The lord brought a large number of guards to maintain order. It should have been a scene of the gangsters fleeing in embarrassment, chasing and fleeing… the normal process is mostly like this.
However, the gangsters this time are too special. They are more calm than the other, and the eyes of the guards are more contemptuous than the other.
Crusch was stunned when he found Luo Mo.
As the duke of the kingdom, Crusch has his own ability to make decisions, and he will not trust others’ slander.
Therefore, even if Petichius revealed the truth, she did not believe it completely. After all, Luo Mo did help her eliminate the white whale and clean up Duotu.
But now this scene made her a little doubtful. Could she be mistaken and have a question of inhumanity? In fact, Petichius, the sinful bishop who has reformed, is the real righteous person?
After all, she didn’t know who demolished the house at the scene, and she didn’t even know whether they belonged to the same group… Each of them exuded a strong sense of foreign body, and the girl next to Luo Mo Or more rabbits that should be captured.
This is clearly a betrayal, right? On the surface, he was dealing with the three major monsters, but he turned around and released them again.
“…Your Excellency, do you have any explanations for the current situation?” Crusch slowly pulled out the long sword at his waist until Luomo stood on the ruins, his face was filled with anger of trust and betrayal .
“Of course there are many things I want to explain. For example, I was just innocently involved by these people. In fact, these have nothing to do with me… Will you believe me when I say that?”
“Do you think I’m a fool who will be deceived twice by the same person?!” Originally, Crusch had the protection of the wind to detect lies, but she no longer trusted the protection that she would be deceived by Luo Mo. .
“I really don’t believe it…”
I really want to explain it clearly, but the current situation is seen by others, even if the roles are reversed, he will not easily believe in himself, especially his power is also conducive to lying…
Therefore, Luo Mo could only shake his head regretfully. In Crusch’s eyes, this scene basically meant that he gave up continuing to defend himself.
Thinking of how he felt guilty for misunderstanding him when he was persuaded, Crusch felt more and more angry.
The anger of trust being betrayed made it difficult for her to suppress her inner anger, but the current situation is obviously not suitable for direct action.
After all, the man who was one tall and one short looked like an accomplice with Luo Mo, but it seemed that the two sides were in a confrontation again, and it would be unwise to act rashly. She could only suppress her anger by taking a deep breath.
On the other hand, Regulus showed an unhappy expression, and glared at Crusch, the beauty in men’s clothing who was still adjusting his mood:
“You! It’s fine if you ran over talking to yourself, and you are still chatting happily, completely ignoring my existence, what do you think of me? Air? If it is air, it’s fine, but I’m a human, right? ? I have come, I am here, but you ignore me to promote the development of the situation, what are you thinking? There should be arrogance……”
“If you are still a man, don’t make a long speech here! Sign up! Otherwise, I will kill you! “Cursch, who was originally angry, but tried to suppress his anger in his mind, ignited his pestering words as if deliberately provoking him, or said that the retainers were all around him, so he really couldn’t help it. Back off when provoked.
“Huh? It’s obviously a man? What does this mean? From this sentence, it can be seen that you have any prejudice against men and me? And ah! I only have one, the only one! And there are so many people in this world. So many men…”
“——I said it! If you talk again, I will kill you!!”
Crusch couldn’t bear the chatter that he was one step closer than Luomo and Echidna, so he interrupted the other party’s chattering coldly again, and unbearably slashed down the long sword that glowed with white light.
Famous stunt, one sword for a hundred people – the invisible wind blade, crossed the distance between each other in the blink of an eye, and slashed on Regulus’ face.
Even a beluga whale with extremely high magic resistance would be torn apart by this knife, but…
The moment the blade of wind touched Regulus, it stopped abruptly as if it had touched the edge of the world, a forbidden area that could never be crossed.
The highly condensed wind blades collapsed without even cutting a single hair of Regulus’s hair. They exploded in an instant and turned into a chaotic gust of wind, blowing the smoke and dust that had just calmed down all over the sky again.
Although this is a unique skill, it is not too strange to be able to defend against it, but the opponent didn’t even move a hand, not even a drop of blood, just stood there, and even used his face on the spot, defenseless He took the blow without hesitation, but in the end…not even a layer of skin was scratched.
This strange unknown phenomenon caused tremors to run through Crusch and the others, as well as the surrounding guards couldn’t help holding their breath stiffly.
“I interrupted twice when someone was talking really happily, and even cut it straight away. Are you educated? Is it really too rude? Look down on me personally and also belittle my rights. This kind of attitude… ..Even if I am a peace-loving person, I can’t continue to ignore it!”
