“Arima Kisho, what choice will you make?”
Aite, who hadn’t seen his collaborator for a long time, looked at the first man who made him feel defeated and prevented him from destroying CCG, and couldn’t help showing a smile of great interest.
Because even she is not sure what Kisho Arima will do in this situation.
After all, even though Kisho Arima’s goals are similar to hers, but unlike her who wanted to use force to destroy CCG, Kisho Arima himself has the ability to kill and repair the family, but he stubbornly refuses to do it.
He has even maintained the rule of the Hexiu family, and has always been waiting for the appearance of the real one-eyed king who can defeat him in the story of his elder brother setting the trap.
Chapter 25 Let Death Become a Dead Man, and the King Comes to the Top
Fangcun Aite’s original idea was to remove the obstacle of repairing the house by himself, and then slowly transform Tokyo according to his own ideas.
But Arima Kisho, this unusual stumbling block, defeated her when she was fourteen years old, interrupting her plan and making her unable to do it again.
In terms of strength, since the two have cooperated, it is not a big deal to suppress V and CCG. It is also possible to reshape Tokyo slowly.
This is not an unrealistic fantasy, because both of them have overwhelming strength, and they are not at the same level as the SSS brother, but they are only at the highest level of SSS and special level, and they will be with each other. Others are in one class.
Although it is not yet invincible, if you show the strongest Hezhe state, Aite can easily solve a dozen or so special investigator-level Vs with three attacks, five divisions and two divisions. It is not like Xiujia or even CCG to solve it alone. Impossibly difficult….if Kisho Arima didn’t exist.
It’s a pity that Arima Kisho chose to wait despite his overwhelming strength and like-minded companions with the same strength.
Waiting for the legendary one-eyed king who defeated the previous one-eyed king and inherited the title of one-eyed king but has no one-eyed king to appear in the legend, who can defeat him and has one-eyed king,This wait is still ten years long.
Is this lack of confidence in himself and Aite, or is he full of expectations for the next one-eyed king who doesn’t know if he will appear?
Aite has self-confidence so he wants to come by himself, but unfortunately he is not strong enough and lost to Arima Kisho after all, and Arima Kisho… No matter how you look at it, he has no confidence in himself.
Compared with myself who can rely on popularity to control CCG after killing the high-level, and who led countless brothers ten years ago, Zheng Yu, who can also control his brothers, will join forces, and they would rather pin their hopes on the illusory world. legend.
Even the 29-year-old Arima Kisho is now in a sharp decline in physical condition and is basically at the end of a semi-human life. Let alone the next ten years, even five years, he may not be able to wait.
In front of the CCG General Administration Building.
Two groups of investigators in white trench coats faced each other across six lanes.
On the sidewalk behind the larger number of investigators, there were groups of soldiers and even tanks aiming their guns at the group of investigators with fewer numbers at the entrance of the building.
No matter how you look at it, Xiu Jishi and the investigators of Bai Riting have no chance of winning, but Arima Kisho at the front has no fear on his face, he just stares at Luo Mo intently for a long time, and then looks around him again Next to Art.
Others may not know, but Kisho Arima knows that Aite knows the secrets of the Hexiu family, and it should be her disclosure of the secrets of the Hexiu family that caused today’s change:
“Fangcun Ait, these things are all because of you… What do you want to do? Abandon the legends you once believed in? Choose to believe in this guy of unknown origin?”
“That kind of illusory legend is not so much believed by me as it is believed by you; in other words… a coward who has never even tried it and just followed the legend blindly, who has the right to say that I am betraying something?”
Compared to Kisho Arima who does nothing, Aite who has tried is also a bit rude to this former partner and object of obstacles.
But what the two were talking about, except for themselves and Luo Mo who knew the whole story, everyone else was confused.
After all, they don’t know what the legend is, and some people who know Aite don’t know why a famous writer appears on such an occasion.
And…the pseudonym is Gao Yuta, but the real name is Fangcun Aite? How did Kishou Arima know each other? Is it a fan?
Although it didn’t fit the atmosphere of the scene, everyone secretly speculated about the relationship between the writer who should not appear here and the CCG white death.
