Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 882: The Little Guy Is Not Dirty, He Smells Good! (Seeking Subscription)


Lin Langyue was a little confused: "Let's not talk about why I am going back to Jiangmen, what is the meaning of joining the gang?"


Jiang He was unusually serious, put away the jug~, and said seriously:

"Look, if that little guy comes to Immortal Realm in the future, it will be difficult for him to walk alone, and there will definitely be a lot of forces-robbing him."

"Isn't it a pity that such a talent falls into the hands of others?"

"It's better for you and me to come forward, harvest him as a disciple, and bring him to Jiangmen to be the holy son."

"This is equivalent to directly pulling this little guy into your camp. In the future, even if he is in Niubi, he will still call you my master,"

"Besides, we don't have to worry about his rise, which will have a negative impact on Jiangmen..."

"This wave, this wave hey, kills two birds with one stone~!"

Jiang He's idea is very good, and even the calculation steps are correct.

If that little guy can enter her sect, her future life will definitely be very interesting.

As for how far this little guy can grow in the future...

Sorry, this is not within the scope of Jiang He's consideration!

Thinking of the bewilderment in that little guy's heart, Jiang He wanted to laugh for a while.

With such a fun treasure by your side, do you still worry that you can only drink to relieve boredom in the future?

"Oh, all I can say is that you think too much,"

Lin Langyue said inappropriately: "As you said, that guy is a top talent, a genius at the Emperor Realm, how could he be your disciple?"

Besides, how could I be as unintentional as you and accept a man as a disciple?"

"Don't you know that what I hate the most are dirty male cultivators?"

"Dirty and dirty?"

Jiang He raised his eyebrows, and said unconvinced: "That little guy is not dirty, he smells good, I'll smell it closer, it smells stronger than my wine!!"


The corners of Lin Langyue's mouth twitched: "You, a ten thousand-year witch who has never met a man, go to sniff a boy in his twenties? Do you want face?"

"Ah this..."

Jiang He beeped softly: "That's not my fault, the main reason is that I smelled it accidentally, the elegant fragrance smells so good, what's wrong with me?"

To be honest, it's really not Jiang He's fault.

Yun Zhou may have soaked in the medicated bath prepared by Yan Yi since he was a child, and the breath on his body is that natural and elegant taste.

The kind that can't be washed off.

Jiang He, who has lived for thousands of years, knows for the first time that there are male cultivators, can she not want to get close?

Especially the scent, smelling it makes people feel peaceful, and I can't wait to smell it in other people's coats!

Xiao Langyue just doesn't know, she doesn't know anything!

The atmosphere fell silent.

For a long time, Lin Langyue glanced at the blushing Jiang He, and said seriously:

"Old man, I advise you not to harm the inexperienced youth, be more self-respecting!"

After speaking, turn around and answer.

Jiang He was left in a state of desperation, stomping his feet and scolding:

"What the hell do you call an old thing? I'm only over 10,000 years old! You heartless banshee!"

Hearing the scolding behind her, Lin Langyue snorted coldly:

"Jiang He, this woman, is outrageous! She would put on an old face to sniff a man..."

Muttering, she was inexplicably a little curious.

Men's Xiu...... What's the smell??

Bah bah bah!

Soon Lin Langyue came to her senses, and gave herself a small mouth with a "snap":

"Don't even think about it? Male cultivators must be stinky, otherwise why would female cultivators say they are stinky and shameless?"

"Yes, the face is real too!!"

"However... the matter of joining Jiangmen..."

Reasonably speaking, Lin Langyue was still a little moved by the point of returning to Jiangmen.

Although it is said that she is currently cultivating the ruthless way, she can't move the slightest emotion.

But after going through these ten thousand years of precipitation, her heart has long been calm, and now Jiang He can't arouse her any emotions.

So from this point of view, it is not impossible for her to return to Jiangmen.

As for betraying Linmen, they will be hunted down and executed by Linmen...

Well, Lin Langyue didn't take it to heart at all.

How many heads did he grow up, dare to chase and kill himself, a nine-level demonstrative?

At that time, as long as Jiang He drags Lin Sheng down, Lin Langyue can destroy the entire Linmen by himself!


So, even if the day comes when you want to betray...

Lin Sheng didn't dare to embarrass her.

Because she and the fourth child are fundamentally different!

"On the contrary, the little guy Jiang He said he wanted to accept was a bit secretive..."

"Mastering the six principles at the same time, the age of the double king has reached the Nirvana state

"Even if such a peerless arrogance exists, it should be in the fairyland..."

"How could it appear in the lower realm?"

Lin Langyue frowned, her thoughts were turbulent:

"Also, the third elder died of exhaustion, and the fourth elder escaped from the sect. In just two days, Lin Sect lost two elders one after another."

"Under such circumstances, Lin Sheng still has to worry about the thoughts of the other elders of the sect, because the death of the third elder is hostile to the Chen family...


"In such a situation, Linmen's pressure is really enormous..."

Thoughts are not over yet.

Suddenly, she seemed to have realized something, and suddenly stagnated in mid-air.

A pair of cold phoenix eyes looked straight to the northwest of Xianyu.

There was a gleam in his eyes:

"How did he go back to the Upper Realm?"

same moment.

To the northwest of Xianyu, it is like a land of peach blossoms.

The sacred bird and fairy mountain suspended in the air is full of mountains and mountains, hidden in the clouds and clouds, majestic and shocking.

The mist is misty, like the fairy clouds in the sky.

Flying beasts plundered, and the tyranny of energy and blood made the scalp tingle.

The heaven and the earth are filled with a dense to liquefied immortal aura.

And here is the territory of the Chen family in Xianyu!

At this time, a slightly aged figure flickered into a golden light and swept forward.

Looking at the fairy mountain islands passing by in both directions, the old man's eyes reflected a touch of sadness:

"It's been many years since I came back."

Without thinking too much, the old man shook his head.

From the elders down to the servant disciples, one after another.

But he didn't pay attention to it at all, and didn't stop until a majestic palace gate.

At this time, a coercive but extraordinarily gentle voice came over:

"Fuxian, you're back Spoon?".

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