Luo Mo, who flew out of the lava purgatory, obviously had no injuries outside his body, but seemed to have suffered a lot of trauma, so he coughed and spit out a pool of blood directly towards the lava below.
It’s a pity that the blood just blurted out, and it disappeared in the exaggerated high temperature around, and after talking to himself a little, the huge red coat of arms that covered the sky of a considerable size shot down at him from all angles with a diameter of more than five meters. The bluish-white beam of light.
Chapter 23 Sky Strike and Void Zeroth Protection
Hundreds of beams of light were cast straight from the sky, as if the sky had been pierced through, and the continuous output smashed and blasted the lava on the ground, causing countless flames and lava to splash everywhere.
The beam of light plowed through the lava and slid across the ground, carrying a series of explosions towards the black-winged angel who had just re-flyed into the air, but for some reason it didn’t strike at full speed towards the sky.
The light blue magic circle above the angel’s head pushed away all the beams of light at once, making this large-scale attack all meaningless in an instant.
But the God of Heaven is not stupid, he has even discovered beforehand that the particularity of the prevailing rules that can reverse the energy attack, so when he headed straight into the sky with the beam of light…
The huge coat of arms in the sky once again shone with dazzling red light, and a long spear flew down immediately, piercing through the rules and prohibitions like tearing paper.
——Relieve. �
The big black sword grid blocked it, the handleless spear with special defense breaking ability.
And with the sparks of the metal impact, the deflected spear slashed across his shoulder, and three clusters of blood flowers bloomed in midair.
Of course, there is only one long spear, so this is not the damage caused by the simple long spear, but the light arrows trailing behind the long spear. Before the shield recovered, he brushed past the emergency dodging beam of light but failed to avoid Luo Mo, who was evading the light arrow.
“…The breakthrough power is so strong, it is definitely not as simple as breaking demons.”
Of course, for an existence that can rewrite even the world, even if it can compile rules for restricting traffic, prohibiting traffic, and an energy shield that surrounds the whole body, it is not surprising that these defensive spells are restrained.
But even if his body suffered a slight injury, he remained indifferent, and even allowed all parts of his body to collapse uncontrollably.
Like an inadvertent action, swaying the blood drained from the body, with actions that do not completely seem to be evading, but are indeed maneuvering, dodging beams of light, blocking light arrows and spears, only occasionally tentatively approaching the opponent, Occasionally spew out pitch-black energy to counterattack upwards.
Obviously there is not much time, Ke LuoMo’s actions looked like he was testing the other party, however…the other party didn’t seem interested in playing with him slowly.
It is difficult to distinguish the body, gender, and age of the voice, suddenly echoed in this world with only flames:
“—Stupid wanderer, perish here.”
A chill ran down the spine in an instant, and immediately after the huge coat of arms in the sky, it shone with unprecedented light, and a huge nearly golden pillar of flame fell from the sky.
—-boom! ! ! ! ! !
The exaggerated flame pillars just shot out, causing the surrounding blast to explode. The multiple defenses created by the sacred tree, and the light shields blooming like lotus flowers were pierced and shattered one after another.
The situation of trying to dodge but being steadily pursued made him give up the idea of ​​dodging, and opened his hands to let the capillaries burst collectively and spread out the jet-black wings of light.
The halo began to become complex, multiple, and huge, directly covering his whole body under the halo, and the light wings also expanded rapidly, absorbing all the energy around him, even the energy of temperature and light was brutally squeezed out.
In this fiery world, a dark space with hundreds of degrees below zero appeared strangely.
He concentrated his strength to the limit with all his strength and full speed.
The vortex-like power caused the world to groan around this black space, and a distorted jet-black spear-like object was born.
“—Sky Strike!!”
Faced with unparalleled pressure, the god who screamed at the top of the sky didn’t need to learn, he understood the concept of sky strike as if he instinctively, and used the biggest and strongest blow of the Flügel, even with the help of the god tree. The scale can be said to far surpass the Sky Strike in the Flügel domain.
Without a trace of waste, the light gun, which used all its power to destroy, launched a counterattack straight towards the god of the sky.
