Except for herbivores at the bottom of the food chain than them, or weaker carnivores, basically as long as they encounter anything, the other party is probably hungry, and what awaits them is a massacre.
The gods and their dependents, as well as the fantasy species and elves born on the same planet as human beings, as well as the demon species created by the fantasy species called the Demon King, etc., fifteen ethnic groups with various birth situations, to Humans are overwhelming monsters.
As long as they see them, humans can’t even escape.
In a blink of an eye, it will be found by following the clues, and the entire settlement will be wiped out and all members will be turned into food reserves… Of course, this is only limited to the orcs and the like, and the survival is relatively difficult.
For humans in this world, it is better to encounter higher-ranking races such as goblins and elves than encountering low-ranking races such as orcs. At least elves will not waste time deliberately exterminating the race, and will Let them die more simply.
As for the resistance… the sea-dwelling species, the bottom one, can’t use magic like the orcs, but they can charm everything in the water. They can’t escape when they see them at the seaside, and they can turn people into their toys in minutes. .
The penultimate orc species, with the physical ability of any adult individual, can simply slaughter the entire settlement.
Therefore, as long as they are found, they will die, and the difference is only in how they die. Even if the six highest-level races don’t bother to pay attention to them, they are still quite dangerous to them.
Except for the giants, those races basically don’t land on the ground, and the landing is just a battle. A wave of the hand can flatten the mountains, which is enough for humans and other lower races to be destroyed without reacting at all.
The vibrations caused by the walking of the giants can even cause earthquakes, causing the caves and underground caves where they live to collapse.
But… they are such weak human beings, but Luo Mo heard from Croni that although they don’t know the Sky Wing language, they can speak orc language, elf language, sea dwelling, demon, blood-sucking, goblin and other languages.
Not only language, but even characters, not only language and characters, but even encrypted characters can be deciphered.
It is said that it is the hard work of human beings, relying on word of mouth, written records, and all conceivable methods to pass on the nature, language, and even habits of other races to this day.
…but to be honest, he personally has absolutely no way of understanding it.
It’s not that there is no way to understand the human efforts here; simply, there is no way to explain this situation logically.
Because this is not something that can be achieved by hard work and sacrifice. For example, no matter how hard you work, it is impossible for a child to pick off the stars in the sky with his hand.
First of all, even though many monsters live alone, they are powerful. No matter how low-level monsters are, human beings will turn into pieces of meat as soon as they touch them. No matter how hard you prepare, no human being can kill them. of demon species.
After all, the fifteen races have super sensory abilities beyond the reach of humans, and it is impossible to be ambushed by humans, so the possibility of capture is naturally zero.
Beastmen and sea-dwelling species act collectively, and they are also opponents that cannot be defeated, and there is no possibility of capturing them.
Among the fifteen races, apart from those who specialize in looting loot and intercepting other people’s intelligence, no one normally learns other people’s writing and language.
But that kind of person can’t just happen to go out, happen to be seriously injured and caught, just happen to be a soft persimmon and tell mankind everything he knows.
In the final analysis, the language is difficult to tell, but I can’t tell it. After all, no race will learn the language of food and ants in their minds, just like the hair-shedding monkeys.
Moreover, goblins, elves and the like, even if they are dying, can turn hundreds of humans into dust with just one word, and there is no unprepared place where humans can take advantage of it.
It is impossible to lie in ambush and listen. The fifteen races are all monsters. If they encounter them, they will be found and they will die. There is no reason at all.
In terms of writing, it is even more impossible to learn by digging up battlefield relics. Various modern ancient texts have been infused with the efforts of countless experts and scholars. After a long period of exploration and research, coupled with the flashes of genius scholars, they were successfully translated.
But the premise is that they have the same cultural circle, or have a connection with a known language that is not extinct and exist, so that they can have the most important clues.
Because of the lack of this piece, there are still many modern texts that cannot be deciphered.
The fifteen races in this world are themselves fifteen completely different cultural circles, all using completely different characters and languages.
In modern times with abundant manpower and material resources, there is no way to decipher the remaining independent characters. They can only hide in Tibet, but they rely on the largest tribe with only a few thousand people to research a large number of foreign characters, learn languages, and understand their encryption. …should be absolutely impossible.
Of course, it might be too absolute to say that, everything is a little bit possible…but the difficulty is basically the same as the Stone Age holding a stone hammer to successfully create the Great Ivan.
