“…Where do you want to go in such a hurry? Didn’t I say that I wanted to have a good talk with you?”
Chapter 2 Survival in the Wilderness·Siblings Lost for Thousands of Years?
Hearing the whispers from behind, the orc Mei Wen stood still as if struck by lightning, his face pale and shocked.
Although the fear from the depths of his heart made him choose not to take this corpse away, his rationality still refused to believe that anyone could be resurrected from the dead.
But…he did hear before that Luo Mo’s heart had stopped beating, and even if he didn’t die immediately, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving. Even a beastman couldn’t survive with that kind of injury.
But he had just seen Luo Mo biting his tongue to kill himself before, but now he heard a very accurate voice, the position was not far behind him, and now he was already a hundred steps away from the corpse.
“—How, how is it possible? What kind of creature are you…?”
Mei Wen didn’t turn his head back, because of unknown fear, it even made his voice tremble.
“That’s a good question, but unfortunately, I don’t know either.”
While speaking, the back of his neck was pinched, and then he was unable to do anything after being separated, and the whole person was thrown back violently.
His back hit the solid stone wall of the cave, as if the pain of air being forced out of his lungs made him unconsciously let out a painful muffled groan.
Before he could lose his strength, he stood up from the ground. In his eyes, the demon who had returned from the dead had already come to him and grabbed his hair, dragging him up forcibly, ignoring his painful struggle. He only looked at him with cold eyes, but said with a smile on his face:
“Don’t cry out so fast, it hasn’t started yet? If it’s just this level, you’ll cry later, okay?”
“You… kill me if you have the guts!”
“It’s okay, it’s okay~ I will definitely kill you, but not now, by the way, your negative emotions are great, I am very satisfied, but then we may have a more memorable time together, I hope you can Cooperate with me well…by the way, since you don’t have horns, then I’ll cut off your ears? After all, you cut my horns first, so…is that okay?”
Asked in a gentle tone, Luo Mo abruptly tore off the cat-shaped orc’s two pairs of cat-like ears before he could answer.
The severe pain that almost made people faint made Mei Wen’s thinking go blank in an instant, but he instinctively raised his head to the sky and let out an astonishing scream:
“Don’t yell so loudly, what if you attract some strange guy again? It’s really…”
No matter how painful his yelling was, Luo Mo still had that smile on his face, but there was also the same cold killing intent contained in his merciless eyes.
However, Luo Mo did not proceed to the next step of execution immediately, but used the rock summoning technique to block the entrance of the cave again, and then walked over again, squatting in front of Mei Wen, who could not even run after using blood damage, and said with a smile:
“I was just joking with you just now. I am quite gentle, so if you can honestly tell me everything you know, I will let you go. How about it? Do you want to trade with me?” ?â€
“…Do you think I’m…a fool?!” Mei Wen endured the pain, gritted his teeth and stared at him, with a face that would rather die than surrender.
“Really? The negotiation broke down, so there is no way, um, there is no way.”
Luo Mo nodded with regret.
He may not be very good at other things, but he has some skills in interrogation, so…
“Have you heard of Ling Chi? Ah, I don’t think you’ve heard of it, right? Let me demonstrate it to you live.”
He spoke in a friendly tone, then picked up his own knife from the ground, and cut off a thin layer of flesh from his shoulder with the precision of a chef, which made Maven uncontrollably groan.
Seeing that he seemed to be able to hold on, Luo Mo didn’t talk nonsense and broke his tendons to make sure that even if he recovered from the side effects of blood damage later, he would not be able to resist himself before continuing.
In the cave, blood was continuously splashed, and the screams were also continuous, which could be described as prolonged.
Orcs and “humans” have achieved a real role exchange.
norI don’t know how long it lasted, and Luo Mo was splashed all over by the other party’s blood. Mei Wen, who lost two hands, finally couldn’t hold it… collapsed, crying for him to stop.
No matter what you ask, you always know everything, and even explain where your own ethnic group is.
Through this, Luo Mo truly and more comprehensively understood the composition of this world.
Basically, it is no different from what the system introduced. The war in this world is still in progress, and almost all the gods and their creations are participating in the war.
