The panicked girls took out their mobile phones one after another, and the screens of their mobile phones were all suddenly occupied by the large characters “Alarm of the Sea of ​​Trees”.
The sea of ​​trees, that is, the corresponding method made by the sacred tree when the stardust invaded the enchantment, was prepared three years ago and today it is finally completed.
�K can’t take action against Stardust himself, so he can only take such a roundabout way to protect the humans living here.
The roots and vines of the huge plants extending from the sea level quickly covered everything in the field of vision, the frozen land, houses, trees, vehicles, and pedestrians at high speed.
“Xingzhu, it’s coming again so soon!!” The girls nervously clenched their phones.
Only Luo Mo’s face did not show any tension, and he even poked it aside with a wooden stick casually. Ruo Ye’s exclusive priestess, Kamisato Hinata’s chest, let out a very inappropriate sigh:
“It’s as hard as a rock. Is this the time for independence?”
“—Teacher!?” Sensing his behavior towards his best friend, Ruo Ye forgot to even be nervous, grabbed his wooden stick, opened his hands to block Hinata, and glared at him: “What’s the matter?” It’s time?! You still have the mind to do this kind of thing?!”
“This is scientific inquiry, what else is it?”
“—Of course it’s a perverted behavior?!”
“You look at people with dirty eyes. If I’m really a pervert, I’ll get started, okay? And this hard one has no feel at all. After all, even if it’s hard, it’s just clothes. I don’t want to touch it, if not I…….”
Luo Mo dismissed Luo Ye’s accusation with righteous words, and planned to take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but found…the cold-faced Qianjing and the stern-faced Youna were approaching him.
He took a few steps back unconsciously, and then said with a smile:
“Don’t you guys think… that you’re going to fight soon and still worry about such things,Very stupid? ”
“I don’t think so, brother, let’s talk about it.”
“Little Carlos! Children can’t do this kind of thing!”
The two girls seemed to be irritated by his behavior, and those who completely refused to talk about it wanted to punish him, but… Luo Mo turned around and fled without saying a word.
Before they could catch up, the sea of ​​trees had already spread over, so they could only temporarily give up the pursuit, looked at each other, took out their mobile phones, and activated the APP dedicated to the brave in the mobile phone.
The next moment, Luo Mo saw——the bodies of the four girls were shrouded in a burst of light, the clothes they were wearing changed accordingly, and a weapon appeared in their empty hands.
…the majestic brave girls quickly completed the change of costumes, and collectively put on the brave battle suits that housed the power of the sacred tree and could greatly improve the physical abilities of the wearers, and obtained their exclusive sacrificial vessels.
Chikage’s suit is red like Higan flower, Yuna’s is pink like cherry blossoms, Kumiko’s is orange like Himeyuri, Wakaba’s is blue and white reminiscent of Kikyo.
“It’s like the transformation of a magical girl.” He took out his mobile phone and took a photo on the side in such a grandiose way, and couldn’t help muttering: “Is this the progress of the times? Even changing clothes can be so fast .â€
That’s right, these are actually not created out of thin air.
Because it’s all something that’s already there, just shifted here quickly.
And all of this is due to the Great Society. It is precisely because the Great Society has studied the power of the sacred tree in the past three years and found out how to use it scientifically and magically, so that the brave girl only needs to press the phone to move The battle clothes and sacrificial utensils placed on the altar of the shrine were summoned, and they were called the crystallization of the grace of the sacred tree and human wisdom.
…Although practicality still exists, at least it doesn’t need to be like Utano in the past, needing to wear weapons and clothes by himself, but to some extent it seems to be a result of laziness.
Just like the previous situation, when the sea of ​​trees appeared, the time inside Shikoku would be forcibly stopped by the sacred tree.
Except for Luo Mo and the brave girls, any living body and matter will be submerged and assimilated by the plants, and the specific matter of the sea of ​​trees is basically the same as the “wall” in the four countries.
And those plant tissues are actually part of the sacred tree.
Now the sacred tree has completely integrated itself with the four kingdoms, so that all objects submerged and assimilated by the sea of ​​​​trees will be protected, and will no longer be attacked by stardust, and will not be harmed. This is also equivalent to a special different space. According to religion, this may be an alternative kingdom of God.
The time and space here are different from the normal world. No matter how long you stay here, you will go back to the next moment. Of course… due to complete integration, if the sea of ​​trees covering the earth is destroyed, it will also make “reality “Hurt.
