Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 876: His Momentum Is As Fierce As A Powerful One! (Seeking Subscription)

Qiu Yue held the Violence Pill in her hand, grinning grinningly:

"Although this thing probably broke his waist, but he doesn't know."

"He's too attached to this thing."

"When he wakes up, I'll give him two pills."

"He sure is spirited!"

Qiu Ping, who was on the side, gave him a blank look:

"Okay, hurry up, your brother and I haven't finished eating the grilled fish yet.

"After you stay in the ink for a while, Dao Yu's Dao power will dissipate ass!"

"No..." Qiu Yue cast a displeased look on her face: "Brother, why do you want to eat?"

"Do you realize the importance of the matter?"

"If Lin Yuan loses his mind, we have to serve him, do you understand?"

I know mud horses!

Qiu Ping was also annoyed by his silly brother.

Helping "——— Qi" he walked towards Lin Yuan without saying a word.

You want to serve you and serve you.

grass (plant)!

Such an idiot has tricked you like this, and you still miss those resources.

Two ratios!

Approach Lin Yuan.

A thing facing up to the sky caught the eyes of the two of them.

That's right.

This can no longer be said to be a person, it can only be described with things.

Even people like Qiu Pingjia who have experienced big winds and waves twitched when they saw it.

Then the fish in my belly was not strong enough, and I got up with a nausea.

He immediately took two steps back, turned around and was about to leave.

Not bad for him.

Mainly this thing, it's so disgusting!

Into the eyes, a sprawling black figure fell there.

The whole body was bloody and bloody, and some places were scorched.

I don't know why.

There is a smell of urea and Xiangxiang pervading all around.

What made him even more unacceptable was.

Dark Lin Yuan, wake up!

At this time, he is raising two arms and waving towards the sky!

It seems to be drawing a circle, and it seems to be beating someone!

Just... can't understand what he's doing.

Then, the scene that made him collapse even more appeared.

Lin Yuan, who was moving, suddenly froze!

Then, he lowered his hand and patted Huang Huhu on top.

Splash a bunch of Sho!


Qiu Ping price really can't take it anymore, it's so fucking over the top!

He let go of the hand wrapped around Qiu Yue, and said with a twitching face:

"Brother, if you want to see him, you can see for yourself. I'll go back and have a meeting first."

After the voice fell, he turned his head and ran away without stopping.

Qiu Yue was also shocked by Lin Yuan's actions.

This is no longer a silly beep, this is a big silly beep!

hand clapping? did you tm pull Xiang next to him!?

Also, will the cultivators of the Ming Dao Realm pull Xiang?

For a moment, Yue Yao felt a little scalp numb.

But he still had a glimmer of hope, so he bit the bullet and walked towards Lin Yuan.

Just when he came over, Lin Yuan, who was upside down, turned his head!

turn around!!

The icy aura spread, and a palpitating murderous aura permeated the air!

Qiu Yue glanced at the corners of her mouth and felt a chill all over her body, like falling into an ice cellar.

I was suddenly horrified!

Good guy!

This aura...was exuded by Lin Yuan??

Didn’t he let Heaven’s Punishment crack him open!?

This aura... is even more ruthless than the average Da Neng!

Enduring the fear in her heart, Qiu Yuejian stepped over, squatted down slightly, and forced a smile:

"Master Lin Xuan, are you awake?"

"Do you remember me? I am Xiaoqiu!"

There were no extra fluctuations on Lin Yuan's face.

The murderous aura still exists, even more intense.

Seeing this, Qiu Yue glanced at Bengbu and lived there.

He seemed to be afraid that Lin Yuan would do something if he disagreed, so he quickly took off the black cloth wrapped around his head by his brother.

Immediately, the bloody and bloody top of the head, plus half of the hair missing, appeared in front of Lin Yuan's eyes.

However, Qiu Yuejian didn't care at all.

Even pretending to be heart-piercing and shouting:

"Master Lin Xuan! You must know me!"

"I am Xiao Qiu, the most loyal Xiao Qiu by your side!"

"These days we were born and died, don't you forget me?"

I don't know if Qiu Yue's appearance at this time is too funny.

The aura around Lin Yuan who fell on the ground stagnated suddenly, and the holy aura dissipated invisible.

Qiu Yue let out a sigh of relief.

It was at this time......

With a sound of "guji", Lin Yuan's big snot came out, and he grinned to let it go.

Bianle also pointed at his brain, "Abaaaba"!

In an instant, and in an instant, people are stupid!

Oh mud horse!

The fuck did I amused a delirious idiot!?

Well, Qiu Yue's mentality suddenly exploded when she glanced at it.

But now is not the time to focus on that either.

He took a deep breath and observed Lin Yuan's face.

Amidst the black and bloody mess, a pair of unusually bright eyes revealed a sense of foolishness!

have to!

This brain is useless!

He's become such an idiot!

This way... what is he still praying for??

For a moment, Qiu Yue cast a chill in her heart.

He looked at Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan looked at him.

One is frowning, and the other is silly and happy.

at this time.

The Qiu Ping price just now has gone and returned.

There was a bit of oily smell on his mouth.

Obviously, he came back after finishing the grilled fish.

As soon as he got here, he frowned a few steps away:

"How is he?"

Hearing the sound, Qiu Yue turned her head abruptly.

Looking at his elder brother with a kind of hope:

"Brother, take a look at him!"

"Is he still okay like this?"

"I took out the Berserk Pill for him, and he doesn't recognize him anymore!" 4.9

Qiu Ping price glanced at him when he heard the words:

"His waist is useless, and he no longer depends on this thing, why are you still showing him this thing?"

"That can't be done!"

Qiu Yuejian was a little anxious: "He often eats this thing after his kidneys are crippled, so these things are jelly beans.

"Are you sure if I give him this stuff, he won't get better?"

"Not good."

Qiu Pingping shook his head, "His consciousness has been chopped off by heaven's punishment now, and no medicine can save him.

"And... in the current situation, maybe he would be happier as a fool?"

"The waist is useless, the internal organs have been displaced, the appearance is disfigured, and the skin is now baked and pitted..."

"He is no longer human, pity him, let him be an idiot."

Qiu Yue cast a glance:

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