“Of course it’s tender, after all, it’s my meat~”
“…Huh? What?”
“My flesh.”
Luo Mo, who had just swallowed the meat, froze. At this moment, Aite waved his hands with a smile and said:
“Just kidding, it’s venison, don’t you really believe it?”
“…how do you feel?” He forced himself to calm down with his stomach churning.
“I think you should trust me.”
“…If you can believe what you say, I think you are a real honest person.”
“Ala? I obviously just wanted to make a little joke. What you said is too lacking in trust in me, right?”
“…I’m a little sick to my stomach right now, stay here and don’t leave, wait until I go to the corner to vomit for a while… When I come back, I’ll let you know what it means to be torn apart.”
Ignoring Aite’s obviously pretended inner hurt expression, he quickly stood up and rushed to the sink not far away, and vomited himself directly at the sink.
andWhen he came back after vomiting profusely, Aite put out the deer he had abducted from some zoo before he started. Beef, it was really difficult for him to start.
After working hard, the hot pot, which was supposed to be more delicious than usual, became quite strange for Aite to stir up.
But after vomiting Luo Mo, he still had a good time eating, but because the Star of Bethlehem was destroyed, all the underground rabbits and corpse soldiers were wiped out. After eating, he had to go back to the head office of Black Watch, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office.
The loss of the main stronghold is really a headache, but the living environment in the capital hall is even better than that of the Star of Bethlehem barracks, and it is big enough and spacious enough. After all kinds of vehicles are temporarily parked on the periphery, all soldiers can can be properly accommodated.
But on this night when the victory was supposed to be celebrated, he had just finished eating the hot pot, but he still needed to work. Even after integrating some captured personnel and the information obtained from the bounty of the brothers who supported Black Watch, He quickly called her over and ordered her to kill “Itori”, who is also in the clown organization but is a behind-the-scenes person.
“…that guy runs a bar called Helter Skelter in the 14th district. You can see her photo for yourself. Although she is an SS-ranked girl, please do it neatly.”
While talking, he casually threw the photo of Itori on the table.
But when U looked at the woman in the photo, she frowned and said in a low voice:
“The clown has basically been…killed, and there is only one woman left, and it can’t be a big deal, right?”
“This woman won’t be able to achieve anything, but she will also leave a scourge. The chain of hatred must be cut off at once… Anyway, there is no point in keeping it. Only by killing it will it be over.”
“I understand…..”
“If Sifang Lian wants to investigate the situation of Itori without knowing what is good or bad, you don’t need to be polite and kill him; I can’t guarantee what will happen to her.”
“She just lacked food when she was a child. If there is enough food, she will definitely not cause trouble on purpose!”
When it comes to her adopted daughter, �U also forgot to be kind to women for a moment, and in a blink of an eye she threw the matter of Itori’s begging for mercy out of the blue, and very firmly guaranteed that her daughter would never be the same as before.
Seeing what he said so convincingly, Luo Mo didn’t bother to care, so he waved his hand to signal that he could leave, but…
After watching U, who was about to deal with Itori, leave, he suddenly said to Aite behind him without looking back:
“If you are soft-hearted, or if God Dai Lishi comes to chaos in the future, you will kill them all; Shinomiya Ayase, go and brainwash her before releasing her, and send someone to monitor her for a while. If If you don’t plan to go back to school and go to school honestly, if you plan to return to your old job, don’t be polite to her, just get rid of it.”
“You really think of him as a cruel executioner, it’s too much~” Aite sighed deliberately.
“Then after finishing this vote, you will be free.”
“Oh? Is this what you mean by murder?”
“Why do you always like to interpret my words in strange directions?” Depressedly, he looked back at the girl who was looking at him with a smile, but there was no trace of fear on her face. He didn’t bother to say anything, just Reluctantly said:
“I have fulfilled your wish, but you haven’t helped me fulfill mine, have you?”
“Your wish? Speaking of which, what is your wish? You are already standing at the top of this country and still not satisfied? Could it be that you want to establish a great cause that no one can match? Or try to be the top of this world?”
“…How is it possible, I’m not that boring, I just want to be an ordinary rich man, if I don’t do anything, money will fall from the sky, and I have a gentle and considerate girl when I sleep at night, I don’t care I spend the day rambling around to warm my bed.”
“Well, why don’t you try the apex of King’s Landing?”
“Don’t deny other people’s dreams casually! It’s really…” Aite stared at him and gave advice seriously, but he changed the subject again:
“I will talk about my wish later. In short, you will take care of Qi more in the future. I will prepare a new house for you and you will live together in the future. Be safe.”
“It seemed like I wanted to kill the donkey just now, why does it seem like I’m explaining the funeral now?”
“Oh, I also have my own difficulties. Don’t delve too deeply into this matter.”
Luo Mo didn’t have any intention of explaining, so he forcibly ended the topic and went back to work at his desk, ignoring the eccentric bodyguard behind him.
Of course, his job is not so much official business as it is preparation before leaving.
Since half of the self-defense forces from the grassroots level to the headquarters were infected with the virus and were in a state of chaos and basically paralyzed, the troops who went out easily escorted back the senior officials of the self-defense force.
After looking at them for a while, Luo Mo handed these people over to Joseph, gave some instructions, and then returned to the office to complete the final preparations diligently.
When he regained his senses from the busyness, there was already a little glimmer of light in the dark night sky, and Aite had gone back to rest at some point.
