Luo Mo, who was flipping through the first volume of the Gospel Bible with both hands, looked up at the girl who didn’t look like a bodyguard at all, and the girl who was shaking her legs freely on her desk couldn’t help but complain.
“Wife can do it too?”
“Then sit on me, don’t sit on my table and shake around, I’m not afraid of you, but if you push hard on the table, what if the table falls apart? It’s very expensive, okay?”
He simply complained without even raising his head, but Luo Mo, who was not idle at all, kept his eyes on the Bible all the time.
And just as he finished speaking, the girl on the table slid down, and she was about to fall on his lap, her arms full of fragrant jade.
However…. He obviously didn’t look at the other party, but he also keenly sensed the other party’s movements, and pushed his legs back on the roller seat quickly.
Normally, Aite would fall to the ground with one buttocks, but… just retreating to the wall, Luo Mo’s legs followed with soft pressure that was neither light nor heavy.
The girl who was supposed to fall to the ground sat on him face to face in the blink of an eye.
“…Is this a horror movie? And you are the female lead in a horror movie?”
Luo Mo, whose hands and books were suppressed, raised his head helplessly to look at Aite who was in front of him in an instant, and shook his head depressedly.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to dodge, but that he really can’t see the opponent’s movements clearly without using the technique that strengthens dynamic vision in the pupils.
“Allah? This is the request you said, what’s the matter now? Regret it?”
“That’s obviously a joke. You should know it, right? Now that you know it, this is revenge for kindness?”
“A joke? But I’ve always been serious?”
The faces of each other were so close that the exhaled breath would run on the other’s face, but Aite showed no shyness at all, and she completely ignored the jokes as an excuse, and her lips rose happily.
“Really? But… I personally think it’s really indecent to do this kind of thing in the office. What should I do if the door is still open and people can see the misunderstanding?”
“What’s the problem with just sitting and letting people see? Didn’t you fall in love with me at first sight? If this is the case, it should be mutual love.”
“… At that time, you were clearly joking.”
“Who knows what happened at that time? I can only be sure now—” Aite shrugged exaggeratedly, a smile flashed across his delicate cheeks, his eyes were inexplicably focused on his pupils, and his hands were placed on his face caressing tenderly:
“I’m in the mood right now, I’m probably in love, hey~ That’s right, it’s love.”
“How long have we known each other?”
“This is the wonder of love. Time is not a problem at all. Who made you so good and charming~”
“It’s fine if you are greedy for my body, you are clearly looking at my power.”
“How come, it’s your ability and character.” Aite was unexpectedly honest, and corrected his wrong statement.
“Then it has nothing to do with love?”
“It’s okay~ I will be a good wife, and I will never leave our children alone like Dad did.”
“Child? Where did the child come from? Are you talking too far?”
“Not far, just build one now~”
On Aite’s beautiful face, there was an uncontrollably charming smile, but Luo Mo still just shook his head:
“Although you are small, you are very powerful. If you really do something, I will die.”
“Death under the peony flower is a ghost, and it’s romantic….Didn’t you say that?”
“Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t say that kind of thing, and I don’t want to die yet, so if you can please stand up honestly, and then let me tie you up, so that I can make people with you with peace of mind.”
“Hey~ You are really interested, since this is the case…”
“—Cough, cough!”
Before Aite could finish his sentence, there was an awkward coughing sound from the entrance of the office.
Looking subconsciously, the white-haired old man, Chief of Staff Joseph was looking at them with embarrassment:
“It’s understandable that young people have unique ideas, but shouldn’t you pay a little attention to the influence, there is still a gasp here, haven’t you noticed it?”
“…Ait is too noisy, I really didn’t hear it, and…” Luo Mo turned slightly sideways before noticing the presence of Joseph at the entrance, which made him rub his swollen temples, looking To Aite, who sat on himself and “just” blocked the entrance view, doubted:
“Don’t you…”
“Yes~ I did it on purpose! But this is just a joke~”
Aite admitted it very simply, and teased him in his own way, and he stood up from him and stepped back to the side with a smile on his face.In front of people, he resumed his duties as a bodyguard.
But this scene caught Joseph’s eyes, and he couldn’t help but suspect that Luo Moxuan was a very petite girl who might be easily put down by an old man, and maybe he just wanted to raise a woman.
….Although he had also heard that the other party defeated the investigator with one blow, he felt that this should just be the news that Luo Mo raised a woman by his side for the sake of integrity.
“…Can fallen angels also give birth to children?” Joseph glanced back and forth between the two of them, and couldn’t help but murmured suspiciously in a voice that only he could hear.
Aite, who had amazing hearing, patted Luo Mo on the shoulder and laughed loudly.
And even if Luo Mo doesn’t have such good hearing, he can roughly guess what Joseph is talking about, but he will not be affected by this kind of suspicion, and he even understands what is getting darker and darker…Anyway, people just Believe what you see before you, so don’t bother to make meaningless explanations.
Under Aite’s disappointed gaze, he silently moved the chair under him back to the desk, put on a businesslike look, and looked at the chief of staff, who was obviously looking for him for something, and completely entered the working state.
Half a month has passed since Hexiu’s family was destroyed and CCG changed hands.
A few days ago, the promotion of the “Special Population Management Law” immediately caused a huge sensation, but public opinion has been controlled so it is not a big problem.
In the beginning, many brothers, nephews and nephews Ji Chengsang. Could this law be a conspiracy to catch them all?
