Therefore, he decided to do a little bit of manipulation, such as filtering out the scum after the first reverse elimination, so that at least some of the dead people and their children could survive.
But he doesn’t plan to talk about it now, because it doesn’t make sense to say it now, and it’s not so easy to stop the plan. Song Ye, who has been upright and blessed all his life, is different from him. The most important thing is that he is still alive now Moved by the courage of human beings, even if he expresses his point of view in this excitement, the other party may not believe that he cannot understand correctly and calmly.
And even if it is dross, she will think that it is life, not cumbersome and rubbish, not meaningless existence. After all, there are differences in their ideas at the root, which may be the difference between idealism and realism.
If in the end he deprived the children of brave victims of their right to sacrifice, violating the rules that were decided at the beginning, maybe it would be a waste of time to argue.
Even if he can understand that there are scumbags who force their parents to sacrifice, it is still a problem to distinguish clearly. After all, even he cannot be sure that his choice will not make mistakes, and he also wants the right to live, so the initially established rules Fearing that it would not change again, Ge Ye would even deceive himself in his heart, at least he saved some people.
Before that, there is also a problem… His plan calculates that there will not be many people in the final stage. Ke Ye may think that he can succeed with only a few sacrifices, so it is too early to discuss the final stage. Also pointless.
Just like his growth was bumpy all the way, and he encountered countless existences that he was absolutely unable to match at that stage. Although it was not easy for Utano in the past, there were no enemies that he could not completely defeat along the way.
Her enemies are all opponents who can be defeated as long as they work hard, and thus they have created amazing miracles, so Utano, who is in high spirits, is probably quite optimistic about this plan.
The problem lies in that…the miracles she created in the past were all due to her own efforts and extraordinary will and talent.
The specialness of a person cannot represent everyone, and she is also a very special existence. The reason for her success may be the reason why she was selected as a brave person. Can being a brave person be the same as a normal person?
She is a brave man and a creator of miracles. She has experienced hardships that ordinary people can’t imagine, but because of this, she is not an ordinary Utano. She will be constrained by her status all the time.
The fact is just as Luo Mo expected, Ge Ye didn’t even realize that this was a grand reverse elimination, but he seemed dissatisfied with half of Luo Mo’s words, staring at him suspiciously:
“What’s wrong? You don’t want to go back on your word now? You don’t want to protect the other team?”
“No, I was just thinking…that person just thanked you but didn’t thank me! And I’m the one who will protect them first, right?”
Luo Mo didn’t say what he really thought in his heart. Maybe Geye can understand it even if he is idealistic. Let this plan be forcibly terminated halfway, but the termination of this plan will only harm him and not benefit him.
If this plan continues, Utano will survive, and Shikoku’s defense can be strengthened, which is good for him, Taisha, Shikoku, and the other five brave girls.
For the decoy team, even if the chances of their family and relatives surviving are extremely slim, they can let them, who should have died worthless, die with hope at the end of their lives, and earnestly repay the years that Geye has treated them. Although they were indeed deceived to a certain extent, such a lie is a win-win situation for many parties, so there seems to be nothing wrong with it, right?
Luo Mo made a judgment in his heart that he thought was the most correct, beneficial to everyone, and most in line with each other’s interests. He concealed everything in his heart and made an aggrieved look, complaining about the technician’s neglect of him.
There are not many intrigues in life, and the simple-minded Shiratori Utano naturally failed to see his calculations, but was shocked by his “calculation”, and opened his mouth slightly to make a dumbfounded voice:
“You… are you still thinking about this kind of thing at this time?”
“I’m not afraid to tell you the truth, the rumors of the angel’s vengeance are all from my side! Even if that person is going to die later, I will definitely not save him!”
“–youIs it a child? ! “Ge Ye laughed angrily at his childish grudge, and couldn’t help complaining loudly: “So it turns out that angels also hold grudges? Surely it’s just you? ! Hurry up and apologize to all the angels whose reputations have been damaged by you! ! ”
“No, no matter how you say it, it’s just a joke. Why do you trust me so easily?”
“Ha, ha?…You bastard…you’re playing tricks on me again…!” Thinking of the oath that he made just last night, he no longer believed in his one-word vow, and he was about to play on his nerves The weakened Geye couldn’t control his emotions at all, grabbed his collar again, and said fiercely: “—I beg you! Can you take a look at the atmosphere?! Now is the moment of life and death. !”
“It’s not entirely my fault, is it? I hate overly serious atmospheres.”
“Your own life will also be lost! At least be careful!”