After stretching his waist and moving his body, he turned on the computer and looked at the news report yesterday.
Since the funeral club and Shuichiro Kanedo were dead, aAll the blame has been attributed to GHQ and the Self-Defense Forces, and all Japanese TV stations that have been instructed are fully accusing the two of cooperating in large-scale terrorist attacks.
The Self-Defense Forces, whose two front teams were defeated miserably, did not say anything about all this, but the two army generals who were arrested were forced to face the TV and admit that they did it themselves. He bowed and apologized, delivered a speech that he would never do it again, and resigned.
The backstage of GHQ, the United States firmly denies that it has anything to do with this kind of thing, but… a country that even uses its own homeland to test biological and chemical weapons says so, it is really not very credible.
In turn, Black Watch’s highly efficient actions and finding a way to treat the virus have once again aroused global praise, and the position of governing this country has also won the support of world public opinion.
…Of course these are not important to Luo Mo, especially now that there is no time.
After confirming his arrangement at the end, he spoke to Alexander for a while, took the keys of the motorcycle from him, and drove away from the capital hall alone.
The snow that has not stopped since yesterday is much bigger than yesterday, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness between the sky and the earth.
The snowflakes falling from the sky covered the branches, grass, and streets with a thin layer of white snow, and everything in sight was rendered white.
Traveling alone in this pure white world, looking at this seemingly unbelievable but very ordinary snow scene, he can’t help but let go of his thoughts and recall the past that he only thinks of very occasionally… After the drastic changes in the ghost village, so The first dawn experienced.
I obviously didn’t feel any emotion when I witnessed the death of my biological parents that day, but after a while, I felt a little empty in my heart… just like now.
Of course, it’s not that I miss their cold violence against me, it’s just that I suddenly realize that some people are really gone.
Not to mention being happy, let alone being sad, but the “hole” in his heart suddenly grew bigger and a gust of cold wind blew, making him feel lonely and empty for no reason.
“…Maybe I’m going to die too, so I think of those boring people?”
Shuttled him in the wind and snow, shook his head vigorously and left the strange feeling in his heart behind, but unknowingly came to the place where he first lived temporarily in this world, a seemingly ordinary family coffee shop.
Although it was a place with certain memories, considering the mood of the people in the store, he was not prepared to go up there. He just stopped to observe for a while, and then he was ready to turn the accelerator to leave here.
But in the cafe above, there was a sudden sound of the door being pushed open.
Immediately afterwards, a tea-haired girl quickly ran down the stairs and appeared on the street, looking at him hesitantly, and hesitated for a long time before saying:
“Brother…won’t you go up?”
“No, it’s almost time for me to go home.”
“Going home…not going back to the dormitory? Going back to the country?”
“Well… probably so.”
“That’s right, my brother has been in Japan for so long, and my father and mother must miss my brother very much. Then, that… When will my brother come back? Is the Chinese New Year over?”
Chu Shi nodded and walked towards him quickly, grabbed the corner of his clothes reluctantly, and looked at him eagerly.
“…Maybe a little longer, but you should go back quickly, your mother is very worried about you.”
Luo Mo smiled and brushed a little snow from her hair, and glanced at Ryoko Dikou who was following her.
When he nodded with embarrassment and restraint, he casually bid farewell to Chu Shi without raising his head, waved to Dong Xiang upstairs who was lying on the balcony, and left this place full of memories with a twist of the accelerator.
In the apartment where he lived.
�G Qizheng was hugging the big rabbit that would no longer resist him after being reprimanded by Luo Mo many times, and was in a daze as if he was thinking about something while stroking the rabbit fur.
But when the door was opened, her dull eyes immediately recovered, and she walked towards Luo Mo quickly.
“Welcome back, surely you haven’t had breakfast yet? I made rice balls…wanna try it?”
“Wait a little bit, now…” While speaking, Luo Mo gently hugged the girl in his arms, pressed his face to her forehead, and sighed:
“It’s so warm.”
“…It’s because Mo’s body is too cold.”
Qi shook his head lightly, then embraced him very naturally with his backhand, bringing him a warmth that one couldn’t help but want to be intoxicated by.
This warmth makes people feel reluctant, but after he really felt it, he stretched out his hand and pressed the girl’s shoulder, gently pushed her away, and said with a smile:
“Let’s eat rice balls on the way, now I’ll take you to your new ‘home’ first.”
“A new home?”
“A safer and more spacious place, by the way, there is Aite who can play with you.”
“Aite? Where’s Mo?”
“…Well, how about, let’s talk about the future.” Luo Mo ignored this question and said to himself:
“For example, what do you want to do in the future? No… You must want to sing, right? Internet singers are indeed a good industry in this era. After all, you don’t like to show your face, and you are not good at communicating with people.”
“…What’s wrong?” Qi, who didn’t listen to these words at all, tilted his head slightly showing a puzzled expression.
“This… I don’t know what to say.”
“…Even if you ask why.”
He scratched his head in annoyance and couldn’t help sighing.
No matter how close the relationship is, there will be a moment of parting one day, but what to say when parting, but it is also something that bothers most people.
The better the relationship, the more hardships he will have to endure when parting, which makes him want to complain why G Qi had to talk to himself when he was in the command center, but…he held back.
“I have to go to a very far place, and Datu asks you to take care of it.” He thought for a while before telling the general truth, but Qi said without hesitation:
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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