There is no doubt that these twelve people are the highest leaders of the Theocracy, a group of people who decide the survival of the Theocracy and even mankind.
The headed white-haired old man, the supreme priest, after confirming with Jue Shi Jueming about Luo Mo’s strength, looked up and down Luo Mo’s old face, then showed a gratified smile, and said on behalf of everyone :
“Lost child, welcome to the Slane Theocracy. I think there are many things you don’t understand, so let me explain to you now why we want you to come here.”
“….you say.”
“We have investigated your matter, but unfortunately, there are too many vagrants in the Kingdom, and it is really difficult to find your biological parents, but we are absolutely sure that you are the lost blood of the gods in the Theocracy, and you are not only awakened With the blood of a god-man, he is still an atavistic god-man like Mr. Jue Shi Jueming.”
As he spoke, fanaticism appeared on the old man’s face, and he looked at him as if he was looking at a priceless treasure: “Don’t stay in that fallen kingdom! Come to us to teach the country! We can give you any kind of magic and any props! The beauties of the Theocracy are also up to you to choose!”
“Hey, what are you doing? He’s only nine years old, right?”
“That’s right! We have to wait at least twelve years for this kind of period.”
“No, Twelve is too anxious.”
“But if you can give birth, it should be fine.”
“Even for men, giving birth too early may affect future development!”
“And it’s not good for the development of children! We have to consider the sustainable development of the future!”
A group of leaders of the most powerful country in human beings, because of the marriage of a nine-year-old child…or the issue of the child of a nine-year-old child, directly argued with red faces.
No one would dare to believe this, even Luo Mo, who didn’t know their identities, was full of hair.Confused, I don’t know why when it comes to the issue of their own marriage, these people instead leave themselves to argue there, as if they are more concerned about his future heirs than the person concerned.
This question caused him to fall into contemplation, but before he could sort out the situation, he heard a silver bell-like laughter coming from his ear, and he couldn’t help frowning in wonder, turning his head, looking curiously at the girl behind him:
“This church, isn’t it a church of the god of confinement and child-seeking?”
“No, this is the Six Great Gods.”
“Then why…”
“You are an ancestor god like me. They couldn’t get me married, so they naturally pointed the finger at you.”
The girl answered in a playful tone, with an obvious gloat in her smile.
“Don’t mention the gods who returned to their ancestors, do you know how many gods have awakened the power of blood?”
“do not know.”
“So far, it’s just you and me plus a half-assed one.”
“Uh, isn’t this a breeding attempt?”
“You can’t say that, there is still a little difference in essence. For example, this is for human beings~ or something, but don’t worry~ If you want your little princess companion or that elf, the Theocracy will help you. They brought them here; of course, if they had that kind of relationship without getting married, they would be placed under house arrest in the Anbu of The Apostolic Kingdom, and they should be able to go out after confirming that they are not pregnant or after giving birth~”
The girl known as Jue Shi Jue Ming seems to have sympathy for his kind of experience, or…it feels very interesting, she replied with a smile on her face for the first time.
(This guy has a really bad personality….)
“You, are you thinking about something impolite?” Jue Shi Jueming carried him in front of him. Although there was a smile on his face, there was no smile in his eyes at all, which made him quickly put on the expression of a good boy , trying to be as innocent as possible:
“No, no, absolutely not, I just thank you silently in my heart, for this gentle and kind reminder full of kindness.”
“Really? I feel you in my heart…”
“Excuse me, Mr. Jue Shi Jueming, can we have a private talk with him?”
The only middle-aged woman among those who had already finished the argument before Jue Shi Jue Ming could not help interrupting the conversation between the two of them with an apologetic smile, pointing to the The priest who sent the sealing item.
“Give you.”
Putting the bracelet on Luo Mo’s wrist, confirming that the bracelet gradually shrunk with a faint light, he let go of Luo Mo and let him fall to the ground.
Then, in order to avoid being involved in the forced marriage, without waiting for the twelve people to say anything, as if they had lost interest in him and them all, they turned around and left the cathedral gracefully.
