“A person is not afraid at all…isn’t he in a state because he has nothing? But at least the teacher is still alive…Teacher, are you really lying?”
“Am I too brave? Or are you judging others by yourself?”
“Yes, save others by yourself.”
“Really? That means you’ve always been scared…”
“Isn’t the teacher the same?” Yuna, who was told the truth in her heart, said with a blunt smile, but she immediately lowered her head again, and hugged his hand tightly with painful strength:
“…I really don’t die, and I don’t want everyone to die… Now that I feel dizzy every day, and I always have strange thoughts, it’s very annoying; teacher…We are still only junior high school students , why do we have to bear this kind of thing? This kind of thing… isn’t fair?”
“…Well, it’s not fair, I think so too.”
“… Is the teacher also afraid of death? Are you also afraid that you will never see everyone again?”
“How should I say this? It’s a little subtle, but I’m an angel who can’t die, so I’m not afraid?”
“…Obviously not an angel, why do you always like to pretend to be an angel so much…Does the teacher hate being a human so much?”
“I always feel that you are scolding me… Is this my illusion?”
The strange lines made Luo Mo feel a little bit wrong, but he soon gave up entanglement with this problem, and said with a smile as usual: “You really think that a real angel is not as noble as me?”
“…I just think angels shouldn’t be able to go to the toilet….”
“I’m not going either?”
“…Sitting in the toilet two years ago and saying that he forgot to close the door, it’s actually the same as what Qiuzi said. Are you just a pervert who just wants to sit on the sidelines?”
“Ah~ this…”
“What… tell me?”
The flushed girl just stared at him with her mouth pouted.
There is definitely no deterrence, but in terms of cuteness, it is quite cute…Luo Mo, who prefers to be soft but not hard, has no way to surrender to this cute questioning:
“Well, in fact, I’m still a human being.”
“…Hmph, now that I’m talking about it, do you think I’ll believe it?” Yuna turned away and ignored him, which made him a little troubled and a little funny, but he still couldn’t help but want to bring the topic back: “Are we talking about the incident where you spied on me a year ago?”
“That’s the teacher’s fault for not closing the door!”
“Everyone forgets to close the door sometimes, so it’s no big deal, right? And I won’t hold you accountable.”
“I’m going to hold the teacher accountable!”
“Did you forget what you promised four years ago? You’re going to marry me and still care about this kind of thing??”
“That…that’s two different things!”
“No, it’s all the same thing if you’re married,”
“Is this the sexual harassment that Qiuzi said?” You Nai looked skeptical, but Luo Mo said seriously: “I’ve never heard of sexual harassment to a fiancée, and even if there was such a thing, I definitely wouldn’t.” break the law.”
“I probably… gave myself to a strange person…” The strange statement made the girl’s face look a little uneasy, and Luo Mo also showed a sinister smile in cooperation:
“It’s not wrong to say that, but it’s too late to regret~”
“…Although I am a little uneasy, but I will not regret it.”
“Is that so? I think you can regret it a little…”
“In this way I can give you compensation.”
“Yes ~ compensation.”
He smiled mysteriously, and turned to Yuna’s curious gaze, pointing upwards, about Chikage’s room, and said, “Chikage, I’ll leave it to you.”
“…Huh? What? Chikage?”
“Anyway, you will be lonely by yourself, then I will give Qianjing to you as my sister. It must be great to use as a pillow at night. Well, although she is very insecure, there is a high probability that you will be treated as a pillow. But even if it is used as a pillow…”
“…?? Wait, wait! Teacher, what are you talking about?”
Yuna subconsciously stretched out her hand to interrupt his speech, as if she sensed something was wrong, a rare look of anxiety appeared on her face, her eyes wandered, and she said uncertainly:
“…Give Qianjing to me? What does this mean?…The teacher’s words are just like…”
“You don’t think this is your last words, do you? It doesn’t mean anything too deep. It’s not a good thing to understand too much. Don’t worry, I can’t die. Even if it’s my last words, I have to listen to other people’s last words.”
“… Obviously not an angel?”
“Even if I’m not an angel, I’m stronger than you. The most important thing is that I’m an adult, so you can leave everything to me with peace of mind.”
“But… Qiuzi and Xing are no longer here…”
Yuna tensed her immature face expressionlessly, as if she wanted to hide her feelings as much as possible, but she never let go of him from then on, and her fingertips were still trembling, but there was obviously an unbearable uneasiness seeping through.
“What else do I have to worry about? Don’t worry, leave everything to me. Although unlike you, I am not a hero, a brave man, or even an angel, but I am capable of protecting just a few children.”
Luo Mo kept stroking the girl’s short hair, trying to calm her down as much as possible, but…for some reason, the girl showed an even more disturbed expression.
