“In a real fight, I might not be able to take care of you, and you still have family members waiting for you to take care of? Or do you want me to have your wife and I will take care of it myself, don’t you worry about it?”
“What’s the meaning?”
“That is, after you die, I will help you raise your wife and son. You don’t have to worry about it.”
“…In that case, you should worry more about your son’s chrysanthemum than worrying about your wife’s remarriage.”
“—Who would see it as your son? I’m not in the mood to take care of your wife and son. Don’t bother me and pretend to be depressed! Roll as far as you can! No…wait a minute, help me take care of your son before you leave. Bring over the wine from Joseph’s collection!”
After taking a little effort to get Alexander to evacuate, the command center completely fell into dead silence.
But Luo Mo didn’t take these things to heart. He just looked at the snow outside the window and drank a rare wine that he didn’t know what brand it was. He began to think about asking someone to make hot pot for him. can meet this question.
The Star of Bethlehem was silent, but the sounds of gunfire and explosions on the streets outside continued to resound from all over the city one after another.
V, the clown, the funeral club, and the remnants of the security forces following Shuichiro Kanedo all appeared at this time, intending to join forces with him in a decisive battle in a very Japanese style.
However, most of the armed forces that Black Watch could mobilize were contained and confirmed. When the Star of Bethlehem was now guarding an unprecedented emptiness, they did not go there immediately, but went not far from the Star of Bethlehem. Tokyo Tower, kill the nearby patrols and rush into the control room.
“Even if you set a trap for us on the Star of Bethlehem, but! After all, we still have more cards than tricks and cards… This must be our victory!”
With a smile on his face, Shuichiro Kanedou pressed the red button in front of him, which should not have existed, on the radio wave transmitter that they had secretly modified.
The next moment, the “Stone of Origin” they snatched from the island emitted a strong purple light.
This is the radio wave tower. Above the Tokyo Tower, which undertakes the function of broadcasting signal transmission, the invisible and silent radio waves have undergone a fundamental change.
The invisible electric wave appeared and turned into a strong sound wave, with a purple halo that was even heard by people in the entire Kanto region, an instinctively unacceptable rather harsh noise.
Immediately afterwards, almost half of the soldiers, policemen, investigators, and a large number of people on the street showed cancerous symptoms of steel skin disease, and virus crystals appeared everywhere in their bodies.
However, the people who have been vaccinated in advance and can be immune, and the genetic resonance sound produced by the Stone of Origin, when they walked out of the control room and looked at the crowds of patients screaming in pain in the street below, they all had anticipation on their faces. expression.
They couldn’t wait to see what kind of wonderful expression Luo Mo would show when the ambush troops deployed in the Star of Bethlehem were paralyzed for the most part before they even made a move.
Chapter 31: Leading the Snake out of the Cave – A Strange Marriage
Looking at the explosions constantly rising from the horizon in the distance, and the crystal snowflakes dancing around like light jade butterflies, the anxious shouts in the radio beside my ears, but it was Luo Mo who was still counting. Nice mood spoiled.
“…It’s a rare good mood. Why don’t these guys know how to read the atmosphere?” He sighed softly, jumped off the roof, and turned over while grabbing the edge of the roof. He jumped into the center of the combat command room.
Ignoring everyone’s surprised gazes, he walked through the crowd and climbed the stairs, and sat down at the end and highest place of the command center, which looked like the bridge of a space battleship and was full of sense of technology.
Relying on the physical height difference, he could clearly see the anxious staff officers and technical attachés at work below.
But even though everyone was sweating anxiously, as the supreme commander, his mood was very calm, and he was even licking the big rabbit as usual.
But no matter how firmly he sat on the Diaoyutai, the area with orange light spots on the monitor in front of him kept increasing rapidly.
Undoubtedly, it was all messages for help.
“…Is there so many all of a sudden? It seems that they want to play a big game this time.” He pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and ordered:
“Respond to all requests for help, and immediately send all the manpower that can be dispatched, and strengthen the armed forces on the streets to the greatest extent.”
Luo Mo is not stingy at all, and wants to mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized to maintain stability, but these words make Joseph frown involuntarily:
“Sir, if all the necessary guards are sent out, our security force will become quite weak. Their plan is probably to take the opportunity to attack our headquarters. Isn’t this a trick of the other party?”
“It’s better to let the other party feel that I have been tricked, that is my purpose; let them come, I am tired of this hide-and-seek game, this time I will attract them and solve it at once.”
