“I’m sorry, I was impulsive… Please forgive me.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Luo Mo didn’t look at her either, but just watched the changing scenery outside the window, and silently closed his eyes.
In this way, the vehicle drove quietly for about 40 minutes, and came to an old era on the outskirts of the city…or in front of the abandoned buildings created by the first attack of stardust four years ago.
More than a dozen police cars had already parked at the entrance, and a large number of police officers blocked off the complex on the outside. Those who didn’t know thought it was arresting some serious criminals.
The brave girls are good at fighting, but it’s a pity that the anti-reconnaissance and the like are just like ordinary girls… No, how long before they left Penglai City, they were found?
Satomi Shiho in the car stretched out his hand, pointed at the abandoned building not far away, and said:
“According to the police dog’s investigation and the testimonies of passers-by, the two brave men are here, and they haven’t moved yet. They didn’t take their mobile phones with them. The Dasha also prohibited them from using the brave software to transform, but they have also been punished by you and many The training of a master of cold weapons is not easy to subdue without a gun, and arresting them rashly may hurt them, so it is more appropriate for you to do it.”
He nodded indifferently, then got out of the car and walked towards the ruins of the building, and said without looking back:
“I’ll go talk to them first, and you all just wait here, and don’t act without my order.”
“But if the brave man escapes, we…” The senior police officer on the side frowned unconsciously after hearing this, and wanted to oppose him, stopped and turned around, and said with a smile:
“I will solve this problem. You just need to be optimistic about this place. If you mess up…you should be ready to go to heaven in advance.”
“Mr. Inspector, let him listen to him for the time being.”
Seeing that the dispute was about to arise, Satomi Zhiho hurried forward and showed the police officer his certificate from Taisha.
The current big society, backed by the sacred tree, has faintly become a detached organization above the government, and the police officers have no choice but to bear with it and ask their subordinates to step down temporarily.
Step into the abandoned complex alone.
Looking around, you can see that this may have been used as a refugee camp in the past. The walls are full of children’s graffiti and random litter.
A gust of wind blew by, and a white plastic bag was blown up and floated past him.
“Qiuzi, Xing, which building are you two in? Come out by yourself? It’s pointless to hide and seek. This place is only so big and there are policemen outside. You can’t escape. Talk about what to do. ?â€
He stood in the middle of the abandoned buildings, shouted loudly towards the surroundings, and then just stood there, closing his eyes and resting his mind, waiting.
However, time passed like this for three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, and there was still no sign of anyone appearing.
“You guys have really become bad boys~ I obviously gave you a chance…Since you didn’t plan to make good use of the chance I gave, then don’t blame me as a teacher for being ruthless. If I catch you next time, you will Just go and be cannon fodder.”
He deliberately chose rather intense words, and it was precisely after such words fell to the ground that he sensed hostile emotions emanating from the ruins.
“Children really can’t help being excited.” Shaking his head with a smile, he went straight to the unremarkable abandoned grocery store on the left.
Inside the grocery store.
The two girls who had fled here were hiding in a large refrigerator that looked like a bathtub, covered with shelves as a cover.
Although the refrigerator is a little small, the ball is also small, so it’s not too crowded.
The two just huddled inside facing each other, holding each other’s hands nervously.
Originally, as soon as Luo Mo started shouting, Xing hesitated to discuss something with Qiuzi, but Qiuzi shook his head vigorously at her, signaling her not to speak casually at this time, so as not to be discovered by Luo Mo outside.
But following Luo Mo’s speech, Xing’s face became even more gloomy, and Qiuzi himself couldn’t help but want to stand up and scold him for his behavior of killing a donkey without showing any kindness.
…Under normal circumstances, they certainly don’t think that Luo Mo is such a person, but any dark thoughts in their hearts will be infinitely magnified except for each other, and there is really no way to trust them.
And at this moment, as if following the sound of their heartbeats and drums, they gradually walked towards this humble grocery store from the entrance of the street.
Da, da, da… The slight sound of the sneakers stepping on the ground, but obviously not covered up in this quiet environment, was gradually approached by the infinitely amplified footsteps.
Qiuzi desperately suppressed the beating of his heart, took a deep breath and “hissed” the cold air in the store into his lungs, trying to calm himself down, but the five fingers of the other hand that was free still tightly held the A fruit knife to take away by the way.
The palm holding the fruit knife was already sweating from tension.
Blindly running away, it is impossible to escape this encirclement, the only option is to take Luo Mo as a hostage, but this idea just came up, and she couldn’t help but feel ridiculous.
After all, using Luo Mo as a hostage to threaten the police to retreat is basically the same as being surrounded by special police, wanting to take the special police hostage and threaten outsideIt’s ridiculous for the onlookers to get out of the way.
It’s just that they were not in a hurry, as if they were deliberately putting psychological pressure on them, but the sound of approaching footsteps made her really unable to laugh.
Faced with a battle that he knew he had absolutely no chance of winning, but he could never fail… Qiuzi felt too deep and too much despair, and the mental problems that were already severely damaged could not be controlled and would become more serious .
“—I found it~”
The hide-and-seek game ended quickly, and a familiar and laughing voice came from a very close position after a while.
Accompanied by it, there was no sense of security in the past, but an unknown fear that came from nowhere, quickly dominating the hearts of the girls.
Teeth chatter, breathing trembles, and the heart seems to break through the ribs.
(——If you want to fight, you must fight, otherwise Xing will be sent to the battlefield!)
Losing the power of a brave man, facing an enemy that is absolutely impossible to defeat, Qiuzi took a look at the other side and swore four years ago that he would absolutely protect the good people, but he mustered up the courage to stand up abruptly, and turned the upper shelf towards the Pushing in Luo Mo’s direction, he gritted his teeth and waved the short blade at the familiar figure, shouting:
“—Xing! Run away!!!”
