Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 934: Well, It's The Boy Who Will Be My Big Brother! (Seeking Subscription)

How do you say that?

What does it mean to have found my future husband?

Just, outrageous!

After a while, Yun Qiaoer brought the Shadow Transferring Treasure over.

With a light wave of Yunsu Susu's hand, everything surged.

In the light curtain reflected by the treasure, the scene of the Demon Land of the Extreme North appeared in front of the two of them.

When he saw the old man sunken in a barren mountain, Yun Susu had a smile in his eyes.

Then, it froze on the face!

A familiar figure of a teenager jumped into view.

He was about twenty years old, with a calm face showing a little rebelliousness, and the smile in his eyes revealing a touch of joking.

"Like! So much like!!"

Yun Susu murmured softly while watching.

It was as if he had lost his mind.

That's right!

This face is so similar to her beautiful brother!

It's almost like it was carved out of a mold!

You can say that.

Just by looking at it, Yun Susu was sure.

This young man is the nephew whom she personally named, Yun Zhou!

The unconcealable excitement in her eyes was flickering, and the little hands she put on were firmly grasping the skirt of the clothes.

There are tears in the beautiful eyes!

God knows how much she wanted to see this boy.


Where's her foster brother?

Why not 360 with my nephew?

Where did sister-in-law go?

Thinking of something, Yun Susu's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly had a bad premonition.

It was at this time.

In the screen, Xiao Tiankuo, who is opposite Yun Zhou, is in full bloom!

An invisible force enveloped the past, and Yunsu Su Ming clearly saw that the ground under his nephew's feet was sinking!

With just one glance, the complex emotions in her eyes instantly dissipated without a trace.

"Xiao Tiankuo, you are such a brave dog..."

Yun Qiaoer's calf softened and she almost knelt down again.

Good guy!

After so many years, this is the first time she has seen Yunsu Sufa die so much!

"Master has always come up with endless tricks, this time Emperor Xiao is afraid it will be miserable!"

After a while, the coercion gradually dissipated.

Yun Qiaoer raised her head strangely.

Then, he froze in place.

In the picture, the young man stood with his hands behind his back, the expression on his face undiminished.

Quietly looking at Xiao Tiankuo, as if completely ignoring the other party's immortal power,


She murmured softly, her heart beating slightly.

(cicf) Xiao Tiankuo's true strength is comparable to that of his master, even if it is only the power of an immortal soul, it is not something ordinary people can resist.

Take the present as an example, the master just accidentally released some coercion.

Let her stand unsteadily and kneel on the ground.

But with the full power of Emperor Xiao's immortal soul, the young man didn't move.

The difference in strength can be imagined.

She understood that even if this young man who grew up in Haotu was thrown in the Immortal Territory.

It is also an invincible existence among the younger generation.

"Yun Zhou..…………

Looking at the peaceful young man in the light curtain, Yun Susu was slightly absent-minded.

In my mind, inexplicably, the memories of the past emerged.

A remote mountain village.

The little boy who hadn't learned to walk sat on the couch, tilted his head, and looked up at her in a daze:

"Auntie, father told you to go, where are you?"

The milky voice filled his ears, and he was not very good at talking yet.

Yun Susu wanted to rub his head.

Tell him that he is going to a place called "Xianyu".

Words come to the fore.

She shut up.


A place like Xianyu should not be known to a child.

"Xiao Zhouzhou, do you want to become a fairy?"

The little boy was a little confused: "What is a fairy?"

Yun Susu was full of smiles, and pinched his little cheek:

"Immortals are the pinnacle of cultivators, and people are superior to others."

"Once you become a fairy, you can protect your favorite people and make them happy and stable for a lifetime."

The little boy was stunned for a long time, and then he had a big smile on his face: "Then I want to become a fairy, and I want to protect my aunt.

Yun Susu smiled: "Why don't you want to protect your parents, but protect your aunt first?"

"Because my aunt has no relatives."

The little man innocently raised his head: "Father and mother said that my aunt has no father and no mother, so she should be taken care of as her own younger sister."

"I want to take care of my aunt as a younger sister!"

Yun Susu froze by the couch.

She was an orphan since she was a child, and was raised by the Meisan family.

It may be that the adoptive brother and sister-in-law have said in private that they want to treat her as a younger sister and take good care of her.

Overheard by this little guy.

But this little guy actually wants to take care of her as a younger sister?

Isn't this a mess?

Looking at the innocent little nephew, Yun Susu couldn't laugh or cry, stretched out her hand, and nodded towards the tip of his nose:

"You elf, want to be a big brother for my old lady? Are you going against the sky?"

"Let's go, I'll buy you another sweet-scented osmanthus cake, my aunt is leaving!"

"Oh fine."

The little boy got up with difficulty and fell into Yun Susu's arms.

Let her leave with her arms in her arms.

The two short legs kicked around, as if they were happy to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

But he didn't know it at all.

After eating sweet-scented osmanthus cake this time, I have to bid farewell to my aunt for more than ten years......

Yun Zhou's status is very high.

The holy son of the Wuwang sect, the side-by-side king of the dynasty, the devil's son of the demon realm....

People in Haotu regard him as the supreme person.

But no one knows.

Except for these.

Yun Zhou is also one of the six emperors of the Immortal Domain, Yun Susu's nephew!

You can say that.

With this identity alone, it can crush all previous identities...

"I haven't seen you in eighteen years. Xiao Zhouzhou has grown so big."

"Twenty-year-old's enlightenment realm is much stronger than my aunt's."

Yun Susu held her chin, and there seemed to be stars in her beautiful eyes:

"I just don't know, when will you be strong enough to protect aunt?"

Whispering softly, the atmosphere is quiet.


Su Qiaoer on the side was startled, and quickly responded: "What's the matter, Master?"

Yun Susu's eyes revealed a dangerous light:

"Tell Yunling disciples that everyone is ready to go, and if there is any change within three hours, collectively attack the heaven and earth!"

"Ah, this... yes!"

Sensing the cold light in Yun Susu's eyes, Su Qiaoer didn't dare to question her in the end.

Stand up, turn and leave.

Yun Susu was left to look at the boy in the picture with misty eyes.

Suddenly, a smile bloomed on Qiao's face.

Unconsciously, he hummed a nursery rhyme to lull him to sleep:

"North wind blows, snowflakes drift",

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