“—Don’t stare at other people’s bodies!”
“You say you won’t watch it if you don’t read it? Then where will I save my face?”
“…Are you a sinner? Do you still want to be a sinner?” The little girl in front of her puffed up her face, waving her hands and feet like a child having a temper…even though she was a child in the first place.
“There is no intention of committing a crime so far.”
“What? No? Donna said you are a sinner? Did she lie to me? Or are you lying to me?”
“I never lie to people, let alone lie to children, so I don’t even bother to do it.”
He spread his hands, looking like a gentleman.
Although I haven’t met the other party, I can judge based on Echidna’s description and the angry witch who appeared here for some reason…
Even if he finds it incredible, he is basically sure that this is the arrogant witch Typhon, after all, the characteristics are too obvious.
“Is it really the same as what you said? Then…” Typhon stretched out his hand to him for some reason, and looked up at him with a smile, beckoning him to hold his hand.
Luo Mo walked forward in a daze, wanting to hold this hand without knowing why.
But at the moment when the hands of both sides were about to touch—he twisted his waist sharply, swung his body around sharply and threw a whip kick, which swept Typhon’s temple unexpectedly.
——Boom! !
Waiting to shake hands with him with a smile on his face, Typhon, who was carrying out his conviction, was kicked out like a cannonball in an instant, crashed into the SUV parked beside him, and scrapped the vehicle directly.
“You, what are you doing!?” Minerva, the angry witch, was watching this scene from the side, and she was also stunned by this unexpected situation. I didn’t expect this guy to move without saying a word.
“Although I don’t know what the situation is, but you are witches? If you accidentally hold it, there will definitely be some troubles. If this is the case, of course I will do it first~”
Luo Mo shrugged, not feeling that there was anything wrong with what he did.
“Aren’t you a bad guy!? You hurt Typhon just by guessing! I hate you!! You idiot! The world that makes you do this kind of thing also hates it! And people fight and hurt each other and torture each other.. ..everyone hates it the most!!”
Minerva, who was angry from the beginning, stomped on the ground vigorously, causing the ground to shake.
Originally, when she said she hated herself, Luo Mo was ready to fight her, but she was a little dumbfounded seeing her like this.
And while she was talking, she even punched Typhon, which directly restored Typhon to his original state, and then…
“Listen up! Don’t do this again next time!” Minerva pointed at him, her movements were full of passion, but her eyes were filled with tears, but her tone was still full of anger: “No! Next time I will heal everyone!!”
“—Don’t think that you can’t go back safely in front of me!!”
“…Why do you talk like you’re going to kill everyone, and why are you crying?”
“I’m not crying! I’m angry! I’m angry!”
“…All right, just treat it like this.”
It feels that Minerva should not be a threat, but rather strange…he feels a little bit back to the Witch Cult.
Although it is a positive Witch Cult, it is quite common that the people inside have strange heads.
No way, this big “fierce” witch gave him the feeling that what he had to say was probably a bit violent, arrogant, curative, blond, with huge… breasts… probably made up of such a strange combination, right?
“—You really are a sinner, aren’t you?” Typhon, who was completely cured, walked towards him angrily when she was observing the witch with huge breasts.
“No, actually…my body, for some reason, has been uncontrollably doing hurtful things from the very beginning—I’m sorry! It’s all my fault, I hurt you, I’m really sorry …I would actually attack a child like you…I’m really not human!”
Luo Mo, who suddenly thought of a good idea, condemned himself with extreme grief.
This made Typhon confused, and muttered in a low voice: “It doesn’t seem like a sinner either? Could it be that he was sick? Or did Donna Donna do it?”
“Maybe…she implanted a strange memory in my body during the trial just now…no, no, it’s not good to guess others like this, but why does it happen after meeting her …â€
“It really is Dona Dona!”
For Luo Mo’s extremely low credibility, but pretending to be very similar, Typhon’s eyes flickered with a dangerous light, and the surging magic power all over his body made his clothes and hair flutter………………………………
As a black-bellied character recognized by witches, Echidna does not consider other people’s feelings. She can do her best to deceive and sophistry for the sake of knowledge. As long as the final goal is achieved, the process can be completely ignored. Almost every witch very clear.
Because of this, Typhon had reason to doubt that she would do anything for knowledge.
(Children, it’s really easy to lie~) Luo Mo couldn’t help sighing, but Typhon suddenly glared at him with sharp eyes, and his young face gradually distorted into an angry look: “Donado Na is at fault, but even if you are just being used, you are also tainted with sin! You are—a villain! You are a sinner!”
The little loli, who regards punishing evil as her bounden duty and never spares any evil, rushed towards him.
“…Why is this different from what was agreed? Forget it, let’s stop here for the time being.”
After glancing at the dark coffin that suddenly appeared at an unknown time.
He had a hunch that there was a witch, so in order to avoid trouble, he simply cut his own neck with the knife in his hand, and cut off his neck directly.
The scene of blood splattering in front of her made Minerva’s eyes widen, but she couldn’t keep up when she wanted to stop it.
Typhon also stopped in his tracks, staring coldly at the scene where his head fell to the ground, as if he regarded this as a way of atonement.