The woman who really wanted to say something was helpless when she saw this, but instead of holding her back, she bowed slightly and bid farewell to the girl, then reached out to lift Luo Mo up on the floor, and apologized with a motherly smile:
“I’m sorry~ That lord has a slightly…strange personality.”
“It’s not so wonderful, it’s more weird, isn’t it?”
“Ha, haha… We are also very helpless about this, but that child…cough, that adult is also a victim.”
Because of Jue Sheng’s appearance, the woman unconsciously said something that didn’t fit the identity of the other party, but she quickly changed her words with a wry smile. The eleven people behind were also used to such things, and they all shook their heads helplessly.
Although Jue Shi Jue Ming’s appearance does look young, her real age is different from her appearance, but also because of her appearance, they always treat her as a child without paying attention.
In fact, Jue Shi Jueming is even older than everyone present here, and some of them can even be said to be children who Jue Shi Jueming grew up watching, but due to race issues, Jue Shi Jueming looks only thirteen or fourteen old look.
“You must be tired today, so take a rest with us for now, and we will explain it to you tomorrow…The truth of this world, you who carry the blood of a god and man, have an obligation to know.”
The Supreme Priest squatted down in front of him, patted his shoulder lightly, and said in a heavy tone… as if he hadn’t said anything, then turned his head and looked at the woman next to him: “Benny Ruth, take him to rest, it will be arranged in… you know.”
“I know that the best bloodlines should be combined with each other, so that new hope can be born… Maybe that lord will be angry if we behave like this without authorization?”
“Just living together, what does that matter? It’s not the same room, and it’s too lonely to be alone all the time. Asking that adult to help bring the person who is connected by blood, maybe it can relieve the depression in my heart? ”
“That’s right, it’s not good to always let that adult get too bored by himself. Maybe having a playmate can change things a bit.”
Although what the two of them said was not too explicit, Luo Mo was very sure of what they were planning, and was speechless in his heart.
But after being put on a strange bracelet, his strength suddenly became incapable of displaying, only his physical ability was relatively strong, and he couldn’t escape from this place no matter what he thought.
“… Judging from your words, I should not be a prisoner or something?” He looked at the metal ring on his hand, and couldn’t help asking: “In this case, why do you wear such a thing for me? ”
“Of course it’s not a prisoner, and we don’t need to worry about it. We don’t have any thoughts of harming you.” The Supreme Priest said with apology: “Although you may not believe it now, we just want to protect you, so it is okay to use force for the time being.” Gotta keep you here.”
“…What an ingenious protection.”
“Now you don’t know the situation, you will definitely want to escape, but when you understand the situation or grow up, you will definitely understand our good intentions.”
“It’s the same as if I didn’t explain it… I can still guarantee my safety.”
“Maybe you feel that you are already very strong now, and you are indeed very strong, but this is only limited to human beings.” The Supreme Priest shook his head helplessly and explained:
“There are too many dangers in this world. If you are killed outside, it will be the greatest loss to our Theocracy, and even mankind. We will explain it to you tomorrow, so let’s go to rest first.” For a moment, when you calm down, I think our conversation will become simpler, so that you can trust us from a more rational perspective.”
“I’ve been calm and objective now…”
I really want to say that although I have just been arrested, I have always been very calm, and I am not suppressing anger or anxiety or pretending to be calm.
But in the face of the highest priest’s attitude of “I’m for your own good”, which is completely tantamount to paternalism, he also understands that the other party will not easily believe such a thing.
No way, lacking the strength to resist, he could only sigh, followed the woman named Benesse, and left here temporarily to rest and calm down.
After Luo Mo was taken away, the remaining eleven old men in the church began to look at his back again, discussing various issues intensely, the most important of which was his existence.
As for the woman who led him away from this place, Benice also introduced herself, telling him that she was the leader of the six gods in the church, one of the leaders of the six sects.
He also revealed the identities of those people before, and… the identity of Jue Shi Jue Ming.
