“Is that so? If I can’t recover, I’ll be very troubled… But if possible, let’s wait a little longer, ah, it’s time to flush, please close your eyes properly?”
“…Please, don’t treat me like a child, okay?”
Although there were too many reluctances, he still closed his eyes obediently and let the hot water wash down from his head.
After washing off the foam, Qianjing held the bath ball like this, and carefully helped him wash off the remaining stains on his body while sharing the handball.
After everything was done, they were forced to take a bath together, and even changed clothes to come out… He was also taken to Qianjing’s room.
Not knowing what would happen next, he rushed out while Chikage was brushing his teeth, and rushed all the way to Yuna’s room. Under Yuna’s surprised gaze, he threw himself into her arms and let out a miserable cry:
“Yuna~! I….I’m not clean anymore!”
“Not clean? Didn’t you wash it very clean?”
“—It’s the uncleanness of the soul! If you don’t help me tonight, I will smash my head on your chest!”
While speaking, Luo Mo, who seemed to really want to show his ambition by death, bumped his head and got acquainted with A in front of him.
“—Yeah!” Yuna, who seemed to be thinking of what happened not long ago, and also thought it was inappropriate, exclaimed and quickly pushed him away:
“No, don’t do this, I will tell you!”
“…What you said, if you don’t help me, I will really hit your chest and die next time.”
“Teacher…no, little Carlos, you are really…even if you don’t need such a strange method, I will help you…” Looking at the young lady in front of him, Yuna said in distress He touched his head and suggested: “How about you sleep with me tonight and hide with me for a night, and wait until tomorrow…”
“Okay! It’s such a relaxed and happy decision!”
Without waiting for Yuna’s reaction after speaking, the grief and anger on his face disappeared in an instant, and he burrowed into the bed that was still warm with the girl’s body temperature in a blink of an eye.
During this period, he didn’t care about the so-called difference between men and women at all, after all – he was still a child!
Yuna, who was left in place, realized what kind of person was hidden under his deceptive appearance, and chased after him in a panic:
“Sure, it doesn’t work! You are a teacher, right?! How can an adult sleep with a man and a woman!”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.”
“Please pay attention!”
“I’m a child, I don’t understand the difference between men and women~” Facing the girl who was a little anxious, he looked innocent and asked in a childlike tone on purpose:
“Sister Yuna, do you have any unreasonable thoughts about children? Do you still think about strange things when you sleep with children? Mom said that is not good, and such an adult is a pervert?”
“I’m… a pervert?” Yuna looked unacceptable as if struck by lightning.
“Uh… It’s just being said to be a pervert, is that the case? Your ability to bear it is too weak, right?”
“No, no! It’s just that the teacher called him a pervert…”
Yuna swayed her body, after all, she still didn’t say the second half of the sentence.
“I’m little Carlos, not your teacher, perverted sister!”
“I, I am not a pervert! The teacher is! How can I run into the girl’s room! The teacher is a pervert!”
“I’m just a kid in the top class of the kindergarten, and I don’t know anything~~” Relying on his appearance that he is harmless to humans and animals, even if he calls the police, he can beat him up.
Facing such a little boy, You Nai…there really is no other way but to worry beside him.
Boys and girls are in the same room. Under normal circumstances, it should be the boys who suffer the most.
But judging from the situation at the scene, it was the girl who was struggling next to her, but…
Takashima Yuna thought about it for a while, staring at his pretty good appearance due to racial issues, immature and cute, and truly harmless to humans and animals, she mused for a while with one hand on her chin, and simply chose to forget the appearance of Luo Mo’s body. Just like that, “Hey~!”, he got in and hugged him, and rubbed his face with a smile:
“Little Carlos is so cute~~!”
“…Huh?? What are you doing?! Be normal! I’m scared!”
“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid~ sister Yuna will sleep with you~”
“…Your reluctance just now was an act!?”
“No~ it’s just that Carlos is very cute~ and at the teacher’s age, he can’t do bad things~? The power is basically useless, so~ I’m the one who takes the lead, right?”
“—Are you complimenting me? Even if you praise me, I can’t be happy at all!”
Although Yuna’sThe face is very tender and comfortable to rub against, but… thinking of her reluctance to leave before, he basically understands that Yuna does not reject his current appearance, and it can even be said that he likes it quite a lot.
However, due to his past identity, he was somewhat psychologically hindered, but his past identity may also be the cornerstone of their harmonious relationship. Putting aside that psychological obstacle, who is the hunter? Who is the prey?
He is now completely… just out of the tiger’s mouth, and then into the wolf’s den? ?
I just want to understand my own situation, but now he has no allies in the Tianshou Pavilion, surrounded by wolves, and escaping is just escaping to another tiger’s den…
Just as he was lamenting his misfortune in his heart, Yuna’s bedroom door was suddenly opened.
The cold-faced Chikage stood at the gate, followed by two brave girls who had obviously been caught by him and whose room had been searched earlier than Yuna.
“Takashima-san… I never thought that it would be you… who abducted my brother while I was not paying attention!”
“Junchan!?” Like a mistress who was caught raped in bed, she sat up in a panic and waved her hands repeatedly: “——That’s not the case! I, I am also a victim!”
“Victim…I see you are very happy to rub…”
“Don’t be so rigid, Qianjing, aren’t we all children?”
