For a long time, Delodiron, who didn’t want to continue to manage things, didn’t want to rely on alcohol after getting drunk, wrote letters in childlike handwriting to express her trust, and encouraged the frontline commanders, really couldn’t think of any worse situation that could happen if the kingdom was handed over to Romo …So she simply took the opportunity to sell the Dragon Kingdom, which had forced her to pretend to be an innocent child for so many years.
Her straightforward refuge and the gift of a kingdom along the way made Luo Mo, who didn’t know the truth, wonder if he suddenly had the legendary aura of domineering.
But he didn’t talk too much, he took Delodiron to the court magician and asked him to use teleportation magic to bring him to the fortress city that he had been to and could not use space magic.
And just arrived at the forefront of the fortress city, there were countless superimposed shouts and screams from all around.
Chapter 36 Incarnation of Ghosts and Gods
The most advanced urban fortress of the Dragon Kingdom gathered the most elite soldiers of the entire country. They stood on the city wall with halberds in their hands, watching the orc camp besieging them in the distance.
The orcs will also rest at night, but when the daytime arrives, the orcs will be on the periphery, and after eating and drinking, they will continue to prepare for the siege.
Siege weapons such as ladders, siege rams, siege towers, and catapults, which are not difficult, are either prepared in advance or made on the spot outside the range of bows and arrows and magic.
But the preparations for the siege of the city are ready today, and there is also a beastman riding a giant wolf in the orc barracks.People, came to the edge of the 100-meter range that ordinary third-level magic cannot touch.
He is about two meters tall, and his body is as muscular as a bodybuilder, but his head is a tiger head with thick hair.
And this tiger head, which looks like a face full of hair, is exactly a kind of orc among the demihumans – the tiger man.
It is different from the orcs in Luomo’s original world. Even if they are a species that walks on two feet like humans, they can communicate and have their own words, but the behavior of the orcs here is extremely barbaric. Humans themselves are their food one.
The tiger man took a deep breath, and shouted to the defenders on the city wall:
“Surrender! Human! If you open the city gate now! This city will be managed by you!”
“…Management? Do you think we who guard this place will let you run wild?! Let us manage you! Go back to your hometown! This is not such a presumptuous place!”
On the city wall, the commander at the forefront of the soldiers yelled and directly turned back the orc’s persuasion.
You must know that the so-called management given by the orcs is not the normal management of the city, but the management of the pigsty.
Surrender also means that all people become slaves, or beastmen’s livestock.
Even if they surrender without a fight, they are just livestock that can move around a little bit, taking care of the rest of the livestock on their behalf, and cooking before the rest of the livestock are finished eating.
At the beginning, there will be no danger to life, but…after the people are eaten up, it will be their turn.
There have been stupid defenders in the past who surrendered and were forced to kill the people they were supposed to protect…even their own family.
Finally…when he was about to be eaten, he finally waited for the rescue of Theocracy, but the whole person was basically half crazy, and was sentenced to death by the kingdom.
It is the painful experience of the predecessors that everyone understands, and there is nothing to talk about with the orcs.
“Stupid and weak human beings, the tone is much stronger than your abilities. Since you don’t want to live a little longer, then we will kill you first—eat them all!!”
It is not surprising to see that they are ignorant of current affairs and tigers, so they just let out the words and turned around again.
When the sun is high in the sky, noon arrives.
The orcs also completed the final preparations for the siege, and the herald blew the horn to attack.
The orcs who had already surrounded the city fortress immediately began to slow down amidst the heavy horns resounding across the horizon, but maintained a certain formation and walked down the hill to launch a joint attack on the city fortress with its tall city walls.
With shield-wielding cyclops and goblins as the vanguard, they carried huge battering rams and pushed siege towers, preparing to cross the dangerous area covered by bows and magic at the fastest speed.
“—The hot oil is ready! Now put the boulders first!”
The guard, who knew very well that low-level magic and ordinary bows and arrows would not be effective for these big guys, immediately gave the order to drop rolling logs and rocks.
On the city wall, the reserve soldiers who had already been prepared cut off the ropes quickly, causing the boulders and logs to roll down towards the bottom of the city wall.
