Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 900: Demon Lord Mengmeng Warms The Couch Online! Happy Old Man~! (Seeking Subscription)

"Old man, keep your mouth shut!!"

Li Ang casually slapped Qiu Xianhua with a big slap.

Maybe it was because he saw that the devil was not easy to mess with, so he became honest afterwards.

He allowed three or five devils to block him behind, not daring to make a sound.

Li Ang ignored him and waved:

"Hurry up, put all the treasures back to Yun District.

Yun Zhou frowned slightly and glanced at him: "What does Li Mojiang mean?"

"Damn!" Li Ang smiled kindly: "What Li Demon can just call me Xiao Li."

"Before I was blind, and I couldn't see Taishan with my eyes. You don't remember villains, these are some good things prepared by villains, to shock you.

As he spoke, he waved his hand.

The lids on the two large boxes were lifted, and a stream of precious energy shone from them.

At first glance, "707" is not ordinary.

Li Ang was one of the demon generals before being sealed into the demon land.

There are also many treasures collected, and even many of them are "antiques of Taoism"!

Yun Zhou looked sideways, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Li Mojiang is bleeding profusely."

"What kind of hemorrhage is this? As long as Shengzi Yun likes it, I'll give you my kidney!"

Li Ang grinned wide, with a flattering smile on his face.

To be honest, does he feel bad about giving these things?

Most of the family property has been taken out, it must be distressed!

But, who made him offend others!

When the demon lord told him to get out, he was still upset, thinking that the other party was just a badass.

He didn't know until he saw the terrifying momentum when Yun Zhou entered the country to preach.

If the demon lord didn't come that day, the other party would be motivated to kill... Ten of them tied together would not be enough to kill!

What a pighead!

Why don't you think about it, what kind of urea must be the person who can walk with the devil?

If this is not done well, he will be his own Demon Lord in the future!

The kind that the devil has to warm people's heads!

He is just a little devil general, the other party really wants to mess with him, even a hundred lives are not enough for him!

So this wave, bankrupt money and eliminate disasters!

Yun Zhou saw what he meant with a glance, but didn't say much.

If the other party had murderous intentions before, he would have to pay the price.

He's no saint.

Just "copying a house" in a disguised form is already benevolent enough.

Moreover, although this person is not as useful as Yu Zhong who plays the flute, he is still a little bit useful.

With a simple wave of his hand, the two boxes of treasures were put into the storage ring by Yun Zhou.

Li Ang, who was standing opposite, didn't look distressed at all, but grinned to match.

Hmm...he's really relaxed.

Yun Zhou glanced at him, and then focused on behind the group of demons:

"Who is that old man?"

"Ah?" Li Ang was stunned for a moment, then he waved his hand in response, muttering:

"This is the man we caught at the border of the Demon Realm. He said he was from the imperial dynasty. I wondered if Shengzi Yun knew him, so I brought him here."

The old man walked out cursingly from being pushed by several demon men.

It was a rather strange face.

Yun Zhou shook his head: "I don't recognize..."

But before he finished speaking, the old man on the opposite side stared:

"Sacred Son Yun!?"


"Old man Cao, Yun Shengzi, why are you leaving this here!?"

"I found my family!"

Yun Zhou: "???"

"Have we met?"

"Why haven't I seen it before?"

The old man's wrinkled old face was squeezed into a chrysanthemum: "When you were preaching in the imperial city, I sat at the gate of your mansion, and I was the first one! You still saw me..."

Yep, another passer-by.

Yun Zhou glanced at him lightly.

Then something felt wrong.

Let's not talk about whether this is a novel world or not.

Even if not!

It should also have its own settings in this world!

He came here as a "foreigner".

The setting of this world would not be so boring to him.

Recall that almost everything I have done and everyone I have come into contact with has more or less excessive effects.

After thinking this through, Yun Zhou's eyes became a little more interested.

He doesn't believe it.

For no reason, an old man A passer-by would suddenly appear to touch him?

As for something like a coincidence.....

Yun Zhou didn't believe it.

The devil will arrest the human race, and instead of going to interrogation, he will bring it to the "honored guest" to see if he recognizes him or not?

Throw out the term "unique settings".

It doesn't make sense at all logically!

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou raised his head towards Li Ang: "I know this person, you should leave first...

"Ah this..."

Li Ang glanced at the four outer circles and swallowed.

This is the main hall of the devil, let this sloppy old man stay here?

The demon lord is back...... Will he be angry?

But thinking so, he didn't dare to say that. If the husband keeps the man, the demon lord probably won't pick anything.

He grinned: "Since that's the case, I won't disturb you, Shengzi Yun, please rest."

Li Ang left.

Yun Zhou glanced at the old man and said calmly, "Sit down."

"No. No need."

The old man was a little embarrassed and said, "I'll just stand in front of you."

Yun Zhou didn't care, and raised his brows: "What are you doing in Demon Realm?"

The old man was quite excited at first, but he drooped his head when he heard this:

"I'm here to find my two sons..."

"Looking for a son?"

Yun Zhou frowned slightly, as if he had guessed something.

The old man sighed: "The two sons of my family are both working under Fu Shangshu of the imperial dynasty. Recently, he was sent by Fu Shangshu to follow a man named Lin Yuan..."

"It's just that these two children have been unable to contact since they arrived here. I'm worried about being old, so I came to take a look..."

Sure enough, it was right.

Yun Zhou's eyes flickered slightly.

At that time, the two 5.4 passers-by who followed Lin Yuan during the multi-inheritance should be the old man's son.

Fu Xiang's people...

Are they two little undercover agents who "didn't know about it"?

Thinking, Yun Zhou glanced at the old man Le.

Yes, the old man is having fun.

In my heart, I always felt that the old man and his two sons seemed to play a role that could not be ignored.

think carefully.

It seems that Lin Yuan's luck has fallen to the critical point of "top level".

Then I started to hang out with that Qiu Yue, and Qiu and so on.

That is, since then, the hero Lin Yuan has been unlucky.

emm... These two things should not be a "side effect" of the reduction of luck, but they are specially made to "kill" Lin Yuan, right?

Then Lin Yuan's luck decreased again during this period.

At this time, "Old Man Music" suddenly appeared

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