Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 948: The Secret Of This World! The Refined Jiang He! (Seeking Subscription)

That's right!

After this wave, the benefits Yun Zhou honed in actual combat have already exceeded the rewards given by the system.

Sharpen the perfect battle body, and the semi-perfect way of heaven.

Yun Zhou is sure that these two things alone are enough to make most of his forces in the Immortal Domain go sideways.

As long as he reaches the second level of the Dao Proving Realm before entering the Immortal Realm.

Count these BUFFs.

Not to mention fighting against the emperor realm.

At least in the Dao territory, he will have few opponents!

Even if he attains the Dao Realm, he still has the power to fight!

Even, the outcome is unknown!

Just like...the two immortal guard level powerhouses who just appeared.

After he enters the country, it will definitely be no problem to single out one!

[It is estimated that we have arrived in Xianyu. 】

【Can the secret of this world be solved?】

Thinking about it, a smile gradually appeared on Yun Zhou's "Zero Sixty" face.

same moment.

Xianyu, Jiang family.

Through the light curtain, Jiang He looked at Yun Zhou who was sitting on the ground and suddenly laughed, and swallowed his wine with a "gulu".

Then Lin Langyue looked to the side and said:

"Xiao Langyue, I think you should give up the ruthless way."

"Find a man."

"I think he's just fine."

"Emotions can't be completely consistent, they need complementary personalities."

"Look at your cold face at all times."

"He made it like this, and he can still laugh.

"It will definitely cure you...No, it will definitely cure you!"

"Listen to me, let's not practice Ruqingdao. I will protect you as a matchmaker. You can try it with him."

Hearing Jiang He's words, Lin Langyue, who was originally in a daze, instantly had dark lines on her face.

She glared at Lin Langyue, and angrily reprimanded:

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"How is it important for a man to be ruthless?"

"And I'm thousands of years behind him, don't you know!?"

"What's wrong with thousands of years old!?" Jiang He said unconvinced: "Female junior holds a gold brick!"

"He picked up a mountain of gold, how could he not be happy?"


Lin Langyue spit secretly: "You are really out of tune."

After speaking, she turned and left.

That's right.

Regardless of Yun Zhou's amazing talent, his appearance and personality are quite provocative.

However, Lin Langyue is at peace!

Thousands of years of Taoism, let a 20-year-old fox be ruined?

That's impossible!

Seeing Lin Langyue leave without saying a word, Jiang He pursed his mouth in boredom.

Immediately, he raised his chin, and admired Yun Zhou.

What a wonderful person~

Xiao Langyue is really heartless~

She blinked her beautiful eyes, looking at what Yun Zhou was thinking.

But soon, her eyes lit up.

Judging from Yun Susu's performance just now, this little guy is probably her nephew!

If we were together with him, wouldn't we become Yun Susu's niece and daughter-in-law?

emm...... Don't let go of such a good opportunity!

Xiao Langyue disagrees.

Just arrange it for Mu Xueyun~!

They are all sisters~ Give it to everyone!

Anyway, we can't let this talented little guy become the hostile side.

He must be tied up with a good sister!

If you want him to help you in the future, you can use it!

Numb, deadly.

Off the charts!

The periphery of Yunling.

Yun Susu brought Yun Qiaoer along, and the two of them have been silent all the way since they came back.

Until a long time later, Yun Susu landed on a mountain top, without looking back at the bewildered girl behind her, she opened her mouth in a disappointed voice:

"Qiao'er, do you think my foster brother and sister-in-law are in the sky, would you be proud of Zhou Zhou?"


How do you say that?

Flying well, why did you suddenly involve your adoptive brother and sister-in-law?

What else is in the sky...

Dazed for a moment, Yun Qiaoer seemed to have thought of something, her beautiful eyes gradually widened:

"Master means..."

"That's right."

Before Yun Qiaoer could finish speaking, Yun Susu responded directly:

"Just now I sensed that the entire lower realm does not have the breath of my adoptive brother and sister-in-law..."

"They...should be gone."

The atmosphere was silent at this moment.

As someone close to Yun Susu, Yun Qiaoer knew what kind of feelings her master had for this "brother and sister-in-law".

Now that they are both dead....

It must have been a big blow, right?

But it was beyond her expectation......

Yun Susu didn't sink into sadness, but her beautiful eyes were shining, as if she was thinking about something.

After a long time, she slowly opened her mouth:

"Qiaoer, you said that my nephew is also this old."

"As for the marriage contract, shouldn't my aunt arrange it for him?"

There was a "bass".

Yun Qiaoer's refreshing and handsome face instantly turned rosy.

She glanced at Yun Susu's disappointed expression, then lowered her little head:

"One, everything depends on the master."

After all, she didn't dare to look up.

"I'm afraid... her lord, I can't do it.

"Huh? Can't do it? I support you!"

"What's the use of listening to me, can you represent her?" Yun Susu glanced at her.

Yun Qiaoer's eyes were dull: "Her? Didn't you say you want me to marry your nephew?"

"No, I've changed my mind."

Yunsu Suzheng'er Bajing: "I don't think you are good enough for him now."


This is too inappropriate!

Yun Qiaoer's face was flushed, and she felt inexplicably ashamed!

She was about to nod her head and gave it in vain, but the master told her that she was not worthy?

What she just said...

Thinking of how she was blushing and her heart beating, Yun Qiaoer wished she could dig a hole in the ground and get into 4.4 on the mountain.

Yun Susu glanced sideways at her:

"Didn't you look down on my nephew? Why, suddenly changed your mind?"


Yun Qiaoer's mouth was as hard as iron: "I still don't like it!"

"Oh, it's fine if you don't see it."


It's okay if you don't like it?

i star!!

Yun Qiaoer only felt that the whole person was not well.

I, a delicate flower ranked No. 1 in Xianyu.

You actually dislike me for your nephew!?

For a while, the little girl's stubborn temper also came up.

She just wanted to know.

People who are not worthy of themselves.

Who else can match it!

"Master, who is the marriage partner you want to arrange for your nephew?"

"Wuxuanmen, Mu Xueyun... Do you have any questions?"

"Ah,'s okay!".

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