Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 896: Yun Susu Appears! Aunt Gengzhi Is Wonderful Online! (Seeking Subscription)

Everyone present, look at me and look at you.

Finally, his eyes fell on Chen Rufeng's shocked face.

As a close friend, Zhang Qing was the closest, so she asked in a puzzled voice:

"What's wrong?"

Chen Rufeng didn't respond, but raised his head lightly, looked at the old Taoist of Longhushan, and said in a low voice:

"We have all heard what you said just now, the tiger level will be removed from the top forces of the Righteous Path after today.

"And you... go back to your sect now, and pray that your sect will still exist next year."

The sudden words came out, and everyone present was dumbfounded.

Especially Old Daoist, he is so dazed!

I don't want to save a little doll, why are you targeting me like this?

"Sect Master Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Rufeng didn't answer, but threw the jade on the table with a sad expression on his face:

"Let's pack up and disperse, Shengzi Yun doesn't need us to save... There is news from the Demon Realm, Shengzi Yun... broke through to the Dao Realm!"

Everyone: "...

The 2020 year 28 has broken through the realm of proving the Tao??

Oh trough!?

A group of people stayed in a daze for a long time, and then they finally dispersed after Zhang Qing and the others left.

When parting, Li Qing glanced at the stiff old Taoist:

"I will tell Yun Zhou everything you said, he has a grudge~ Hahaha!"

A series of silver bell-like laughter came out, and she took Zheng Jinge's little hand and left Juxian Temple.

The old Dragon and Tiger Sect said: "...

Xianyu, Yunling.

Among the mountains and peaks, on a fairy platform surrounded by fairy clouds.

Standing below, Lin Langyue looked at the woman sitting above who smelled of alcohol, and couldn't help sighing softly:

"Emperor Yun, why are you becoming addicted to alcohol like Jiang He?"

Above, on a bright yellow cattail mat, a woman in a skirt is half-lying here "informally", with her little white feet kicking against a pillar on one side.

Her facial features are exquisite without makeup, her beautiful pupils are full of stars, her oval face is as plump as jade, and her figure seems to interpret the beauty of the world.

At this time, she was holding a jade pot, without even looking at Lin Langyue, she poured her wine with her head up.

The mellow wine formed a thread and passed over the swan-like neck, bringing out bursts of charm.

"Hmm -- Xiaohezi's wine Mengzi is really not lying, drinking something like wine really relieves worries.

In a daze, her exquisite Qiong nose wrinkled slightly, and took another sip.

The black hair is messy beside the hair, which is very beautiful.

Only then did he belch contentedly, and lay down on the cattail mat.

......These two people, one can drink better than the other. "

Thinking of Jiang He's nonchalant appearance, Lin Langyue covered her face.

As it is now, do you dare to believe that Jiu Mengzi lying on the ground and rolling back and forth is Yun Susu, one of the six emperors?

It’s really ridiculous how you look at it!!

"Emperor Yun, you are not an alcoholic, why did you drink so much today..."

Yun Susu hiccupped, and glanced at her with faint eyes: "What do you know?"

"This emperor is trapped by family affection... hiccup~ I miss my eldest nephew!"

Speaking of the word "big nephew", Yun Susu's mouth twitched, feeling unhappy again.

He picked up the jug and started "ton ton ton" again.

Lin Langyue watched with frowning eyebrows, but she still couldn't help being curious:

"Emperor Yun's nephew? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Yun Susu hummed lightly: "If I don't tell you, how could you have heard of it?"

"But it's not that I deliberately concealed you and Xiao Hezi, it's just that my nephew is not in Xianyu, he is in Haotu..."

"Forget it, why am I talking to you about this? It's boring~ Ton, ton, ton."

Yun Susu stopped her voice, hugged the big wine pot and started drinking.

And Lin Langyue below raised her brows, feeling something was wrong.

Haotu again??

The young man Jiang He met before who mastered the six principles is in Haotu, and the nephew of Emperor Yun is still in Haotu...

What kind of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is this vast land?

At this time, Yunsusu wine seems to have had enough.

She casually wiped off the wine stains on her mouth with her white arms, and then looked sideways:

"Speaking of... Xiao Langyue, you've been a little strange these two days."

"Before, Xiaohezi sent me a message, saying that you were looking for her... How long has it been, why are you looking for me again?"

"What's the matter? You can't get along in Linmen, so you want to change places?"

Speaking of this, Yunsu Sumei's eyes lit up, she put the wine aside, and said seriously:

"Then you choose one, my Yunling, or Xiaohezi's Jiangmen?"


This is all out of tune!

She glanced at Yun Susu angrily, and then sat beside her speechlessly.

"I'm not going anywhere for the time being. I'm here to tell you something serious."

"Do you understand the boy Jiang He is talking about?"

"The visions in the lower realm of Haotu were chaotic just now, Daowei invaded to the border of the fairyland, it should be him who proved the Dao.

Upon hearing this, Yun Susu waved his hand disinterestedly:

"Then I'm not interested in any young people at all, those who preach or not, what love is like!"

"I just want to see my adoptive brother and sister-in-law, yes, and my lovely little nephew."

"After so many years, my nephew must be twenty years old, right?" 860 seemed to have not heard Lin Langyue's words, Qu Susu's delicate face was full of longing.

On the opposite side, Lin Langyue didn't know what to say.

A majestic emperor doesn't pay attention to the situation of the cultivator, but misses his adoptive brother, sister-in-law and nephew all day long...

All right.

Lin Langyue, who pursues the ruthless way, can't accept the truth.

She looked at Yun Susu's little hand holding the wine, and suddenly seemed to notice something, her eyes narrowed slightly:

"Have you entered the middle stage of Emperor Realm?"

Yun Susu gave her a nonchalant glance,

"Little Hezi has entered the Lower Stage and reached Consummation, and my talent is much higher than hers."

"What's so strange about entering the middle level of Emperor Realm?"

Lin Langyue nodded, that was indeed the case.

But soon, she lived in Bengbu.


There are only two people she can talk to in her life, one is Jiang He and the other is Yun Susu.

In the end, both of them had already become emperors, and she was the only one left!

And she practiced the most difficult way of ruthlessness!

Isn't that a little too unfair?

Yun Susu seemed to have seen her thoughts, and raised her eyebrows lightly:

"It's okay, Xiao Hezi and I both know that you are not up to date, so don't put too much pressure on yourself."


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