His beloved daughter’s eyes quickly fell on Luo Mo, and she looked up and down…
“Master Carlos!”
Just like the king forgot Luo Mo, Lana also forgot the existence of the king, trotted with tears in the corners of her eyes, and pounced on him, with the momentum to knock him down, she opened her hands and expressed enthusiasm hug.
“I always thought I’d never see you again…I miss you so much, I’ve been thinking of you all these years, but you’re too good, why did you come back now?”
The girl who put her emotions into action hugged him tightly, looked up at him with teary eyes, and complained about his “crime” choked with sobs.
The girl’s cheeks were flushed and her eyes were moist and pitiful. With this astonishing beauty, no man would be able to remain indifferent. Even the same-sex Arche couldn’t help but be moved by it.
However….it’s so clear that it can’t be any clearer. This is the acting Luo Mo who is so indifferent and sighs without emotion:
“You are really amazing. I haven’t seen you for so many years. It’s amazing that you can still recognize me at the first sight. Because of the eyes? Or the back of the hand?”
“It’s disgusting, Mr. Carlos is really, this is…fate, yes, it is connected to our destiny.”
In order to express her dissatisfaction, the girl hit him lightly with her small fist but said affectionately that even Gazef, who thought he had passed the stage of being interested in women and was determined to pursue martial arts all his life She couldn’t help following Arche’s heart.
(Although it feels a little rustic, this guy is surprisingly good at flirting. I might have to learn from her in this regard, but is she really not shy to do this in front of her father?) Too clear Lana’s natural Luo Mo felt a headache about the current situation with the corners of her mouth twitching slightly.
Lanbusa III looked at him, the man who had taken away part of his territory, and now wanted to take away his most beloved daughter. The scepter hit his head, and he could only cough dryly:
“Cough, cough… Lana, reuniting with old friends is a good thing, but you are not married after all, so you should pay more attention to your image in front of people.”
“Father…” Lana made a troubled voice when she heard the words, and then showed a blooming smile: “Father has said so much, Lord Carlos, come with me to the dormitory, I will give you I have prepared excellent tea, and I have been waiting for you to taste it~”
“No, just tea…”
“Come on, come on~ I have a lot to say to you~”
Regardless of Luo Mo’s objection, Lana directly dragged him to her room, so that Luo Mo could only grab Arche with her backhand… ready to use her to try tea.
The three of them disappeared into the corner of the aisle, dragging one of them. Lanbusa III, who stretched out his hand to keep his daughter, had a much stiffer expression on his face than before, but he was speechless.
This time, Gazef also felt more sympathetic to his sovereign than before.
Chapter 10 The “Kind” Princess and the “Gentle” Knight
The attached living room outside the boudoir of the third princess is still the same as it was many years ago, but all kinds of items have been upgraded and replaced, but the air in the room has a faint fragrance.
“This is the room of Her Highness the Princess…”
Arche, who didn’t understand what she was going to face at all, half-pushed Luo Mo into Lana’s room. She couldn’t help but swallowed nervously, and looked at what was going on for her with ignorance and longing. It’s like a dream, a place that I could never reach…even though it’s just a living room outside the bedroom.
But before he was moved for a long time, she saw that after closing the door, Lana clasped her hands in front of her chest, choked with sobs and said, “Master Carlos, you made me so worried! You clearly the earliest He was my knight from the beginning, even if he became a nobleman, he should still be my knight, how could he abandon me so cruelly!”
There was obvious anger in her tone, but this anger was more worried about the risks he encountered in Wailana than being angry that he came home late.
Just like a lover or even a wife, a husband who is worried about going out is more worried than angry.
Arche believed that if the roles were reversed, she would definitely feel guilty towards the person who worried about her so much, so she bowed her head and sincerely apologized until the other party forgave her.
But she found that not only was Luo Mo’s face not moved, but when Lana buried her head in his chest, she showed a troublesome expression… But the expression was fleeting, so she couldn’t be sure Did I get it wrong? I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, and found that Luo Mo was already moved and guilty, and even hugged Lana with his backhand.
“Sorry, Lana, it’s all my fault, it’s my fault!”