“You mean to arrange us and the elites of GHQ and CCG to ambush nearby?”
“No, the whole army is attacking. GHQ can’t believe it anymore. It is very likely that under the instructions of the country behind them, some agreement was secretly reached with the Self-Defense Force. There must be V’s spies in CCG…” Luo Mo thought for a while After thinking about it, he continued:
“GHQ Now, On the surface, you will still listen to me, so you go and get all the GHQ vehicles, and then take the armored troops to the Central Response Group of the Self-Defense Forces. The Special Operations Group and the Western Wing are in our hands, so that we can at least control the trump card of the Self-Defense Forces and gain the upper hand in the coming and possible challenges. ”
“Aren’t you going? We’re all gone. It’s too dangerous for you to stay here, right?”
This was simply a risky action taken by his own coach as a bait, which made Joseph’s entire old face crumpled into a big chrysanthemum.
“But if I’m not here, they won’t come over. Only in this way can we quickly find out those gophers! And when they are all attracted, you can bring someone back and make a big dumpling for them from behind.”
“But that’s too dangerous! When we come over from there, you’re afraid…”
“It’s okay, I can still guarantee my safety, let’s act quickly.” Luo Mo directly interrupted Joseph’s words, although the other party wanted to say something more, he directly added another sentence:
“By the way, you remember to take your wife away, and other people’s relatives are also temporarily evacuated. I can’t protect too many people. Besides—this is an order.”
“…I see, then, please be careful yourself.”
After hesitating for a while, Joseph accepted the order, returned to his position, issued orders according to his instructions, and revised the battle plan that had been arranged.
The already busy Star of Bethlehem became even busier for a while. A large number of fully armed soldiers left here by car, either went to the streets to support the patrol, or escorted the military family living nearby to migrate.
And this scene was all discovered by people observing the place in the dark, and reported to the people behind the scenes.
When the sun was setting, there was a vast expanse of whiteness between the sky and the earth, and snowflakes were falling from the sky one after another.
As for the huge military base, the Star of Bethlehem also became somewhat depressed as the sun set, leaving only the most basic security personnel.
In the command center as large as the audience hall of the ancient palace, Luo Mo could only eat hamburgers there alone because the chefs also left.
At the same time, a group of brothers in black cloaks and masks sneaked into the base quietly.
As if they knew all the staffing here in advance, and they knew exactly where he was, they accurately avoided all the soldiers, and came to the command center without any danger.
But when they looked up at the bottom of the steps, they found that the owner here didn’t seem to be surprised by their arrival, and was even staring at the computer while eating a hamburger.
Luo Mo, who had been staring at the monitor, did not look at the people below, but shook his head slightly with a funny face:
“I didn’t expect that you would be the first to sneak in while the guards were empty… But everyone is acquaintances, why do you sneak in like this? Just shout out twice and I will let people arrest you Bring it in.”
Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Shin, Fueguchi Hinami, Yoshimura Kozen, and two coffee shop waiters, and Kirishima Touka’s uncle, who doesn’t often appear in coffee shops, asked Jimmy to meet him. I couldn’t help but not be surprised by their appearance, even with a look of ease, I couldn’t help suspecting that this was a trap, and immediately looked around vigilantly back to back.
But after Chu Shi whispered something, Dong Xiang immediately took a step to the front of the crowd, stared at him and said in a deep voice:
“Luo Mo…or should I call you Michael?”
“The name is just a code name, just do whatever you like.”
“…We came here for only one purpose, and you should know that, right? That is…” Before Dong Xiang finished speaking, Kirishima Shin, who had entered the state of being a master, was a little out of control Angrily said:
“—Bring back Ayato!!”
“Don’t speak so loudly, I can hear you, it’s really… If you’re asking for help, at least you should have the attitude of asking for help?”
“Fangcun Aite is not by your side now! And even if you call all the guards over! They are definitely not our opponents!”
“Hmm~ Do you mean that you treat me like a soft persimmon that can be squeezed casually?” Luo Mo finally looked away from the monitor, and looked at the illustrious man with indifferent eyes.
His eyes were very peaceful, but inexplicably carried an indescribable force, which made Kirishima’s face stiffen and he reflexively took half a step back.
But at the next moment, Luo Mo waved his hands casually as if he couldn’t get motivated, and said with a smile:
“Just kidding~ I am a weak man with no strength to restrain a chicken. How could I be your opponent? Alexander let them see Kirishima Ayano.”