As for the damage to the sacred tree, the four countries will be fed back to the outside world in the form of natural disasters and unknown accidents just like in the past.
But compared to being directly attacked by stardust, in fact, that little natural disaster is nothing.
“The transformation of the sea of ​​trees is of great significance to people, but it has no meaning to the sacred tree itself. Even showing itself is a burden, and most of the damage is also resistant to the divine tree….k this is too good for people Bar?”
Thinking about all the things brought about by the transformation of the sea, and nothing beneficial to the sacred tree itself, he couldn’t help but sigh that the sacred tree is really a bit selfless.
“Of course, Master Shenshu is different from you.” Ruoye glanced at him, and sighed slightly while speaking, while Yuna, who was also staring at him, scratched her cheek in embarrassment: “Xiaoka Los…Although it is a messenger from the sky, compared with the sacred tree…it always feels like the existence of two worlds.”
Even if she wanted to speak for him, Qianjing still chose to remain silent in the face of the huge moral gap between the two.
But Luo Mo didn’t care about this, he just touched the vines of the huge plant growing beside him, and looked at another blond girl with trembling fingertips and sweating profusely.
“Xing, are you really still unable to fight?”
“Yes… sorry…”
Constantly pressing the APP on the phone, but there is no way to get feedback. Xing, who was unable to transform into a hero, lowered her head and apologized softly with tears in her eyes.
Certain conditions are required to activate the Brave’s APP, or the power exercised by the Brave is largely influenced by the spiritual level.
If you don’t have a firm determination to fight, you can’t wear a hero, you can’t equip a sacrificial vessel, and you won’t be recognized by both.
In the first battle last time, Xing couldn’t turn into a hero, but this time… the result is still the same.
“It’s natural to be afraid, but…Next, Captain Ruoye, tell me.” Halfway through the lecture, he felt that he couldn’t stay with them all the time, so Luo Mo directly handed over the topic to Ruoye.
“…? Yes!” Ruo Ye was a little confused, but quickly frowned and looked at Xing, and sternly reprimanded: “Iyo Island, we can all understand your fear, but if we don’t fight, human beings will perish , look up!”
“Yes, I’m sorry…” Xing shrank behind Qiuzi in fear.
“Don’t just apologize, don’t hide! Look up and look at me!”
“Luo Ye! Enough is enough!”
Qiuzi couldn’t stand the coercive encouragement, and took the initiative to stand in front of Xing.
“…Wakaba only thinks about revenge, and he might dieUnder the circumstances, Xing is still the performance of an ordinary girl, Qiuzi only wants to protect Xing with his own strength, Yuna has no talent in command, Qianjing doesn’t care about others at all-this team of braves is really…”
Since it doesn’t fit the character of the captain at all, the care and communication with teammates…. There is really no way to be called competent. The leadership shown by Nogi Wakaba, the straight girl of steel, Luo Mo feels that this team of braves will be cold sooner or later.
So he ignored these girls, and turned to look in the direction of the previous explosion not far away.
This is simply like a foreign world—it is indeed the far end of the sea of ​​trees in a foreign world, and a crack has been torn open in the huge barrier that wrapped the entire four kingdoms.
A constellation that has not yet fully evolved rushed towards them with hundreds of star shavings.
“Everyone! Follow me!!” Knowing that this is not the time to quarrel, Ruoye, who has a deep hatred for Stardust, yelled and left everyone behind, rushing towards the constellation.
The rest of the girls didn’t react, and were at a loss for her reckless charge.
Seeing this, he couldn’t help shaking his head again and again:
“…Sure enough, it’s just ordinary training. No matter how much you practice, it’s empty talk, and many problems will be exposed in actual combat.”
“I’m on it too~! Hey!!” After a short hesitation, You Nai immediately rushed out, and Qian Jing watched Luo Mo and told him to pay attention to safety before following up with a scythe Youna.
Qiuzi also followed up with everyone after giving some instructions to Xing, but Xing was the only one who was still downcast, and didn’t even dare to look at Luo Mo.
Since there is no Azrael after infancy, the strongest level of the Flügel can defeat the combat power of ordinary Flügel even after infancy, and it is impossible for a relatively ordinary Flügel to even stand firm when it becomes a child.
