The remnants of the castle in the sky, which were scattered all over the ground and completely smashed into pieces, automatically flew up and began to gather again, and reassembled into a magnificent castle as if going backwards in time.
The super-level magic beyond the tenth level not only reshaped the architectural structure of the castle, but also restored the various magic mechanisms inside.
During the reorganization of the castle, Luo Mo, who seized the opportunity to enter it, also came to the core area of ​​the castle, and based on the knowledge of the inscription-free document, he searched for the loopholes in the entire castle defense system, and then used it as the power core “thermal mass” here. Stone”, modify the added magic.
After staying in the castle above the ruins for three full days, he finally completed the modification of the non-unique world prop “thermal stone” and the modification of the magic circles in the entire castle.
Then on the morning of the fourth day, he went to the outpost built by the Theocracy near Crescent Lake.
As long as one breaks through the obstacles of the forest in the last stage and actually reaches Crescent Lake, that is where the elves’ capital is located. Even if there are many elves’ cities behind the capital, the elves in the capital will probably be destroyed if the elves are destroyed.
The highest person in charge of the Theocracy’s military organization, the Generalissimo, also rushed over when he saw Luo Mo’s appearance: “You are finally here! We are waiting for you.”
“There is a little delay, how is the situation?”
“Still in stalemate, those dirty traitors are unexpectedly troublesome in the forest.”
The Generalissimo looked at the forest not far away, and told him the situation on the scene with a depressed expression.
The Theocracy and the country of the elves were originally in a mutual aid relationship, but the elf king, who was only a sperm-head, suddenly backstabbed the last generation, imprisoned and impregnated him, which led to the emergence of war.
In order to avenge Icolina’s mother and the group of traitors, the Theocracy has been fighting the elves for more than a hundred years.
In terms of comprehensive national strength, the Theocracy of Slan is better than the kingdom of elves, and no matter what, it shouldn’t have fought for so long, but the elves have been fighting in the forest, relying on geographical advantages and mobility beyond humans, and adopting guerrilla tactics to make progress extremely slow .
Originally, the forest was just a matter of fire, but the elves also adopted the corresponding magic, and the flames would automatically extinguish in the forest without two strokes.
Now even if the Crusaders arrive, using firearms in the forest…the effect is not very obvious. They can only be used for base defense to prevent elves from sneaking into the base.
“If that lord can take care of himself and get rid of the beast who is the villainous leader, the battle situation can definitely be fundamentally resolved in a short period of time.”
When the Generalissimo was looking at the forest and talking, his eyes would glance at Luo Mo from time to time. Although he didn’t say it clearly, his attitude was basically close to directly saying that he hoped that he would take action in person.
“…So, are these armies really meaningless?”
“You can’t say that, think about it, don’t the remnants of the defeated army have to be dealt with?”
“…All right, all right, it’s really troublesome…”
Depressedly, he looked at the neatly formed army behind him, and then looked at the smiling old sunflower-like face of the Generalissimo. He also understood that fighting in the jungle is not good for firearms, especially the opponent’s physical ability is much stronger than humans… He had no choice but to accept the proposal.
After having breakfast in this camp, he walked alone towards the forest.
Since whether it was the Theocracy Expeditionary Force or the Crusaders, following him could only slow him down, so they all stood still and waited for his order to attack.
And because of his joining, the war between the Theocracy and the forest elves, which has been stalemate for many years, is finally coming to a real end.
In the center of the Elven King’s Capital, in the Elven King’s Court on the Tree of Life.
The royal elf with different pupil colors on the left and right, gently holding a goblet filled with amber-like crystal liquid, looked at the crowded street scene below from the balcony of the bedroom, and a female elf was kneeling behind him.
“There is a very powerful character from the Theocracy, stronger than the previous five-color scriptures! Our people really can’t stop that guy, please help…”
“Is that guy a man or a woman?” The Elf King asked without looking back.
“This… I don’t know for now, all the people I encountered died… Only the sentinel heard the screams from a distance.”