“Master Jue Shi Jueming’s real name is Icolina, and I am also the person she grew up with. Although her character was like that when I saw her for the first time, I believe that is definitely not her nature. Seriously, we all want to complain to the head priests at that time, they actually taught this poor girl to have that kind of personality…”
Chief Vulcan took his hand and walked away, showing a calm expression of grief, and said to himself: “But maybe it is too much to separate her from her mother, so I let their mother and daughter stay together. Together, but her mother encountered such a thing, how could she teach her to get along with her well, why did no one think of this at the time!”
“…Even if you tell me this…I don’t know what you’re talking about, Auntie.”
“You’re so smart, you should have guessed it, right? I’m telling you this now, but I just want you to know more about that adult, and be more considerate and caring about her. Her heart must be very empty, and she needs the love of a fellow.”
“The love of the same family…?”
Luo Mo muttered the word, but he didn’t know how to vomit it.
He is not a god-man at all, he is not even a human being, how could he be of the same race as Ikelina?
And judging from the current situation, he is the one who needs the most love, right? Let him care for each other… There must be a limit to putting the cart before the horse, right?
The most important thing is that this is unrealistic at all. If someone arranges her to go to her house, she should burn incense if she doesn’t get beaten up!
The Fire Priest sensed his hesitation, and immediately encouraged him: “It’s okay! That child…cough, that adult’s heart is still very gentle!”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course!”
“I’m a good teacher, how could I lie to a child?”
Perhaps because he felt a little guilty about deceiving young children, the Chief Fire Priest did not dare to look him in the eyes when he spoke, obviously because he felt a little guilty on his conscience.
However, she felt that she was doing it for the benefit of the two of them. Both of them were ancestral gods, and both of their parents died and were lonely.
If you take care of each other, maybe you will be in love for a long time. Wait another 10 years before you can have a baby. It will be of great benefit not only to the two of them, but also to the Theocracy and mankind. It is a win-win situation for all three parties. .
And Luo Mo, who was keenly aware of her guilty conscience, kept asking:
“Then if I accidentally provoke her, are you sure I won’t be beaten to death? If she really wants to do something, I will push you out as a shield and say that you ordered everything—is that okay? All right?” !”
“Uh… this…” The risk of being dragged into the water made the Chief Fire God wipe off his cold sweat, lamenting that this child is really not easy to fool, and he hesitated: “It’s better not to do this, after all, no matter what Everyone has a limit to patience, right? You’d better take it easy…otherwise, let alone me, it’s useless even if you drag all the priests out…”
“…She really has a bad personality?”
“That child…that adult’s character is mainly caused by what happened to his mother, so we can’t blame her.”
“I said, if you want to call that child that child, anyway, it’s just you and me now, don’t you find it troublesome to keep changing your words like this?”
“…That’s right, it’s just a little strange in my heart.” The chief fire god nodded in agreement, and Luo Mo hurriedly pursued the victory: “If you really want me to say, you really want me to care about that guy, you should treat me like this Take off the bracelet and put it on her hand, so that the strength and status can be changed, so that I can take good care of her.”
“This may be a way, but she will definitely not agree, and we have no way to force it.”
“Everyone is a god. It’s not good for you to treat her differently. I just want to take good care of her, but you are like this…”
In the middle of the conversation, he suddenly realized that his own shadow was surrounded by a “taller”Covered by shadows, this made his voice unconsciously become smaller or even gradually jammed as he spoke.
And the Vulcan officer opposite him, his expression gradually became stiff, and before he could think of a countermeasure, the people behind him once again narrowed the distance between them.
While smelling the sweet fragrance, the girl whispered sweetly in her ears:
“Hey~ How are you going to love me? Tell me?”
Luo Mo’s body froze with the girl’s alluring fragrance, and he couldn’t even speak for a while.
But for the sake of his own life, he brainstormed and sorted out his words, but then he raised his finger and pointed at the opposite Vulcan officer, wanting to push all the blame to the other party… The other party seemed to be aware of the crisis, and quickly thought of something important Like things, he hurriedly said:
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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