“What do you mean it’s a little small?”
“Huh?” Qianjing tilted his head slightly in a daze, and casually pointed to the single bed: “Bed, what’s wrong?”
“No…it’s okay.”
Sure enough, such a young child will not have any strange ideas, and there will be no difference between men and women. Is it just my narcissism and dirty thoughts in the end?
Condemning himself, he shook his head and got into the closet beside him, and silently closed the closet door under Qianjing’s surprised eyes:
“It’s fine if I fall asleep, it’s late…”
“—Wait! You are too dirty! Hurry up and take a shower before going in!”
“Ah, I forgot, can I trouble you to do the laundry for me?”
“Well, I’ll do it.”
“All right, I’ll take a shower, and leave the clothes to you.”
….Although Luo Mo himself felt a little unbelievable, Jun Qianjing accepted him easily, took him in as a stranger he had just met, and even washed his clothes clean.
While sleeping, Qianjing was also looking in the direction of his closet, but instead of being vigilant, his eyes were filled with a sense of security, which made him, who was used to being vigilant and surrounded by malice, very uncomfortable.
Of course….it could also be caused by sleeping in a girl’s closet without even wearing any clothes?
The next morning.
The two who “lived together” not long after they met got up together at the same time.
Qianjing’s father didn’t return all night, but Qianjing didn’t seem to care at all, and just prepared breakfast with ease.
“Speaking of which, it seems like there were three earthquakes last night?”
“Well, the news said that there was a tsunami in Tokyo yesterday, many ground fissures occurred in Hokkaido, and there was a magnitude 17 tornado in Okinawa. Shikoku is not bad, it’s just a small earthquake.”
“This is really…”
This seems to be overdone, right? Is it really the end of the world?
No matter how you think about it, the over-intensive natural disasters are abnormal and excessive, and Luo Mo even begins to wonder if the island is going to sink?
“What do you want to eat?” Qianjing seemed to have gotten used to unusual natural disasters, and chose cup noodles again.
“…instant noodles again?”
“Hate it?”
“I don’t hate it, but it’s not good for a child like you to eat instant noodles all day long.”
“I do not mind.”
“It doesn’t matter. How about trying to cook a meal or fry a dish by yourself?”
“Will Big Brother do it?”
“I won’t, so I hope you will, so I can eat normal meals too.”
Luo Mo’s eloquent robber logic made Qianjing not want to pay attention to him, so he chose a cup noodle for him.
In the morning, she changed into the spare school uniform. It seemed that even though she was bullied yesterday, she was still going to school normally today.
This honest behavior of going to school also made Luo Mo couldn’t help being curious: “Since you were bullied at school, why do you still want to go to school so honestly? No one will urge you to go to school anyway, right?”
“…If I don’t go to school, I won’t be able to leave this village for the rest of my life.” Qianjing unexpectedly gave a rather mature answer.
“It’s really the children of the poor who are already in charge…then you go, you don’t need to worry about it from today, no one can bully you.”
Qianjing, who just opened the door, couldn’t help but stop opening the door, and turned to look at the smiling man.
“Don’t tell me?”
“Well…well, cough…have you heard of it? Everyone has an angel who protects him, he will appear when he is in need, and he will lend a helping hand to help you tide over the difficulties , save you from fire and water, and bring you back to life.”
“…Is big brother an idiot? What is this? Chicken soup from the Internet?”
“——Don’t say it so bluntly! By the way, do you even know it’s internet chicken soup?”
Ben was holding back his sense of shame and telling the chicken soup for the soul that he had seen on the Internet. He wanted to inspire this child a little bit, but he didn’t expect to be exposed by the child directly, and he was cast with a cold look. He was so ashamed that he couldn’t help but want to hit A seam was drilled.
“Chicken Soup for the Soul is better to watch less, it’s all unrealistic things.”
“Yes, I understand…..”
“Then I’m going out. If Dad comes back, you can hide. If you’re hungry, you can eat whatever you want…Although there are only cup noodles.”
Just like a little adult, Qianjing gave him a little lecture with a blank face, and then gave him another instruction like a parent who went out to work, then ignored Luo Mo who was squatting in the corner and drawing circles, and put the key under the slate again and left.
However, just leaving the range of the house and officially embarking on the road to school, Chikage, who was only expressionless, lowered her head unconsciously, holding her skirt tightly with a gloomy expression, even her fingertips were trembling slightly.
After being depressed for a while, he quietly followed Luo Mo behind him, and naturally noticed this clearly, but he didn’t say anything or do anything, just hung far behind and turned into a stalker.
For Jun Qianjing, going to school is tantamount to torture, walking on the road is also torture, being found at home by his father who occasionally comes back is still torture, no matter where it is, it is torture.
The heavy reality made her breathless, she just wanted to grow up quickly, and she lowered her head to hide herself as much as possible when walking on the road, but…
On the way, there were four girls walking from the branch road while chatting, and when they noticed her, the smiles on their faces became brighter and brighter.
The leader rushed up quickly and raised his fist high, ready to punch her on the back to say “hello” to her.