“Then tell me after confirming that he is a woman.”
“But, if this goes on…”
“It’s so boring, why should I help you weaklings?” The Elf King said with a bored face: “I really can’t stand you guys, I have worked so hard to have children, but I only produced a bunch of waste? What about my son? Is he a little bit more capable?”
“… Hancock, has been killed…”
“Where’s the daughter?”
“Killed too….they only have bodies found….”
The female elf suppressed tears and choked up.
“Tsk, are they all dead? Sure enough, they are a bunch of trash. They didn’t inherit my excellent bloodline, but they all inherited the incompetence of you women. Obviously, I endured the humiliation to come to you trash, but you are still like this!”
The elf king didn’t have any sadness, but was angry at his heir’s incompetence. He drank the wine in one breath, turned around and smashed the wine glass on the female elf’s head.
The shattered glass directly pierced the female elf’s eyes. The unbearable pain made her tremble all over, but she didn’t even dare to vent her breath, not to mention treating herself. She just knelt down without a word. on the ground.
The Elf King, who clearly noticed that the woman’s eyes were bleeding, didn’t care, and even waved his hands impatiently:
“I’m annoyed when I see you, get the hell out of me! Compared to such a boring thing as the destruction of the country, it’s better to go to the battlefield to exercise!”
The female elf stood up quickly, and left quickly without saying anything. Apart from rushing to heal her eyes, she also knew very well that if she dared to say anything else, she would end up with the last person who reported to the elf king. Same, throw it directly from this high platform.
“…all of them are incompetent guys. It was a waste of my hard work to have children, but I didn’t even have a single one who was up to date. ”
Pregnant the weak will only give birth to weak children, so he needs a strong mother, and it is for this purpose that on the battlefield, he changed the model of the elf kingdom. soldiers and sent female soldiers to fight.
However, there are still very few people of the same race that he can take a fancy to, and most of them are looking for strong females of other races to breed.
“The woman in the Theocracy was pretty good back then. It took a lot of effort to get her pregnant, but she was rescued… Sure enough, when this country is wiped out, let’s look at other races.”
Dreaming of one day leading a powerful army of his children to sweep the world, the Elf King is indifferent to the current situation in his country, and even still fantasizes about an impossible glorious future.
on the battlefield.
“Oh? Are elves really stronger than women? Why are they all female soldiers?”
Luo Mo, who broke the neck of an elf girl casually, looked at her delicate face that had lost all vitality and shook his head in regret, and then… threw away the girl’s body, and continued towards the city wall where the city wall could be seen not far away. The elf kings are all on their way.
And behind him, there were already countless corpses lying down.
At the same time, a large number of archers with bows and arrows appeared on the treetops in the distance, and they fired poisonous arrows at him from all angles without hesitation.
The archers with superb archery skills made the arrows accurately pass through the gaps between the trees, and they arrived in front of him in an instant, and they were about to shoot him into a hedgehog… But suddenly, there was an unexpected storm in the dense forest wind.
The fallen leaves all over the ground were then swept by the strong wind, and even the dense arrows were also deflected, spinning around him at high speed.
“What, what?”
“What kind of magic is this?!”
“It’s not the arrow-avoiding barrier, it’s the end…”
The female elf warriors whispered to each other when they encountered this strange magic that was like a tornado protecting their bodies.
“I said, such a unilateral massacre is also very meaningless. I have always convinced people with virtue. How about we discuss it?”
“No one will negotiate terms with invaders!”
In the elf team, an elf with a more aggressive personality will directly draw his bowstring and sing in a low voice.
The next moment, the arrows shot out were also accompanied by a strong wind, which even pierced through his body armor.
Luo Mo, who had a golden cross in his pupils, easily grabbed the arrow while raising his hand, and regretfully threw it back with his backhand, piercing it accurately at a faster speed than before. On the soles of the feet of an elf archer, the painful whine resounded throughout the forest again.
