That huge body like a hill, the movement of flying at high speed in the sky, no matter how you look at it, it is abnormal… It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t conform to aerodynamics, the existence of such a large creature itself is quite unscientific.
Of course, the most unusual thing is its existence itself. The sense of oppression it brings is far superior to all the monsters it has ever encountered. Even Parker, the last beast known as the permafrost, feels oppressed even though he is not small. It is not of the same level, maybe it is not a dimensional existence at all in front of the dragon.
Even if he is the strongest in the world he has ever encountered, the sword master Reinhardt can’t do this. A distance of 10,000 meters can still bring him such a real premonition of death.
Even if he wasn’t afraid of death, the huge difference in strength made him give up not even thinking about fighting, but even running away… because it was meaningless, and his feet were instinctively soft.
If he was like an ordinary person, he might not be affected if he didn’t feel it, just like an ant wouldn’t be too lazy to run away when it sees a tiger.
After all, the gap has exceeded a certain limit, and a meat tiger that is too small can’t look down on it, so as long as the other party doesn’t take the initiative to look over and want to do something to him, they will basically completely ignore the existence of the tiger.
But the rabbit can feel the oppression brought by the tiger, and will flee instinctively; of course, he is definitely not as strong as the rabbit in front of the dragon, but unfortunately…he can feel the terror of the giant dragon.
“…Well, although it looks scary, it should be very powerful in fact, but! No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t care about me, just like a dragon doesn’t care about ants on the ground, and it doesn’t pose any threat to me. threaten!”
Even though his legs were so weak that he couldn’t move, Luo Mo refused to admit defeat. He even spread out his hands as if nothing had happened, and explained his situation to himself, but just after he finished speaking, he couldn’t help squatting on the ground and hugging his head in depression:
“Wow~ Why do I have to say such a miserable thing about myself… Do I have a tendency to masochistic if I was killed by Pandora?”
But he was just depressed… as if he had heard his conclusive deduction earlier.
The giant dragon, which was still quite far away, appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.
“I…do I have the talent of a crow’s mouth?”
…Without any warning, and without even the slightest bit of defense, the giant dragon as huge as a hill suddenly appeared in front of him.
It made him want to cry looking at the “mountain” in front of him. He didn’t even care about why the other party arrived in front of him so quickly, but there was no aftertaste of wind. He could only look up at the dragon with a smile on his head.
The giant dragon’s pure white dragon scales without a trace of dust shone brightly under the light of the red moon in the sky. It was clearer and more flawless than the glaciers in the extreme north. While it was beautiful and fascinating, it also exuded overwhelming majesty. Filled with a strange sense of holiness.
Its eyes are not like wild animals, but deep and intellectual like a wise man who has experienced many vicissitudes of life, which makes Luo Mo understand that the other party can communicate.
But even though there are many contingency plans, he really didn’t think about how to get close to the tricks, and he didn’t know if there was a language barrier between the two, so he could only choose to say nothing or do nothing to avoid misunderstanding…etc. The other party spoke.
The giant dragon attracted by the spatial fluctuations did not open his mouth immediately, but looked at his tiny existence seriously with clear eyes shining with profound knowledge like a scholar who encountered a rare phenomenon.
Then… the space vibrated, and the dragon slowly opened its huge mouth:
“——White Feather of the Void God, why are you so weak?so weird? ”
It was obviously the first time he heard this language, but Luo Mo found that he could understand it. In the field of vision, only he could see the system text, and there was a prompt telling him that it was Tianyi language.
…the dragon is speaking the Sky Wing language?
He was surprised for a moment, and a little doubted whether Tianyi language would be the lingua franca of this world.
But… just thinking this way, he realized that the dragon had obviously restrained its aura.
Otherwise, just standing in front of him, this overpowering monster might overwhelm him and make him want to die.
That is, it wants to communicate with itself? But what does Void God mean? Could it be God of War? The waste feather refers to the Flügel species?
The folk customs in this world are too simple, right? ! Talking to others is an insult in the first place? ?
“That… I don’t know the details, I’m just a harmless traveler, but if you don’t mind, can you tell me where the nearest country is?”
