People’s screams came from all around, and the nearby demons noticed him who appeared suddenly.
“Message!” Without even thinking about it, Pru Qinera threw out the human skin scroll and prepared to call for reinforcements. Luo Mo did not stop it but directly launched a dimensional blockade to block the possibility of Nazarick’s reinforcements arriving.
This made Prucinera stunned, then raised his finger and pointed at him, screaming: “—kill him for me!”
The closest demon, about three meters tall, with a muscular body covered with pitch-black scales, immediately uttered a piercing roar, and directly smashed the huge hammer at him.
But that seems to be able to be used as a battering ram, and the hammer that whizzed down has not yet fallen. Not only did the demons fail to wait for the expected human beings to be beaten to pieces, but they saw their companions holding the huge hammer. The thick arm lost control the moment the cold light swept away from the sky, and broke away from the torso. With the remaining strength in the swing, it flew directly over Luo Mo’s head, and hit the yurt next to it heavily. superior.
The demon with the broken arm was stunned for a moment, and when he realized it, he immediately wailed in pain. At the same time, in the anger of this wailing, he threw his lizard-like tail at him recklessly.
But standing still on the spot, Luo Mo, who never took a step, just swung his sharp blade again.
In an instant, the thick tail also separated from the demon’s torso, brushing past him with a heavy rain of blood.
The demon, who felt invincible just by looking at his size, finally realized the gap between the two sides, and stopped his futile attacks.
It has the shape of a rhinoceros but has no eyes, and the pale flames burning in the empty black eye sockets. Facing this creature that is nothing compared to itself, a creature that is not human, ghost or demon, and demons, it shows a look of fear.Instinctively, he took a few steps back.
“Everyone! Let’s go together! We must not let this lowly creature destroy our happy pasture!!”
Prucinera also continued to retreat, and screamed piercingly to drive the surrounding demons to rush forward one after another, preparing to win by numbers.
From the previous situation, it can be seen that he is the strongest. Luo Mo naturally couldn’t ignore the other party, and raised his hand slightly – the self-time acceleration and the engraving technique were activated at the same time.
In this time that seemed to be frozen again, he lowered his figure and clenched the blade, and suddenly, at an almost impossible speed, he shuttled through the group of demons while blowing a storm.
In the next second, a magical scene appeared.
All the demons failed to notice what happened, and thirty-six rays of light bloomed on the road he passed at the same time.
The demons didn’t even have time to feel the pain before they found themselves missing arms and legs, and it was only when the limbs fell that the blood gushing out made them realize the pain.
And all the incisions are not uneven, and all of them are even at the same level, as if the cut surface has grown that way from the beginning.
“…Six Lights Slashing, Liulian, how about it? My new trick, which is a fusion of other people’s unique skills?”
In an instant, Luo Mo, who had already stood in front of Prucinera, looked at the demon who seemed to be about to use magic, but at the moment when the speed of time ended, he did not attack again but silently put the blade back into the sheath, and stretched out his hand Just grabbed his face.
“No, no, I… I actually, actually…” Prucinera trembled all over her body, she seemed to beg for mercy, and put all the responsibility on Demiurge, but …Before he finished speaking, he changed from his previous gentleness, and with a grinning voice, he grabbed his suddenly extended claws straight to his chest: “—Actually, what he is best at is Close combat!!”
“Oh? So?”
The devil’s sharp claws cut through the air as if they were going to take out his heart, but he just stared at this sinister devil with disdain.
Prucinera couldn’t help but wanted to laugh at his arrogance, but suddenly realized that… her hand seemed to be suddenly shortened a lot?
To be precise, the moment it was lifted up, the lower half of the hand, which was still attached to the body, flew out by itself.
Before he could recover from the shock, Luo Mo drew his knife again, and cut off his other hand that he thought should not be saved. Then when he looked at the three angels who started to suppress the demon, Smiling and pinching his broken arm, he smiled softly amidst his painful howls: “Don’t worry, I have always been a very trustworthy person, and I still recognize that the biggest advantage is a gentle man. You are more gentle, so~ don’t worry, I won’t let you die, I can definitely let you enjoy your previous gentleness.â€
Chapter Thirty-Three: The “Happiness” Passed by Luo Mo and Nazarick
Six light combo, six consecutive strikes, it sounds like it should be thirty-six consecutive strikes.
But in fact…Luo Mo can’t be honest, tell others the content of his moves, just deliberately say a fake Liuguanglianzhan, Liulian, in fact…but hide the thirty-seventh cut.
And the final slash was accelerated by the combo of moves in the early stage, so fast that it couldn’t even be seen from the corner of the eye, it can be said that it was completely undetectable.
It was that last knife, the real killing move he hid when facing the enemy.