“No, please don’t say that… I actually understand that I am too willful, Mr. CarlosI also have my own considerations, because my father doesn’t allow us to be together, you can only come back at this time… It’s because I don’t have the courage, if I can be braver, ask more questions, and be able to keep you, back then We will not be separated! It’s all my fault….It’s just that every day I dream that you may encounter accidents, I just…I just…”
“Enough, Lana, I understand what you want to say, it’s my fault, it’s all my fault, I shouldn’t take so long to see you!”
“Lord Carlos…!”
The youth and the girl embrace each other emotionally, like lovers reunited after a long absence.
From Arche’s point of view, this is the reunion of lovers after a long absence. Luo Mo’s attitude before the king should be just shy, or just worried about the presence of the king.
And it must be the king’s fault that they’ve been separated for so long.
Even judging from the words of the two parties, she found that she finally understood why Luo Mo had such an attitude towards the king… Who could give a good face to the king who beat the mandarin ducks.
(I had always misunderstood him, too… At that time, I didn’t hear the sound outside the door, which shows that he definitely didn’t bring those vampires into the room with strange purposes, and he was working hard in the past Canaan leads and strives to improve himself, these must all be for the princess…)
Aixue, who didn’t know the truth, looked at Luo Mo with fascination at this moment.
In her heart, Luo Mo’s performance almost satisfied her own and even all female fantasies. She was indescribably envious of Lana, and even a little bit jealous.
But in the heart… the two people in the hug are not as hot as they look on the outside.
After the two staged a touching reunion that was too standard, Lana seemed to realize that her actions seemed to be overly enthusiastic, lacking the restraint of a girl, so she twisted her body slightly embarrassedly.
But she didn’t just allow herself to be driven by shame, but resisted the warm tears in her eyes, pulled Luo Mo to let him sit on the chair, and said with concern:
“…Master Carlos, how did you spend these years, and what happened at that time, I still don’t know, but can you tell me in detail?”
“Of course.”
“Ah, but before that, let me prepare some tea for you.”
“No, just tea…”
“Please wait for me~ I have been working hard for this moment! I will definitely not disappoint your expectations, please look forward to it~” Lana gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, making a cute cheering gesture.
Immediately, without giving him a chance to refuse, she trotted into the side room with multiple purposes… and when she closed the door with her back to the two, the gentle and virtuous smile on her face disappeared, and she even became eerie up:
(This time… definitely won’t let you run away!)
(…Why do you still like to act now? This guy really doesn’t know how to get tired of it… By the way, do you speak honorifics now? Surprisingly, it’s not bad.)
Luo Mo, who was still hesitant to leave his seat, sat waiting for Lana’s tea, and quietly glanced at Ai Xue who was completely ignored by them, but was still completely moved by their acting skills, couldn’t stop I sigh that even if he becomes a worker, this child is still too innocent.
…Of course, it may also be that their acting skills are too good.
After all, so far few people have discovered the twisted heart hidden under Lana’s pure appearance, and the few people in Cang Qiangwei have always thought that Lana is the embodiment of purity and kindness.
“Carlos…is your lord and His Royal Highness a private lifelong relationship?” Arche looked at Lana’s back with longing in her heart, and couldn’t help but ask curiously like a girl’s gossip.
“I don’t have a private decision for life. To be precise, it was a few years of being together when I was young, right?”
“Have we been together since childhood? How romantic~”
“…If you want to talk about romance, I’m not too sure if it’s romantic or not.”
Luo Mo looked out the window, thinking of the past like yesterday, his eyes became somewhat melancholy.
With such melancholy eyes, Arche, who was already full of girlish hearts at the moment, couldn’t help but feel sorry for the pain of being forced to separate from Lana’s childhood sweetheart like Gazef loved the king:
“Lord Carlos…”
“Hey…it’s all in the past, now is the most important thing.”
“Yes! Now is the most important thing! Your business! I will definitely help!…Although I don’t know what a person like me can do…”
“Miss Aixue…No, Aixue!” Seeing that the trial lamb was willing to sacrifice himself, Luo Mo, who didn’t know how to write “shirk” at all, turned around and grabbed her hand, saying sincerely : “I will remember your words! Don’t worry, you can definitely help me!”