The beastman race that Catman Meiwen belongs to is naturally also a race created by God. It has extremely superior physical performance and five senses, as well as a sensory ability called the sixth sense. In terms of physical ability alone, except for the top six races, Absolutely the strongest of all races
But it’s a pity…they don’t know how to use magic, so even if their physical abilities are exaggerated, even if they can temporarily surpass the physical abilities of the Flügel after using blood damage, they only rank fourteenth among the fifteen races.
Of course, the Flügel ranked sixth, relying on magic. The difference between the sixth and the seventh below is heaven and earth; A Flügel possessed eternal life from the very beginning…and it was also one of the most basic characteristics.
For example, any Flügel can slaughter all the Beastmen.
Even if the blood-bad individual is physically stronger than the opponent for a short time, the Flügel belongs to the magician and will not use his body to fight, let alone it is impossible to touch the opponent. Nothing will happen if you hit it.
Even a Flügel species in modern times can directly stage the angel’s destruction of the world, while the remaining five races have a considerable gap in strength at each level.
Just because the fifteen races are more perverted than one, even in the eyes of Luo Mo, the orcs, which are already super-standard enough, have perverts like blood-bad individuals, but they still can’t compete with other high-ranking races, and even simply… Didn’t take part in the war.
It doesn’t mean that blood bad individuals are weak in this world, it’s just that the duration is too short and the side effects are too strong, which makes it impossible for the orcs to participate in the hegemony.
Under normal circumstances, the Blood Bad individual can also deal with the seventh elf and the eighth goblin, and it is not a big problem to sneak into their base.
However, the number of blood bad individuals is too small, so they can only be used as trump cards at the bottom of the box, and there is no way to use them as soldiers…Although they have to come out to find food due to food shortages, and they can only ensure general safety.
As for why it is roughly…it is naturally because there are too many perverts in this world, and an attack that accidentally exceeds a million-ton nuclear bomb level will appear, and it is not uncommon for tens of millions of tons or even more than Big Ivan.
Big Ivan moving the continental plate by a few millimeters is just a rumor, because scientists have calculated that the energy it actually releases is more than 450 times worse than moving the continental plate by 9 mm, but here… the continental plate is just like floating ice Being bombed and moving is just a common thing.
So let alone being hit by chance, even if it is just accidentally affected, it is a super natural disaster level disaster, who can bear it? Survival is really down to luck.
It can even be said that the fact that this planet has not been destroyed until now is also a matter of luck.
…After careful interrogation, Luo Mo understood almost everything the cat people knew, and after sorting out his own knowledge, he completely understood how outrageous the world he came to was.
“This is really the best Christmas I’ve ever had….Thanks to you, I’m not a cat girl anymore, so– let this be my parting gift.”
Gathering the most useful things from the backpack torn apart by the shock wave, and digging out the nuclear mines again, he was ready to leave, shook his head and sighed, and threw a thermite grenade on the dying orc Mevin. .
Just looking at the other party and the items he couldn’t take away, they were burned to ashes in pain at a high temperature that could even burn through an armored vehicle, and after completing the work of killing people and destroying corpses, he left. Maybe Soon there will be other orcs re-opening the cave, just like this, carrying a new bag made of orc clothes, and retreating into the forest to find a suitable hiding place again.
On the first day in the new world, he encountered quite super-standard monsters, and after sacrificing his life, he was able to defeat the enemy by taking advantage of other people’s weaknesses… If someone told him before, he would only think that the other party was Tell yourself a joke.
But this joke has become a reality, and he died tragically on this festival that should have been celebrated happily, dating and confessing, which really made him feel particularly depressed.
Originally, he was the emperor in Japan, and he experienced the pleasure of being invincible, and a little bit of self-confidence was born because of this, but was torn to pieces by the cruel reality, and he was forced to understand that he was still no big deal in the end.
But he even has no way to regret the pride he has only lasted for so long, so he has to think about what he should do next.
There are orc settlements in the south, the elves’ territory in the east and many monsters, the goblins and their allied dragons in the west, blood-sucking species in the north, and sea-dwelling species in the sea.
Mei Wen knew about the stronghold of human beings in the past, but the ones he found had already been wiped out, or they were slaughtered and brought home to satisfy his hunger, so Luo Mo also gave up the idea of ​​finding someone to eat and drink, and spend a month safely.
There is no doubt that if you go to the south, you will easily encounter orcs for revenge.The blood bad individual will have to finish again, and two of them will be completely finished.
Therefore, the south must not go.
After thinking hard for a while, he felt that no matter where he went, it was not safe. After ruling out the option in the south, he chose to leave everything to fate.