“I don’t know, I’m not interested.”
“Yes…is it…”
Although Luo Mo has the habit of making people angry, he doesn’t have the habit of seeking death. He quickly confessed and became quite honest. He could only nod with a harmless smile and wait for the other party to leave by himself.
But Long’s eyes seemed to see through everything, staring at him for a long time without saying a word, this guy who was not as big as his own eyeballs.
It is said that as a living body that is centered on the present and spans multiple time and space, the dragon spirit can see through the gap of time and know the past and the future. Therefore, unknowingly, there is inexplicable joy in its eyes, and it is both expectant and happy. Slowly opened the mouth and said :
“…You have the smell of a god-like species on your body. It seems that the demise of the final dragon is more meaningful than imagined. Defeating the extra individual of Lihengelt is just a foretaste. The most radical method of the Void God is your Bar?”
“haha a…..”
so? What is this all about? What does this matter to me?
Long’s soliloquies and strange discoveries were extremely insignificant to Luo Mo. If the other party wasn’t so powerful, he wouldn’t bother to pay attention to this strange big guy.
But there is no way that the situation is better than others, he can only nod with a half-understanding expression, and cooperate with the other party’s desire to talk to himself… To save others by himself, he doesn’t like others to disturb his self-talk .
It’s a pity that even though he was very good at hiding his emotions, Long still saw what he was thinking, and shook his head self-servingly:
“Sad waste feather, you seem to know nothing.”
“…Yes, I don’t know anything. If it’s convenient, can Mr. Long tell me?”
“You are very lucky. I am the dragon of Conglong Leijin Levi. I am different from the stupid and weak Yanlong. I am not interested in this stupid war, and I am not interested in crushing the weak. Let’s go. ”
The dragon who seemed to be very disappointed in him, and therefore lost interest, did not land his words, or…hadn’t landed yet, but the last words were replaced by the language of the dragon spirit, so—a drastic change occurred.
Before he could even blink his eyes, the surrounding scenery changed drastically for the second time today.
He himself was in the endless open wilderness, and he disappeared from the wilderness inexplicably the moment the dragon’s voice hit the ground, and appeared very abruptly in the wilderness near the forest.
After saying “Let’s go”, Luo Mo, who was exiled thousands of miles away, stared at the forest not far away in astonishment, unable to turn his head.
“Uh… what’s the situation? It’s space movement again??”
The barren wilderness is on the left, and on the other side is the forest that he thought would never exist in this world. As for the terrifying dragon, it has disappeared.
Just when he was thinking that the creatures in this world might not be as unfriendly as he thought, the system recorded his encounter this time and let him understand why he teleported.
“Dragon Essence Language” itself is magic, and it is an “order” issued to all things, which can make all things obey unconditionally.
Just say “die” and everything will die; “shatter” and everything will shatter.
It is said that this prophecy is a fragment of the creation power of heaven and earth, and the language of creation is also a universal language, and at the same time it is a “king’s decree”.
It’s a pity that the language of the dragon spirit, even if it can be recorded, is something that cannot be reproduced, because…the principle of it cannot be analyzed, or…even if it is analyzed, it cannot be used.
No matter how strong the ordinary attack is, there are conditions for it to be repeated, but this language is not a simple attack like Yan Longxiao, but uses the power of the past and the future.
How should a creature bound to a point in time understand this kind of attack that is not purely violent? Even if an attack is encountered, the attack itself is not complete, and the past and future of the source of the attack cannot be observed.
Because of its own limitations, this language directly exceeds the scope of calculus.
However, the Pseudo-Dian Yan Longxiao was re-engraved by sacrificing 1,468 machines, but it can only be re-engraved that Yan Long, who is quite powerful among the dragon spirits, is inexplicably the Dragon King. hit forty-three percent.
Only when more than half of them can be reproduced can they be regarded as authentic, but… due to compatibility issues, except for modern weapons that can be completely reproduced, many of them cannot be completely reproduced.
However, the advantage of the Ex-Machina itself is not that it can be completely reproduced, but that it can reproduce most of the attacks after being attacked, and use a lot of messy abilities to come out.
