In the gloomy world, I am not nostalgic for the beauty of life, nor afraid of the pain of death. After experiencing the dark death, I once again set foot on the battlefield of crusade.
PS: Although there is no performance at the front, the protagonist is related to the Falan Undead Team….
“Infinite Doomsday Comes”
Introduction: When a disaster strikes, the real world and the parallel world that has encountered doomsday gradually merge.
People’s ordinary daily life comes to an end due to the ensuing doomsday, the order collapses, the definitions of justice, evil, kindness, and gentleness become undefinable, and the world also wails at the end.
Everything has changed, the world is full of deathand devastation, people tremble in the abyss of despair.
But at this time… Luoxiu received support from an unknown system (Red Alert 3), became the supreme commander of the three camps, and traveled the world on the road of endless struggle.
…. This is the journey from ordinary to extraordinary.
(PS: Although the beginning is a fairly old-fashioned Resident Evil, but the teammate is Rachel from Killing Angel, if you are interested, you can go and see it…)
Finally, please recommend the ticket blade and monthly ticket~ If there are too many, I will add more now? No…. Add one update every day until it goes on the shelves, speeding up the shelves!
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Chapter 35: Preparations for a Direct Attack on Candidates by Force
From the beginning to the end, Reinhardt did not show any malice towards anyone. He was as honest and kind as the rumors said, and his words and deeds were full of kindness for others. Compared with the role played by Luo Mo, Reinhardt is more like A good man who is harmless to humans and animals.
But…Compared to the gentle and kind Reinhardt, Ram never took his eyes off him, and from the beginning to the end, he stabbed him from behind with cold eyes.
He boarded the dragon carriage after leaving the headquarters of the Knights and went outside. After confirming that there was no one around, Ram seemed to think that there was no one to worry about. He suddenly grabbed his collar and pulled it down, forcing him to bend down and lower his head. .
The girl’s delicate and lovely face appeared in front of him, but she just stared at him without saying a word, which made him smile helplessly:
“What’s the matter, Ram.”
“…Please respect yourself a little bit.”
“I’ve always been self-respecting? It’s just a little bit closer to my friends.”
“The two of you met yesterday, you are complete strangers!”
“A stranger is a friend you don’t know yet.”
“Those who don’t know each other are not friends at all!”
La Mu looked like he was going to bite him, so Luo Mo immediately changed the topic:
“I was joking just now, I will pay attention in front of you next time.”
“It’s not just in front of Ram!”
“Yes, I know.”
“…Remember your words!”
Noticing that Emilia was following, Ram let out a “hum!” with his nose, then let go of his hand and pushed him away.
For Ram’s unreasonable behavior, Luo Mo only felt that the child was very interesting, so he didn’t pay too much attention to it. He tidied up his collar casually, and then pretended that nothing happened .
The progress of the plan is not satisfactory, but what should be done should still continue.
Luo Mo went to the store to get a custom-made modern windbreaker, and then put on the sunglasses handmade by his chamber of commerce. Under this out of place attire, he planned to go to the border with Emilia and Ram, the earl of Ross The residence of Val L. Mazas.
But just as he was about to leave the city, he noticed that on another road, there was a group of white-robed groups whose members did not look like locals at all, and who were quite eye-catching, and passed through the car door before them.
They are wearing white cloaks with orange lines, and hoods that hide the upper half of their faces.
Careful observation can reveal that there are two unnatural bulges on their heads, obviously designed to accommodate the animal ears on the heads of these demihumans.
The group of white-robed Asians rode on a liger that resembled an earth dragon and looked like a wolf. There were still a large number of ligers dragging goods in their queue, and the core area was a stable car. The ground dragon, which is taller than the liger, drags the carriage carrying people.
It’s just that the dragon carriage and the people in the compartment opened the curtains, and when they spoke outside, they glanced at it, allowing him to clearly see who was sitting inside.
It was a purple-haired girl in a white dress. For some reason, the girl wore a fluffy white hat on her head. The clothes on her body seemed to be worn in winter. Now she is wearing them in the alternating seasons of summer and autumn. Looking at it makes people feel hot.
But the characteristics of the other party made him recognize that they were the Iron Fang, the exclusive mercenary group of Huo Xing Chamber of Commerce, which is famous in the free trade city Kararaqili.
And the girl on the royal chariot surrounded by Iron Fang is another candidate for the throne – Anastasia Hexin.
He took a closer look and noticed that in their crowd, there were three kitten orcs missing, and there was no deputy head of the Guards Knights, and the number of people they carried was not very large.
… Roswaal is the count of the border, so the mansion is naturally set up on the border. It is located in a remote place. The next time I meet a candidate, I don’t know. It will be the year of the monkey.
The situation on Felut’s side is unclear. Compared with others, Emilia, a candidate, has ulterior motives. She is a bare-bones commander. For Luo Mo personally, she can only be used as a bait and a shield, and there is often no way out. Use it as a combat power.
This, coupled with the fact that the geographical location is too far away, that various actions are inconvenient, and the three-month time limit, made him decide that he should seize this opportunity and stand up directly from the carriage:
“—I suddenly remembered that there are still things I haven’t done. You go first, and I will catch up with you later!”
“At this time? What’s the matter?”
Ram noticed his gaze, but just frowned and didn’t know what he wanted to do. The scheming Emilia said subconsciously:
“We have nothing to do, we can wait for you first…”
“No, you go first, I will ride the ground dragon and catch up with you after a while.”
Before Emilia could finish speaking, Luo Mo interrupted her, jumped off the dragon carriage, and walked towards AnNatasia Hexin and her team ran in the opposite direction.
