Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 973: I, The Eighth Child, Have Seen Through The Vicissitudes Of The World, Gah~! (Seeking Su

The soul of the old Eight Immortals was weak, like a candle in the cold wind, and his voice was bitter:

"It's just that I don't know what kind of changes have passed, and the young master has become like this..."

"Lin Di, it would be best if you can save him, but if you can't... well, anyway, I tried my best."

The voice fell.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They looked at the beast lying next to the Eighth Elder in astonishment, and were inexplicably shocked:

Such a thing with a human face and a beast body is the great-grandson of Emperor Lin? Our young master!?

Good guy!

Could it be Emperor Lin's grandson...

Huh~ I'm so scared!!

Not only them, Lin Di above also widened his eyes.


He trotted down from above, and when he came to Lin Yuan's side, he gasped.

This fetid, crawling thing is his great-grandson!?

yesterday maybe?

It's clearly a beast!

Before he could ask, the Eighth Elder seemed to have remembered something, and then said:

"Emperor Lin, there is one more thing, that Yun Zhou... Try not to provoke him if you can.

Having said all that, he was completely relaxed.

Originally, he planned to save his life after returning, but now it seems that it will not work.

He let out a long sigh of relief, and said seriously:

Entering Linmen in this life, my eighth child is considered happy, female disciple... Bah, let's not talk about this. "

"It's just that after I die, please ask Emperor Lin to bury my life token well. It's not in vain for me to come to this world for nothing..."

Seeing that the old man smiled, Lin Sheng became anxious.

"Old Ba, don't say half of what you say, you will die after you fully understand!"

"Who killed the sixth and fifth children!?"

I don't know if Lao Ba is doing it on purpose.

Just when Lin Sheng finished asking this question.


Lao Ba didn't catch it in one breath.

soul, gone with the wind



Seeing the Eighth Elder disappearing in front of his eyes, a group of disciples stared at him and their heads were buzzing!

Although the strength of the old eighth is not high in the circle of elders, he is usually willing to sneak into the female disciple's room incognito...

But he is also the elder of Linmen after all!

Cultivated to the fourth floor of Dao Realm, and can become invisible!

Such a person actually died?

Disappeared before their eyes?

How is this possible!?

"Wow woof! Stars you stars, woof!"

I don't know if the "only acquaintance" disappeared, Lin Yuan was in a hurry.

He was barking and cursing.

The attention of a group of people was immediately attracted.


"Did you hear it just now, it seems to be swearing!?"

"Hiss—this dog-like thing, can't it really be our young master?"

"One string to be the young master? Pull it down, won't our Linmen be buried and killed?"

"This really rare!"

The disciples looked at Lin Yuan in shock, and whispered to each other.

At this time.


The surging Xianwei is coming from the front!

Terrifying energy erupted in an instant, as if a great terror from the nine heavens descended on the world, several elders sank and fell slightly, while the disciples all fell to their knees in a "plop plop plop".

For a moment, everyone was silent and lowered their heads in fear.

And Lin Changshan moved automatically without wind, and his expression seemed to be dripping water.

"Who can tell me what's going on?"

"How did the three elders die? And my great-grandson... how did he become like this!?"

He looked furious, obviously out of breath.

Although it was the first time he saw Lin Yuan, he didn't have any feelings for him.

But anyway, he is also his only descendant in this world!

It became like could he accept it?

Lin Sheng's figure flashed, and he came directly in front of the deacon who just ran up.

"Ah, sect master, you..."

The deacon's face was full of panic, and he raised his head cautiously.

Lin Sheng looked at him condescendingly, and said in a cold voice:

"Say, what's going on."

The deacon grabbed the ground with his head, and said anxiously: "I don't know the details, it's just that the disciple who came back to report the letter asked me to pass the message..."

Lin Sheng held back his anger, "Where is that disciple?"

The deacon didn't dare to raise his head, "It's at the foot of the mountain, he saw the news when he was guarding the border with the disciples of the other four major forces, and then rushed back without stopping... He is too low to go up the mountain, so that's why Let me come and report."

"Under the mountain?"

Lin Sheng frowned, and grabbed the void with his big hand.

Immediately afterwards, a crack appeared on the side.

With the sound of "Hey Hey", a young cultivator was lifted out like a kid.

He looked at Lin Sheng in a daze, swallowed his saliva, "Master, master?!"

Lin Sheng obviously didn't mean to talk nonsense.

He looked at each other with condensed eyes: "The reason why the three elders died, and what's going on with him?"

The young disciple trembled and said in a trembling voice: "The three elders died at the hands of that young man in Haotu.

"As for it... what is it?"

The disciple almost cried when he saw the monster crawling and scratching the ground.

Lin Sheng then asked: "The young man was the only one who did the whole process? Was there someone else involved in the process?"

"Ah this......"

The disciple was dragged by the neck and scratched his head, "When he killed our elder, he was the only one, but after that..."

Under tension, he couldn't understand.

Lin Sheng was obviously a little impatient. He raised his big hand and pressed it directly on the disciple's forehead.

Then, the voice was cold:

"Try hard to recall the scene (of Zhao) I saw."

Xianli poured into his consciousness and directly probed the other party's memory fragments.

The disciple's body trembled, "quack", and passed out.

Hundreds of cultivators watched this scene, and their calves trembled.

This Nima's!

Don't even ask, just forcefully probe other people's consciousness?

This is too cruel!

Can such a person stay under his command?

For a moment, the disciples looked at each other in blank dismay, and many of them planned to withdraw from the sect.

Originally, they joined Linmen to glorify their ancestors.

But right now the people of Linmen are losing their minds, and the owner of the sect is still insane.

Don't think about Guangzong Yaozu, just don't follow and lose your life!

At this moment, looking at that old face, the core disciples all had an idea.

When this is over, withdraw from the sect!


They can't play spoon with this old dude.


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