“Of course, you have to believe in yourself, you are the best!”
“Lord Carlos…!”
In front of a nobleman and strong man like Luo Mo and a princess like Lana, she didn’t have any confidence in herself, and even felt a huge gap from the bottom of her heart, and Arche, who had a low self-esteem, was surprised by such affirmation and trust. In addition, in the bottom of my heart, I was moved to die for my confidant, and there was an inexplicable urge to go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire in response to his trust.
…. No matter how much she thinks about it, she will never think that Luo Mo’s previous depression is actually caused by being soft and hard every day and constantly drinking tea, giving her a hard time.Life makes me depressed when I think about it.
Side room.
With a gloomy smile, Lana pressed her hand on the wall to activate the magic mechanism and opened the dark cabinet.
In the hidden dark cabinet set in the wall, countless large and small bottles and jars and various powders are displayed, all of which are colorful.
In addition to purchasing these at her own expense, there are also various magic materials collected from all over the world by her “good sister” Sisi and the kingdom to run errands for her in the name of researching healing potions.
“Csi is such a useful friend~ This time… no matter how strong you are, as long as you are still a creature, even a dragon will never escape my palm! But… I didn’t It’s all your fault for planning to use this kind of thing? Who told you that you, my kind, can’t be captured by ordinary methods, really, there is no way.”
With a piercing smile, the beautiful girl murmured to herself and quickly concocted her own magic potion based on years of research.
…Even if she doesn’t have magic talent, not having magic talent doesn’t mean she can’t study magic potions.
Driven by her inner desires, she exerted her inhuman intelligence, and through years of painstaking efforts, she created a healing potion that appeared in ancient times and is now known as the blood of God, which made her potion talent in the world. After the beauty and wisdom, once again spread throughout the surrounding countries.
Of course, the healing potion is just a by-product of the research. She herself has no interest in curing diseases and saving lives, but it is precisely because of this name that she synthesizes various special medicines in the dark cabinet…Because in this way, no matter the kingdom Or Cang Qiangwei will actively help her find the materials she needs.
After tinkering for a while, with the help of magic props, all the materials were fused together. Finally, she made a pot of tea for the tea set beside her. Lana put on a perfect smile again, and returned to the living room with the tea set.
However, after witnessing what was happening in the living room, his face suddenly lost expression, and his sapphire-like eyes turned into the color of the frozen lake in winter.
Because she loves pets and the same kind, she is holding the hand of a strange girl in her room with a sincere smile that she has never seen before, but the strange girl is a little shy, showing a moved face expression.
(….How dare you mess around in my room…. This guy has become a lot more courageous after not seeing him for a few years. This woman is also quite courageous, and she dared to attack my people randomly… …)
Her face was gloomy for a moment, and when the two looked over, Lana returned to her usual smile, and asked friendlyly:
“Lord Carlos, and… who is this lady?”
“Ah, I’m Arche Eve Lil Field! Nice to meet you, Your Highness.” Arche straightened her body in a panic with obvious restraint.
“You can just call me Lana, Miss Arche.”
“But, but…”
“It’s okay, since you are a friend of Lord Carlos, then of course you are my friend, please sit down quickly?”
(It’s so pitiful. It’s not okay for a pure and innocent girl to have sex with such a guy who is so rich and jaded and so corrupt.) Smiling cordially, Lana decided in her heart to “save” this poor child.
And the poor girl who mistakenly thought that she came to the fairy tale, beside the kind princess and the gentle knight, who was still secretly moved, didn’t know that, in fact… she is no different from the little lamb who fell into the wolf’s den. , or even worse.
Lana skillfully placed the three cups on the tray on the table, then picked up the teapot and poured the tea one by one.
It’s just…. I felt that it was too wasteful to use this medicine on Arche, so when I was pouring tea for Luo Mo, I suddenly pointed out the window as if I noticed something, and exclaimed:
“Master Carlos! Miss Arche! Look quickly! There are flying dragons!”
“Flying dragon?!”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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