Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 903: The Mysterious Woman! The Head Of The Yun Zhou Fan Club! (Seeking Subscription)

Can't tell.

But Yun Zhou didn't take it seriously.

Only when the other party is being ashamed by oneself.

As everyone knows, after he left the Demon Palace, Chan Yilan went straight into the bedroom and crawled into his and Yuechan's bed.

Breathing greedily, I went to sleep happily...

It's outrageous.

The breeze blows, and the magic honey gallops in the sky.

That's right.

After Yun Zhou's offensive, Yuechan subdued.

Own mount, vulture.

Send it directly to Yun Zhou.

Of course, saying "send" is not quite right either.

It should be indistinguishable from each other now.

Speaking up.

The magic city is not very far from the extreme north magic land.

Sitting on the magic duck without speeding up, it is about an hour's journey.

In order to bring Yun Zhou back to the Demon Realm, Yuechan had already handed over the place to the Zheng and Huang forces to divide it up.

So even though this place is still called "Magic Land"

But it should be regarded as the territory of Zheng and Huang.

It fell in a dense forest in the Devil's Land.

Qiu Xianhua scratched his head and asked, "Well.....Thank you, Shengzi Yun, for your help. I still have to find my son. Do you think you want to come with me?"

The upright old man didn't beat around the bush either, and looked over cautiously.

Yun Zhou shook his head: "This place is huge, you go find it first, I'll go shopping around."

Seeing that he had no intention of following, Qiu Xianhua heaved a sigh of relief, cupped his hands and said goodbye, and left first.

And Yun Zhou wandered around in the dense forest.

After the Demon Land was divided up by the Wuwang Sect and the Tianyu Dynasty, there will be more people stationed here.

From time to time in the dense forest, he could hear various conversations outside.

They should be disciples of Wuwangzong and soldiers of the imperial city.

[emm... I was brought into the Demon Realm by Yue Chan, Master Dabao definitely wouldn't care about things here. 】

【So the disciples of Wuwangzong guarding outside should be sent by Elder Liu. 】

[Tsk, I didn't expect that Lao Liu's actions were very fast, and he and Wu Zhao finished dividing up the territory so quickly. 】

Yun Zhou touched his chin.

To become an elder of Wuwangzong, Liu Zheng must have something.

After wandering around for a while, Yun Zhou didn't go out to meet the Wuwangzong people.

If people from the Wuwang sect saw him, it would definitely have a great impact.

It would be bad if he was said to welcome him back to Wuwangzong.

Leaving aside the fact that he has returned to the sect, will Yuechan go to the Wuwang sect to find Master Dabao to make a fuss about?

Just yesterday, Yun Zhou didn't think about leaving in a hurry.


Yao Lian is so pretty~ He hasn't enjoyed enough yet~

At the very least, let's enjoy it for half a month.

Looking back and forth, the line of sight fell on a stream.

Over there, crowds of people crowded there, all wearing military uniforms of imperial soldiers.

In the middle of them, on a big rock.

There was also a young man in the Taoist robe of the Wuwang sect, who was beeping loudly incessantly.

The soldiers also gave face, and there was a burst of applause from time to time.

Everyone's faces are excited, that's called an uplifting.

Yun Zhou was a little surprised what they were talking about, and immediately pricked up his ears to listen.

But just after hearing a few words, his expression became strange.

This young man is talking about him.

"Let me tell you, there are three people I admire the most in my life, my father, my grandfather, and my Zong Shengzi~"々!"

"Then some of you may have never seen my Zong Shengzi, and you don't know who he is."

"That's what I'm saying, the number one arrogant man in Haotu throughout the ages!"

"Double ten's age is extremely high, and he has mastered the six laws of the Dao. You count all the young generation of Tianjiao in Haotu, and they are not enough for our holy son.

"Of course, he is also the unlord of your dynasty now."

"Then you say, isn't such a person awesome? Isn't he worthy of admiration?"

"But that group of dogs from the demonic way actually took away our holy son, your King Yun!"

"I'll ask you, can we bear it?!"

A group of imperial soldiers below shouted with enthusiasm, "No!"


The young man frowned, "I can't bear it, let's get ready!"

"When the territory of this extreme northern demon land is completely occupied, we will set off together and go to the demon domain to ask for someone!!"

After the voice fell, a group of soldiers around raised their arms and shouted: "Go to the devil!"

"Go to Demon Realm to ask for someone!!"


Good guy!

The corner of his mouth twitched while watching!

It was so embarrassing that he almost dug out a three-bedroom and one living room with his toes in this dense forest!


Just relying on you, who do you want to go to Demon Realm!

Don't put yourself in it....

Yun Zhou shook his head, thinking about how to correct the brain circuits of these ""angry youths".

at this time.

Suddenly there was a sneer: "You guys still want to go to the Demon Realm to save people?"

Yun Zhou looked over suspiciously.

Well, what a wonderful face.

A pair of phoenix eyes are particularly conspicuous on the exquisite facial features, and the long fiery red hair is draped over the shoulders.

With exquisite and exaggerated figure, good-looking yuppie.

On the whole, the appearance belongs to the kind that wants to rush.

But... who is she?

The young man of Wuwangzong poked his neck:

"Who are you? What does it have to do with you that we are going to the Demon Realm to save my Zong Shengzi? What happened to us? Although our cultivation base is not high, it is definitely not low!"

Hearing this, the woman snorted softly: "It's just that your cultivation is not low?" (Good king, good) After the words fell, a coercion enveloped him, and it was the completion of Nirvana!

A group of people present felt a chill go down their spines.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he held the long sword tightly against the pressure:

"Who are you? What enmity do you have with my holy son?"

From the young people's point of view, if they stop them from saving the Son, it must be an enmity with the Son!

The woman snorted softly: "What enmity can I have with your holy son? He even hugged me... Huh, what are I talking about to you, anyway, you have completely given up your mind and just stay here obediently!"

The young man asked, "Why do you order us? What is wrong with us trying to save the Son?"

The woman's voice paused, and she glanced at him: "You didn't go to save him, but to make trouble for him!"

"And he's doing well in Demon Realm, he was singing and dancing last don't need to save him."

Yun Zhou:???Draw?.

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