Because of this, Prucinera, who thought she only had thirty-six hits in a row, didn’t even notice the existence of the thirty-seventh knife.
Now that his hand was cut off, he completely lost the strength to resist, and the broken arm was pinched so that the flesh and blood overflowed like a squeezed orange, which made him scream unbearably, almost on the spot. Passed out.
On the contrary, Luo Mo looked at the group of demons clutching their severed limbs behind him, and then looked at the sage angel who was suppressing the demons. After thinking about it, he felt a little unsatisfactory. His lifeline was abolished with one kick, and he bowed suddenly. His body trembled even more violently.
After a while, Prucinera fell to the ground by herself, gasping for air but unable to speak.
“Are you okay? Didn’t you say this is happiness? Why did you become like this?” He looked at the demon on the ground, and said with concern and worry: “If it’s just like this and you can’t stand it, you can wait a while later.” But what to do, how can this happiness be passed on from yourself? In this world, both property and rights can be interrupted, but it would be too bad if happiness is interrupted?”
“…You…you wait…Nazarick…Master Demiurge…The Supreme Being…Absolutely——huh?! Absolutely. …I won’t let you go! I will definitely let you…experience it! Uhhhhhh!!!”
Prucinera took a deep breath and let out a voice full of hatred bit by bit. Before he could finish speaking, his knee was cut off, and when he wanted to continue talking, he kicked directly on the wound on his knee Constantly twisting left and right, all his words turned into howling in pain.
Demiurge sent all the main demon generals to the capital to summon demons to carry out his plan, which caused the pastures on the edge of the Holy Kingdom to be in a stage of defense emptiness, and Luo Mo directly picked up a leak.
Facing the mopping up by him and the more than eighty-level cherubs, all the demons in the ranch were captured and restrained with virtual locks in a short while.
The leader of the Holy Kingdom, the Holy Queen was notified and prepared before he acted, and when he sent a message after the matter was resolved, she immediately took the Holy Queen with her.The Knights came from the Great Wall.
“This is… vomit!”
The blond beauty with both femininity and heroism, known as the treasure of Loble because of her beautiful appearance, and also known as the Holy Queen of the Holy Maiden, Calca Besares, accompanied by the Holy Knights, came to the first yurt Just looking at it, my stomach was churning for a while, and I couldn’t help but vomited out on the spot while leaning on the wall.
The head of the Paladin, Remedios Casteldi, also looked ashen when he saw it, but he tried his best not to show any embarrassment in front of his lord.
When the rest of the paladins saw the yurt and the things on the grass, their faces became uglier than the other, and even many of them couldn’t help it like the holy queen, and vomited on the ground.
“…Take these people back later by yourself. Although they were almost insane, I have deleted all their memories for the time being. You can restore them with healing magic later. It should still be It can be restored to its original state…probably, in short, how to arrange it is up to you.”
It’s not surprising that they were in such a mess. Luo Mo, who had been watching everything indifferently from the beginning until now, calmly handed over a handkerchief and gave a solution to the problem when the Holy Queen was about to vomit.
“Thanks, thank you… Your Excellency Carlos.” The Holy Queen took the handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth, trying to smile softly when she raised her head again.
“If it wasn’t for your help this time, we might not even be able to deal with these demons just by relying on us. I don’t know how many citizens will encounter this hell again…” The Holy Queen wrapped his hands in his hands. In the palm of the hand, there is indescribable gratitude and joy in the eyes.
“Don’t be so polite, why don’t you act quickly instead of this? I’m quite tired now, and it will be troublesome if the space blockade fails…By the way, the demihumans have been enslaved now, and they are united to obey the so-called demons. Your Majesty, you have to pay attention.”
“Remedy, act quickly.” The Holy Queen, who had received Luo Mo’s help when the Great Wall was breached in the past, said to the leader of the Holy Knights, and then looked at him beggingly, with a begging look. With an unspeakable attitude, he said: “Although this request is very cheeky, the national power of the Holy Kingdom is really limited. If the demi-human tribes unite, it will definitely be difficult to resist. If it is possible, please Sir Carlos, can you help us again?  … I can agree to any conditions!”
“…. From time to time, I hear requests that can be made on any terms, but in the end they can’t do anything, it’s meaningless…”
Looking at the holy princess who was holding on to his clothes and looking up at him with watery eyes, Luo Mo just felt a little pain in his head, and he didn’t understand why these people always like to put forward such conditions.
… If there is no accident, maybe it is subconsciously feeling that one’s own beauty can also be part of the condition?
But in this case, if they actually want to do something, they will be rejected, which is a bit fucked up…
Of course, after seeing those scenes just now, he can swear to God that he will not have any strange thoughts today.