The girl with a hesitant look looked up at him and was about to say something, but in the endHe still gave up what he wanted to say, and smiled as usual as much as possible and nodded slightly.
He had absolutely no way of thinking that the current him reminded Yuna of what happened when she was trapped in Nara four years ago – because the current him, no matter what he said or did, was almost the same as the one she was four years ago.
At that time, she was almost completely driven to a dead end, completely losing hope for the future.
On the last night, Luo Mo and You Nai chatted outside for a long time.
In addition to serious topics, there are also quite boring topics, future topics, and even topics before the encounter.
It wasn’t until the distant sky shimmered that Yuna couldn’t bear the drowsiness and gave up staying up all night. Under Luo Mo’s guidance, Yuna climbed onto Qianjing’s bed and embraced the sleepy Qianjing. Then fell asleep.
He switched multiple angles on the side, took a lot of photos of the two girls, and touched the pink faces of the two girls a few times at the end. He basically used these pleasant “entertainment” to adjust In a good mood, the girls stopped and left the room when they were about to wake themselves up. Accompanied by the priests and witches who had been waiting for a long time at the entrance of Penglai City, they came to the headquarters of the big shrine in the deep mountains again.
In the slightly premature morning, the forest was filled with thick humidity.
The lens of the priest wearing glasses is covered with fog, and it still drips from time to time. It looks…inexplicably funny.
It’s a pity that the clergy around him were too serious, creating a rigid and solemn atmosphere, which made him a little disappointed.
Fortunately, the person he needs to talk to is not these stereotyped priests, but… a towering tree.
ã€You, why did you come here? 】
The moment he put his hand on it, the sound of a chorus came automatically in his mind, as if countless people gathered together to form a chorus.
ã€ask a question. 】
ã€ask. 】
ã€Why do you do this for human beings? In fact, many people here are not your believers, right? 】
ã€The strong protect the weak, and God protects believers and their descendants. This is a matter of course. 】
[You are a little too nice to humans, aren’t you? 】
ã€I just do my best. 】
The voice without any confusion made Luo Mo feel a little resigned.
I really don’t know whether it’s character or moral gap, it’s really enviable…Although he has never insisted that his character can be better than anyone else, and he is not interested in exploring his moral bottom line Where.
It’s not boasting, but if he really wants to compare with others, he is sure that his winning rate is worrying.
Of course, he didn’t want to talk about such boring things, so after talking a little about the attitude of the sacred tree towards human beings, he entered the topic at the right time and said:
[In this case, you must want to protect human beings, right? 】
[Exactly. 】
[But it’s not an option to go on like this. Human beings will be finished sooner or later, you should know it too, right? 】
[Everything has a beginning and an end. 】
ã€Ah~ Don’t talk about being so literary and artistic. Instead of continuing to live in this gap, I am actually more inclined to fight to the death. 】
[I have been defeated. 】
[I know this, but continuing is also a defeat, and it is better to survive slowly than to slowly die…]
Before he could finish the words in his heart, the priests and witches around him suddenly screamed in horror.
Before he could reprimand, there was a violent churning sound from the other side of the sea, and he subconsciously looked over and opened his mouth unconsciously.
The earth was shaking, the sea was turbulent, and the world was drowned in the sound of creepy discord in an instant.
Looking into the distance from the top of this sacred mountain, one can clearly see countless beams of light descending from the sky to the sea, the sea water began to swirl around the beam of light, and then a huge flame that surpassed the sun rose from the horizon.
The flame continued to expand and expand, seemingly endlessly expanding, directly submerging the sun that had just risen from the east, and then engulfing the entire sky.
Looking around, the sky and the other side of the sea level were completely engulfed in flames, and the bright red earth was still squirming horribly, as if strange lava had covered the former ocean.
Countless bright red flames spewed out of the lava like a huge fountain, creating a large number of red bridges.
Everything that was once on the other side of the sea, everything, disappeared in this short moment.
Even if he activates the spell in his pupils to look far away, he can’t see anything other than flames, stardust, and constellations. Only the island of Shikoku and some of the surrounding oceans still maintain their original appearance, and at the next moment— –
Really, very abrupt.
The sea of ​​flames that swept across the world disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, and the outside world returned to its original appearance.
Everything was as if it had never happened, the sun was still rising as usual, and the half of the bridge outside the barrier also returned to the previous scene.
The blue ocean is still full of vitality and there is no trace of haze, let alone any flames.
“What just…was a hallucination?” Luo Mo stared blankly at everything in the distance, becoming less able to believe his eyes, but Shenshu also gave a different answer at this time, correcting solemnly :
[What is now is an illusion. 】
Chapter 22 Promoting the Decisive Battle・God and “Angel”
Shenshu’s outrageous answer made Luo Mo’s head unable to turn around.
[The God of Heaven has changed the laws of the world, and the outside world can no longer survive. This is the last stronghold. 】
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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