Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 961: Misty Wu Zhao! Shame Little Bird Sister! (Seeking Subscription)

Take a breath.

Shangguan Wan'er showed a smiling face: "Yun big brother, you are here."


How do you say that?

When did I go in??

Yun Zhou raised his eyebrows and responded with a smile: "Well, and the cicada has been conquered by me!

"Conquer" is a good word to use.

Shangguan Wan'er was stunned for a moment, but didn't ask further questions.

Seeing that Yun Zhou was still the same as before, and he didn't seem to be in trouble, he was quietly relieved.

Immediately, Mei Mou looked at Qi Ling at the side, and said doubtfully:

"I don't know if this is..."

Yun Zhou came to his senses, hugged Qi Ling's shoulders, and grinned:

"You should know my mount. It's the phoenix bird that I had no intention of letting go in the palace before. The one your empress kept."

"Huh? Phoenix bird!?"

Shangguan Wan'er looked over in astonishment: "It's at Princess An Ran's place, did you ask Dao Dan to let go of Wen Ling?"

Wasn't it because of this little strange spirit that the Empress was furious and wanted to embarrass Yun Zhou?

Shangguan Wan'er used to feed her often.

Unexpectedly, now they can transform into forms, and they are still with Yun big brother.

She looked at the appearance of the phoenix after it transformed into a form.

Temperament and appearance are all excellent things in the world, with long fiery red hair and an exquisite figure.

And throwing these out, just the power exuding from the whole body has a feeling of heart palpitations.

Yun Zhou cheerfully rubbed Qi Ling's head:

"It's good to meet acquaintances. Hurry up and meet your sister Wan'er, she watched you grow up, sister Xiaoniao~!"

Qi Ling pursed her red lips, and responded: "Hi sister Wan'er, long time no see...

To be honest, Qi Ling is also a little confused now.

Why did Shangguan Wan'er appear here?

Yun Zhou asked suspiciously, "Didn't I tell you to go back to the palace? What are you doing here?"

Shangguan Wan'er shook her head, "I've been back, and I heard that Fu Shangshu said that there are a few strong people who have proved the Dao state who want to trouble you, and His Majesty is worried, so I came here with His Majesty again."

"I wanted to go to the Demon Realm to save you, but I didn't expect to meet you here.

Hearing this, Yun Zhou froze for a moment.

On the other hand, Qi Ling's expression froze instantly:

"You mean, Wu Zhao is here too?"

Shangguan Wan'er nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty..."

Before he finished speaking, a beautiful figure in a light-colored skirt came over step by step with a heavy burden.

Her cold cheeks carried an inexplicable imperial prestige, and the faint coercion around her made one's heart palpitate.

But she seemed to be muttering something, and the way she muttered plainly carried a cuteness that didn't match her temperament.

She seemed to be thinking about something, she didn't look up, and when she came to Shangguan Wan'er, she was still muttering:

"Could this child be a fool? Daotang doesn't like it, and he doesn't like pills, and he hides in the house. I'm so scary..."

Just halfway through speaking, Wu Zhao suddenly froze.

She looked at Yun Zhou in front of her with dull eyes.

Then, a pair of beautiful eyes opened wider and wider, and looked at him with a bewildered expression:

"You, why did you come out!?"

Yun Zhou:???

What kind of subordinate, what kind of master!

Why are these questions the same?

Wu Zhao was stunned.

She was trying her best to save Yun Zhou, but she unexpectedly met him in the city on the edge of her dynasty! about taking his Moon Cicada!?

Wu Zhao's eyes were fixed, and he glanced around.

At this moment, Shangguan Wan'er on the side spoke:

"Your Majesty, it might be Qi Ling who saved King Yun, right..."

"You don't know yet, this is the little phoenix you have raised in the palace for more than ten years, Qi Ling!"

"She's transfigured!"


She looked at the smiling pretty face with puzzled eyes, and a few question marks appeared on her head.

"Isn't Qi Ling a little phoenix bird? Why is it a female?"

Qi Ling's smiling face froze suddenly, and everyone was stunned.


Raising me for so long, you don't even know I'm a parent?

I am a phoenix, you are a star!

Wu Zhao was stunned for a long time, then came back to his senses, ignored the strange spirit, and directly sent a sound transmission to Yun Zhou:

"Dengtuzi, what's going on here? Aren't you taken away by Yuechan? Why are you with her?"

"Could it be that she saved you?"

Yun Zhou calmly said: "No, I came out by myself.

Wu Zhao beeped in bewilderment: "You came out by yourself? Can Yuechan let you out?"

Yun Zhou felt a little helpless, shrugging his shoulders and echoing: "..." This matter is quite troublesome to explain. "

"Let's talk about it when I have time. Anyway, Yuechan didn't detain me."

Wu Zhao:

To be fair, she still couldn't figure it out.

Before Yue Chan was sealed, she had also dealt with the other party, and she knew very well what kind of character this person was.

Can those who fall into her hands be allowed to go free?

For this monster, it's a bit ridiculous, right?

And at this time, Qi Ling pursed his lips and responded:

"Qi Ling has seen the empress."

At any rate, she is also the master who has raised her for more than ten years. Although he is the ex, he still needs to say hello.

To be reasonable, Qi Ling is panicking right now.

Fearing that the other party would be entangled in the matter of her escape at that time, he deliberately made things difficult for her this time.

But she obviously thought too much, Wu Zhao didn't have her Phoenix Bird in his heart at all.


Wu Zhao responded lightly, then glanced at Qi (Nuomahao) Ling:

"You guys must be here to do something, why don't you take me with you?"

She didn't mention bringing these two back to the imperial court or anything.

After all, Moon Cicada may not have dealt with it yet.

She hastily brought people back, once the female devil became mad, the dynasty would easily suffer.

So I still wait for Yanyi to come over and suppress the witch together.

"Ah this......"

Qi Ling glanced at Yun Zhou in a bit of embarrassment.

Yun Zhou didn't think much about it, and responded:

"I'm going to take her to the Monster Beast Restaurant. If you're here too, let's have a drink together."

Hearing this, Wu Zhao nodded.

Guided by Qi Ling, several people walked towards the restaurant outside the alley.

On the way, Yun Zhou looked back at the blacksmith's shop meaningfully.

The shop door was closed.

He frowned, and there was a deep look in his eyes...

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