Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 874: He Opened His Eyes, But He Closed Them Again! (Seeking Subscription)

In the original text.

There are not many records about the moon cicada before.

But the records about Chan Yilan are very clear.

Moon Cicada avatar.

Is the lotus leaf a clone of the lotus?

You have to seriously say that it can only be a part of the lotus.

However, this tm is different from the original text!

In the original text, Chan Yilan was split from Yue Chan's body,

While owning one out of ten strengths of the main body, he is also in the same vein as the main body.

To put it simply, if Moon Cicada is a lotus, Chan Yilan should also be a lotus.

In the end.....this woman is actually a lotus leaf!

Just a leaf on a flower!

Just off the charts!

But soon, Yun Zhou also reacted.

Since her origin is different from what was recorded in the original text, there are only two possibilities.

One, this world is also the world of novels, but it is a modified version.

The other is that this world is real and has a certain relationship with the novel, but the people and things in it are all real!

It is not a virtual construct, let alone a character written by the author of the dog. 28

Thinking of the difference between the two, Yun Zhou had a strange idea in his heart.

If this world is real, then is the path I took at the beginning wrong?

In the real world, there will be a detailed division of identities such as "protagonist" and "villain".

if there is

Will that...

Lao Tzu is the protagonist, and Lin Yuan is the villain?

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou's eyes lit up.

But at this moment, a notification sound from the system suddenly sounded:

[Ding, due to the reason of the host, Lin Yuan, the son of Luck, has a mental problem, the host successfully plundered the Luck value, and the Luck value +10]

The notification sound poured into my heart like a basin of cold water.

Yun Zhou's heart is cold,


The system says that he is the child of luck, what kind of fish can he be?

Then, he pinched his chin again.

Lin Yuan has a problem with his mind...

Well, that is, he is not dead, but he may become a fool.


【The dignified son of luck has become a fool?】

[There is no reason for me to have a bug like mine in this world. 】

same moment.

Next to a ditch in the Extreme North Demon Land.

It is completely opposite to the beauty of the two girls in Yun Zhou's company.

Here, Lin Yuan is accompanied by only two brothers who are covered in mud and mud.

The eldest Qiu Pingjia and the second Qiu Yue looked at each other.

At this time, Qiu Yue glanced at the melon seeds on her head covered with the black robe cloth wrapped around her by her elder brother.

I don't know if it was too ruthless when he was punished by heaven.

All the hair on his head had been dried out.

Even with it, the bare scalp was bloody.

Qiu Ping is in a much better situation than him, and he really can't see his younger brother making such a beep.

So I tore off a piece of my sleeve and wrapped it around him.

Mainly because there is nothing in this place.

Only the cloth of this black robe can block his blood.

After all, the injury caused by Heaven's Punishment, even with ordinary medicine, it can't stop the bleeding.

At this time, Qiu Yuejian was sitting on a big rock with a black cloth on top.

It looks miserable...but it's inexplicably funny.

And his expression is also very uncomfortable now, just like smelling someone eating.

His face was indescribably green.

The reason for this is because Fu Xiang Fu Shangshu had just passed the message to him.

Promise him to go back this time, and give each of the two brothers an additional 50,000 high-grade Dao stones, plus two complete Dao-level exercises.

And gave him a very heavy message:

Now, the two of them can't go yet!

To die in Lin Yuan.

Or someone from Xianyu will pick it up, and you can only leave after giving Fu Xiang a message!

It’s already tm this step, I can’t go yet!

This is the top!

But Qiu Yue couldn't do anything about it.

I have persisted to this point, what else can I do.

Bear with it.

But I don't know if God is joking with him.

Just when he had just completely resigned to his fate.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes.

Then I didn't say anything, just "Abaaaba"

In the end it seemed that "Abba" was tired.

He tilted his head, "quacked", and passed out again.

And his big brother Qiu Pingping knew some Taoist and medical theories, so he immediately came to a conclusion:

Although Lin Yuan didn't die, his Dao soul didn't disappear either.

But where is he going!

Dao Soul was seriously injured and had already affected his consciousness.

By now, speaking has become a problem.

Upon hearing the news, Qiu Yue's mouth twitched and her head buzzed.

The worst thing in his heart still happened.

Lin Yuan has become a fool and lost the ability to protect himself.

He is going to become a wet nurse completely.

As long as there is no one from Xianyu to pick him up, this dog will not die, so he has to take care of it all the time.

I worked so hard for Bara to have a bright future.

Is it possible to delay on this dog for a few years??

Qiu Yue looked at it and felt uncomfortable.

I feel aggrieved and want to cry.

However, his brother told him another news that made him want to cry even more.

That is, although he was only hit once by Heaven's Punishment, the Taoist soul was injured but his mind was not injured.

However, because he was very close to Lin Yuan when he was hacked, he carried a small part of the punishment that day, which caused his internal organs to be injured and his liver and gallbladder to be displaced.

It doesn't have a big impact on life, but the Tao body is definitely not as good as before.

Moreover, just the bloody flesh on the top of his head, and the circle of hair that was missing in the center of the bomb.

Can't get better.

In layman's terms, he is bald.

It still has long hair in the back, with a small semicircular bald spot in the middle and front.

Blue Star calls this the Mediterranean Sea.

Although his elder brother was very careful in what he said in order to take care of his emotions, he tried not to hit him.

However, the meaning in those words was fully conveyed.

Qiu Yue glanced at the full score of comprehension, and she understood it.

That is to say, I have suffered an injury that will affect me for the rest of my life.

How about being struck by lightning and lose half of your hair?!

Under the successive shocks, his whole body was not well.

He even couldn't feel that his flesh and blood were blurred after being hacked by Heaven's Punishment.

It just feels like the future is dark!

The benefits have not been obtained yet, and more than half of the people have been crippled first.

And my brother was also bombed by heaven, nothing

It means that he can be alone! ?.

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