The anxious look made Emilia look worried: “Isn’t my uncle in trouble?”
“It’s okay…probably.”
Ram was still expressionless as usual, but her slightly disturbed tone betrayed her thoughts, which surprised Emilia subconsciously looking back:
“Rahm…didn’t you hate Luo Mo yesterday?”
“It’s annoying now too.”
“…Is that so?”
Although it feels unbelievable, Ram has already insisted, and Emilia can only temporarily put away her doubts with an uneasy feeling.
On the other side…a deserted church outside the capital.
Because of the suppression of the Shenlong Church, the church of this church has been disbanded, and the church was bought by Luo Mo at a low price, and it was used as the exclusive stronghold of his faction in the capital.
Under the flickering candlelight and the morning light stained by stained glass, the church in the early morning presents a solemn and solemn atmosphere.
However, entrenched inside is a group of people wearing large black robes, who make a sound of metal clashing when they walk.
When the heavy door of the church was pushed open, the people who were sitting on the benches and chatting subconsciously wanted to draw their knives and attack.
But when he saw clearly that it was Luo Mo, he immediately knelt down on one knee neatly with a series of metallic voices:
Multiple voices reverberated in the church and were amplified by the empty church, which seemed quite shocking.
Immediately after the shadows of the surrounding buildings, a group of figures in black robes also emerged, but these figures just knelt on one knee silently.
“Get ready and start acting.”
Luo Mo waved his hand, and the black-robed disciples silently disappeared into the shadows again. On the other hand, the group of people wearing armor inside the black robes stood up with a deep “yes” and actively prepared for battle.
And his so-called action… is naturally to attack the single candidate after leaving the city, first see if he can communicate and get the other party’s badge, and can’t grab it by force.
By the way, no matter what, it is also a good choice to frame other candidates for cooperating with the Witch Cult, or to simply control Anastasia Hexin.
This chapter has not been approved
The silent black-robed man is Luo Mo’s subordinate in the Witch Cult, and the man in the black robe who walks in armor and makes the sound of metal collisions is not a Witch Cultist, but a sword slave he bought from the Phlakia Empire .
As the name suggests, sword slaves are slaves who use swords. They are similar to gladiators in the ancient Roman Empire. They fought animals, monsters, and humans in the arena for entertainment.
The other bishops mainly rely on themselves, because their powers are too powerful. Except for himself, Luo Mo’s powers actually have more auxiliary effect than the actual effect, so he bought a group of high-quality sword slaves to work with him. They made slave contracts that made them their own pawns.
The sword slaves also proved with practical actions that the money he earned by squeezing the believers was not in vain.
Anastasia Hessing herself became a candidate, which was full of drama.
When Yurius, the deputy head of the Knights of the Guards, introduced her chamber of commerce into the kingdom, she accidentally touched the badge during the meeting to make the dragon ball on the badge glow, so she turned into a candidate for the throne, Yuri Uth became her knight too.
This time, I split up with my subordinates and left the capital with the head of the mercenary group under the chamber of commerce, mainly for the original purpose of coming to the Dragon Kingdom…to put it simply, to go to other cities to discuss business.
Inside the dragon chariot, the dog man was more like a beast than a human. The head of the mercenary group, Rickard Wilkin, stroked his moxie hair made of bronze-colored hair. Can’t help opening the mouth and saying:
“Miss, you are the candidate for the throne, why did you let Julius and Mimi lobby the nobles instead of you?”
“Does it need to be said? Julius is the deputy head of the Knights Guards. He understands politics better than me as a businessman, and he is much more suitable in terms of identity. After all, the most important thing for nobles is the origin, and we… …Ha ha.”
Anastasia put her hands on her lips and smiled softly, speaking of their respective identities with a unique local accent without shy away from her leader.
In fact, although she is now a successful businessman, in the past she was just an orphan living in the lowest class of Kararagi, a place called Poor Street.
Anastasia is an orphan in the slums, and Ricard is even worse, a slave. Nobles who were born nobles, naturally they are the most unpopular people who come from humble backgrounds, so other people are better than them no matter what .
But Anastasia didn’t care about this, but continued to explain under the still puzzled eyes of the dog man opposite:
“The candidate’s affairs must be taken seriously. Winning the entire kingdom is my property, but business matters cannot be delayed~ After all, there is no way to fight without funds. Now the king…the election has not officially started yet, other Her candidate should not attack us, after all, the selection of the king is determined by the consciousness of the people of the whole country, the brilliance of the dragon balls, and the guidance of the dragon, so attacking the candidate should lower the evaluation a little, right?”
“It’s too complicated and I don’t understand it… As expected, it’s most convenient to follow the lady and listen to the lady’s orders! Hahahaha!”
This dog-man, who was more than two meters tall and looked a bit like a wolf, didn’t know whether he really didn’t understand or pretended not to understand, so he stopped thinking about this issue, patted his knees and laughed boldly.
However, at this moment… a lion is riding on the sideTiger’s white-robed mercenary suddenly lifted the curtain of the carriage and interjected, frowning:
“Miss, head, the situation seems to be a little bit wrong.”
“Not quite right?”
“What is the specific situation?”
Both Anastasia and Ricard immediately looked around with vigilant probes.
Although the world that relies on magic is stronger than the normal Middle Ages in many aspects, and even stronger than modern times in some aspects, the state of civilization development looks very much like the Middle Ages.
From a little farther away from the city, it is basically the same as arriving in no man’s land. It is either forest or grassland and wilderness. In short, it will become very difficult to see individuals.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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