“So~ In fact, I am not here this time to destroy the elves, but to kill your perverted king. You don’t have to die for a pervert like this, do you?”
“…how should we trust you?”
Originally, he thought this would be another meaningless negotiation, and he was going to kill the other party after a little anger, but his symbolic inquiry was quite unexpected. The elf thief hiding behind a tree not far away was obviously holding a dagger. It’s a playful response.
But the other elves also hesitated for a while, and were all ready to attack again, and said anxiously:
“People from The Church can’t be trusted!” “Don’t be fooled by him, he must want to capture us as slaves!!”
“No, no, I’m not from the Theocracy, I’m from the kingdom.” It’s rare that he was going to carry out his verbal love and peace, but he actually got a good response. Luo Mo couldn’t help but said with a pure and kind smile like a saint : “And I have always regarded peace as the most important thing, and I hope that the common people in the world can share this world. If you surrender to my side, I can swear to guarantee your safety. I will never turn you into slaves and let you be treated like civilians.” .â€
“Slick, not a good thing at first glance!” “Wait? From the kingdom?” “Is it a crusader who arrived recently?” “I’ve heard of that Canaan leader!” “Looks very rich?” “It seems that the dwarves in the nearby dwarf kingdom can also get the protection of the law?”
At first the elves were planning to run away, but whoever raised their heads made them stare at Luo Mo vigilantly while discussing, but the weapons in their hands fell slightly.
This made him immediately chase after the victory and said: “That’s not a rumor. Just like I said before, I always think that race differences are not a problem. Since everyone can communicate, it is naturally better to communicate peacefully. You should not want to Just like that, die here for nothing, right?”
“This…of course.” The elves nodded hesitantly.
“Me too! Every time I kill a person, my heart is bleeding…I really can’t bear to continue depriving precious lives! But why don’t you know how to cherish your precious lives so much? Give away your irreplaceable lives, Spending it on that scumbag?!”
He pressed his hands to his chest with a painful expression, and grabbed his clothes tightly, as if he really couldn’t bear to kill.
In the years of fighting, this is the first time that someone outside the family cares about their lives, and the target… is actually their enemy? This made the elves shake again.
However, amidst the wavering, some people still raised doubts:
“He is our king… There is no way to do this, and… how do we know that you are not deliberately lying to us?”
“Why should I lie to you? Haven’t you seen the gap between us from the battle just now? I really don’t want you young girls to set foot on the road of no return! Why don’t youclear? ! That’s all, that’s all…”
In the end, mourning his misfortune and being angry at him, he sighed deeply, and then instantly arrived in front of the elf girl whose sole was pierced by him.
Before the elves could react, he had already pulled out the arrow and used detoxification magic and group healing magic in a row, then walked past them and walked straight towards the elf king’s capital.
This no longer attacking, even defenseless appearance, made them at a loss and didn’t know what to do. They repeatedly clenched the weapons in their hands, but they couldn’t attack him in a daze.
“…Everyone should grasp their own destiny and live for themselves, not for some king. Do you really want to let your king bully you at will and even use him as a reproductive machine after you become stronger? .. ..I really can’t understand you guys. I wanted to resurrect all the war dead, but now it seems that…”
He couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing, with regret and sadness all over his body.
This compassionate look also made the elves show hesitant expressions.
Especially the resurrection statement made their eyes gradually start to waver. They looked at each other several times and finally chose a representative to catch up:
“—Aren’t you really lying to us?”
“Is there any need for me to deceive you?”
“…if you can really resurrect our dead compatriots, we are willing to surrender to you.”
Even Luo Mo himself was a little surprised. It was just a routine persuasion, but it actually made the elves express their willingness to surrender, and even helped him introduce their elders.
The whole process was quite smooth, and even the commander of the Royal Guards signed the agreement.
Basically, when Luo Mo kills the Elf King, he will help the elves who died in battle recently. Except for those whose souls no longer exist after being killed by him, as long as they are body tissues, they can be resurrected in a unified way.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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