Luo Mo, whose combat power has become much weaker, has not brought the side effects to that level, but actually only deals with some ordinary stardust.
Therefore, he felt at ease in the back, sitting on the huge vines and watching the girls fighting at the front.
Three years ago, Yuna had dealt with the earliest constellations, which were not even considered constellations. After three years of hard training, she is no longer what she used to be…not as fast as the constellations.
Therefore, in the face of the constellations that were obviously only here to test them, the combined results of the four girls were not as good, and the conditions were relatively poor after many battles. Now they are still lying in the hospital Shiratori Utano.
“Ah~ Here, have you been knocked away again? Really… you won’t be using your hole card to use the hole card of the spirit possessed so soon, right? There should be a lot of sequelae, um~ what should I do? Ball The son will probably die first~”
While speaking, Luo Mo’s eyes frequently swept aside, anxiously watching the girl who was looking around.
And what he said naturally brought a lot of psychological pressure to the girl.
“Woo~ I, I…I want to fight too!!”
There was really no way to watch, the companion who had been with him day and night for three years died in front of him, and Xing, who still had tears in the corner of his eyes, bit his lip hard, and finally mustered up the courage to press the button on the phone with determination.
This time the light finally appeared, as if the white violet-flowered hero’s battle suit and the crossbow-shaped sacrificial vessel appeared next to the girl one after another.
This made Luo Mo smile in satisfaction, and tiptoed to pat her on the head: “…you can do it if you want to do it? Hurry up and help them.”
“Hmm~! I’ll go back as soon as I go! Teacher, you should take care of it!”
The girl who showed a confident smile for the first time nodded vigorously, but immediately caught up without hesitation, and the four companions who were in a hard fight immediately.
After everyone around him finished walking… Luo Mo looked at Xing’s back, and he was surprised: “…Just a little bit of prodding actually really motivates me, this child is really innocent.”
Chapter Nineteen Mental Breakdown
In fact, Luo Mo was just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and he tried a random aggressive method, but he himself didn’t expect Xing to be so fast, and he was summoned up to go into the battlefield.
I don’t know how many times he has been explained, but Luo Ye, who is calm when things happen, still rushes out hot-headed, which made him shake his head uncontrollably.
But regardless of the identity of the brave, they are all fourteen-year-old children, and it is normal to be afraid, impulsive, and easy to fool.
On the scene, Qiuzi and Xing, Yuna and Chikage fought in a team of two. In contrast, Wakaba went deeper into the enemy’s line to fight the most enemies with only one person, and also achieved the most victories in the crazy attack.
But soon, because the ordinary stardust found out that they were not opponents when they fought alone, and when they chose to fuse together to form a complex to fight, their relatively easy battle also became difficult.
The girls in a group of two, even under the attack of the constellation, gradually staged scenes of dangerous scenes.
But Luo Ye, who went too deep, couldn’t return in time…or she had no plan to return to support her teammates at all, her eyes were all on those monsters, and she didn’t even notice the crisis of her teammates.
Since she has been training in the past, although Luo Ye seems to be a straight steel girl, she can also restrain her teammates very well. Now when she really fights, she rushes out first…. Forget about cooperation and tactics. .
Wakaba’s classmate was killed in front of Wakaba, so I was very impulsive, which can’t be helped…But compared to the fact that her parents and all of Nara’s relatives and friends were all killed, Yuna, who can maintain a generally calm, is more reliable .
In this real battlefield environment, twoAfter comparing the states of the other players, Luo Mo realized that it was not a wise choice to choose the captain only based on force.
Ruo Ye is very strong, but he is not suitable to be a leader. Judging from the current situation, he can only be the captain of the Death Squad… Maybe it is not very suitable, after all, the Death Squad also has to cooperate. I don’t really want to die.
“But if Yuna is the captain…she’s a little too talkative, she doesn’t have any intimidating power, and it’s not suitable. Qiuzi and Xing are too close to favor each other, and Chikage’s personality is not good…as expected… Are you waiting for Utano to leave the hospital?”
As a new generation of non-combatants, he watched the girls’ battle from behind. Compared with the current situation, he gave priority to thinking about how the brave girls should fight after this battle.
Five girls with weapons and battle suits with the power of the host god, as the true hope of mankind, except for the first fight like a bargain, this is the first real head-to-head confrontation.
This time the enemy is actually not very strong, but…
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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