In a series of loud bangs, the primitive weapons that used the potential energy of gravity to convert into kinetic energy caused many giants who were bigger than ordinary orcs to scream and fall to the ground.
But the surviving giants also set up weapons, causing the giant battering ram, which was much larger than ordinary battering rams, to be pulled up high, and then smashed hard on the city gate.
——Boom! ! !
The exaggerated loud noise made people’s eardrums hurt.
And behind the city gate, the people who were against the city gate with their fragile bodies were also hit by the siege hammer driven by the eight giants, and they all flew out collectively. do not wake up.
But even if the city gate had to be faced with serious consequences, more people still rushed forward, carried the injured away and stood against the city gate again.
Although this method would hurt themselves, they had no choice…letting the orcs rush in, that was the worst situation.
The commander of the fortress city——Billy Melvin, looked at the people below who were rushing to die, although he couldn’t bear it, he couldn’t give an order to stop it.
And after noticing that the siege towers were very close, there were so many that it was too late to destroy them, and Billie, whose physique was comparable to that of Gagaran, couldn’t care about the situation below.
Her heart tightened but she didn’t retreat, she pulled out the long sword from her waist and held it up high: “—this city! Gerald is the first fortress of the Dragon Kingdom! The first line of defense! It’s also Gerald’s!” People! Our family and friends and Her Majesty’s smile….the last line of defense! Behind us is everything that matters most to us! Absolutely! Don’t take a step back!! For all we love!!”
“OOO!!!” “For Gerald!!!” “For Her Majesty!!!”
As soon as Billie spoke, the soldiers on the city wall let out deafening roars.
The fighting spirit boiled up in one breath, and the soldiers, who were slightly trembling from the excitement of fighting, rushed towards the orcs who were rushing from the siege tower with roars.
There is no doubt that, as the fortress city at the forefront of the Dragon Kingdom, it is guarded by a group of soldiers who are as determined as steel and vowed to protect the motherland. Many of them are the most staunch supporters of Draudiron.
Of course, not all of them are lolitas. Even their patriotic enthusiasm is quite strong, and they even have the consciousness of dedicating themselves to the motherland and the queen.
It is precisely with this kind of thinking that they can start a hand-to-hand fight with rushing up the city wall without fear, but…..the reality is sad.
The will of the defenders cannot affect reality, and the power brought by courage has its limits, but this cannot bridge the gap between humans and orcs——the situation of the battle continues to be one-sided.
Except for the guard Billie, the elite soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom faced the orcs at the scene, and the casualty ratio exceeded six to one. Normally, what they could do would only cause a little injury, and they were mercilessly slaughtered.
“—Damn! Die! Die!!!”
On the city wall, Billie roared more manly than a man, constantly using martial arts similar to “slashing”, and violently swung a halberd at the orc.
The orc who dared to get close was instantly torn apart, and even though he was much bigger, he was also blown away.
The orcs on the siege tower at the side, you look at me, I look at you, for a while, no one dared to go down, so there is no way for her to be blocked on the tower like this.
But it is impossible for her to block only one siege tower, and the two sides were in a stalemate for more than ten seconds. After a short rest, she only heard a loud “bang!!” from below… Obviously the city gate was completely smashed opened.
This made Billie feel cold, knowing that the death knell for this city had been sounded.
As she expected, a group of elite orcs rushed into the city like a tide at the moment the gate was knocked open; the orcs on the siege tower were also scolded by the grassroots commanders at the front, and once again launched a death-defying attack. charge.
The pikemen below formed a phalanx and tried their best to block the gate. The few strong men and adventurers above, after a long time, basically sacrificed their companions and were forced to fight alone.
Facing the current situation, Billie, who can’t do anything anymore, can only keep waving her weapon until her hands feel sore and numb that she can hardly hold the weapon…
Among the orc soldiers, a lion man with obviously unusual clothes jumped down from the siege tower when many soldiers voluntarily moved out of the way, and slowly raised the rune-covered epee at her.
Sensing the presence of the other party, Billie subconsciously swung his halberd to meet him, but the orc next to him suddenly rushed up, ignoring the halberd that pierced his heart as if he had been spattered with chicken blood, and let her halberd cut his body. Flesh and flesh, but still opened his mouth and bit her hand firmly.
