Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 872: A Wave Of Thieves Calling For A Thief? Get A Little Wild! (Seeking Subscription)

This kind of guessing appeared in my mind.

Yun Zhou suddenly had a very absurd feeling.

In the last life, I followed the plot of the original text from the beginning to the end, so this is not the novel world?

It's really ridiculous.

But he didn't think much of it.

At this point, it doesn't matter whether it is "the category of the original text".

Because now everything has been derailed from the original text,

Take Destiny's Son as an example, he might be taken somewhere by that little passer-by.

If you are alive, you can also contribute some wool to him~.

If it's dead...although it's a little troublesome, it's not - I can't accept it.

At least with his current luck value and strength, there is absolutely no problem with self-protection.

There is no need to think about that little silly bee everywhere.

Give him some free space.

Wait until he recovers.

Soon, Yun Zhou followed Yuechan to the bedroom.

Outside the gate hall, Yun Zhou spoke directly:

"Let go of your hand and pull me together, your arm is almost twisted in!"

Moon Cicada watched with misty eyes, then smiled:

"not comfortable?"

"I'm so comfortable!" Yun Zhou twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's numb, let me go!!"

Hearing this, Yue Chan's mouth curled up, her lotus root arms loosened, and then she suddenly moved in front of Yun Zhou.

Grab his collar and push down hard.

"Baji" is just one click!

Then the beautiful eyes curved, and there was a touch of excitement in the eyes and said:

"I really like the appearance of the cute and fierce me, how many times will you be fierce to me in the future, okay?"

Yun Zhou:???

He didn't get a reply, and Yuechan didn't wait any longer.

He turned around and put his hand on the door of the palace, a faint light flickered, and the door of the palace trembled.

"It's outrageous..."

Yun Zhou rubbed the center of his eyebrows, somewhat helpless.

The temple door opened.

An indescribable sense of simplicity emanates from it.

Immediately, there was a barren atmosphere.

As Yue Chan said just now, there is a very thin law of reincarnation here.

Look at the extent of this Tao...

Presumably, Moon Cicada had just experienced the reincarnation and didn't have much time.

Come to the bedroom.

Moon cicadas are like birds returning to their nests, letting go of themselves.

Twisting the small waist that was two palms wide, he walked in step by step.

Yun Zhou followed her slowly.

To be honest, he was still a little apprehensive.

This moon cicada dragged herself to her bedroom in broad daylight.

Will you do something inappropriate for children?

Probably not, although Moon Cicada is sick, but judging from the original text, it is still very conservative.

Just thinking of this, Yun Zhou shook his head again.


The original text now has a fart effect!

Just now this woman grabbed him and "baji"!

Can't tell for a while.....

Yun Zhou shuddered, silently staring at Erchan's back.

He has already made up his mind, and he will try his best to resist later.

If the other party gives too much and he doesn't want to resist, then let nature take its course.

I will think of other ways in the future.

There is no bottom line, it belongs to yes!

Soon, the two entered the bedroom of the inner hall.

Much simpler than Yun Zhou imagined.

A dressing table made of wood, a simple chair, and a big bed.

But should I say it or not, this bed makes people dream about it.

Outside is a black silk hanging curtain, and inside are red pillows and bedding.

Gives a sense of vision full of reverie.

Especially the mattress, like a newlywed bedding...

Yun Zhou stared at the mattress and thought about it.

At this time, the excitement in Yue Chan's eyes could no longer be restrained.

She turned around and said seriously: "This is my bedroom, you will live here from now on!"


Good guy!

Doesn't this tm match the "bridal mattress"?

Sure enough, this sick girl had a premeditated plan...

The bedding for the newlyweds is all ready, let's get a little wild!

"This........isn't that good. It wasn't long before we met, and it's all in one step..."

"What is in place in one step?"

Yue Chan looked over with sick eyes, and said in confusion: "I just asked you to live here with me, what did you think of..."

" can't help but want to do something to me?"

Yun Zhou: "....

grass (plant)!

This woman... a wave of thieves shouting "Stop a thief"?

Just when he was twitching the corner of his mouth and was about to say "return".

………ask for flowers…

The bedroom door was suddenly pushed open.

"My lord, your mood has fluctuated too much today, I think... huh? Go to the book?"

As soon as the door was opened, a voice as crisp as an oriole came over.

But before he finished speaking, the figure froze in place.

Then, the brilliance in those beautiful eyes became brighter and brighter.

A sneer flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he threw himself into Yun Zhou like a forest:

"Yun Zhou, why are you here!?"

Chan Yilan hugged Yun Zhou without saying a word, raised her delicate face, and said in a coquettish tone:

"I haven't seen you for so long, and you didn't tell me to send me a message. Did you get hooked by those vicious sons of the Dynasty!?"


In an instant, the atmosphere of the scene became silent.

Let alone Yue Chan now, even Yun Zhou is dumbfounded!

I'm a mud horse!!

What happened to Chan Yilan?

Is my relationship with her so good!?

Yun Zhou twitched the corners of his mouth, stretched out his heavenly hand and pushed Chan Yilan's head aside:

"We don't know each other well, don't hug me and talk."


Being pushed, Chan Yilan refused to let go, raised her head angrily:

"Why are you unfamiliar? Before you hit me PG, then you hugged me, and after that..."

As she spoke, she lowered her little head, and the shyness on her face could hardly be restrained.

It's as if it really happened.

Yun Zhou's eyes widened immediately, "I can eat and talk nonsense, so what's wrong with me?"

"What's wrong, don't you know?"

Chan Yilan raised her head, her big misty eyes seemed to be able to drip water.

Inexplicably, there is a kind of resentment flickering inside:

"You are heartless, I miss you all day long in the Demon Realm, and you didn't say you came to see me first, but went back to the bedroom with the deity..."

Yun Zhou: "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You know what it is!!"

"I know your uncle, I know!"

Yun Zhou stared at Chan Yilan's face with staring eyes.

At this time.

He felt a chill down his back, as if a murderous intent had locked him in.


I am a mud horse, and Chan Yilan pits me....

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