This spiritual world is roughly the same as the normal world. Unless people are decomposed by Typhon’s power, they can die by normal methods of death.
Of course, that is spiritual death.
And trauma to the mind can harm the body as well.
It is similar to the subconscious mind believing that if one is dead, then one will die…and thus complete suicide. There are many scientific experiments in this regard.
To put it simply, it is somewhat similar to scaring myself to death.
But…for Luo Mo, it’s not a problem.
When I opened my eyes again, it was pitch black all around.
The cold air flows through this dark space, and the surrounding walls are thick stone slabs, as if you are in an ancient temple, or in the tomb of a prince or noble.
“…Are you coming back? This feeling of death is quite real.”
Luo Mo got up from the ground and looked around, and confirmed that this was the tomb he had entered in the first place.
Originally, he was supposed to collect the debt again, but the witches appeared one by one, making him feel unable to control the situation.
And…that situation is just too weird.
Why are witches who should be dead appear here one by one?
He didn’t know why this was so, facing the witches appearing one after another, he was caught off guard and naturally had to evacuate here temporarily.
Wait until the next day to make preparations before visiting this place… After all, as a living person, only the outside world can make more preparations.
But he didn’t go out in a hurry, and sat cross-legged on the ground, letting out a long sigh of relief.
“…I really recalled something strange, but at that time, I…”
He tried to recall the touch of the nameless kitten, and touched it casually with an inexplicable mood——he really touched it, somewhat similar to the touch of fur.
To be precise, it should be smooth long hair.
Subconsciously looking down, a silver-haired girl was lying curled up beside her, with a painful expression on her face as if she was having a nightmare.
“…What, Emilia, I thought I found another cat.”
From the standpoint of picking up something, picking up a beautiful girl is undoubtedly more profitable than picking up a cat.
But the existence of Emilia also prevented him from remembering the past that was not worth remembering, which made him put away his mood for a while, stood up and wanted to leave.
But…after only taking two steps, there was vague sleep talking behind him.
“——No, don’t…don’t look at me! It’s not me…I didn’t do it…I didn’t…”
“…What’s the matter with this déjà vu? Forget it, it’s my conscience that finds out.”
Emilia’s untimely babbling in the dream made him stop, sighed heavily, turned around and squatted down, and pushed the girl who seemed to be experiencing a nightmare.
Emilia, who seemed to have finished the trial long ago, opened her eyes slightly, stared blankly at him for a while, and then when Luo Mo was about to get up, she suddenly remembered something, and rushed forward to hug him tightly. stopped him, and cried out like a cry:
“——Please….Trust me! It’s not me! I’m not a witch! Dad! Help me! Parker…Parker! Uncle…”
Obviously there was a fight before the separation… Of course, Emilia didn’t intend to hurt anyone, but just wanted to drive him away.
But even so, the huge difference from the current self that threw herself into her arms made Luo Mo wonder if she had been hit too hard and had amnesia.
“Ah, uh…I believe you, you are Emilia, just Emilia.”
I don’t know if he was touched by the memories of the past and wanted to be a good person, or he felt that everyone else was like this, and it was not good to continue to add insult to injury, Luo Mo skillfully patted Emilia on the back to comfort her.
The girl Yinling’s sad voice made the listener feel distressed, and it also made him wonder why Parker hadn’t appeared at this time.
Could it be the enchantment of this tomb that prevents unqualified people from entering?
Seriously thinking about the incidental consolation situation, it continued like this…
Under the absolute fear in her arms, the girl who had already lost her mind was sobbing and choked under his comfort, and under his skilled and precise comforting wordsHowever, it gradually calmed down…or the crying sound gradually became smaller.
(…Why is it that he is an enemy now, but he still becomes like this?) Luo Mo, who patted the girl, gave up caring about Parker, and instead thought about the situation of the girl in his arms, and he couldn’t help sighing, I sigh in my heart that I am still a good person after all, and my heart is too soft to see others cry in front of me.
It went on like this for quite a while, to be specific… about two hours, but Emilia was in a state of panic.
This unexpected long-term fear finally made him feel numb in his hands and feet – he was knocked unconscious with a knife in his hand.
Well, this is also an expression of tenderness. After all, being afraid of being too long will be bad for your health, and crying for too long is also bad for your health… Luo Mo, who wanted to play a gentle role, justified himself in his heart.
Putting the girl who was forcibly calmed down on the ground, he stood up and moved his body, then stared at the stone wall of the tomb.
After hesitating again and again, he felt that he still had to teach Echidna a lesson. After all, she broke her promise first, so naturally he can’t be blamed now, right?
So he walked to the corner, turned his back on Emilia and took off his pants a little… in return for Echidna’s Donna tea.
Of course, he didn’t know whether Echidna would know what she had done, and there was a high probability that she would not know.
Even if he could detect the condition of the tomb, as long as he didn’t have vision, he would still be ready for a scapegoat… When he looked at the unconscious Emilia, he thought of the good idea of ​​killing many birds with one stone.
Not only can you vent your dissatisfaction with Echidna, but you can also make Emilia a scapegoat, and you can reunite, and maybe you can build a better relationship than before.
By the way, continue to be a gentle character to feast your eyes on, and even heal the trauma Emilia suffered during the trial, and complete a win-win situation.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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