Sensing the laughter and footsteps behind her, Chikage did not resist meaninglessly, but closed her eyes and was ready to be attacked, but…
“You see that we don’t know how to make a move – woo!”
Before the fist fell, the girl’s legs and knees seemed to be hit by an invisible stick, and she knelt down on the ground directly, sliding under the force of the momentum, and threw herself on the ground beside Qianjing.
Qianjing glanced in surprise, the girl of the same age had both knees and hands scratched, her face was wrinkled in pain and tears immediately came out of her eyes:
“—Woo! Good, it hurts~~~!”
“Are you okay?!”
“Stumbled over a rock?”
“Hey!? What are you looking at!? Very happy, aren’t you? Ah!?”
The girl’s three little friends immediately rushed forward to help their companions, and one of them noticed Qianjing’s gaze, and raised his hand without saying a word, and was about to slap him.
But before the slap was done, the gust of wind that came from nowhere turned into a substantial punch and hit her on the face, immediately flying her upside down.
“W-what… what happened?”
“Could it be…you? This bitch—babble?!”
Another girl stared at Qianjing, but this time, she still didn’t finish her sentence. Countless small gusts cut off her clothes and flesh, causing the girl to scream in pain.
Although it wasn’t a serious injury, it was just a shallow cut of the skin, but the blood spilling out of his body looked amazing.
The last one, who hadn’t done anything yet, was frightened and softened, fell to the ground and looked at Qianjing in horror, shaking his head and begging for mercy:
“No, don’t…I, we were wrong, I will never do those things with them again! Forgive…please, please…don’t…”
Chikage, who didn’t understand what happened herself, couldn’t answer, she just looked around blankly, and hurried away from here to the school.
There were a few students scattered around, and when they saw this scene, they instinctively hid aside.
But when she came to the school and was about to finish walking the stairs, suddenly a boy behind her kicked her heel from behind.
As a result… still not touching, the boy’s own foot to maintain his balance was hit by the invisible wind first, and he rolled down the street.
in class.
The parents rushed to the school to seek justice for their child, so they had to pull her out of the classroom and beat her. Qianjing had already closed her eyes habitually, but the glass on the edge suddenly shattered, and the invisible force directly swept over the father, making her His whole body flew against the wall as if hit by a car, and he passed out immediately.
Standing on the sidelines…. Even actively watching the excitement, the teacher who had never thought about his responsibilities, was angered by his inaction all the time, and was also hit by a sudden gust of wind, and they both hit the wall and walked directly into the Follow in the footsteps of those parents.
Of course there was no way to continue the class, the medical staff rushed over quickly, and the village police also appeared quickly and wanted to convict Qianjing casually, but the invisible wind smashed his front teeth in the next moment.
The police officers who came to support also encountered bad luck, and a gust of wind cut off more than a dozen trees on the edge, and death warnings were engraved on the ground, telling them that if they messed up again, they, including their family members, would die suddenly.
Facing this weird scene, no one dared to move for a while.
“…Collect, close the team…”
The leading policeman sat up from the ground, glanced at the fallen trees by the side of the road, and gulped in fear.
Regarding the weird situation that should have something to do with Jun Qianjing, but they couldn’t find out who it was and how they did it, they didn’t want to get involved in the village’s affairs anymore because they thought things were not good.
After all, report it to the higher authorities…the higher authorities must still ask them to come and investigate.
The opponents are extremely weird “ghosts”, and they don’t know how to deal with them. When the time comes, they and their families will die.
For a salary, it is really not possible to let themselves and their families be buried with them, so they collectively chose to stay away from this village, as if they had never been here.
After the people in the village also heard about this incident, they looked at Jun Qianjing as if they were looking at a demon, wondering if she had summoned some demons or ghosts…but there was no doubt that no one dared to do anything to her.
Although Jun Qianjing did not become popular, it is better to be feared than to be bullied, at least Luo Mo thinks so.
Moreover, he felt that the punishment was too light, so he did not go back to Qianjing’s house that night. Instead, he kidnapped a few people to make sure that those who had bullied Qianjing the most over the years were those, and he ordered them to collectively disappeared.
Of course, he didn’t kill anyone, he just sneaked into their house, knocked them out silently, stole a bus and threw them all into the remote mountains and old forests.
“Well~ Next, it depends on your own good luck. If you are lucky, you should be able to come back. If you are not lucky, your precious life… No, the life of a guy who only bullies the weak seems not to be precious, right? Well, it’s none of my business anyway. thing~”
Men and women were divided into groups, and ages were also divided into groups. Luo Mo, who was thrown in different areas, scattered children who were about the same age as Qianjing, and four adults who would beat up Qianjing passing by when he was in a bad mood. Back to the car through the jungle.
Because the people were scattered, they couldn’t meet each other, and each of them gave them a dagger so that they could have weapons. They were somewhat afraid of each other and couldn’t unite as one, so this punishment would probably lead to death among this group of people.
Is it too much…. He doesn’t care or consider this issue.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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