The light gun tore through the pillar of flame and went straight up with difficulty. The power and sound that shook the void and the dimension did not reverberate in this purgatory world of nothingness.
With Sky Strike as the prologue, the angel launched a counterattack.
The pitch-black distorted light gun soared upwards, relying on the continuous energy supply of the sacred tree, Luo Mo did not lose his fighting power and turned into a child, but avoided the pillar of flame and rushed to the sky from the side.
The pillar of flames lowered by the gods resisted the direct attack of the light gun, and they couldn’t destroy the light gun for a while, which meant that they couldn’t turn the point of the pillar of flame in order to avoid being attacked.
But… things are not that simple, or he and Shenshu have a little deviation in the state of the gods.
The source of the pillar of flame, which represented the crest of the god of heaven, flickered again, and the energy vortex surrounding it burst, stirring up a red halo with a radius of several kilometers.
At the same time, both the output and “physique” of the pillar of flames that came down from the sky also skyrocketed.
The light gun that went upstream did not last long, and was submerged in the too vast force. The beam of light that reached the sea of ​​lava on the surface directly set off a huge explosion and tsunami in the lava below.
The flames and lava directly covered dozens of kilometers around, just like a rather exaggerated volcanic eruption, the lava and flames plus the shock wave, destroyed everything they went… Although there are here, they are just innumerable of stardust.
And the pillar of flames didn’t stop, after destroying the light gun, it immediately turned its head and aimed at Luo Mo who was attacking directly towards him.
Countless rock pillars, wind blades, and tridents, vacuum blades, and pitch-black energy attacks that are not inferior to the number of light arrows, almost all disappeared like snowflakes encountering flames, and taking advantage of this momentum and the strongest blow, Penetrating countless lotus-like defensive shields, and then directly baptized Luo Mo.
The superimposed pitch-black wings formed the last line of defense, withstood the attack of the pillar of flame head-on.
However, the additional impact force caused him to retreat violently, and he was directly smashed into the ground at a high speed.
—boom! ! ! !
Under the loud noise, the lava under his feet sank severely, and only the shock wave covered the surrounding ground for several kilometers.
After relying on strength for too long, his body showed signs of collapse, the severe pain blurred his consciousness, and a large amount of blood spit out from his mouth.
With this sudden impact and continuous pressure coming towards him, not only Yu Yi’s body is also under tremendous pressure, but it’s unknown whether it’s the pressure or the side effect of borrowing strength. At this moment, both internal organs and brain began to bleed.
Gradually, Darkwing was crushed.
There were no accidents, twisting events and miracles.
It took no more than ten seconds. After the wings were pierced, the body could not resist the too powerful black-winged angel, and was wiped out in an instant.
Before the God of Heaven withdrew its power, the last force of the pillar of flame hit the sea of ​​flames again, bringing about a violent explosion and causing the last aftermath of this conflict to break through the space and wreak havoc again in the already empty surroundings.
And this explosion seemed to be earth-shattering again, as if the gods were applauding for their victory.
The flaming pillars converged and disappeared, and the abnormal changes between heaven and earth also disappeared. This purgatory world, which was already full of destruction and despair, also returned to the usual “peace” that I don’t know how to evaluate.
Just when the gods were about to take the initiative to destroy the sacred tree, the black-winged angel, which was supposed to disappear completely, reappeared in the place where it disappeared.
Everything before seemed to be just an illusion, and the angel was still the same as before, without any change.
“… Strange little trick, just relying on this little trick, do you think you can compete with us?”
“I don’t think so at all.” Facing the disdainful question from the gods,Asked, he once again opened his hands and spread his wings.
The surrounding temperature dropped again, the light was also absorbed again, and the vortex of energy rolled in mid-air, bringing an extremely cold storm to the scorching purgatory.
“No matter how many times you do meaningless actions, the result will be the same. You may think that our strength is now at its weakest state, but ah! Only then have we transformed the world and made it ours! We can now I am worrying about having harvested all the energy in the world and have no place to vent it, that is to say…now! We are the strongest state!!”
