Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 863: The Best Way To Deal With Sickness Is To Become A T! (Seeking Subscription)

Boom boom boom~!

Hearing the seriousness in Yun Zhou's tone, he looked at each other with his black and white eyes.

Moon Cicada's heartbeat speeded up very hopelessly!

"Little attractive~I like it."

"Aren't you lying to me?"

Yue Chan's beautiful eyes stared straight at Yun Zhou, her voice was low and sick: "If you lie to me, I will cut off your legs......

"In your eyes, you can only have people of your own seat. Anyone who flirts with you will die..."

Yun Zhou twitched the corner of his mouth, but he didn't refute, he shrugged, just as relaxed as in the previous life, he said:

"Only you, only you, you are so good-looking and delicious, it is enough for me to give birth to a child, and I have to hook up with someone else.


The sickness on Yue Chan's face suddenly froze!


Even the sickly girl can't stand it and turns into a T!

These undisguised words entered her ears and went straight to her brain nerves.

What sickness, bloodthirsty, all disappeared for a while.

People are numb!

She turned her head, her cheeks flushed with shame, and stammered:

"No, don't talk nonsense, I, I don't have children!"

Seeing that Moon Cicada's eyes regained a bit of clarity, Yun Zhou became refreshed.

Hey guys, will the witch's shyness subside?

This is great!

Although it can't be completely cured, but her weakness has been found!


Eloquent rhetoric is his forte!

"That can't be done!"

Yun Zhou looked serious, "My father... no, my master has taught me that I want to carry on the family. If you make me only see you, then you have to give birth to me!"

Yuechan: "Yanyi also taught you this?"


Yun Zhou raised a question mark on his forehead: "What is your concern?"

"Anyway, if you don't want me to hook up, you have to give me a baby. It's not enough to have one, but you have to have seven. I hold one a day, seven days a week..."

Seeing Yun Zhou's words getting more and more outrageous, Yue Chan's face turned red like a boiled prawn!

She is sick and delicate, but she is also a woman!

And she is the original girl with yellow flowers!

What big girl can hear this?

Neither can the devil!

She didn't dare to let Yun Zhou continue, she raised her little hand to stop it directly.

There was a dodge in the shining beautiful eyes, obviously she couldn't help it.

Taking a deep breath, Yue Chan changed the subject, looked over with bright eyes and asked:

"Little cutie, have you gained a lot in the Heavenly Demon inheritance place this time?"

Upon hearing this, Yun Zhou frowned.

【The co-author Moon Cicada knows that I have entered the inheritance land?】

【Then she never showed up...】

[emm... It seems that the Moon Cicada is still the same Moon Cicada. 】

[It's really special to me. 】

Thinking in her heart, she didn't pay attention to the silly smile on Yue Chan's face.

Yun Zhou shrugged and said calmly: "Now I have half-step to prove the truth, as long as you give me a month, I will prove the truth."


Yue Chan's eyes were filled with astonishment, and then she used her magic power to investigate.


In the magic consciousness, Yun Zhou, who was sitting across from him, was filled with a wonderful aura of Taoism, as if he had merged with the heaven and the earth. Only one step away!

I think a few months ago, when I saw him through the avatar for the first time, he was in the realm of Dao Integration.

What made him enter the country one after another within a few months, and ascended to the half-step Dao realm in one fell swoop!?

And... just as he said, it is estimated that in a month or so, he will be able to break through to prove the truth!

But the realm of enlightenment in the twentieth century?

The body also shoulders the six laws of the Great Dao at the same time?

How can this be?

At this time, Xi is a normal person, and Yue Chan, a sick patient, is confused.

Yun Zhou said in a calm voice, "I just took the inheritance of your demon land and just happened to break through. Speaking of it, I have to thank you."

"No..." Yue Chan shook her head, her misty eyes showed a dull temperament:

"It's your own strength that you can get the inheritance from Heavenly Demon, and it has nothing to do with me.

In fact, it is true.

Moon Cicada was once also inherited from the demon spirit, but that was decades ago.

……… Ask for flowers………

The inheritance obtained by the original Moon Cicada was only one-twelfth of Yun Zhou's.

After all, although she is also an unparalleled magic material in Haotu, there is still a gap if it is said that the magic charm is full.

Moon Cicada lowered her head, fiddled with her fingers, and whispered:

"I thought it was strange at first, why Wu Zhao asked two vixen to follow you, so it was to protect you before you get the inheritance, they..."

Seeing that Yue Chan wanted to talk back, Yun Zhou was taken aback, and hurriedly took the conversation:

"Speaking of which, I thought I would meet you before I came to Demon Realm, so I specially prepared a gift for you."


Yue Chan's beautiful eyes widened slightly, and there was a flash of surprise inside: "What is it?"

Yun Zhou smiled on the surface, secretly tossing in the storage ring.

Finally, under Yuechan's expectant gaze, she took out a crystal clear earring and grinned:

"This is a gift I'm going to give to It's a top-level Taoist weapon. Although it's not very precious, it will definitely look good when you wear it."

Yue Chan glanced sideways, and then, her dazed beautiful eyes burst into dazzling light, but suddenly she was a little puzzled:

"Little cutie, is the word engraved on your earrings your last name?"

Yun Zhou froze for a moment.

Huh? As expected of the system, the things you give are even engraved...

"Yes, as long as you have this earring, you will be able to carry me with you in the future."

"don't want......"

Moon Cicada shook her head like a rattle.

What is the use of wearing earrings?

She is not easy to cheat!

If you want to bring it, you should also bring the little cute real person with you.

If he wants to run, cut off his limbs and tie him with him!

Something that can breathe is definitely better than a dead thing!

Yun Zhou scratched his head, "Don't? That's fine too, I said you don't like a Dao weapon either..."


Yue Chan pursed her red lips, the excitement in her eyes seemed uncontrollable, her legs were trembling unconsciously:

*This seat wants~you, come here and put this seat on~"

[Hiss——this movement]

【Is this woman trying to seduce me? Spoon】.

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