Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 885: Heaven, Earth And Region Secrets! The Magic Lotus That Took Away The Consciousness! (Se

Chen Fuxian took the jade pendant, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Good guy!

He wants to help Xianwei find the Immortal Emperor...

Could it be that he and Yun Susu's nephew are the same person?

Isn’t this a bit too nonsense!?

Seeing Chen Fuxian's strange look, Chen Fusheng didn't think much about it.

He knew his brother's character well.

As long as he takes this jade pendant, things will be done.

After thinking about it, he continued:

"The first thing is over, let's talk about the second thing."

"Speaking of... Xiao Tiankuo from Tiandi, how many times have you met?"

Also one of the Six Emperors of the Immortal Domain, Xiao Tiankuo, Emperor Xiao, is also a tyrannical figure in the Immortal Domain.

In this upper realm, mastering the stars and crossing the starry sky are all random things.

It can be said that in this "Seven Nine Seven" Immortal Realm, apart from the Chen Lin family, Xiao Tiankuo's Heaven and Earth Realm is an existence of the overlord level.

There are no less than ten strong men above the fifth level of the Dao Realm, and there are countless hidden peerless strong men.

"We met a few times a thousand years ago. I don't know if my elder brother mentioned him..." Chen Fuxian had some doubts in his eyes.

Chen Fusheng took the opportunity to answer: "The second thing he asked me to ask.

Speaking of this, he took a long breath and spoke slowly:

"Thousands of years ago, Xiao Tiankuo's daughter was seriously ill. In order to save her daughter, he went to Tianmo Mountain to find the 'Black Demon Lotus' to refine the essence."

"This should know."

Chen Fuxian nodded calmly: "I know."

Chen Fusheng's eyes are dark and deep:

"That's right, after Xiao Tiankuo fought half his life to snatch the magic lotus from the hands of the demon, he brought it back to fuse with his daughter.

"But at the critical moment, the magic lotus rioted and wanted to take her daughter away."

"Thanks to Xiao Tiankuo's timely stop, Mo Lian still seized half of her daughter's Dao soul, and fled away in form.

"At that time, Xiao Tiankuo was seriously injured and could not be stopped. Since then, there has been no news of this magic lotus......"

"Since then."

"Xiao Tiankuo's daughter's temperament has changed drastically, and her originally irritable and violent personality has become gentle and dull."

"Xiao Tiankuo feared that his daughter would lose consciousness, so he searched hard for the magic lotus for thousands of years."

"Finally, after returning to Tianmo Mountain several times, he found the other party's whereabouts... So, he came here to beg me..."

Having said that, Chen Fusheng took a deep breath.

He looked at his younger brother seriously:

"That magic lotus is in the lower realm of Haotu?!"

As the number one person in the Immortal Domain, Chen Fusheng has absolute tyrannical strength.

Because of this, even if Xiao Tiankuo found out the trace of Yue Chan, he didn't do it directly.

Instead, he came to find Chen Fusheng for help.

Because, the one who guards the lower realm is Chen Fusheng's own younger brother.

If he went there rashly and took Yuechan away, it would be difficult for Chen Fuxian.

So this move is like Yun Susu.

It was Xiao Tiankuo who sold Chen Fusheng face.

Chen Fusheng naturally wanted to help with this.

But then again.

It's true that he wanted to help, but his younger brother was dumbfounded after hearing this!

Ah this......

He knew who the incarnation of the magic lotus was.

It is the demon king Yuechan from the lower realm.

But this matter of taking away half of the Dao Soul... He really doesn't know.

At this time, I listened to my brother's words.

Chen Fuxian's eyes were astonished, and in a trance, it seemed that he had sorted out the matter.

The magic lotus is inhumane!

When Moon Cicada possessed mind and brutally killed all living beings, he was still puzzled by it.

It is now explained.

The reason why Moon Cicada possesses humanity is because of seizing the house!

And Xiao Tiankuo's daughter was taken half of her soul.

So far, the morbid and manic character has become gentle and dull.

And the character of the Demon Lord of the lower world is obviously completely opposite...

Become T and ruthless!

That is to say...

The current Moon Cicada itself is in the form of a magic lotus.

But the ruthless mind he it Xiao Tiankuo's daughter?

Chen Fuxian frowned, thinking about the possibility.

If his guess is true, then things are about to get complicated.


The moon cicada itself is a magic lotus of nearly ten thousand years.

In thousands of years, if the soul and mind of Emperor Xiao's daughter were taken away by her.

By now, I'm afraid it is completely integrated.

If Emperor Xiao wanted to take this soul back, he would have to kill Yue Chan......

But here comes the problem.

The situation in the lower realm is three-legged, if the moon cicada dies, the magic way is very likely to be annexed by the blink of an eye.

At that time, the two major powers of the emperor and the emperor will confront each other. Once a war breaks out, the people in the lower realm will be in dire straits!

Therefore, the moon cicada, one of the three legs, must not die!

Thinking of this, Chen Fuxian raised his head, and looked at Chen Fusheng with some profound eyes:

"Brother, please forgive me for not being able to tell you about this matter."

Some things, not being able to tell itself is an answer.

This disguised form is telling Chen Fusheng:

The magic lotus is in Haotu!

However, his attitude was also revealed from the side.

This man... can't die!

Hearing his younger brother's words, Chen Fusheng on the main seat was taken aback.

Then, after a while, he smiled and sighed:

"I can't tell, that means you don't's no wonder you and my brother, hehe."

"Okay, I know how to reply to Emperor Xiao."

Or say he is a fine person, his head spins very fast.

"Don't stay in this fairyland for too long, some old things still have complaints about you, this time, let's go back with the elixir that I made for you..."

After sighing for a while, Chen Fusheng spoke calmly.

Like the ruler of the boundless world.

The gentle eyes deepened again 2.2, everything was shining in them, and the aura around him was majestic and terrifying.

It's as if raising your hand can shake the universe, and bending down can kill all living beings.

"Understood, brother, I'll go get the pill and leave."

His elder brother always considers him.

However, he still couldn't use this as a reward for this kind of matter involving all living beings in the vast land.

After leaving the main hall of the Chen family, Chen Fuxian went straight back to the hidden door in the lower realm.

On the way past, the disciples of the Chen family exuded a terrifying aura and bowed in the direction he left.

But Chen Fuxian couldn't control these things.

Now that things have come to an end, he has to rush back to inform the ear to be more careful.

Otherwise, Xiao Tiankuo doesn't care.

If you really go to the lower realm and kill the devil.

Haotu was afraid that he would be in chaos.

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