Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 869: Secrets Other Than The Original Text! Moon Cicada's Real Body! (Seeking Subscripti

at this time.

Moon Cicada looked at Yun Zhou who was "seriously on the plate" and was a little dazed.

But it didn't take long for her sluggish eyes to slowly undergo a change.

Even, there is an extremely excited light shining inside!

Without giving Yun Zhou a chance to react, a wave of devilish energy was released, and she leaned forward like lightning.

A pair of lotus root arms wrapped around Yun Zhou's neck, and stopped his face less than two centimeters from Yun Zhou's face.

Gently pursed her red lips, with an uncontrollable sick light in her eyes:

"Since you think this seat's clothes look good, do you want to tear them up and take them away?"


Tear them all up and take them away!?

Good guy, is this woman a coquettish woman or is she insane!?

I tore it up and took it away, what are you wearing!?

Wrestling with my WWE shirtless?!

Insatiable, defiant, belongs to yes!

Bullying Yun is an honest person!?

Yun Zhou originally thought that with this witch's character, his repeated concessions would only make her more presumptuous! 28

That's why he was "upright" and tough.

Unexpectedly, this wave did not have any effect at all!

It also made this sick and charming demon master go too far!

This is the mortal enemy of the master, the demon master of the demonic way!

If you really touch her, it's okay for the time being. In the future, if the master finds out, he will definitely blow up the temple!

Who will he help then?

Help the master? Yuechan is already his woman, and he is reluctant.

Help Moon Cicada?

That's even more impossible!

Therefore, Yun Zhou can only pinch the scene first here!

Before she has absolute strength to control the field, she must not be YHed by this woman!

As for always keeping a distance from the moon cicada

In the future, I will not have any contact with the moon cicada...

Sorry, Yun Zhou didn't think about it.

In his last life, he had no choice but to complete the plot.

Since she has a good impression of Yuechan in this life, it is impossible to retreat afterwards.

A villain, if he is so aggrieved that he wants to hide from a woman all the time, can he still be a villain?

Isn't it a sick girl?

He can handle it.

Of course, it's still a bit of a struggle for the time being.

So, after being aroused by the moon cicada again and again.

Yun Zhou feels that the future is the future.

Don't get used to her for now!

Get scared first and talk later!!

Thinking about it, several terrifying Taos burst out from his body, and the terrifying breath filled the entire outer space.

His eyes became sharp and terrifying, and a big hand caressed Yue Chan's beautiful cheek.

Jokingly said with a terrifying smile that was several times worse than that of Moon Cicada:

"I advise you not to play with fire."

"Your realm and strength are not that strong in my eyes now, and it's not impossible for me to kill you..."

"If you dare to tease me again and again, I will completely annihilate your physical body, imprison your demon soul in my Dao Sea, and play with you forever!"

As he said that, he probably felt that he wasn't T-shaped enough, so he even licked the corner of his mouth!

I don't know if he also has a T-turning side in his bones.

At this time, when you dress up, it's just like acting in your true colors.

Even while pretending, he himself felt a sense of excitement.

Inexplicably, I understand why Yuechan is so excited every time.

From the original score!!

And while he finished speaking.

Yue Chan on the opposite side was also stunned.

She felt the terrifying aura emanating from Yun Zhou's body, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes.

She clearly found out, in just an instant.

An extremely terrifying aura rose from Yun Zhou's body.

Like earth-shaking, it is definitely not the aura that ordinary half-step Dao realms can have!

Even, even she felt a little cold in the bottom of her heart!

At this time, a slightly warm hand slid down her cheek.

It seemed that in the next second it would directly strangle her neck and kill her.

Yun Zhou also showed her with an extremely calm look.

What he said just now is by no means to scare people!

Hmm..... I can only say that the acting skills are top-notch.


I don't know which part went wrong!

In Yue Chan's slightly flustered eyes, there is an inexplicable light emerging!

And, the excitement inside is getting heavier and heavier!

Just when Yun Zhou looked at Yue Chan who had calmed down, he was slightly relieved. ,

Suddenly, the woman opposite moved!

Just like that, when she was caressing her face with her big hands full of strength, she suddenly approached recklessly!

The distance of a few centimeters seems to be nothing!

Without giving him a chance to react, just "baji"!


This Nima's!!

Yun Zhou is stunned!

He clearly noticed that Yue Chan, holding his big hand against his face, survived despite the injury on his face!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he reacted quickly, and the power in his hand dissipated.

Otherwise, even if Moon Cicada is not disfigured, there will definitely be scars on her face that cannot be repaired by magic power!

However, even so, subconsciously, his slap was still on Yue Chan's face.

A not-so-clear palm print landed on it so clearly.

However, Yue Chan didn't seem to care at all, her bright eyes just stared at Yun Zhou.

He even wrapped his hands around the back of Yun Zhou's neck537, and hugged him up!


And Moon Cicada doesn't have any intention of being shy now.

She looked closely at Yun Zhou's eyes, and in those beautiful eyes, there were obviously black lotus flowers flickering in the pupils.

This made Yun Zhou's eyes narrow slightly!

It seems that he... discovered a secret other than the original text.

According to the original text.

Black demon lotus, in the fairyland, a sacred lotus from the Heavenly Demon Sect!

Like monsters such as phoenix birds and magic eagles, the demon lotus can take shape.

However, because it is a magic plant, its transformation is very slow.

But because it is holy.

Therefore, once it has passed through transformation, it is the perfect state of Nirvana!

He remembered........ when Yuechan first recorded his appearance in the original text.

It seems to be the perfect Nirvana!!

At this time, he looked at the black lotus demon flower shining in Yuechan's eyes.

Reminiscent of the very few records in the original text about Yuechan's birth.

In addition to the small attribute that the moon cicada can't look directly at the sun...

The reason why people become T and coquettish......

Sometimes cool, sometimes coquettish...  

wait for everything...

Yun Zhou suddenly had a very absurd guess:

Could the Moon Cicada be the sacred lotus on the Tianmo Mountain in the fairyland!?.

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