Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 994: The Infatuated Young Master! Is It Okay To Be A Pervert? (Seeking Subscription)

"Eat this Dao Proving Pill, enter the country overnight, and tomorrow I will take you to the Immortal Realm..."

"If you can't enter the country...I'll roast you!"

Looking at Yun Zhou's slightly cruel eyes, Qi Ling suddenly trembled, and quickly responded:

"I'm going to enter the country now!"

After finishing speaking, she took the Dao Dao Dan with a guilty conscience and walked away quickly.

Yun Zhou and Chan Yilan were left in the huge hall.

Looking at this exotic old acquaintance, the corners of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up:

"Come on, if you have nothing to do, just walk around with me."

With that said, he stood up and walked leisurely towards the outside of the bedroom.

Chan Yilan blushed slightly, clenched her clothes tightly and then loosened them, then followed out with a complicated expression.

The moon and stars are thin, and the breeze is not dry.

Yun Zhou is going to go shopping for a while, then go back to take a "zero one zero" bath, and sleep happily.

Speaking of which, starting from this life, he has experienced one thing after another, and there is very little rest time.

Although his cultivation is getting stronger and stronger, his heart will still get tired.

And the next step is to go to the Immortal Realm. There are many crises, and he really doesn't know when he will be able to take a complete vacation.

[Forget it, let's fight steadily first, and find opportunities to improve your cultivation. 】

[One day when the strength is strong enough, I will come to the lower realm and bring Wu Shiyao and the others to the fairyland. 】

[At that time, with all kinds of beauties as companions, it must be much easier. 】

Thinking this way, he suddenly noticed a pillar in front of him.

He dodged to the left, and Chan Yilan staggered when he bumped into her.

"What are you doing?"

Chan Yilan rubbed her arms, and looked at Yun Zhou vigilantly.

Ever since she got involved with this guy, nothing good happened to her.

Being forced to eat lizards, being beaten PG, being taught a lesson by the deity...

I have been forced to stay in the vast land until now, to be the devil king of this troublesome child!

Actually tell the truth.

After getting along with Yun Zhou before, she really has some inexplicable emotions towards Yun Zhou.

It's more like liking it than liking it.

But this kind of liking just stays in her heart, she doesn't want to express it verbally.

After all, there are too many women around this guy.

If she gets stuck, it will be difficult to get out.

Moreover, the other party will go to Xianyu soon, and it is not certain when he will come back.

She thought that if the other party could really come back, it would not be too late.

If you don't come back......

Then she will be single for the rest of her life, anyway, living alone is fine.

At least there is no Moon Cicada in charge, her life must be extremely moist.

Thinking of this, she now subconsciously wants to keep a distance from Yun Zhou first.

As soon as her eyes rolled, she wanted to leave directly.

But before she could take two steps, Yun Zhou grabbed her, "You wait."


Like being bitten by a snake, Chan Yilan broke free and Yun Zhou jumped a long way, saying in a panic:

"Yun Zhou, you, you don't mess around, I'm not your wife, you are not allowed to touch me, I, I am a decent person!"

While speaking, her voice trembled.

The beautiful eyes full of exotic amorous feelings looked over warily, almost crying.

Yun Zhou was stunned!

Dude, how does this make me look like a "demon in sex"?

His head was full of question marks, "I'll just drag you, why are you reacting so badly?"

Chan Yilan grunted, "You, you dragged me, didn't you want me to sleep with you?"

"???" Yun Zhou looked over in shock: "What logic are you riding on? I pulled you to give you a treasure!"


Chan Yilan's mouth twitched, she looked down subconsciously, then suddenly raised her head and waved her hands wildly: "No, I don't want a baby!!"

"What are you doing in such a surprise?"

Yun Zhou was taken aback, gave her an annoyed look, and muttered, "It's okay if you don't."

"We're going to the Immortal Realm, and this huge Demon Realm is entrusted to you. You are not strong enough to suppress those demon bosses!"

"Come on, I don't need this holy sword, here it is, you guard the base camp of Demon Realm for me, after I have had enough fun in Immortal Realm, I might come back again.

As he spoke, he took out a holy sword from the storage ring and handed it to Chan Yilan.

"Huh~ You want to give me the holy sword.

Chan Yilan let out a long breath and reached out to take it: "Thank you very much!"

While thanking her, there was an inexplicable complexity in her eyes and... Lost?

He chuckled and didn't think much, turned around and was about to leave......

At this time, Yun Zhou reached out and grabbed her again:

"You stand here, where are you going to run, and say, what did you do with such a big reaction just now?"

He is serious and dedicated to a young gentleman, so is it okay to be treated like a sex devil?

"Ah this..."

Chan Yilan scratched her head, hesitated for a while and did not speak.

Finally, under the pressure of Yun Zhou squinting his eyes full of murderous intent, he lowered his head and said in a low voice:

"You are talented and handsome. You have just come to the Demon Realm for a few days, and you have disturbed the witches sleepless at night, and you have become the devil's lord..."

Indeed, in just such a period of time, Yun Zhou has become the object of praise of all the demons.

The most powerful man in Haotu's combat power is his own devil.

This made all the demons hold their chests up, each one extremely proud.

Coupled with his plump and handsome appearance, it made him extremely popular in the demon world of looking at faces.

Especially those young little witches, who recommended themselves as pillow seats one after another.

The witches here are not as shy and reserved as outside nuns, and it is normal to confess to Yun Zhou face to face.

Yun Zhou was a little dazed, "I know I'm handsome, but does it have something to do with you avoiding me?"

Chan Yilan's pretty face flushed instantly, her little head buried lower, and she whispered:

"You are too good at hooking up women, I, I am not resistant to hooking up..."

Yun Zhou: (O_Oa)

"I hooked up with female 0.9?"

"Yeah!" Chan Yilan said seriously: "The news that you cheated on the demon lord has spread throughout the demon realm.

"Now the outside world, the devil sees you as a role model, and the woman says you are picking flowers!"

"Regardless of cultivation level, you will attack anyone who is good-looking..."


What the hell am I!

"You shut up, you!"

Yun Zhou pinched Chan Yilan's face, and a word appeared on his forehead:

"You devils are really talking nonsense, what do you mean I'll kill you even if you look good?"

"Also, who cheated on your devil master? I and your deity are cheating on each other... No, it's your love and my wish!"

"Also, who is Lao Shizi's "Flower Picker" who gave me the nickname? I'm clearly the "Infatuated Young Lord", understand?"

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