It’s just that when it comes to his half-assed…
“…the creatures in this world are really perverted…my stomach hurts…”
Relying on the system to understand at a deeper level,After seeing how perverted the dragon was, Luo Mo could only hold his aching stomach, and quickly fled into the forest covered by “snow”, for fear of encountering some pervert again.
A forest full of snow.
Luo Mo, who was wearing a black windbreaker, walked through it almost soundlessly, and if he got close, he seemed to be whispering something.
Of course, there was no special meaning, he was just complaining incessantly, and by the way, he asked all the gods he knew, hoping that they would bless him from encountering any perverts again.
In this way, two hours passed, and during the night… maybe not, he found a cave and immediately hid in it.
After burying the latest nuclear mine developed by Russia, and then collecting some dead leaves and tree trunks, the fire was started in the cave by scraping some magnesium shavings with the prepared lighter.
“…this ghost place, it’s not snowing, why is the temperature so low?”
Sitting by the fire, he spit out a mouthful of white mist, rubbed his hands and glanced at the direction of the hole, and complained a few times today.
But he also knew in his heart that the low temperature should be caused by the dust covering the sky, preventing the sun’s light from spreading.
Of course…he has never seen the sun in this world, but if there is no sun, the current temperature is definitely not at this level.
“It’s obvious that I can be a blessing during the day, but at night I have to play wilderness survival alone. No one will believe this, right?…But~ fortunately, I am smart, and I have prepared enough food in advance to last a month Hmm! I won’t go out from now on! Ah, I almost forgot, the entrance of the cave has to be blocked to be safe.â€
After laughing at himself, he praised himself bitterly. Flipping through the big backpack, he remembered the importance of concealment, and immediately put his hand on the ground:
“——The Rock Summoning Technique.”
The elves in the atmosphere were driven, and the rock wall rose from the ground and blocked the hole in the blink of an eye, leaving only the tortuous gaps.
Because of the twists and turns, it can ensure that the light will not be exposed, but it is sufficient to meet the needs of ventilation.
Of course, considering that the flame burns, the air will be consumed quite quickly. He can only use the flame to warm up his body and then the fire will be extinguished again. lights to provide illumination.
Of course, even with the function of solar charging, he has nothing to do in such a place without the sun. He can only sigh and take out the compressed biscuits, take a bite of the biscuits and mineral water, and miss the Kobe beef he ate just yesterday.
Hiding alone in the cave like a fugitive, isolated from the world, can be said to be as boring as it is, so he sat in the gap in the cave after filling his stomach, closed his eyes and planned to sleep first.
In fact, he always wanted to rest, but in order to prepare for leaving, he worked from yesterday to morning without sleep, and then he was thrown into this world where he couldn’t relax for a moment.
In this state of being so sleepy for a long time, as soon as he closed his eyes, the intense fatigue permeated his whole body, quickly crushing his consciousness.
After the ghost village, the cold touch of the long-lost rock behind him made him have a dream unconsciously.
Dreaming that he lost everything and died completely on the snow-covered land. The so-called salvation that he sneered at didn’t exist anywhere at all.
But… before he could think about why he looked at his own corpse in the dream instead of looking at the sky from the perspective of the corpse, a wave of malice woke him up instantly.
“…Is there something else??”
Only then woke up from the dream, looking vigilantly in the direction of the cave entrance…
——Boom! !
The rock burst open, and a “figure” rushed in suddenly, stretching out his hand towards him.
In this world where life signs are hard to find, it is not true that there are no ordinary life, but it is quite rare.
Because the “black ash” of snow that can burn people’s skin does not cause burns to hair, creatures such as wolves and bears also exist in this world, but due to the excessively harsh living conditions, they are also Unusually cunning.
Therefore, it is not easy for the orcs to survive in this world. They often need to send masters to search for prey in various forests.
As the ability to master “Blood Destruction”, standing at the top of the Beastman race is considered a rare talent among Beastmen in this era. Naturally, Mei Wen is also a member of the hunting team… After all, in a world full of dangers, only Blood Destruction individuals can Relatively safe hunting.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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