“Oh~ Are sisters deeply in love? It’s really touching.”
Luo Mo kicked the shelf away casually, grabbed the blade with his backhand and directly grabbed the fruit knife, and then punched the girl slightly in the abdomen.
“—Gu?!” Qiu Zi, who wanted to buy time for Xing, curled up like a boiled prawn and fell to the ground in an instant, and Luo Mo also squatted on the ground shaking his head and sighed:
“Even if I didn’t expect that the scene of the master-student killing each other would happen so quickly, it’s really regrettable…and you actually have the idea of ​​killing me. I feel so disappointed for my teacher that I’m going to cry.” ?——Xing, you don’t want to do the rebellious act of killing your teacher, do you?â€
At the end of the words, Luo Mo raised his head and looked at the blond girl who got out of the refrigerator and was about to smash it down with an iron rod.
The smiling eyes made Xing tremble all over, pursed her lips and slowly put down the iron rod, and opened her hands to block in front of the ball:
“…It’s all my fault. Senior Qiuqiu escaped because of me. I will go back to fight. Please let Senior Qiuqiu go.”
The appearance of the two girls, neither willing to abandon the other, made Luo Mo shake his head and said: “These sisters are so affectionate, just looking at them makes people itch, or I will be merciful and allow you Is one of you going to leave?”
“—Really?! Thank you! Teacher! Thank you!!” Qiuzi was overjoyed and couldn’t help thanking, and urged: “Xing! Let’s go!”
“…Teacher, you really have a bad taste.”
It was obvious that he had violated the rules, but Ke Xing stood there impulsively, and even stared at him like a ghost.
In any case, Qiuzi would protect Xing even if he sacrificed himself, and Xing naturally couldn’t leave such a ball and escape alone.
The act of letting only one person live is tantamount to crueler than killing the survivor. It’s not that Qiuzi doesn’t understand this, and hopes that they can leave here together.
It’s a pity that the wishes and hopes of the two are meaningless in the face of overwhelming power. The only thing they can do is to seize the chance of survival under mercy.
“Xing! You idiot… really… don’t understand the reason, didn’t you let you escape?! You’re finished when you go back!”
“It’s senior Qiuzi who doesn’t understand the truth. If you are here, I will never run away!”
Even if the ball on the ground kept yelling at her, Xing didn’t have the slightest thought of leaving, but just stubbornly stood in front of her and stared at the wicked Luo Mo.
“Oh, don’t stare at me like this. I was just joking~ How could I have the heart to separate you sisters? You also know that I kill mice in groups because I can’t bear them to experience the sadness of losing their loved ones. Only then can the mouse family be reunited, and I am even more so with people.”
He said it as if he was not happy to be stared at like this, but he spread his hands with a smile and said something that made the two girls feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.
But the two who have become similar to ordinary girls, facing an invincible existence like him, can’t even protest. They can only clenched their fists unwillingly, thinking about ways to win each other’s life.
Unfortunately, that way doesn’t exist.
In midsummer, people still feel a chill, as if abandoned buildings abandoned by time, silent.
Faced with an opponent whose gap was too great, even the challenge was only self-inflicted humiliation, the girls were silently experiencing despair in anxiety, but Luo Mo suddenly smiled and shrugged, breaking the lingering silence:
“The joke just now, don’t pay too much attention to it, but then again, why did you two run away? You shouldn’t run away because you are afraid of death, right? You also know that if there is no brave man to fight, this The four countries are also going to end, especially since you want to protect Xing, you should fight, and Xing also has to fight if you don’t want Qiuzi to die, so…you are afraid of fighting now?”
“Scared! Of course…!” Xing said in a low tone while helping Qiuzi stand up from the ground:
“But what I’m afraid of isn’t death or anything. What I’m afraid of…is that I’m no longer myself! Senior Qiu took me to escape because of me!”
It was when he realized that Xing could hardly bear the growing malice in his heart as the battle continued, he decided to take her away with the ball, and looked at her with unconcealed regret.
“That’s a really extravagant thought, to care more about spiritual things than life. ”
“This kind of thing… the teacher definitely doesn’t understand!”
His attitude as if it had nothing to do with him made Xing clenched his fists and couldn’t control himself. He rarely said angrily:
“You won’t change, even if you use the power of the elves, you won’t be affected by the miasma, but we are different! We are human! We don’t have as powerful abilities as you!…. I don’t know anything, so I’m talking nonsense here… .I hate people like Teacher the most!!”
“That’s a pity, I obviously like you guys.”
“The teacher’s likes… must be different from ours.”
“Is there such a thing?”
“…If I were a teacher, I would definitely let the teacher go.”
“Dare to say, obviously you all attacked me with all your strength just now.”
“Because it is absolutely impossible not to kill, so I will attack!”
“Ah~ okay, it’s meaningless to talk about it, and you will be punished for attacking me, so…how about you beg me? As long as you beg me, how about I let you go?”
He rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then smiled and proposed a plan that the girls couldn’t believe, but they couldn’t refuse.
“…Do you want to trick us again?”
“Aren’t you going to give it a try?”
“…Please, let us go, even if it doesn’t work, at least let us keep ourselves together in the last time.”
Although she felt it was impossible, Xing still lowered her head at him, hoping for an impossible miracle.
“Okay~ Now that you’ve said that, let you guys leave.” Luo Mo nodded casually, and readily agreed to their request.
“”Ugh….? “” The two girls raised their heads in unison, both looking dumbfounded in disbelief:
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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