Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 917: Actually, My Relationship With Lin Yuan Is Great! (Seeking Subscription)

Although he said "the devil is a fool", he thought it was right.

But I am so old.

Do you still have to listen to you, a brat, if you don’t say anything?

Who are you tm recuperating from here...

The sixth child's smile froze on his face, and his expression suddenly sank.

Just when he lived in Bengbu and was about to make a move.

The fifth voice came over:

"The devil is a fool!"


Lao Liu looked over in a daze.

I saw the fifth elder looking at the young man opposite with a look of relief:

"Dare to scold the devil, you little guy has a lot of guts."

All right.

The demons of Xianyu and the demons of Haotu are not at the same level.

In the Immortal Realm, Linmen's disciples almost turned pale when they heard about the devil.

At this time, I saw this young man scolding the devil.

The old five and the old are very pleased! "Five Thirty Zero" may not look like Haotu monkeys, but they are much more courageous than their Linmen disciples.

Seeing the smiling face of the old man, the surrounding soldier disciples were slightly taken aback.

Good guy!

Why does this old man look so wretched?

He doesn't like the little male cultivator, does he?

But looking at the seriousness of the other party scolding the devil can't be fake.

It shouldn't be magical.

"What are you doing in a daze, if it's okay, let us go.

Seeing that the young man was stunned, the fifth child said with a smile.

"Ah this......"

The young man shook his head: "Not yet, I need to confirm your identities."

"After all, it is not easy for us to occupy this territory."

"Senior, please forgive me..."

"I don't know where you two... come from?"

To be reasonable, there are not many cultivators who have proved the Dao realm, and Haotu is full of calculations.

I saw it unexpectedly, and saw two of them at once.

They say no suspicion is nonsense.

When asked by him, the brothers were a little unhappy.

Old Six's complexion was gloomy, and he squinted his eyes and looked over:

"Our patience is limited."

"You shouldn't know, don't ask."

The young man's expression froze, as if he had been locked in by a powerful aura, and he felt a little scared in his heart.

He swallowed and asked:

"Then I wonder who the two seniors are looking for?"

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Lin Yuan." The fifth child had a good sense of him, and calmly said:

"He should be right here."

" have so many people here, if possible, can you help us find them?"

"I found it, and I can't do without you.

As he spoke, he looked over with a smile, with a "kind" look.


The young man opposite was stunned.

"Lin Yuan..."

He pondered for a while, then raised his head and looked over: "Is it that Qianyuan Xuanxuan from the Tianyu Dynasty?"

Lord Qianyuan Xuanxuan?

never heard of that.

But this name is quite awesome, it should fit the style of my young master!

Thinking of this, the fifth elder's eyes brightened:

"Do you know him? Where is he?"

The face of the young cultivator gradually became strange.

grass (plant)!

I just said that they don't look like good people!

What these two co-authors are looking for is the sworn enemy of my son!

"Tui" sounded.

He cursed in his heart, but responded with a smile on his face:

"I know him, but sorry, I don't know where he is either.

"However, I heard that he seems to have spent a lot of time visiting the demon lord Yuechan."

"Not in this extreme northern magic land."

"Did you find the wrong place?"

I learned that these two old guys came to find the mortal enemy of the Son most likely.

The brains of the young cultivators were rapidly active.

Immediately thought of the demon lord Yuechan.

In fact, it's not his fault for giving Yuechan a hat.

Just because there are people from the imperial dynasty here, it is not easy for him to talk about Wu Zhao.

Otherwise, they are all enemies of his Wuwang sect, which one is he taking the opportunity to do?

Moreover, the Dynasty is still dividing up the territory with them...

The cultivator had a smile on his face, but he sighed a little in his heart:


If the imperial soldiers are not here.

You can take these two people to the Demon Realm first, and then to the Dynasty.

Masako, who is not very smart at first glance, must be easy to fool!

"Senior, let's go to the Demon Realm." The corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "It's not very far from the Demon Realm, you can go west for a few hundred miles and you'll be there."

Hearing this, the people around were all stunned.

This is... a good way to bring disaster to the east!

It was directly sent to the magic way.....

If the two old guys and Yue Chan start fighting at that time......

Oh trough! This brother is tall!

A group of people quietly raised their thumbs up, only thinking that this young man has developed.

"But the most precious treasure is clearly guiding..." Lao Liu became a little anxious when he heard this.

Can there be any mistakes in the place guided by Linmen's fairy treasure?

Isn't this bullshit?

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a respectful cultivator:

"Senior, I have told you everything I know."

"Lin Yuan and I belong to two factions, Yu Gong and we belong to the alliance, and our relationship with private is pretty good."

"I will definitely not lie to the two seniors."

"Furthermore, the two of you have such advanced cultivation bases, even this junior doesn't have the guts..."

After speaking, he bowed slightly.

Acting to the extreme belongs to yes.

There was a hint of confusion on Lao Liu's old face.

I still want to say something.

But before he could speak, the fifth child on the side was directly dragged away by him.

cave mouth.

Qi Ling stood here holding Yun Zhou's arm very naturally.

Looking at the young cultivator who saw the two off with a smile on his face, he expressed admiration:

"Is this someone from your Wuxu sect?"

"My God, don't look at him as ugly..."

"But what a brain he has!"

"Too treacherous!"

"Master, are you 3.7 people from Wuwangzong all so old and cunning?"

"No wonder the holy beast has been bullied by your human race..."

Hearing Qi Ling chirping in his ears, the black lines on Yun Zhou's face kept beating.

What does it mean that people from our Wuwang sect are all treacherous and cunning?

This kid is a special case, understand?


But then again.

He still remembered the boy's name.

Yue Buqun.

Sure enough, he really lives up to his name!

The bad ones ooze pus!

I just don't know if he is a "female nun best friend".

Shaking his head without thinking too much, Yun Zhou looked at the two old men leaving, with an inexplicable gleam in his eyes:

"Bad is bad enough..."

"But he has traveled more than you have eaten, and he is still young...

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