“Oh~ Even if you say that, if I cared about my fate, I wouldn’t be here now.”
“The selection criteria for an angel is not to fear life and death?”
“Really? What is it actually like~?” Looking down at the girl who was still holding on to his collar, he casually smiled and said, “Leave aside what about angels, don’t people always grab other people’s clothes like this?” Is it a begging person? Your tone is so fierce that you are not begging me, but threatening me, right?”
“It’s fine as a threat, but don’t play tricks on me anymore!! Otherwise, I won’t be able to resist killing you before committing suicide!”
“We only met yesterday, but you actually want to die in love with me? However, I want to live a little longer, can I ask you to wait for fifty or sixty years?”
“Who wants to die for you? There must be a certain limit to narcissism. This is murder for life.”
“But under normal circumstances, apart from committing suicide in fear of crime, the murderer will not pay for his own life?”
“…It seems to be the case?” Utano’s anger wavered, and he subconsciously nodded.
“So, you are really interested in me, right?”
“—Impossible! No matter how bad my eyesight is, I will never like a guy like you! What I like are those who are gentle, kind, responsible, responsible, humble, honest, and don’t make jokes. It’s best not to talk! ”
“There are so many demands, but aren’t you talking about me? Could it be that… you are arrogant!?” Luo Mo’s face was shocked, as if he had discovered some terrible secret, but… It’s clear that we haven’t been together for a long time, and Utano, who should have been flustered, feels quite familiar with him without knowing it, without the shyness brought by the sense of distance, and just squinting at him with a look of disgust: “.. ..It’s a pity that you have the nerve to say it, but you can tell me, what exactly do you meet my requirements??”
“Actually, don’t look at me like this, I’m actually intermittently deaf-mute?”
“Ah, yes, please be deaf and dumb quickly, or I will piss you off sooner or later…!”
Knowing that he was completely taken as the target of teasing, Utano let go of him, and turned his back with one hand on his forehead, trying to calm down his emotions through deep breaths, so as not to be uncontrollable and later hit him behind his back when he turned around one knife.
Although many people are willing to die generously as the first wave of people, there are almost as many people as Luo Mo expected, and they prefer not to fight for the same survival rate as winning the lottery in this family.
Many of them are severe skyphobia patients who are unwilling to go out.
The so-called sky fear, also known as “sky fear syndrome”, is a unique mental illness in this world.
The origin is the despair that the stardust fell from the sky three years ago, which brought despair to this world. Some people who experienced the stardust attack, some people became extremely afraid of looking at the sky because of the mental blow. It is called “Sky Phobia Syndrome”. Mild patients can walk with an umbrella or take a car, but severe patients can’t even walk out of the eaves.
There is really no way to expect the sky terror patients, even though they are cruel, they can only let them fend for themselves in this city… But since they will all stay in their own homes, they can be regarded as bait to drag a little bit of stardust or It’s ok… After all, no matter how fast the stardust movement is, it will take a little time to demolish the house.
Although some family members wanted to find Geye to protest, but they were stopped by Luo Mo on the way, and there was no way to give correct feedback to Geye…
After all, Geye may sympathize with those patients with fear of the sky, but Luo Mo…of course, he still has some sympathy, but he can’t keep Geye here just because of sympathy, right?
Under Luo Mo’s secret push, the matter proceeded in such an orderly and fast manner, the rectification of the queue was also completed in a hurry, and the number of decoy teams was maintained to be about one-fifth more than that of the fleeing teams, ensuring that the stardust could Be attracted to the right.
Although there were a lot of various troubles due to the large number of people, Luo Mo’s running around secretly was finally managed successfully.
“Come on!” “Must reach Shikoku safely!” “Please!” “We all believe that you can do it!”
When Ge Ye arrived at the bait team, the mighty people on the edge of the city looked at her figure and offered their blessings.
Listening to these encouraging voices, looking at familiar or unfamiliar people, Utano almost burst into tears, and even felt deep remorse for the decision to sacrifice them.
“Although sacrifice is indeed a sacrifice, in essence, you have found a way of life for their descendants or relatives and friends, and it is valuable to let them die.”
“That’s just sophistry…”
“Maybe, but without you, they would just die meaninglessly in fear. Now, at least they die with hope. In this era, you should not expect more. Learn from me a little and lower the moral bottom line a little bit. How about a drop? ”
“…I don’t have such a flexible moral bottom line as you angels.”
“That’s a pity.”
Luo Mo, who couldn’t see any regrets, said casually and looked into the distance, where the stardust swarmed.
