Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 937: Ah, This...So Boring! I Don't Resist Anymore! (Seeking Subscription)


Power that could destroy the world overflowed from the void.

The surrounding air rippled in layers.

Every ripple carries a terrifying aura.

Wherever it passed, trees collapsed and mountains trembled.

The people in the Three Realms who were in the Demon Land of the Extreme North all felt the restlessness on the surface of the earth, and they shook their boxes left and right as the ground trembled.

Then, they raised their heads to see the terrifying power bursting out into the void.

Shock and panic are all on the face!

Even if they are miles apart, they can feel the heat wave!

It's obviously scorching hot, but it makes them feel cold in their hearts!

The sound of the explosion lasted for half a cup of tea.

As the roar ended, there was complete silence.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them and felt their brains go numb.

Look quietly.

On the ground, centered on that soul.

The four outer circles were blown out of an ultra-deep pit nearly three miles away.

It was pitch black, and Yu Lei 28 was still jumping.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

I'm a mud horse!!

Could this be a shot from a teenager in his twenties?

Feel the power of the giant pit.

If all the top powers of Haotu are tied together, they can't be so powerful, right?

"My God, it's so, so boring..."

Qi Ling straightened his legs, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a grunt.

The corners of Liu Manyin and the others who were watching from a distance below could not help but twitch their mouths.

No one would have imagined that Yun Zhou could be deceived to such an extent!

"Hiss—that dao soul only has a little breath left..."

"It should be gone, right?"

Xiaohuangniao Qiling looked at the scene below in horror, only feeling a little trembling in her calves.

She's determined.

In the future, I will make a mount for Yun Zhou, and he can ride as he wants.

She didn't dare to mess with Yun Zhou anymore.

"Gulu~ Master, he, he is so strong.

On the main mountain of Yunling, Yun Qiaoer looked at Yun Zhou in the light curtain, her eyes were a little dull.

And Yun Susu at the side also took a long breath.

"Indeed, my nephew is really sweet."

Up to now, she has mixed feelings in her heart.

The cultivation base of the first level of proving the way is hard to regret the immortal soul of the emperor realm.

Even if she is as talented as her, she can't do this.

Involuntarily, the phrase came to mind:

"I want to take care of my aunt as a younger sister."

A touch of tenderness flashed in Yun Susu's eyes.

It seems... Aunt really wants to be taken care of by you.

But right now, it's still a bit early.

Her eyes fixed on a corner of the picture.

His eyes sparkled with unspeakable danger...

"This stepping on a horse... how is it possible."

Inside the hidden door, Zhou Gan's eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched non-stop.

Cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

He is sure, as far as the blow just now is concerned.

Let alone whether Xiao Tiankuo's fairy soul can hold it.

Even if he went by himself, it would be impossible to resist without injury!

That blow definitely has the strength to injure him to prove his Dao consummation!

The hammering method with the punishment of heaven came to an end.

From time to time, several electric arcs danced above the ground.

Under the gloomy sky, all beings are silent.

By the eyes.

Yun Zhou stands on the sky.

It may be a little exhausted, and his face is a little pale.

The hammer just now seemed to be struck by Yun Pangu, but in fact all the Dao power expended came from his Dao Hai.

At this time, he only felt that the energy in his whole body was low, and his power was seriously lacking.

If it weren't for the Daohai in his body to replenish all the time, he might have fallen to the ground by now.


Yun Zhou took a deep breath, suppressing the fatigue of Dao Body.

He knew that the blow just now would at most cause trauma to Xiao Tiankuo's immortal soul.

Want to kill the opponent with that blow.

That is a fool's dream!

After all, he is a strong man in the Emperor Realm.

Even if the other party is just a fairy soul now, it is definitely not something that he can annihilate now.

Sure enough, at the moment when his thoughts fell.

Hearty laughter came from the end of the sky.

"Haha, interesting, interesting."

Xiao Tiankuo reappeared with leisurely strides.

In an instant, everyone present was stunned.

They could see how powerful that blow was just now.

None of this has killed the soul...

How strong is this soul?

Well, people in Haotu don't know the existence of Immortal Realm.

This time, Xiao Tiankuo obviously refreshed the cognition of these people.

At this moment, Xiao Tiankuo's face turned pale in the void.

Just as Yun Zhou thought.

The blow just now really couldn't hit him hard.

But his immortal soul was still traumatized.

To be honest.

If he is the deity descending today.

With that blow, his hand was wiped out.

But the problem is that there are only fairy souls now.

The real combat power is greatly reduced, and it is reasonable to slightly damage the immortal soul.

But that's what it says.

Now Xiao Tiankuo still has a little more fear in his eyes.

Indeed, one who can injure his immortal soul with a level of proof.

In the whole world, looking at the entire fairyland, I can't find a single one.

This has exceeded his cognition of nearly ten thousand years.

Not only him, even Chen Fuxian and Chen Fusheng, the two immortal guards all had the same opinion.

"Little guy, I have to say, you are really the best friend in the world."

"Even if it's placed in the fairyland, you have no rivals among the 317 years old."

"But it's a pity, because of this, I can't let you live."

"Today you protect the demon lotus, I will kill the demon lotus."

"If you want revenge in the future, I may not be able to restrain you..."

"So sorry, you are going to die today!"

Xiao Tiankuo looked at Yun Zhou who was hanging in the air more than ten meters away, and his voice was full of pity.

And below, the Fifth Elder and the Invisible Baby Old Ba also lived in Bengbu.

They found a rope from nowhere.

It hung around Lin Yuan's neck and held him.

The expression on his face gradually became arrogant:

"Today is the matter of Emperor Xiao and Yun Zhou, no one can interfere."

"You monkeys from the lower realm, if you dare to act recklessly, I will kill you!"

The old eight stared at Lin Yuan, holding Lin Yuan.

He glanced at the group of demons who were also watching the show.

When it came out, it was like letting a dog bite someone if there was a disagreement.

The fifth child did not speak.

Like Xiao Tiankuo, he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

This son of Yun Zhou is too scary!

The blow just now had already cast a psychological shadow on him.

If the opponent doesn't die today, he will rise up in the future...

Not only him, but the entire Linmen might be in danger!

Hemp, this child is off the charts!!.

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