After breaking off a branch and throwing it into the sky, when the branch fell to the ground, I noticed that the head was facing north, and I quickly walked along the forest, probably to the north.
This walk is seven days.
It is said that there is no night without dawn, but there really is no such thing in this world. The sky is roughly equal to the night, and it is always gloomy. There is no difference between day and night, so he can only distinguish between day and night by guessing.
It is precisely this kind of world where the sky is closed, there is no day or night, the earth and sky are basically blood-colored, and wild animals are as rare as they first felt.
Although there are traces of wild beasts found along the way, the wild beasts here seem to have grown into spirits, and they are always invisible.
The wilderness survival skills and hunting skills learned in the past are of no use at all, because… those wild animals will actually create false traces to deceive others, which is basically no different from humans.
Of course….it may be a little stupid, and all of them were eaten by orcs or something.
And thanks to the orc’s attack, he knew that using magic is equivalent to lighting a lamp in the dark wilderness, which will attract creatures that sense the wave of elves, so he naturally dare not use magic to do anything easily, so he can only walk Walk through the earth.
But the good thing is that he only has physical ability, even if he doesn’t turn into a ghost, he is no worse than normal beastmen, and he can handle it in general.
…but his luck was not very good, he accidentally encountered a wandering demon species on the way.
In order to avoid unnecessary troubles in the battle, he chose to avoid the battle and threw the water that was not easy to find on this continent as bait, thus avoiding a meaningless battle, but the result was…
“…I really didn’t expect that I would encounter a food crisis. It’s all because of the damned orcs and those strange monsters. If it wasn’t for them, how could there be problems with my food reserves?”
Compressed biscuits are enough for the time being, the water itself is broken because of the big backpack, and it is too big to carry too much, and throw some of it as bait to make him who does not have that kind of magic, now his mouth is parched and only The ability to complain quietly.
But even if his mouth was so dry that he was about to spew fire, he still had to trek across the mountains and mountains to find water sources to prevent himself from dying of thirst.
And in this unbearable hunger and thirst, he even thought about whether he should use magic to attract monsters and the like, which seem to be relatively common in this world like medieval thieves, and then try to kill them and drink them when the blood…
He had just turned over the mountain, but he noticed that at the foot of this mountain was a river that he was eagerly looking forward to.
There is also a herd of deer by the river, drinking water cautiously while being wary of their surroundings.
Although there is black ash on the ground and water surface, the black ash has not sunk to the bottom of the water, so there will be no problem when you probe into the water or remove the ash from the water.
And under the sparse black ash on the water surface, he could vaguely see the existence of fish, even… a mermaid whose upper part is a human, and the lower part of the thigh is the tail fin of a fish.
To be precise, it should be a sea-dwelling species. It ranks the last among the fifteen races in the world. It basically hides in the water and cannot leave the water for too long.
All of them are female, they reproduce by seducing males of other races, and they squeeze each other until they die. According to what Mevin said, they seem to have quite a few intellectual defects.
“—Oh! So big, so white! Are all the legendary mermaids like this!?”
Noticing those sea dwelling species in the water, especially the huge objects wrapped under the shells, Luo Mo was pleasantly surprised that he was finally turning around, but couldn’t help but wonder if he could be tricked into washing his underwear, and by the way, go further …..
“…No, no, no, these can be put aside for now.”
Just thinking about washing his underwear, he shook his head vigorously, put the strange thought behind him, put his eyes on the river again, and licked his dry and cracked lips:
“I’ve decided! After drinking the water, I’ll eat the deer! And then trick the mermaid into washing my underwear!!”
Shouted in surprise, he dropped his luggage without saying a word, and ran towards the lake, not caring about the quality of the river water, whether there were parasites or something, all he could think about was Let’s have a drink before we talk about anything else.
The deer by the river were frightened by the sudden appearance of the man and ran away, but the stone he threw accurately injured the legs of two of the deer, and jumped towards the river which was forty to fifty meters wide. Center jump to go.
But… staring at the deer and thinking about whether he should use magic and leave them all as food reserves, he didn’t notice that the river was rushing towards the distance at an exaggerated speed.
The water level dropped rapidly, and disappeared in a short while, revealing a dry river bed and a large number of dehydrated fish, as well as four mermaids who came here specifically to seek a mate, and then…
——Boom! !
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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