In the past, because the people were scattered all over the city, the stardust was scattered around, but now that the people are concentrated, the stardust naturally gathers together.
Of course, there are still a small amount of stardust in the escape team on the other side, and here… five are much larger than three years ago, and the degree of completion is obviously much higher than in the past. The complex-constellation.
“Human beings exist in this world, and they are repeating plundering. This time, the roles are just reversed, making stardust become…”
“Stop pretending to be elegant! Hurry up and act.”
“Obviously I am not human, why should I follow you…”
“Aren’t you our companion?!”
“Well, I’ll just complain casually, and you don’t mind, and I have nothing to prepare.”
“…I’m going to the other side first, you also pay attention not to die, and…thank you.”
As if thanking him for wantonly playing with him, there were many obstacles in his heart, Utano hesitated for a long time before thanking him in a low voice, and didn’t care about his joke again.
Then he ran away without waiting for his response, or worried that he would make some demands based on his character.
“…Just thank you lightly, isn’t it too insincere? I really lost a lot this time, but even if you run fast, I will definitely get it back when I get to Shikoku…”
Looking at the direction in which the girl disappeared, he couldn’t help but began to complain in bits and pieces, determined to get back the money for himself.
Of course, in fact, he took the initiative to choose to go to the side of the victim. In addition to avoiding the reverse elimination of the scum king and delaying the time a little, he also planned to absorb some stardust and the soul of the deceased as called by Qiufeng.
The time of death in the oracle arrives soon.
The piercing sirens could not help echoing throughout the city, and everyone couldn’t help showing nervous expressions.
There is no doubt that this is the alarm that notifies the stardust attack.
Countless stardust also seemed to use the alarm as a charge horn, and impacted the barrier shortly after the alarm appeared.
――The end of Suwa has begun.
Luo Mo didn’t need to say anything, the crowd below quickly fled in the city, scattered and hid in the buildings that had already been opened.
Although at the beginning they were thinking of rushing out to stay away from the other team as much as possible, but the outside of the barrier was completely surrounded. Now that the task of luring has been roughly completed, it is natural to hide for a longer time.
At this time, Luo Mo also grabbed the huge sword stuck aside, and muttered to himself: “I’m tired after the ghost transformation, so I can’t use it for the time being, or use the power of the sacred tree to reduce their number as much as possible first?”
As soon as the words landed, the magic circle emitting golden light immediately unfolded on the tip of the blade.
Accompanied by the golden light particles dancing like fireflies on the magic circle, countless vacuum blades were rapidly formed in front of the magic circle in the next moment, and swarmed towards the stardust outside the barrier like raindrops.
Before touching the enchantment, the enchantment that would have hindered energy from passing through was torn a huge gap almost at the same time.
The number of stardust is far greater than that of the vacuum blade, sweeping towards the city like an exaggerated white sandstorm, rendering everything in the sky and ground as far as the eye can see into a strange white.
And the next moment, the vacuum blade has also arrived at the vanguard of the stardust, causing colorful rays of light to bloom between the sky and the earth, and staged a large-scale fireworks show for everyone in Chengnei.
It’s a pity…but no one watched the fireworks show, and the number of stardust was overwhelming. They didn’t care about the death of their companions at all, and continued to move forward without fear.
Despair is imminent.
But except for Luo Mo who kept driving the vacuum blade, the people who came here voluntarily, even though there were many on the ground, they did not run away in a panic, but they were trying their best to disperse and flee as planned, or It’s driving around town doing everything you can to buy time for everyone else.
Even with Luo Mo, he quickly rushed into the subway station with the most people, planning to delay the time as much as possible underground through the subway network, and protect the people hiding here by the way.
But after losing his short-term stagnation of stardust, soon…the massacre without the slightest mercy unfolded on this land again after three years.
Inside the subway station.
Dense crowds are constantly running away on bicycles, motorcycles and other convenient means of transportation. Except for the old people who have no bicycles or motorcycles and are forced to give up because they run too slowly, and those who fell down, there are stardust that drilled into the ground to chase after them. They came up, but Luo Mo dutifully wiped out all of them.
In a short period of time, most people in the subway tunnel are still safe, but even underground they can clearly hear the constant vibrations caused by explosions and impacts above.
But except for those who couldn’t run or fell down, none of the people who had been prepared stopped and just ran blindly, as if as long as they ran hard, hope would appear in the distance.
It’s a pity…. If so-called miracles occur frequently, then they are no longer called miracles.
Miracles didn’t happen.
Everyone ushered in the end of their lives in this way, only Luo Mo and the last middle-aged woman who survived.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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