Alexander, who stood behind him without saying a word, pressed the switch to open the side door of the hall directly on the tablet.
With the sound of a motor running, the metal door on the side rose automatically, and people subconsciously looked at it, but they were more and more shocked.
In the aisle on the side of the command center, there is not only a blue-haired teenager, but also a woman with a hot body, but her clothes are too revealing. It is obviously snowing outside in the cold winter months, but she is only wearing underwear. .
That boy was no different from the Kirishima Ayato that everyone wanted to bring back from him, but the woman next to him didn’t.Error 504 (Server Error)!!1504.That’s an error.There was an error. Please try again later.That’s all we know.? ”
He casually threw away the cold hamburger, and lay on the chair with his legs crossed, as if it was a matter of course.
“…Your character is really bad!”
“Thank you for the compliment~”
“It’s just right, there are no guards next to you right now, so why not take advantage of this moment to correct your distorted personality!”
Dong Xiang clenched her fists tightly, her vicious look seemed to really want to beat him up.
“Obviously I’ve always been proud of my personality, but you think I’m twisted? What a disrespectful fellow, is this too much anyway?”
“…Are you serious?”
“Who knows.” He shrugged and looked at the Nutcracker again, urging:
“How are you? Kirishima Ayato and Ken, what do you want?”
“I, I want…!” The Nutcracker hesitated, showing a painful expression, and hugged Kirishima Xuanto for the last time:
“—I want Xuandu!”
“Oh…you actually developed a relationship? This is quite an unexpected result.”
It’s okay to be abused, after all, it is deliberately cultivated, but can the abused party also abuse their feelings? He was quite surprised by the choice of the Nutcracker, and he did not expect that he would lead to a strange marriage.
And this strange couple made the rest of the people at the scene a little confused about how they should look at this matter.
But looking at the two people hugging each other, they also felt the sincere emotions of the two, and they really couldn’t bear to beat the mandarin ducks.
…At least Shin Kirishima, who felt that he owed a lot to his daughter, chose to respect his son’s preferences.
In this way, everyone watched the unique pair of “newcomers” in amazement, and left the scene under the guidance of the soldiers.
The matter was resolved in an unexpected way, but everyone under the steps seemed to be fooled. They stood there blankly and couldn’t help but forget to bless the couple, and even forgot to leave here, and what they did here. What?
It was Luo Mo at the top of the steps who recovered first, looked at the dumbfounded people below, and said with a smile:
“I have let the person you want to save go away, so what are you still doing here? Tomorrow is Christmas, so you want me to send you a Christmas present? Or do you want to spend a new year with me?”
“Ah? Ah….No! Don’t just talk nonsense! I plan to take Xiaoqi away. She is still under house arrest by you, right?”
Dong Xiang, who unknowingly formed a friendship with G Qi, finally revealed his second purpose for coming here after recovering.
But such a request made Luo Mo shake his head with a smile and said:
“Dong Xiang, I think you are really bad at being a human being. I kindly let go of your brother just now. Before asking me for someone or something, shouldn’t you be grateful to me first? For example, bring me a pot of hot pot now. ”
“Hotpot, what kind of hotpot?? You’re too blunt to change the subject, aren’t you?”
“No, I really want to eat hot pot. Now that the weather is so cold, the hamburger just now is already cold. I really can’t survive without some hot pot.”
“…You bastard, what’s going on?!”
There was no way to find signs that he was lying from his overly serious demeanor, so Dong Xiang immediately gritted his teeth in anger.
But Hina remembered what he said when we parted with him last time, and interjected:
“My brother must have some special reason, so I locked up sister Qi, right?”
“what is that?”
“No matter what, it has nothing to do with you. The touching farewell is about to end here. You all have to leave quickly. There will be a large number of guests coming soon. When the time comes, you may not be able to leave if you want to.”
The sudden change of topic made Hina show a blank expression, but Fangcun Gongshan explained to Luo Mo at this time:
“…We are now taking advantage of the emptiness here to break in with your ability, which means that his opponents will also take advantage of the emptiness here and seize the opportunity to attack this place.”
“——That, that! Brother, come with us!”
“No, I can be responsible for my own safety, and I won’t give anyone. Now she is with Aite. If you have the ability, go and try it yourself.”
“elder brother…..”
“Stop talking nonsense, if you don’t leave, I will leave all of you as my companions.”
The resolute words made everyone below understand that there was no room for negotiation on this matter.
Kirishima Shin hesitated, put his hand on Dong Xiang’s shoulder, and shook his head at her wordlessly.
