking at the burly man kneeling on the ground, Yun Zhou has learned a lot.

Moon Cicada above the sky frowned.

This Li Ang's operation made her a little bit at a loss as to how to take the move.

She looked down at the speechless Yun Zhou below, and asked aloud:

"Little cutie, do you want to kill him?"

boat: one

As for the three words "little cute", don't be stunned no matter how he hears them!

He frowned lightly, and looked over with plain eyes:

"Your people, how you want to deal with it is up to you."

For a high-level passerby like Li Ang who has not appeared a few times in the original text, Yun Zhou didn't have much thought to waste on him.

Yue Chan calmly said: "Then let's be a shark, it's an eyesore to be trapped by him."

This time she wanted to kill, it was rare for her not to have that morbid sense of déjà vu.

Maybe it was because she was afraid of scaring her cutie, so she deliberately suppressed it?

Who knows.

Anyway, she was going to attack the more than one hundred demons below.

For her, the background of the factory is not important at all.

She has the strength to wipe out the entire vast land by herself, so why do she need so many tails to follow her?

Hearing Yue Chan's words, Li Ang and the group of demons below felt chilled!

This Nima's!

The devil made it clear that he wanted to take revenge for Xiaobailianzi!

How can this be done!

The deputy commander's throat was also a little tight, and his head was a little foggy.

By the way, he hated Li Ang.

At that time, he stepped on the horse and obviously asked, to ask the devil for permission, but it turned out that he was not stubborn!

Now it can be regarded as dragging myself into the water!

"Devil Lord, please forgive me!"

The deputy commander's head was spinning rapidly, and he said sincerely:

"Today's matter is that two of my subordinates did something wrong, but the crime is not worthy of death, Demon Lord, right now, the two ways of the Emperor and the Emperor are uniting to target my Demon Way. At this time, the two of us can't die!"

As he spoke, he quickly poked Li Ang.

Li Ang understood in seconds, and immediately cried bitterly:

"Devil Lord, Li Ang is not afraid of death, but if I die, no one will share the worries of the Demon Lord. Who will fight for the Demon Lord in the future and let the Demon Lord unify the vast land?"

The deputy commander echoed from the side: "I understand that the devil doesn't care about these things, but if I don't have me waiting to share the devil's worries, the devil will definitely be annoyed by those troublesome little things!"

The chief and deputy commanders said something to each other, and they cooperated very tacitly, with the appearance of "I have long put life and death aside, and I just want to be loyal to the devil if I survived".

Yue Chan's faint eyes looked down, and the bloodthirsty and sickness were suppressed in the eyes.

She knew that these two people were trying to save their lives, but as they said [No tree is like a boat.

Without these demons, the overall power of righteous demons would be out of balance.

At that time, it will not be possible to come to someone in the right way to make trouble, and she must come forward in person, right?

Although this Li Ang should be damned, it does have some effect.

After thinking about it, Yue Chan tilted her head, her cruel cuteness was extremely inconsistent:

"Well... After killing all of you, I will kill some masters of the righteous way. Don't I need to be bothered?"

This is so...

It seems to be the truth.

The corner of Li Ang's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

As expected of a demon lord, she has a different way of thinking from ordinary people!

If he didn't know that he couldn't run away now, he would probably run away directly!

What the hell is this!

The fox didn't catch it, so it smelled good?

Just when he lowered his head and didn't know what to say.

Yun Zhou's faint voice came over:

"..." is not a big deal, forget it. "

The deputy commander was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he prostrated himself on the ground and said loudly: "Shengzi Yun is a good man, a good man!!"

Moon Cicada above frowned and looked over suspiciously:

"Little cutie, if you are unhappy, you can tell me. It's just killing a few bugs. I'm willing to do it. Don't wrong yourself..."

What Yun Zhou heard was a black thread in his head.

Why do you feel like I'm being treated like a jerk?

He shook his head: "I don't worry about whether they will die or not, but once the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, I can't bear to hurt the people around me, and I feel sorry for losing a hair."

As he spoke, he glanced at Shangguan Wan'er and Ling Weiyang beside him. (Li Nuozhao)

But I don't know why.

While Ling Weiyang and Shangguan Wan'er blushed, Moon Cicada in the sky also blushed.

Just off the charts!

Moon Cicada's bloodthirsty eyes, which were originally concealing excitement, suddenly became a little shy, and said with a trembling voice:

"You, you apprentice, don't talk nonsense! Huh......"


Ah, peat.

Yun Zhou raised his eyebrows and looked over, impatiently said:

"What nonsense..."

"These people are still under your command no matter what. If you kill them, it will also affect your prestige in the Demonic Dao."

To be honest, the main reason why Yun Zhou wanted to keep them alive was to have an extra hand of cards at critical moments.

That's right Yang.

This Li Ang's brain is very flexible, and he is also one of the magic generals, so he might come in handy at any time.

This idea is very simple, but it will change the taste after falling into the ears of Yuechan!.

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