Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 979: The Predecessor Of Yun Zhou? Immortal Emperor Or Demon Lord! (Seeking Subscription)

It doesn't matter anymore!

Friendship can have a lot.

But there can only be one love!

Thinking of this, her eyes seemed to be on fire.

Not only her, but also Ye Lingran.

Zhang Duoduo was the only one present who didn't think so much.

She dragged her cheeks and looked towards the suzerain hall, muttering to herself:

"When will the master go to save the brother?"

That is the moment when the voice fell~.


There was a loud bang from the suzerain hall.

Immediately afterwards.

A white shadow turned into a flash of light, galloped towards the north, and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

The Chen family in Xianyu.

In the main hall.

Chen Fusheng sat on the main seat, holding a teacup in his hand.

On the seat below, sat an accomplished monk in cassock.

The eminent monk sat here with a tin stick in his hand and a smile on his face.

At first glance, it gives people a very comfortable feeling.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the Buddha power around him has reached a state of returning to nature.

Don't talk about the perfect practice of proving the way.

This alone is enough to deter countless evil spirits!

at this time.

Chen Fusheng put the tea aside and said with a smile:

"Abbot Juesheng came here from a long distance, and he was really disappointed. After he left, he must bring some fairy tea back. It is Chen's kindness."

That's right, the monk below is outside the five major forces.

Juesheng, the abbot of "Fusheng Temple", occupies one side.

Actually speaking.

The relationship between "Fusheng Temple" and "Chen Fusheng" is very close.

thousands of years ago.

Chen Fusheng worshiped in the temple, prayed with three thousand fairy stones, and asked for God's blessing to step into the emperor's realm (middle level).

At that time, "Fusheng Temple" was just a small temple named "Jue".

Received this incense, coupled with Chen Fusheng's pious heart, he has the arrogance of heaven.

The previous abbot immediately decided.

Take the word "Fusheng" as the name, and change the word "love" into the temple.

since then.

Chen Fusheng successfully entered the middle stage of Emperor Realm.

And the "Fusheng Temple" whose name was changed became more and more popular and became bigger and bigger.

It has gradually become a huge temple gate that is hidden in the world but dominates one side.

You can say that.

Chen Fusheng and Fusheng Temple are the same tree!

Hearing Chen Fusheng's words, Juesheng had a smile on his face: "Patriarch Chen is being polite."

Chen Fusheng raised his eyebrows, "Speaking of which, Fusheng Temple has been hidden from the world for nearly a hundred years, and there must be a lack of incense. In this way, when Abbot Juesheng leaves, he will take three thousand immortal stones with him, which can be regarded as my repayment to "Fusheng Temple"."

When Juesheng heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly and shook his head, feeling helpless in his heart:

"What's the age limit? Three thousand immortal stones are not enough for a temple in this temple. Your reward is like sending a beggar. It's better not to mention it.

But if you think so, you can't say that.

Although he is not the kind of person who devotes all his heart to Buddha, he still has the charm of Buddha in him, so he should pay attention to virtue:

"Hehe, then Juesheng will thank Patriarch Chen on behalf of Fusheng Temple."

"Haha, there is no need to be so polite between you and me."

"Patriarch Chen has a lot of people."

Juesheng looked at the smile on Chen Fusheng's face, and was a little curious, "What good things happened to Patriarch Chen recently?"

Chen Fusheng didn't hide anything, and said with a smile: "That's right, have you ever noticed that Tianjiao from the lower realm?"


Juesheng was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lighted up slightly, the Chen family pointed at the young man who had attained the Dao Realm?"

"That's right."

Chen Fusheng tapped the handrail with his fingers:

"I have observed this son, he has cultivated all six avenues, and his talent is extremely high. Even if he is placed in the fairyland, he is still a character that cannot be seen in thousands of years."

"And on him...

"This seat just happened to see the shadow of the Immortal Emperor."

After all, he looked at Juesheng and said meaningfully: "There is nothing to hide about the relationship between me and you.

"You should be clear that I have never been in harmony with the Immortal Emperor."

"If this son is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, it would be a headache~"

Hearing this, the atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Juesheng was obviously fooled by Chen Fusheng's set of boxing techniques.

He rubbed his head, "It's just a headache, why is Patriarch Chen still laughing?"

Chen Fusheng's mouth curled up:

"I can laugh because this child's fate cannot be kept."

"Although he is Emperor Yun's nephew, he offended Emperor Xiao and Emperor Lin at the same time."

………… Ask for flowers………………

"With these two people taking action, no matter whether this young man is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor or not, he will not be able to survive."

"Someone killed it for me, do you think I shouldn't laugh?"

Jue Sheng understood, "So it's like this..."

In the final analysis, the appearance of Yun Zhou made Chen Fusheng afraid.

Ever since the Immortal Emperor disappeared thousands of years ago, the Immortal Territory has no restrictions, and Chen Fusheng is the leader, bringing his younger brother and family to dominate.

The other party who has tasted the sweetness is naturally unwilling to let the Immortal Emperor reappear.

Therefore, after seeing Yun Zhou, the other party became murderous.

It's just that someone made a move and he wanted to watch the battle.

"Patriarch Chen sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, thinking that he will surely get what he wants."

Jue Sheng said something from the bottom of his heart.

But there was one thing he didn't say.

Many forces in the fairyland are spreading: "Yun Zhou is the reincarnation of the fairy emperor".


That astonishing magic rhyme cannot deceive anyone.

The immortal emperor reincarnated, can he cultivate the way of magic?

Why has no one guessed that Yun Zhou is the "Demon Venerable"?

Well, he couldn't figure it out, and he didn't want to think about it.

Fusheng Temple has been reclusive for a long time, and has no intention of fighting between righteousness and evil.

If he doesn't ask, he has no worries.

Hearing Juesheng's words, Chen Fusheng only felt that they were very useful, and immediately laughed a little louder.

at this time.

There was a sudden sound of eager footsteps outside the hall door.

Immediately afterwards, a deacon approached quickly and bowed respectfully: "Patriarch, there is news from the lower realm!"

Chen Fusheng was very interested, "Speak."

The deacon responded: "According to the news from the disciples guarding the boundary of the fairyland, someone in the lower realm entered the second floor of the Taoist realm, awakened the power of Taoism, and transformed the fairy rhyme.

Chen Fusheng was stunned, and his brows were furrowed instantly: "You mean, then Yun Zhou entered the second floor of the realm?"

The deacon nodded: "Not only that, he also transformed all the Dao power in his body into immortal power, and now he has immortal charm!"

Chen Fusheng: "!!!"

Jue Sheng:


The teacup fell to the ground and shattered into pieces, Chen Fusheng sat on the main seat in a daze, his expression was full of astonishment.

"Awakened fairy rhyme in're kidding...Fan".

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