Coupled with the youngest appearance in the audience, Luo Mo, who seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, was the one who brought Aite. They couldn’t help but wonder if this might be a love triangle.
…. Boring guesses have no effect on the three people present.
Arima Kisho did not refute the coward’s accusation, but just closed his eyes silently, disappointed with Aite’s arbitrary choice of abandoning “Legend”.
Luo Mo was the same as Aite. Seeing him like this, he roughly understood his choice, and couldn’t help but shook his head and said:
“Mr. Arima, I understand your insistence on the legend. Although I can’t understand why you don’t want to believe in your own abilities, even if you don’t want to believe in yourself, you should believe in me, right?”
“…you? How can I trust you?”
“I have the absolute confidence to change this country forever.”
“Why should I believe that your self-confidence is not arrogant? And why should I believe that you can understand us and won’t become… the next Hexiu.”
Kisho Arima’s expressionless question also caused an uproar among the investigators in Bai Riting behind him, and even the investigators behind Luo Mo also followed suit.
Although the content of the conversation between the two parties is not very clear, but the last sentence is also known, Arima Kisho has long been dissatisfied with Kazuo?
The investigators of the daytime court were mixed with sorrow and joy…the rest of the human investigators generally felt the same way, worried that he was an accomplice of Hexiu, and happy that he was actually against Hexiu.
And the investigators from both sides were like this, and turned their attention to Luo Mo with complicated emotions, wanting to see what kind of answer he would give.
However… Luo Mo, who was the focus of everyone’s attention, laughed, as if he saw an ignorant child talking about his innocent dream, and he burst out laughing in front of everyone:
“—Haha! Kisho Arima, you are such an interesting person! Why should you trust me? I have answered it once, but you can still ask such a question?”
“…Is there something wrong with this?”
“What’s wrong?….Who the hell am I?”
(Could it be possible for me to be a little more polite and just think that I am really a good person, or some kind of stupid and sweet?)
Luo Mo covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing too exaggeratedly, and completely ignored the dissatisfaction of those investigators who blindly worship Arima Kisho on the opposite side and behind him, shook his head and said:
“Please clarify your position. Now it’s how I believe you, not how I make you believe. Is it possible that I still have to kneel down and beg you to believe me? Don’t be funny, I just want to give you This is an opportunity, please understand your own position, otherwise my authority will be limited, when the time comes…”
“——Don’t blame us for being cruel!” In the middle of Luo Mo’s speech, Alexander immediately stood up, pointed at the investigators on the opposite side through the screen of the tablet computer, and presented the photos he had taken earlier in the form of a slideshow Play it out, and say viciously:
“Even if the general is kind-hearted, I have the authorization of the Joint Command, so I won’t fight with you guys.What kind of morals does a half-human, half-brother Zheng Yu talk about when he is nothing! Those who are sensible will surrender honestly! Otherwise, according to item 1 of Article 88 of the “Brother and Nephew Yuan Lai”, all these people will be sentenced to death by hiding the “Brother Zhihuai 1″ Naojiao!” ”
“—If you have the ability, come here with dignity!”
“—Threatening a woman! What kind of man are you!”
Almost all the mothers appeared in the photos, and the soldiers behind the mothers made everyone extremely angry.
They frantically pressed the switch of the suitcase one by one, which showed that Quinker was going to fight Alexander desperately.
But before Quink started, the soldiers on the opposite side also pulled the bolts in unison to load the bullets.
The crisp metal friction and collision that resounded through the street directly poured cold water on the fire in the hearts of the investigators, and they subconsciously looked at Kisho Arima.
Everyone made it clear that they trusted Arima Kisho more than themselves, and Rang and Shujishi suddenly felt unhappy, and sternly reprimanded:
“Are you still the elite of me and the Xiu family?! Show me your guts! Kisho Arima! Who are you! Tell me clearly!”
“…I have always been Hexiu’s most loyal servant, but now…”
Arima Kisho did not turn his head, but shook his head slightly.
This scene also caused many people behind Luo Mo to admire him, and they couldn’t help but feel hopeless… They never thought that they were chasing after him, and even the people who were regarded as gods were just other people’s slaves.