“Yes, yes! We and little Carlos are still children~ It doesn’t matter if we sleep together!”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, but… what do you want to do?”
The speeches of Qiuzi and Xing not only made Qianjing look sideways, but also gave Luo Mo an ominous premonition, subconsciously rolled up the quilt to wrap himself up, and took out his mobile phone to warn like a girl about to be molested by a hooligan: “—I warn you ! You gangsters! If you dare to do anything to me! I will call the police!!”
“Brother is me…”
“——Qianjing can hold little Carlos to sleep, and we can tease him next to him, so ~ let’s sleep together? We can also help you watch him to prevent him from running away again, right? And the ball is too I’ve always wanted to deepen my relationship with Qianjing, so how about just being a girl tonight?”
Qiuzi immediately offered Qianjing a very good offer, which made her obviously hesitate: “…if you don’t mess around.”
“Don’t worry, don’t worry, Qiuzi just wants to take revenge a little… Cough, repay me, it’s just the teacher’s care for us during this time~”
“—It’s too late for you to change your mind! What you wanted to say just now was revenge! I treat you well on weekdays! You actually want to take revenge on me!?”
“Okay~ Everyone, go back and bring pillows, let’s sleep together~~!”
Qiuzi ignored Luo Mo’s accusation from jumping up from the bed, and with a smile, took Xing who was showing him sympathetic eyes, and left here temporarily to go back to get the pillow.
But Qianjing walked towards him with a blank face, and said coldly: “Brother…why did you run away…Could it be that brother is afraid that I will do something that is not good for him ?”
“…I’ve always believed in Chikage?”
“It’s a lie.” The girl categorically denied: “If you really believe me! Why did you run?!”
“…I’m asleep, don’t call me if the world is not over.”
Knowing that it was meaningless to continue this topic, now no matter what he said, Qianjing would not believe him, so he simply didn’t say anything, just wrapped the quilt tightly and fell down again.
However… Qianjing easily lifted his quilt and got in, hugged him tightly in his arms, and murmured almost like begging:
“Brother… Please, don’t leave me…”
“No way… By the way, you hug me so tightly, I can’t even get up…”
“….I only have my brother…”
“Yes, I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”
He sighed helplessly, then tried his best to stretch out his hand, and stroked the head of the girl who was holding him in his arms.
Although the movements are a bit uncoordinated, the overall atmosphere is quite warm.
You Nai also showed a gratified smile, hugged Luo Mo from behind and hugged Qian Jing together, and said softly:
“Junchan, what you said is wrong, you have us besides the teacher, and I will definitely not leave you.”
“…Brother…Takashima-san…” Chikage looked at the two with moist eyes, and also hugged Yuna back.
Although the atmosphere of the lilies blooming among the girls should not be easily disturbed, Luo Mo, who was caught between the two girls, still wanted to say something else.
Otherwise…he felt that he might really be smothered to death.
But just as he was about to open his mouth, he realized that he, who was hugged by the young girl and turned into a sandwich biscuit, had his face on Qianjing’s chest…wouldn’t it be a pervert if he opened his mouth! ?
However, at the door of the bathroom, he seemed to have already done something similar…
(Oh~ I’m already a pervert~) Just thinking this way, while immersed in the strange atmosphere, two girls broke into the door that was not closed.
“Let’s come… oh? Have you already hugged me? Why didn’t you wait for the ball? The ball also joined~~!”
“—Senior Qiuzi?!” Xing looked at Qiuzi, flew over and directly pressed Luo Mo under him, and couldn’t help covering her mouth and exclaiming.
On the contrary… after a while, he also smiled and joined the battlefield.
Throughout the night, Luo Mo was surrounded by the fragrance of the girls…but he was also tossed by the girls, and he couldn’t sleep well all night.
It was only dawn the next day, and Luo Mo woke up right here.
The position he is in has almost become the paradise that every man dreams of.
The head was pressed against the black-haired girl’s chest, a red-haired girl was lying on her stomach, a brown-haired girl was lying on her lap with saliva that made his thighs wet, and a blond girl was also hugging her. his hand.
The sleeping appearance of the four girls was really not peaceful, and at the same time, the body temperature of the girls also made it impossible for him to sleep well, and he was so hot that he was sweating all over his body.
Turning his eyes to take a glance, he was surrounded by his beautiful girls, but he just wanted to sigh: “…I have really suffered a blessing that I shouldn’t have at this age. Should I be happy or sad?”
The shadow of being killed by hunters disguised as prey in his childhood really made him a little unhappy. To some extent, he was tossed by the four girls, and the shadow area spread a little.
And as time passed… the girls got up one by one, and he was finally relieved to be released from this burden, but he was not happy for long, and the people of the Taisha took them all away …..
The reason is that Ben was worried about when to announce the existence of the brave, and found out his current state through the maiden who greeted him, so he didn’t wait for Utano to recover from his injuries, so he took advantage of Luo Mo’s appearance that he was completely harmless to humans and animals. In time, the existence of six brave men and one angel was announced.
At the same time, it also announced the contact records between Shikoku and Suwa, and the survivors of Suwa successfully traveled hundreds of kilometers to come here with the help of the brave, “and” a large number of survivors stayed in Suwa, and their so far So far, they have been desperately resisting the stardust, bringing hope and strength to the residents of the four countries.
In this dark age, everyone needs a hope, so the unprecedented upsurge is easily promoted, and everyone regards them as hope.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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