The long fighting made Billie’s body extremely exhausted, and she couldn’t break free for a while, and the lion man also seized the opportunity.
The golden runes on the blade shone dazzlingly, cutting straight into Billie’s upper abdomen.
The sharp ax blade cut through the armor and cut deeply into her body, making her feel the loss of body heat.
“…Ability improvement, ability super improvement!” Blood gushed out from her side, and despite the continuous great pain, she just groaned and did not fall down.
She understood that this was the last moment, and once she fell down, she might not be able to stand up again, so she braced her weak body and clenched the halberd tightly, and punched the orc who was biting her away with a backhand punch.
Then she swept the halberd with her explosive physical strength, causing the heads of the five besieged orcs to fly up with the sound of the wind.
Obstacles removed.
She immediately stared at the lion man, stepped on the corpses all over the ground and rushed straight over, stabbing the halberd straight into the opponent’s chest, while using flowing water to accelerate her speed, she let out a roar that seemed to burn her life:
“—For Her Majesty the Queen!!”
“Come on! Human!!”
Without flinching, the orc raised the epee high again and used the same martial skill.
The epee struck the halberd that was also emitting light, directly sent it flying, and turned around in mid-air to chop towards Billie.
At the moment when the sword’s edge was approaching, countless images of the past appeared in Billie’s mind, which was covered with scars.
…. There is no doubt that the basic physical abilities of demi-humans, especially orcs, are far stronger than humans.
Therefore, if the orcs have been trained to the same level…even if they are far behind, it doesn’t matter. The huge gap in basic physical fitness for the same skill means that human beings will inevitably lose.
Now her body is extremely exhausted, and no matter how hard she tries to turn around, she can’t find the possibility of a comeback, so all she has left in her heart is regret…
But what worries her the most, being single all her life, is the pure angel-like smile of the monarch she is loyal to——Drodiron Auriclus.
(There are too many orcs this time, and this place has fallen… What should Her Majesty do next?)
She tried her best but was defeated. With infinite regret in her heart, Billie closed her eyes and waited for the final moment in memory of her monarch.
However….she couldn’t wait for a long time, the pain of the sword cutting through her body was instead scalding hot blood splashing her face from nowhere.
When she opened her eyes in a daze, what she saw in front of her was something that she could not even think of in her dreams.
The hands of the lion man holding the magic epee were cut off by some unknown object, and he was looking at his broken arm blankly, as if he couldn’t understand what happened just like her.
Just wanting to find out what was going on, Billie looked around, only to find that there was a sudden gust of wind without warning.
Surrounded by countless blood-colored thunder lights, the “ghost” exuding overwhelming power stood directly above the city.
The murderous aura horrified the beholders, and even the surrounding air seemed to be distorted by it.
When the orcs crossed the destroyed barrier and gradually surrounded the soldiers and armed civilians, the crowd could even hear small weeping that could not be suppressed in fear.
But the moment this figure appeared, the cries of the people who thought their death was approaching stopped abruptly… To be precise, they were stunned.
All the people who fought on this land were terrified all over their bodies.The person’s breath pierced through and froze, forgetting the enemy in front of him… After being stunned, he couldn’t help screaming indescribably.
With just one glance, everyone can feel that it is not an existence that humans and orcs can defeat, it is a monster that is far beyond imagination and cannot be deduced by common sense.
However, before they figured out why such an existence would come to this place – countless condensed strong winds fell from the sky like a natural disaster, blowing towards the orcs on the countless city walls.
Before they could even scream, countless animal heads flew up on the spot, and blood splashed on the ground.
The orcs who lost their heads like harvested wheat, and fell down with their bodies, caused most of the surviving soldiers to be frightened and their legs limp and fell to the ground on the spot. What was even more unbearable was even frightened. Peed my pants.
But after discovering that there was no human being injured in this disaster… They carefully observed the figure in the sky, and found that even if there was a horn of light, the person was no different from a human being in general.
So… as if they had understood something, they cheered excitedly, and knelt down in the direction of Luo Mo. This appearance – it was like praying to God.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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