From his expression, the Holy Queen didn’t know if she understood his mood, so she blushed and said eagerly: “No! Your Excellency Carlos, if it’s you…I really can do anything!”
“Ah, yes, anything is fine.”
Feeling that the Holy Queen increased her strength in holding his hand, Luo Mo just nodded helplessly.
As far as he knew personally, this holy princess had made an oath when she ascended the throne to allow the people to live and work in peace and to establish a kingdom where no one would cry.
If you think about it from this aspect, maybe she wants to find someone to help her realize her dream?
He didn’t want to carry other people’s dreams, and he didn’t have so much energy, so he put his hands on her shoulders and patted:
“I won’t talk about the conditions for now, but I won’t just ignore the Holy Kingdom. I will help you as much as possible. Don’t worry.”
“Lord Carlos…”
Seeing this sincere and reliable man who had actually helped her, the Holy Queen was so moved that her eyes were slightly red.
Just like the previous two years, she was obviously a few years older, but she still couldn’t help but want to rely on him under the crisis of being threatened by subhumans at any time, which seemed to be stronger than herself in all aspects Quite a few people.
Seeing that she doesn’t just want to find someone to realize her ideals, Luo Mo… chooses to end this topic in order to avoid being hacked:
“Cough…I’ll leave first if I have something else to do. If you have anything to do in the future, please use ‘message’ to contact me.”
“Yes! I will definitely!” The Holy Queen nodded vigorously, and Luo Mo was a little worried that the crown on her head would fall off, but the Holy Queen looked at him and said worriedly: “Please Be careful of the devil’s revenge!”
“Ah…it’s okay, I have a lot of experience, so I won’t capsize so easily.”
Smiling and waving his hands, he stepped into the portal under the constant gaze of the Holy Queen, and temporarily evacuated from here.
The demons and demihumans in the ranch were all escorted back by Luo Mo’s guards and imprisoned in the dungeon at the lower level of the castle.
And as soon as he came back, he asked someone to bring the top interrogator, and even prepared to let the demihumans continue the previous mating experiment and repeat everything in the previous ranch.
The only difference is that the subject has changed from a human to a demon.
That’s right, now he deliberately brought all the demons back, just to let themExperience it yourself, what you have done in the past, and understand their behavior that they think is gentle. By the way… let their negative emotions become the nourishment for him to further strengthen.
Just as the Two Feet Sheep Ranch produced a lot for Nazarick in the past, this is also a lot for him.
“…But, can this devil’s skin be used as a magic scroll?” Standing in front of Prucinera, who was so painful that she lost consciousness, Luo Mo casually grabbed the bloody flesh on the side, and looked aside The interrogator who performed the knife made him show an embarrassed expression: “I’m very sorry…Master Carlos, I only know how to interrogate. If you ask me how to bring pain to others, I basically know it, but you Ask me about magic…”
“Yes, sorry, I accidentally asked the wrong person, but it’s about time you moved on.”
“Huh? Now? Ah, I see!”
The interrogator was stunned for a moment, then quickly picked up the pepper water that was put aside, and walked towards Prucinera who was still in a coma.
Puru Qinera in the prison was bound by the virtual lock and lost his strength, and the range of movement was fixed by the iron chain. Even ordinary people can bully at will.
Luo Mo, who saw that he had actually woken up just now, was not going to expose this point, nor did he have the slightest intention to stop him, just watching the scene of the interrogator pouring pepper water on him indifferently.
The moment the chili water was splashed, a pig-killing howl burst out from the mouth of the demon who was tired of hearing howls and begging for mercy in the past.
“—Uh uh uh ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!”
“It’s really noisy.” Luo Mo blocked his ears, leaned over with a smile and asked, “However, I still want to ask… are you happy now?”
“…you’re done!…the Supreme Being…will never let you go…will definitely put you—woo!?”
Prucinera tightly closed her eyes, even though her body was extremely weak and her voice could hardly be heard, she still refused to be outdone.
It’s just like he didn’t give in after being skinned, Luo Mo still didn’t give him a chance to finish speaking, stepped on his face, and looked at the interrogator while rubbing: “You don’t have enough education, work hard!” A little bit, if you can educate him like a dog, I will give you… how about five hundred gold coins?”
“Five, five hundred gold coins?!”
“Everyone is, whoever can educate these demons well, I will give 300 gold coins to each of the ordinary ones!”
Luo Mo walked out of Pruchinella’s cell and shouted in the aisle, which immediately resounded with cheers throughout the dungeon. At the same time… dense and intense hatred and despair followed from these narrow spaces Appearing in every room of the dungeon, it almost swept him away.
But this really made him a little happy, and he walked through the dungeon happily.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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