Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 989: The Drama That Kicks Off! The Old Man Must Be Thinking Too Much! (Seeking Subscription)

In his words, simply:

I will give you a chance to refuse, but if you do refuse, don't blame me for forcing it.

Even if you threaten the whole world and your daughter, you have to restrain Yun Susu for me!

In an instant, after hearing these words, Xiao Tiankuo's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the strange fire around him seemed to turn into substance, which was extremely frightening:

"Lin Sheng, are you threatening me? If you want to do something, you can try it. Can you accept the consequences of the war between Tiandi and Linmen?"

Lin Sheng did not back down, "To be honest, I am threatening you, and I want to go to war with you."

"However, right now you only have the option of forming an alliance, otherwise your daughter will die first!"

While speaking, Lin Shengqu pointed to the direction of the surging fairy light, which was a small courtyard deep in the heaven and earth region.

"Damn you!!"

Xiao Tiankuo was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

The other party is too soft to come hard, and he has no room to refuse when he uses his daughter to force him!

But then again, he was also very tempted by Lin Sheng's conditions.

As the other party said, if he wanted to kill the magic lotus and regain his daughter's Dao soul, forming an alliance was his only way out.

But being threatened like this made him very uncomfortable!

Just when the two of them were at war, Ji Ba stood up with a haha:

"Not so, not so seated!"

"He came rushing to form an alliance, what's the point of fighting and killing?"

"In this way, Emperor Lin and Emperor Xiao are just trying to kill a little baby who has proved the second level of Dao Realm.

"You just need to help me stop Yun Susu and Jiang He, and I will kill them myself!"

"Yes, I will also bring back the magic lotus that Emperor Xiao wanted..."

Xiao Tiankuo was taken aback, "Are you sure you can do it?"

Ji Ba nodded, "I'm sure, I've already reached the half-step consummation of becoming an emperor, and with the magic rhyme that the "Demon Lord" gave me when he left, it's more than enough to kill a baby."

At any rate, he was once the top-ranked Heavenly Demon under Mozun's seat, and Ji Ba's real combat power was comparable to the ordinary second-tier lower-ranked Emperor Zhengdi.

Even if Yun Zhou's combat strength is amazing, he is absolutely sure to kill the opponent.

And right now, this is a better solution.

Xiao Tiankuo has a grudge against Yun Susu, so he should avenge it himself.

Jiang He also has Lin Sheng on his side, and he doesn't worry about making mistakes when he slays Yun Zhou.

Otherwise, if Lin Sheng did it himself and asked him to stand up to Jiang He, he would not be able to stand up.

Now that we want to form an alliance, let's make an alliance to the end. It will be beneficial to everyone, so don't collapse.

After all, he himself came here for revenge.

Xiao Tiankuo let out a long breath, and loosened his clenched fist a little: "If you can bring me that magic lotus back, I will make this alliance.

Lin Sheng nodded silently, then looked at Ji Ba:

"Jiang He will put pressure on me personally, but you can't make mistakes, you must kill Yun Zhou completely."

"That's for sure."

Ji Ba waved his hand, then seemed to think of something again, and continued:

"However, there is one thing, this kid has now transformed into Xianyun, and his strength has improved extremely fast, so he must be sent to the people as soon as possible.

"If you want to contain Yun Susu and Jiang He, you should go back and prepare."

Hearing this, Lin Sheng frowned: "Transform Xianyun?"

"En." Ji Ba nodded, and then remembered that the other party might not have paid attention to the movement of the lower realm, so he waved his hand immediately.

There was a tremor in the void, and then a black mist formed a light curtain, showing the scene of Yun Zhou's awakening fairy charm on the second floor of entering the realm.

In the picture is a barren mountain.

The figure of Yun Zhou sat on it, and the whole body was full of coercion, and the dark clouds on it were overwhelming and the thunder roared.

With just one glance, Lin Sheng was stunned, and Xiao Tiankuo also had some palpitations.

Even through the light curtain, they could still hear the deafening thunder.

That kind of power is fatal!

Could this be the punishment from God at the second level of the Dao Realm? Think they were just like this when they became emperors?

Immediately afterwards, Yun Zhou awakened and successfully entered the country.

The moment the thunderclouds dissipated, the picture came to an abrupt end.

However, Lin Sheng seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes froze slightly.

Ji Ba withdrew his hand, touched his chin and said: "You have also seen the talent of this kid, if you don't kill him as soon as possible, something will happen.

Xiao Tiankuo fell silent.

Indeed, with such a formidable talent and strength, if the opponent continues to grow, the consequences will be disastrous.

But if you want to kill him, you have to face Yun Susu.

It is possible to use the power of the sky and the region to overwhelm Yun Susu.

But it takes time!

There are countless disciples sent out from the Heaven and Earth Region, if they don't gather all of them, and rush to put pressure on Yunling, it is easy to destroy the entire Heaven and Earth Region.

So this matter, even if you are in a hurry, it is up to you to discuss it.

It takes at least half a month!

But Lin Sheng didn't think so much.

His focus now is not on "killing Yun Zhou" itself.

At the moment when the picture ended, he clearly saw a flash of sunlight. seems like a fairy soul?

But how could a fairy soul appear on Yun Zhou's body?

And... that fog light is still familiar.

He used to seem to have chased after someone to be his wife, and it was a shame to touch his nose.

"Could it be her?"

"No, it's impossible, how could she go to Haotu? I must have misread it.

Lin Sheng scratched his head and decisively abandoned this idea.


That person is too dirty to live in his own sea.

How could he go to a boy from the underworld?

The old man must be thinking too much!

Looking at the silent Lin Sheng, Xiao Tiankuo sneered: "Since the alliance has been formed, Emperor Lin (the money is ready) go back and prepare."

"When you hold Jiangmen in check, I'll hold Yunling in here... Oh, by the way, Emperor Lin should be so timid as a mouse, shouldn't he dare to do this?"

Lin Sheng looked back with eyes full of killing intent, "Emperor Xiao, you and I are now grasshoppers on the same rope, so there is no need for such cynicism."

"I have my own plan for when to make a move, just wait and follow!"


Xiao Tiankuo sneered, "Then I'll wait for Emperor Lin to make a move first, and hope that Emperor Lin can stabilize the situation by then and don't be too timid! See you later!"

Seeing that the other party wanted to drive him away, Lin Sheng was ashamed to stay any longer.

His purpose of forming an alliance has been achieved, so what is there to say?

Immediately turning around with a cold snort, Shattering Void walked in and left.

The atmosphere instantly quieted down.

And this drama has completely kicked off.

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