Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 910: You Are A Mount, Who Gave You The Right To Refuse The Master? (Seeking Subscription)

[Yue Chan is too demonic, I have to exchange strength with her for a few days... 】

【So now it's better to investigate secretly, and don't let people who have no false sect find themselves. 】

[Speaking of which... the three passers-by surnamed Qiu don't seem to be very friendly to Lin Yuan. 】

【What are you doing surrounded by him?】

【Good guy, this back view looks a bit ruthless, what are they going to do to the male lead?】

Stand behind the stone.

Yun Zhou poked his head and looked inside.

Stretching out his hand, he naturally embraced the curious spirit in front of him.

Put your chin on the opponent's head.

Subconscious action belongs to yes.

Hmm... How can I go to the theater without a pillow?

Feeling the temperature behind him, Qi Ling was dumbfounded.

After struggling out, he turned his head and looked at him with anger in his eyes.

Before she could get angry, Yun Zhou frowned first, and said seriously:

"You are a mount, who gave you the right to refuse the master?"

"If you want to watch a show with me, can I hug you for a while? Is your daughter-in-law rebellious?"

Qi Lingqi's teeth itch: "I'm not your pet!"

"Why should I let you hug me, you still use your chin to yell at me..."

Yun Zhou looked indifferent: "Is there a difference between a mount and a pet? Please be honest with me.

After finishing speaking, he moved Qi Ling to the area and pressed it on the opponent's little head again.

Qi Ling was furious: "You messed with me like this, I feel bad!"

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth twitched, "Don't be so grinning, what did I do to you?"

"Don't yell at me, my head hurts!"

Yun Zhou glanced at her, somewhat unwilling to talk to her.

This little phoenix is ​​really confused about the situation.

I am the holy son of the Wuwang sect, the strongest in the whole vast land, and I don't answer how many girls beg me!

You are not happy yet!

I think you're about to turn against the sky!

Yun Zhou forcibly "controlled" Qiling:

"Either be honest, or fly away by yourself, just talking nonsense, I cut off your back mound and stewed it!"

Qi Ling shrank his head, covered the back subconsciously, and didn't dare to struggle anymore.

There was mist in her beautiful eyes, "You, you bully..."

If it weren't for her lack of physical strength now, she was afraid that the demon lord Yuechan would stare at her, and there would be danger.

She flew away a long time ago, so she must not be wronged by this.

However, now I can only endure it.

Hearing this soft tone, I was speechless.

Although he has never seen the phoenix bird before, it can be regarded as a very powerful holy beast race. Why does this strange spirit look like a dog?

It's a shame for Huangniao.

In fact, this is not surprising.

Haotu has gone through tens of millions of years, and there are not many holy beast races left.

The phoenix beast is completely extinct.

Huangniao now only has a little strange spirit "well protected by Wu Zhao".

After being mixed with humans for a long time, her wildness has been worn out.

How can there be any pride in being a phoenix bird?

Yun Zhou also understood.

It is estimated that she was raised by Wu Zhao since she was a child, and she has never seen a companion.

So I don't know what the original phoenix should be like.

"The arrogance of looking down on the world with pride" definitely doesn't exist in her.

'Nai Counselor is timid and loves to cry', it's all right.

After subduing the mount, Yun Zhou also diverted his attention, wanting to see the situation in the cave.

Qi Ling also became obedient, honestly being suppressed by Yun Zhou.

Meimou peeked up from time to time.

Although she couldn't see the face, she could imagine it.

Relaxed Yun Zhou is handsome.

Deep eyes, high nose bridge, smirking mouth...

Good guy, it's exactly the face that grows into a girl's heart!

And.....and the broad arms behind him.....

For some reason, Qi Ling felt a sense of security that he had never felt before.

She shrank back, her little face flushed red.

It's a little uncomfortable to be coughed up.

She moved her little head again.

The whole person fell directly into Yun Zhou's arms, not so much anymore.

Yun Zhou was a little dissatisfied, "You are moving around, I will roast you!"

Qi Ling froze for a moment, pursed her mouth in grievance.

I just move twice.

So what are you doing...

In her opinion, Yun Zhou is good everywhere, but he is too irritable.

Especially to myself.

Although it was wrong to leave him behind and escape from the dynasty.

But I also knew that I was wrong, so I came here to save him.

You can't hold grudges like that, can you?

Qi Ling was very troubled.

The phoenix bird is different from the girl of the human race.

Once intimate contact with the opposite sex, it is a lifetime thing.

When I was in Tianyu Palace, I was hugged by him.

I was seen by him again today... and still held in his arms...

So what should be your relationship with him?

Master and mount?

Probably not.

How can the owner treat the mount like this?

Ordinary friends?

Ordinary Taoist friends can't let others ride on themselves!

As a holy beast, it is impossible to be ridden by others except the master.

Let's be honest.

For Yun Zhou, she also wanted to recognize him as the master from the bottom of her heart.

In her opinion.

Yun Zhou's talent and strength are so strong.

It is not shameful to serve as a mount for the strongest of the race's first talent.

But the current situation is not right no matter how you look at it.

As far as his holding method is concerned, he doesn't look like a mount at all!

Qi Ling's little head was dizzy.

Although it is said that Yun Zhou is very fierce to himself...and he even used his chin to kiss her...

But the other party peeked at him, and now he is still (remarkably) moving his feet......

I also like yourself, right?

Qi Ling didn't know what to think of.

Her heart trembled, and the Japanese phoenix eyes filled with a hazy garden atmosphere:


"What are you doing, watching a play?"

"You, you gave me the "Dao Dao Pill"... Did you fall in love with me then?"

Yun Zhou: ????

He lowered his head in bewilderment.

I saw that Qi Ling drooped his head and dared not look at him, and stretched out his two small hands in front of him, as if he was struggling to pick his fingers.

Her slender figure was still trembling a little, obviously very restless.

Yun Zhou let go of her silently, and let out a long breath.

"What made you think 'I was going to like a chirping baby bird'?"

This tm... accounts for...

It doesn't matter if she is not a human being, she is still so trustworthy!

So over the top!.

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