But in Fangcun Aite, as the one-eyed king, entered the internal registration in broad daylight in the state of Hezhe, and the remnant party who relied on the bronze tree also registered, and publicized it among the brothers, and gradually there was a Quite a few brothers wearing masks holding beards and maidservants kissing the curtains.
In the past half month, apart from being busy fulfilling the promise, Luo Mo spent the rest of his time on stabilizing the situation, suppressing dissidents, and dealing with other official duties. Ma Gui will be made into a corpse soldier.
When most of the things came to an end, he suddenly remembered…he had a canary in many backup hiding places in Tokyo.
This made him pat his head and hurried to the 20th district by car, but when he arrived at the scene…the familiar apartment was empty and there was no one there.
“Could it be the remnants of the Funeral Society? But why is there no real name…”
Before he finished speaking, he first noticed a familiar pink-haired girl appearing on the dark window like a ghost.
The appearance of the girl is not so much similar to that of G Qi, it is better to say that they are exactly the same, but…the hairstyle and expression are not the same.
The long hair parted in the middle is draped over the shoulders in front of the body, the tail is tied with a red hairpin and the back is loose, and there is a daffodil hairpin on the side hair. The expression on his face is different from that of the always expressionless G Qi , seems to be angry and also seems to be troubled and angry.
“…real name?” Although it was the first time they met, Luo Mo recognized her immediately, and looked closely at her curiously:
“Without a body, you are really like a ghost~”
“…Even if you have a body, you still look like a ghost.”
“Oh~ I’m forced by life, I can’t help it when I get used to it, and then… Where is G Qi?”
“…It’s been a long time since we saw each other, and the first thing I said was to ask that counterfeit…” Yingman stared at him through gritted teeth, and the expression on his face could be said to be full of boudoir resentment.
“Don’t make trouble, it’s not like we meet and greet each other, and then have a happy family relationship, right? Don’t you always want me to die suddenly? But it’s a pity~ I get along pretty well.”
“Huh…she’s at the coffee shop.”
Don’t turn your head and snorted coldly, but the real name hesitated and told the location of G Qi before disappearing.
“That guy, is it a little bit of a tendency to evolve into arrogance?”
Smiling jokingly, he left here with the attitude of no longer caring about his real name, and went non-stop to the nearby coffee shop.
Antique coffee shops that have suffered considerable damage have been restored and even opened again during this period of time.
But the number of customers is much less than usual… There is no way, because many customers in this coffee shop are “brothers”
“Brother” used to hide his identity, because most of the black households could only do temporary work at most, now that they have identity, they are assigned jobs, and there are other edible ingredients, so the business of the coffee shop will naturally drop a lot few.
But everyone in the store is in a good state of mind, especially Dong Xiang’s smile has never been broken, and he even walks a little floaty.
jingle bell~~
Luo Mo just pushed open the door of the shop, and immediately welcomed Dong Xiang’s cheerful and outrageous welcome.
This made him hold his arms uncomfortably, as if goosebumps were about to rise all over his body, and looked suspiciously at the short-haired girl:
“Dong Xiang, did you eat something you shouldn’t eat? Like expired aphrodisiacs??”
“——Ha!? Who would eat expired food! By the way! Even if it hadn’t expired, I wouldn’t be able to eat that kind of food!!” Dong Xiang, who was still welcoming him with a smiling face, was habitually ridiculed by him His face darkened for a moment, and he rushed forward and grabbed his collar, shaking him vigorously:
“Also! What’s the matter with you guy?! What do you want to suddenly leave Qi behind and disappear?? ! ”
“Don’t look at me like this, I’m actually a soldier too? The army has a large-scale operation, and I can’t refuse to run home alone, right?”
Luo Mo shrugged and sighed helplessly.
But this kind of rhetoric also calmed down Dong Xiangshang’s anger a lot, with a trace of resentment, even though it was hard to let go, he still let him go, turned around, snorted and returned to his welcoming room position.
Luo Mo straightened his collar, glanced around the store, and immediately caught sight of the girl sitting alone on a chair with a sandwich in her hand.
Before he could organize his speech, G Qi dropped the sandwich first, rushed over and hugged him.
She didn’t question him, nor did she suspect him of anything, but whispered softly with an unconcealable sense of security:
“…great…you’re all right….”
“Huh? Ah, um.” Thinking of Black Watch’s actions recently, he is just a small officer on the surface, and he really has a high probability of death. He patted the girl’s slightly trembling weak shoulders, quite sighing. Say:
“It was indeed a very tough battle. If I hadn’t thought about going back to my hometown to get married after the battle was over, I probably wouldn’t be able to persist, but I’m fine.”
“It’s really lucky not to be used as cannon fodder by that crazy guy. By the way… what’s the situation of getting married?”
For some reason, Dong Xiang acted sarcastically, and interrupted at this moment when it should have been a touching reunion.
He was a little dazed for a moment, but he immediately thought of the possibility that Dong Xiang was in such a good mood. Kirishima Shin, who secretly let go, is back.
But he didn’t intend to show anything, just smiled and spread his hands:
“Well, of course it’s a joke about getting married. After all, I have a relationship with the higher-ups. Of course, I won’t be allowed to take on tasks that are too dangerous.”
“Tsk… That’s why I said that these people in power are all crow-like guys.”
“Is it as black as a crow in the world?”
“A little bit of culture is amazing!”
“No, calm down, don’t be so irritable, I didn’t come here to quarrel with you today.”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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