Although he thought it was impossible, after letting Croni speak a few words in Orc language, he found that…the normal logic he thought in the past might be problematic, or there might be something wrong with this world?
And these people who break the rules may not be as miserable as they think. Although they don’t show it obviously, they won’t find it if they don’t study it, but when he thinks about it, he found that the human beings in this world have hidden luck.Fortunately, when it comes to the explosion, it is no problem to say that it is a super enhanced version of the Chosen One.
In this case, it seems that it is not surprising that Azrael can speak the Sky Wing language? After all, the human tribes in this world are scattered all over the world, and it is not surprising that each tribe has different specializations.
“…Should I tell them how to make a thermonuclear weapon, maybe they can actually make me a big Ivan?”
Thinking of this group of people who were too exaggerated and beyond the norm, and their luck with cheats, he subconsciously decided…not just to eat and drink, but to get along with them first during this time.
Maybe I can also pick up the things I just need when I eat and drink, such as… goblin weapons?
Luo Mo, who originally regarded the migrating crowd as refugees, immediately regarded them as sweet pastries after realizing the unusual place, and planned to hang on with full expectations.
In the wilderness where the black and ash kept flying down, the crowd continued to move forward stop and go. After entering the depths of a nearby forest, they continued to go deeper and finally arrived at a rather hard-to-find cave in the mountains—— An alternate gathering place for fleeing ethnic groups.
…. The whole process took a lot of time, but there was no danger. As Croni said, because of the relationship that had just been ravaged, this area seemed to be relatively safe, and there were basically no attacks from foreign races.
“Hmph~ Not bad! This place! Let me tell you! My dad found it!”
Among the crowd who finally relaxed and were thankful that she was not dead, Chroni walked up to Luo Mo in a showy manner, puffed out her chest and spread her hands to show off, which seemed a bit too big for a cave with everything inside.
Chapter 5 Rarely Confused · Mori Seiki Abandoned Capital
The caves chosen by the fleeing people not only have the traps arranged in the past at the entrance to prevent wild animals, but even wooden doors have been made in advance as barriers.
The interior is large enough to accommodate thousands of people in the cave, surrounded by many special ores that glow, and on the ground are some glowing plants that were planted in advance.
Not only is there flowing groundwater in the depths, there are even fish swimming in the groundwater, so that people can rely on this underground stream to temporarily relieve the food crisis after losing their homes and solve the water problem.
Seeing the crowd gathered by the stream to fetch water, Luo Mo’s heart was filled with mixed feelings.
After all, he also spent a lot of energy in the beginning, but only found the water source once…but he didn’t even drink a drop.
“…Sure enough, it is really maddening that people are more powerful than others. Is it a matter of more people and greater strength or luck? Or is it a miracle of life?”
Obviously, even if he is not strong among alien races where all monsters are collectively, he is still much stronger than normal people. He can also kill many people with a single wave, but…he can’t find it. A suitable hiding place, but the people here can not only find it, but even have this spare place now.
This made him have to lament the miracle of life, and he felt a little bit emotional when he saw weeds thrive in the crevices of the cliffs.
However, 80% of the miracles of life here are due to countless people dying in invisible places. Besides, there must be some unique skills that have been continuously explored.
Although lamenting for the death and injury of compatriots and relatives, after arriving at the new shelter, people breathed a sigh of relief and tidied up spontaneously, then began to eat and discuss how to build their new homes.
The former leader seems to be dead, and the leaderless crowd can only be respected by a few…or middle-aged and elderly people who somehow survived to the present, discussing the distribution of personnel and the use of each area.
Luo Mo and Clooney, who were hungry and croaking, finally saw Clooney’s mother at this time.
That beautiful young woman with the same short red hair as Chroni, who seemed to be around thirty years old, was pulling a horse with various items on its back, distributing supplies to children among the crowd.
Clooney ran over quickly, pointed at the two of them and said:
“Mom! They are from other tribes! They can also speak the Sky Wing language! That’s amazing!”
“Sky Wing Language? It’s really powerful.” The woman was slightly surprised, but she just praised casually, then smiled and handed over two stacks of things that looked like cheese:
“Are you all hungry? Come on, this is dinner, let’s take a nap and rest after eating, let’s cheer together tomorrow?”
Just like Chroni and the others, the woman didn’t suspect that Luo Mo and Azrael were aliens, and accepted them two outsiders very friendly, and even acted very plainly about his ability to speak the Sky Wing language, as if for humans …Sky Wing Language is of no value?