The voice of the god of heaven echoed in the sky, and the red coat of arms shone brightly, as if the pillar of flame, which was far stronger than the previous one, would charge straight towards him in the next moment.
But he closed his eyes unhurriedly, raised his hands and spread his wings to absorb energy from the surroundings, as if preparing to launch another sky strike.
At this moment, the body couldn’t bear the energy input and output, and the blood vessels all over his body burst exaggeratedly, causing a large amount of blood to splash in the air…but strangely, it didn’t freeze.
“It hurts…but, now is the time to win!”
The moment he opened his eyes again, the surrounding splashes were inexplicably not frozen, but strange textures were drawn instead.
As for the blood and surroundings, the blood that should have been evaporated when he scattered it when he was dodging before, showed countless unknown textures and emitted red light.
Obviously, the blood that evaporates as soon as it leaves the body can no longer draw the engraved pattern, but in fact… only the “blood” itself is evaporated, but it does not enclose the traces of soul contained in the blood.
To be precise, any body fluid of the Flügel contains a trace amount of soul, and the blood of ordinary people evaporates to nothing, but any body fluid of the Flügel is enough to directly evaporate the blood-sucking species that can absorb the power in the body fluid.
He relied on the blood that was completely cultivated by the Flügel at this moment, which should be regarded as the world’s top medium as the raw material, and what he depicted was the protection seal of the Sen God Kaynas.
To be precise, it should be the ultimate super-multiplex compound technique invented by Xinke Nilvalen-the spirit bad technique.
The one hundred and eighty-six spirit-destroying spells almost covered a fairly wide area around it, and this activation naturally made this space glow with densely engraved lights.
“The zeroth protection of the void – the liberation of spells!!”
Boom! The moment the voice fell, Luo Mo’s body burned, and a huge complex polygonal pure white magic circle shone from under his feet.
The light is gathering.
And that dancing light with overwhelming quality makes the world creak, and at the same time…
As the initiator of the technique, Luo Mo’s vision, which should be in the strongest state after his resurrection, has lost its color, but it is strangely full of noise.
The senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing, feeling, and vision quickly disappeared almost at the same time, and even consciousness became blurred.
The brain is not functioning normally, everything that constitutes “he” is disappearing, and the illusion of being reduced to ashes fills the mind.
No, that’s not an illusion, but…
“…Really, it’s turning into ashes…Now, maybe…dead… definitely…”
The zeroth protection of the void is the core of the phantom species, and Luo Mo naturally cannot have such a thing as the core of the phantasy species, so – he takes himself as the core.
But there was no resentment or remorse in his voice, nor was there anger and determination in his voice, it was just weak… full of a sense of emptiness.
And after he lost all his senses, and the last voice also dissipated, the shield created by the sacred tree and him was torn apart by the pillar of flames that came again at almost the same time, and then——
As if the world had come to an end, as if proclaiming the end of the world, the extinction storm raging across the sky was born from countless protection engravings, and surged towards the exaggerated pillar of flame head-on.
This is a scene that almost smashes the stars. The unimaginable torrent of energy disintegrates the particles of all things, and the meaning of all things gradually disappears. The immeasurable torrent of frenzy smashes the pillar of flames and sweeps the god who is proudly above the sky.
The red coat of arms cracked, shattered, and finally shattered, turned into countless fly ash, swept away by energy, and completely disappeared.
The God of Heaven has completely disappeared, and all the stardust and constellations are automatically turned into fly ash. The roots of the sacred tree standing in the center of the sea of ​​trees are also extending outward at this moment.
Wherever it passed, the lava cooled and receded, as if the never-ending flames had disappeared naturally, and the earth and ocean had also returned to their former appearance.
The laws of the world that had been rewritten by the God of Heaven were quickly rewritten by the Divine Tree, and the world returned to its original appearance.
The sacred tree canceled the illusion brought by the enchantment, so that the girls who were far away enough to crush the energy bombardment of the continent lost their voices for a while and could only open their mouths in a daze, but they couldn’t understand the scene in front of them.
For everything to return to the original, this too sudden change could not be understood immediately, it took a long time…
“The body also…recovered? Did Master Shenshu heal it?”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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