Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 939: Three Ways Into One! I Tm Ask You, Nuclear Good? (Seeking Subscription)

Extreme North Demon Land.

Xiao Tiankuo and his other two Dao Proving Realm experts locked their eyes on Yun Zhou with vigilance.

At this moment, Yun Zhou's figure disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it was already behind the Dao Realm of the Remnant Arm.

Punch it out!


The fist passed through the body, - spattered with blood!

A generation of Taoist elders in the world, die!

In an instant, the eyes of the three were cold.

Then, Xiao Tiankuo let out a long breath.

The figure dissipated in place again.

In the blink of an eye, Yun Zhou was surrounded again.

Immortal soul seals, a red soul-colored spear condenses in the sky.

The tip of the spear looks like an aurora, with strange fire floating above it!


Under the vibration of the gun body, the surrounding air rippled layer by layer, as if it ignited the sky.


With a soft shout, the long spear stabbed straight at Yun Zhou.

The two strong Daoist realms bullied themselves to keep up.


When the golden gun hit Yun Zhou's battle body, there was an ear-piercing sound of hitting iron.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "boom".

Yun Zhou seemed to be unable to resist the impact of the strange fire, and was stabbed to the ground by the spear!

Boom boom boom!

There was a deafening explosion.

As Yun Zhou fell to the ground, the ground trembled violently under the indescribable power.

It even began to crack like a spider's web, and the dark cracks spread, splashing dust and smoke, and dust filled the air.

Afterwards, the two major Dao realms rushed into the dust and smoke.

A world-shattering power burst forth in this dusty soil!

Tens of thousands of cultivators around were in an uproar.

"Wow! This kind of power... Can Shengzi Yun bear it?"

"Damn, it's terrible, get ready, follow me in and save the devil!"

"Soldiers of the imperial dynasty gather, prepare the imperial formation!"

Various exclamations sounded from miles away.

However, at this moment.

A familiar breath permeated the dust.

Then, two figures of Dao Realm came out.

The tall and straight figure walked out of it unhurriedly.

Yun Zhou, the blood on the body surface permeated the lines, but it didn't hurt a bit!

"We are not opponents, leave it to the domain owner!"

One of them made a deep voice, turned around and was about to go towards Xiao Tianzhou in the sky.

As one of the elders of the Heaven and Earth Territory, he is very clear about his combat power.

He is worse than the one killed by Yun Zhou just now.

At this time, head-to-head with Yun Zhou, he is by no means an opponent!

However, just as he turned around and was about to run away quickly.

Sudden accident happened!

In the void of the demon land, trembling sounds suddenly erupted.

It was as if countless firecrackers had exploded, and the sound was extremely ear-piercing.

In all directions, there were repeated demonic energy permeating the air, and then solidified together.

A cloud of magic mist was formed, covering the sky above them.

"You want to escape if you can't kill me?"

"It's good to have a beautiful dream, but you are still going to die.

Yun Zhou's voice was quiet, with an inexplicably cold feeling.

It was the moment when his voice fell.

The movement of the magic mist freezes instantly!

From the middle, there is actually a huge love ring looming!

Inside the green ring, the Buddha lotus is floating, and it is filled with the supreme Buddha pattern, which turns into dots of light characters, and comes in shock!

The combination of Buddha, Tao and magic!

Three Ways into One!

Afterwards, Yun Zhou's body was filled with blood, turning into a streak of blood.

Passing between the two witnesses supporting the three ways!


Blood spray!

The speed was extremely fast, and suddenly two more long swords pierced behind the two elders who proved the Tao!

Blood flowed from the chest in front like a trickle of water!

There was a dull look in their eyes [Looking at the back of the young man in front of him in astonishment.

Until the vitality in the eyes completely dissipated.

The immortal soul is annihilated by the Tao of "Three Daos into One".

None of them knew how they died.

"Plop" twice.

Two corpses hit the ground, splashing the king.

At this moment, the three strong men who had attained the Dao Realm died and disappeared.

Everything happened between the fire and light stones.

Seeing the shocking scene in front of them, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Between those who are strong in the Dao Realm, every other level is equivalent to a sky gap!

This is everyone's perception.

Today, however, their cognition was completely refreshed by Yun Zhou!

A 20-year-old Taoist at the first level, killed three top Taoists who were above the fifth level of the Taoist.

…………… Ask for flowers…

It was like slaughtering a dog!

than now.

The two elders from the fourth floor of the Dao Realm just now can survive, it is a fate!

"Little guy, you really gave me a big surprise."

Xiao Tiankuo looked at Yun Zhou, with a bloodthirsty look on his gloomy face.

If he had a little compassion for this Yun Zhou just now, he didn't want to kill such a proud man.

Now he is completely determined.

This little thing must die!

Not just for future consideration.

Just because he killed the three elders of the Heavenly Region, if he let the other party survive, the people in the region would be disappointed with him as the domain lord.



"But I haven't given enough surprises yet.

A "nuclear" smile bloomed on Yun Zhou's face.

Coupled with the lines of his blood flow, it makes one's scalp tingle.

And this time, a corner below.

No one noticed that a phantom solidified here.

"No, I can't stay here anymore, this kid is not human!"

"Quick, take the young master and go!"

Seeing this phantom, the invisible child's eighth stared: "Oh, the sixth!? You're not dead yet?"

"I'm dead, my fairy body is shattered, and now I'm left with a soul."

The sixth child is extremely corrupt: "Hurry up, don't ink.

"Bring the young master, let's escape back to the Immortal Realm first."

"When I go back to reshape the Dao body, if this kid is still alive by then, let's bring the entire elder group to seek revenge on him!"

hear this.

The Fifth Elder glanced at Old Eight, and the two looked at each other in blank dismay.

It wasn't too late to react, and he glanced at Yun Zhou's figure above, a look of apprehension flashing in his eyes.

Afterwards, he dragged Lin Yuan and was about to leave.

That embarrassed dog cowardly look.

Who would have thought that an hour ago, this battle was provoked by them?

However, before they could act, a giant hammer wrapped in thunder "Boom" fell down.

Completely block the road in front of them!

Immediately afterwards.

An apparently extremely calm voice, but it exploded like thunder in the ears of several people:

"Where do you... want to go to the factory?".

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