Luo Mo, who took the cheese-like food, expressed his thanks with a sincere expression, and at the same time couldn’t help thinking about why these people were so cautious, but they didn’t doubt themselves, these two outsiders.
Because human beings have no value in letting other races waste their energy sending spies? Discovering that humans only need to be slaughtered, is it pointless to waste time sending people to lurk?
And the Flügel never go to the ground, and going to the ground is massacre, so there is no point in learning the Flügel language? …Although this idea seems a bit too simplistic and rude, he thinks the possibility is quite high.
When he came to the corner of the cave and watched from a distance, when Chroni was next to his mother helping other friends to eat, she was only thirteen years old but looked like an adult, which made him think about the way of survival of human beings here. , can’t bearI can’t help but lament the impact of the living environment on a person.
But…it is also a child, why is Chroni an over-mature girl, and…
He subconsciously looked at the displeased Azrael, who seemed to be throwing a child’s tantrum, and always had a complex feeling of eating a fly.
In the end, Luo Mo sighed heavily, and handed over her portion of food casually:
“…Azrael, do you want to eat?”
“What meow?”
“I don’t know, is it made of mare’s milk? But in this era, in this environment…maybe it’s human?”
In this environment where there are more people than horses, especially men need to take super high risks to go out, and women are engaged in safe operations in a relatively safe interior, the number of women is overwhelming, especially since they have been trying to give birth as much as possible , and as a result….maybe people produce more than a few horses?
….Although it was just nonsense at first, but staring at the strange cheese in his hand, thinking carefully, he couldn’t help having strange thoughts, and became a little unable to swallow.
Azrael also understood the subtext when he was muttering to himself, and quickly withdrew her hand and said dissatisfiedly:
“—Woo Meow?! What dirty things did you give Meow?! It’s so disgusting, Meow!”
“You hungry?”
“Meow is not hungry!”
Luo Mo looked away from the cheese and glanced at her slightly.
She didn’t eat, drink or make trouble along the way, and she could have explained it by being sensible and obedient, because it was useless for him to eat and make trouble.
But now there is food but they don’t eat it, and they feel disgusted… How can the human tribe be so rich and raise their children like this?
But even though she felt suspicious, Luo Mo didn’t say anything or think much about it.
Undoubtedly, this is pointless thinking.
In case there is a chance, it is really a foreign race on a mission, and the possibility of being a child is too low, then…80% of it is using magic that hinders cognition, or some magic that rejuvenates the old.
What is the purpose? He didn’t want to think about it for the time being, and he wasn’t going to ask any more questions.
Because the missions must be performed by elites…he was afraid that if he couldn’t beat him, he would think too much and be noticed and killed.
After all, the penultimate orc can achieve the ability of physical “mind reading” through subtle expressions and hearts. Other alien goblins, goblins, and elves are all experts in magic. It is normal to use mind reading magic. Still can’t think too much about it.
Regarding the fact that it might be a Flügel species, it might be true, but it might confuse the public. After all, what is it to know a language?
In a settlement like this, there are people who are proficient in the languages ​​of the five ethnic groups, so it is not unbelievable that the elites of the stronger races can speak all the languages ​​of all races.
Maybe he looks like a silly child on the surface, but he is actually quite a terrifying human spirit, and he can’t even see his flaws if he pretends to be so… After all, elves, goblins, goblins, and Tianyi all have a long life in this world, and they live a long time It’s just a thousand-year-old dramatist, but he can’t think of a reason for doing so.
But there is also a possibility that Azrael is really a village child who died nearby, but it is definitely not human.
For a while, he couldn’t figure out what it was exactly, but no matter what the situation was, as long as there was no hostility, it would be fine if he didn’t care, or in other words… he had to not care.
Because there is no hostility to go deep into it, it is likely to bring risks to himself, and he does not have the problems he faces after revealing the facts, and the corresponding ability to deal with it… He is very aware of this, and feels sad and helpless about it, It is very important that this situation is rarely confused.
Thinking about it better, if it’s just a simple alien orphan, it will be beneficial to treat it as usual… Maybe I will really become a royal sister-type beautiful girl next time I come back?
To some extent, it can’t be turned into a child bride, no, it should be a child bride.
…Although he didn’t want to think too much, Luo Mo still unconsciously thought of some strange things. He couldn’t help but have great expectations for Azrael who was close to him, and wanted to hug her when he came back later. Strong interracial thighs.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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