This made her disappointed, and subconsciously looked at other people, wanting to find her companions, but even the store manager Yoshimura Koyoshi avoided her gaze, and sighed helplessly.
…Even though it seems that there are only Luo Mo and Alexander as the adjutant left here, everyone is still afraid of Luo Mo who has dominated Japan.
Even if there is no one around, they are sure that Luo Mo still has some killer move hidden and hasn’t been used… If not, they don’t need so many people here.
It’s not that Dong Xiang doesn’t understand this truth, but she just can’t give up easily, but…after much hesitation, she was dragged away by the crowd and returned to Luo Mo.
The command center, which had lost its vitality in the past, was surrounded by brothers and sisters. Alexander still stood behind Luo Mo loyally.
“Alexander, you are temporarilyGet out. In the middle of his speech, he suddenly changed the topic: “By the way, if I die, remember to bring a pot of hot pot to my grave.” ”
“…Then what should I do when I go to visit the grave in summer?”
“No, this time should be ‘General! You will never die! I still want to wait for you to marry my daughter!’…Is that so?”
“Please don’t say such disgusting words, and don’t think too much about my daughter. The oldest of them is only 12 years old. Even if you shoot my daughter, I will shoot.”
“Oh~ is this a rebellion? What a guts.”
“If you don’t mind, my eldest son is already fourteen years old, do you want to consider it?”
“No, I’m not interested in men. If he has a little girlfriend, I can consider it.”
“…you should think about your age.”
“I’m only eighteen years old, what’s wrong with looking for a fourteen-year-old?”
“A fallen angel who is always eighteen years old?”
“Probably? But let’s talk about something serious.” After joking for a while, Luo Mo quickly restrained his smile and said seriously:
“In a real fight, I might not be able to take care of you, and you still have family members waiting for you to take care of? Or do you want me to have your wife and I will take care of it myself, don’t you worry about it?”
“What’s the meaning?”
“That is, after you die, I will help you raise your wife and son. You don’t have to worry about it.”
“…In that case, you should worry more about your son’s chrysanthemum than worrying about your wife’s remarriage.”
“—Who would see it as your son? I’m not in the mood to take care of your wife and son. Don’t bother me and pretend to be depressed! Roll as far as you can! No…wait a minute, help me take care of your son before you leave. Bring over the wine from Joseph’s collection!”
After taking a little effort to get Alexander to evacuate, the command center completely fell into dead silence.
But Luo Mo didn’t take these things to heart. He just looked at the snow outside the window and drank a rare wine that he didn’t know what brand it was. He began to think about asking someone to make hot pot for him. can meet this question.
The Star of Bethlehem was silent, but the sounds of gunfire and explosions on the streets outside continued to resound from all over the city one after another.
V, the clown, the funeral club, and the remnants of the security forces following Shuichiro Kanedo all appeared at this time, intending to join forces with him in a decisive battle in a very Japanese style.
However, most of the armed forces that Black Watch could mobilize were contained and confirmed. When the Star of Bethlehem was now guarding an unprecedented emptiness, they did not go there immediately, but went not far from the Star of Bethlehem. Tokyo Tower, kill the nearby patrols and rush into the control room.
“Even if you set a trap for us on the Star of Bethlehem, but! After all, we still have more cards than tricks and cards… This must be our victory!”
With a smile on his face, Shuichiro Kanedou pressed the red button in front of him, which should not have existed, on the radio wave transmitter that they had secretly modified.
The next moment, the “Stone of Origin” they snatched from the island emitted a strong purple light.
This is the radio wave tower. Above the Tokyo Tower, which undertakes the function of broadcasting signal transmission, the invisible and silent radio waves have undergone a fundamental change.
The invisible electric wave appeared and turned into a strong sound wave, with a purple halo that was even heard by people in the entire Kanto region, an instinctively unacceptable rather harsh noise.
Immediately afterwards, almost half of the soldiers, policemen, investigators, and a large number of people on the street showed cancerous symptoms of steel skin disease, and virus crystals appeared everywhere in their bodies.
However, the people who have been vaccinated in advance and can be immune, and the genetic resonance sound produced by the Stone of Origin, when they walked out of the control room and looked at the crowds of patients screaming in pain in the street below, they all had anticipation on their faces. expression.
They couldn’t wait to see what kind of wonderful expression Luo Mo would show when the ambush troops deployed in the Star of Bethlehem were paralyzed for the most part before they even made a move.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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