Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 898: Da Bao'er, Let's Do It, We Can't Change Our Minds! (Seeking Subscription

Hearing Lin Sheng's words, the elders below looked at each other in blank dismay.

I haven't heard of Yun Zhou, so it's nothing to worry about.

But in the current situation, Linmen and Chen's family are in dire straits, who would dare to make trouble on Chen Fuxian's territory!

Pick two more.....

Who is willing to send this to die?

Seeing that none of them said anything, Lin Sheng frowned: "Why, you usually boast about how powerful you are, but now you're scared!?"

"Hey, what did the sect master say? I will go through fire and water for the sect. It's just that it's hard to deal with the sect's affairs after I leave the sect."

"That's right, sect master, the second elder and I will review the various aspects of the sect. If we leave, the order of the sect will be disrupted!"

The two elders in the lead spoke with each other with each other, and the cooperation was very tacit.

Lin Sheng's frown deepened.

Originally, he still wanted to ask these two people to go, but after hearing this, it really didn't work!

At this time, the sixth child on the side seemed to see the way.

He poked the fifth child, and then stood up first:

Sect Master, I also want to help, but the few direct disciples below me don't let you worry..."

The fifth child understood, and hurriedly imitated his own disciples as a cover:

"That's right, sect master, but we want to give it to the sect master, especially difficult......

Just halfway through saying this, Lin Sheng's eyes lit up above:

"That's fine, if you want to go, then you go!"


"It's not the head of the sect, you may have misunderstood, there is a "but" in my words and I haven't said it yet."

"But what is, needless to say!"

Lin Sheng waved his hand: "Isn't it just a few direct disciples, let Lao Qi lead them, and you can go at ease."

ah this...

The fifth child glanced at the sixth child, and the look in his eyes meant: 'You're such an idiot!'

Sixth child: 'I didn't think of that either!'

The words have reached this point, even though they cannot be evaded.

And Lin Sheng also explained with a smile on the top:

"This time you go down to the realm, you must bring Lin Yuan back intact.

"If you encounter Chen Fuxian's obstruction during the period, don't fight with him, and notify this seat as soon as possible.

"This seat will put pressure on Xianyu to ensure that you can come back safely."

Speaking of this, he suddenly looked a little suspicious:

"Also, after going down, we must kill a boy named Yun Zhou!"

"He is Lin Yuan's deadly enemy. I have observed that this kid is very talented and has a great reputation!"

"If you let him live, it must be a big trouble!"

After the voice fell, the elders and elders answered "yes".

But he didn't take Lin Sheng's words seriously.

The young master's nemesis? How old is that?

I played it to death casually, is it necessary to be so serious?

The two felt a little bit helpless, but they couldn't say much.

After listening to a few more explanations, he left the hall, ready to pick up the young master.

It was about half an hour after they left.

A disciple in a white gown came in, cupped his hands and said:

"Sect master, there is a Daowei from the lower realm surging into the fairyland, and there is news from the disciples guarding the frontier in the gate.

"Flood into the Immortal Realm?"

Lin Sheng was slightly taken aback, "There are such strong people in the lower realm? Tell me, what news."

The disciple bowed down respectfully: "It was a young man in his 20s who broke through the Dao Realm, which caused a change in the celestial phenomena in the lower realm, causing Daowei to affect the border of the Immortal Realm!"

"Huh? A boy in his twenties..." Lin Sheng's eyes trembled.

He would not be so shocked if a person who was hundreds or even tens of years old entered the country to preach.

This teenager in his twenties......why do you think it's a bit ridiculous!

At this time, the disciple gave him another shot:

"Moreover, the Daowei spread is not only the Daowei of vision, but also the six kinds of Daowei. According to the disciples' obsession...the person who is very likely to break through is carrying six kinds of Daozhi!"

Lin Sheng patted the handrail and stood up abruptly, his face was astonished and confused, and the elders on both sides also trembled.

"Twenty years of attaining the Dao state...still carrying the six principles? How is this possible!?"

A group of elders looked at each other in blank dismay, their expressions full of astonishment and bewilderment!

If true, it would be terrifying!

As the disciples retreated, the hall became silent again.

Suddenly, Lin Sheng who was standing seemed to have thought of something, his pupils suddenly shrank!

With a wave of his hand, a light curtain appeared in front of him amidst the surge of immortal power.

It is the image of Yun Zhou entering the realm of enlightenment!

Seeing this familiar figure, Lin Sheng was dumbfounded!

This is why he let the old five and the sixth kill that Yun Zhou!

The Six Laws of the Great Dao...Hiss—it's over!

Lin Sheng turned off the light curtain in an instant, and looked at the elder beside him:

"..."Where are the fifth and sixth elders?"

The elders looked at each other, and the second elder said: "They sent me a sound transmission fifteen minutes ago, and they have already gone.

"Why is this movement so fast!!"

Lin Sheng didn't dare to delay, and quickly sent a voice transmission through the Linmen shadow order: "Old five, old six, that Yun Zhou..."

Thousands of miles away, Lao Liu, who was about to leave, was taken aback when he heard the words of the sect master, and quickly responded:

Sect master, don't worry, we will definitely kill that Yun Zhou!"

Lin Sheng's voice was full of urgency: "Don't think about two go to the lower realm, hurry up and pick Lin Yuan back, and make a detour when you meet Yun Zhou!"


The fifth child was stunned, "Master, didn't you say to kill him? Why did you change your mind?"

The sixth child also looked confused, "Sect Master, we gentlemen spit and spittle when we talk, we can change as you say, we can't talk like the waist of a trousers."


Lin Sheng's face darkened: "You (Li Nuozhao) are really two stupid beeps, I said, let you see him and take a detour, don't be so silly, it's useless!"

After finishing speaking, he was so angry that he immediately interrupted the shadow order.

Listening to the disappearing voice over there, the old five and the sixth looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then they all shook their heads indifferently.

Sect master, Yang is really old.

There is no more manliness at all.


"Old Sixth, the sect master is too bad!!"

The sixth child turned his head and came over: "Fifth brother, how do you say that?"

Fifth child: "Didn't you hear that, did he trample on us there?"

Sixth child: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Fifth child: "You are stupid! We are both of this age, and he made us walk around a brat!"

"It's not that we are afraid that we will run away by then."

"So talk ironically to the two of us, what about the two of us?".

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