Aite also shook his head again and again, completely disappointed in him:
“I never thought you’d be so stupid.”
“It’s you who are so stupid, I will never agree…with the existence of my elder brother’s Xinghuang cultivating veins, a person like him will not understand a marginal existence like us, or even the biggest king who hinders the future stumbling block.”
Even though he was deeply encircled and the opposite side was about to attack, Arima Kisho still didn’t show any sign of wavering on his face, he just calmly retorted and locked his eyes on Luo Mo again.
He thinks that he is not one-eyed and is not qualified to be a king, nor can he agree with Aite who wanted to be a king but lost to him. Over the years, he has been pulling Aite to pave the way for a possible new king.
Of course… In fact, Aite has been doing things outside for so many years. He is still playing the role of a loyal thug of the Hexiu family, and has never done anything.
But his idea of ​​paving the way for his successor is not false, it is just that he is trapped by his identity or does not want to turn his face with Hexiu, so there is no way to do it.
And now…he felt that it was time for him to do something for his future successor.
In Japan, which is completely unified and even the other one-eyed king has surrendered, the hope of a successor rising is basically zero. In the traditional person, this made him feel at ease. As for Fangcun Aite’s vision of seeing people… If he could trust Aite in the past, it would not be delayed to the present ten years later.
So he closed his eyes and thought for a while, then whispered to the “believers” who admired him so much behind him:
“Everyone, prepare to die, now…”
Before Kisho Arima could finish speaking, Luo Mo raised the radio on his chest a little, and gave the order to attack one step faster.
The moment the order was issued, the rear military police responded to the order without hesitation.
In the infantry position, I don’t know how many heavy machine guns began to spit out flames and open the barrage, and the tank guns did not hesitate to release their ammunition.
The black shadow in the sky also sprayed out deadly flames.
The deafening explosion and smoke swept across the earth in an instant, and the scene of blood and flesh flying was staged again.
Among the investigators of the Bairi Court, some rushed back to the headquarters building to avoid the attack, and many of them turned into red dust in an instant without haste.
There are also people who directly attack Luo Mo, such as… the zero team headed by Kisho Arima.
Kisho Arima’s unimaginable speed, facing the rising flames and dense barrages around him, he actually avoided the barrages concentrated on him, and leaned on a Quinker shield to block the unavoidable Dan Yu came to Luo Mo in an instant.
However, just when he planned to bring the emperor to the princes to escape from here by capturing the enemy leader, he did not see the panic he imagined on the other party’s face.
Luo Mo, who stood on the spot, just smiled lightly, as if mocking the choice he made.
(―― Fangcun Aite?! No, no…!)
Kisho Arima, who had been watching Aite from the corner of his eyes, found that Aite hadn’t moved, but noticed a shotgun in each of Luo Mo’s hands.
(Want to fight me with a gun? Isn’t it naive?) When this idea just came up, when he was about to capture Luo Mo… a deadly sense of crisis came over him.
Subconsciously looked, but saw a burly soldier, smashing towards him at a speed far exceeding ordinary people.
But he was not a vegetarian either, he quickly jumped back to avoid the powerful punch, and raised the Quinker shield to block the sniper attack from the side.
Before he was ready to kill the guard who was so physically strong that he didn’t look like a human, the soldiers behind Luo Mo all moved towards this side and threw something in the shape of a grenade.
There were so many grenades that it was impossible to intercept and shoot them back. If it was an offensive grenade, he could think of a way, but relying on his amazing dynamic vision, he discovered that it was a new type of defensive grenade.
When one bursts, there will be more than 3,000 preset metal fragments, killing on the open ground.Within 20 meters of the injury radius, ordinary humans have absolutely no possibility of surviving.
There are hundreds of these things… No matter how strong he is, he is still a body of flesh and blood. There is no Quinque who can defend the whole body without the strength of his brother, and there is no possibility of surviving. The other party should be the same.
(Is this commander going to die with me? Just to kill me? Or to eradicate Bai Riting?)
Just thinking about it like this and being shocked, Luo Mo was actually preparing to die with him when he had an absolute advantage… A large number of grenades fell on the ground.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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