Regulus, who didn’t seem to want to accept the attack himself, but discovered the problem after the attack ended, suddenly darkened.
In the end, he obviously didn’t do anything, just waved his hand lightly, but a strange feeling appeared inexplicably.
Nothing appeared, only the breeze was lifted, and the earth, atmosphere, space, and even the world seemed to be cut apart.
…Without any warning, and without any warning, Kur Xiu’s sword-holding hand flew out.
Crusch, who was still on guard against the other party, didn’t notice this strange attack at all, and failed to take any precautions. The moment his arm was severed, he let out a wailing cry of pain, and the whole person fell to the ground directly.
“”—Master Crusch? ! “”
The servants behind Kurosuke rushed forward with an exclamation.
Wilhelm stood up and stood in front of Kursch, while the cat-man Felix hurriedly leaned over to inspect the injury.
Due to the intense pain and bleeding, Crusch’s whole body twitched, his previous dignity was completely shattered under the highest pain in history, his vision became wandering and he unconsciously called out to his most trusted servant:
“Phil… woo… woo ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Fly… ke…”
“I am here! Master Crusch! I am here!”
Felix was so anxious that tears kept flowing, but he quickly used healing magic on his hand to stop the bleeding.
The situation was weird, and the situation was overwhelmingly unfavorable to the Crusch camp, which was clearly at home.
Luo Mo, who had been watching the show and was not in a hurry to do anything, was also surprised by what happened in front of him.
Of course it wasn’t surprise. After all, Regulus’ combat power and defense power had been learned in the past, but he was simply surprised by Crusch’s state.
“…This child’s fighting will is much worse than imagined. Has he completely lost his fighting power at this level?”
Originally, Crusch gave him the impression that she was an indomitable existence, but this blow completely disintegrated her will, which was unexpected even for him.
As a local snake, Crusch’s side… At the moment when Crusch was injured and lost his fighting consciousness, he basically lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight.
Facing the nightmares standing in front of him, even Wilhelm, known as the Sword Demon, felt cold sweat pouring down his back.
At first glance, Regulus, who stood still and did not make any threats, was full of flaws in his eyes. His eyes were filled with calmness and arrogance that had nothing to do with vigilance. It seemed that he didn’t think he would be defeated. , Will be broken defense.
It was just like this, but it also gave him a sense of unfathomable.
Perhaps, all of this is just an illusion. In fact, it seems to be full of flaws, but it is just a disguise that there are no flaws at all… Wilhelm couldn’t help but think this way after encountering the previous accident.
Not to mention the current state, even when he was in his strongest state in his prime, it would be difficult to grasp the odds of winning against such an enemy.
Even Reinhardt felt the same as facing his grandson in a fighting state… the same invincibility, and the same lack of usable flaws.
But even so, even if the guards had the idea of ​​fleeing, the benefactor who was in distress behind him made him have no intention of retreating… Slowly raised the blade to his body, exuding an aura different from ordinary people, Shen Sheng said:
“Who are you?”
“What? Don’t you know us? But I happen to know you too.” Regulus looked Wilhelm carefully, and smiled again: “RememberWell, I am the Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult, and I want to do it—— Regulus Cornias. ”
“Similarly, the witch teaches the archbishop of sin, and is in charge of gluttony——Ley Badenkaitos.”
Ley glanced at the fallen Crusch, showing a very loving expression, then looked at Wilhelm, who was taking care of the Lord, and couldn’t help licking his lips with his tongue: “This trip is really not in vain, not only strange women and My dear companions, and you…”
“No matter who you are, you have hurt my master… this is unforgivable! Make up your mind! Bishop of Sin!!”
“Love! Loyalty! Hate! Obsession! Chivalry! Not bad! Not bad! Not bad! Really good! Quite good! Must be good! —Your words will definitely fill our hunger after a long absence! Overdrinking! Gluttony!!”
Regulus was speechless towards his companion, he didn’t bother to say anything or do anything, but Ley was moved and hugged his shoulders and kept twisting his body.
“You lunatics—go to hell!!” The Witch Cult, moreover, was the Archbishop of Sin. This trouble made Wilhelm feel chilled, but he still rushed out instantly while signaling the people behind him to protect Crusch and retreat.
Ley took out two cross swords without fear, roared like a beast, and then went up to him: “Haha! Come on! Come on! Then I’m not welcome!!”
The dancing blades collided fiercely in the center of the street.
Although it was impossible to see clearly with the naked eye, the flying sword created countless flying sparks.
Although he is self-effacing and has no qualifications, Wilhelm’s qualifications and talents are far beyond the realm of ordinary people. Even with the memories of countless devoured people and an overwhelming gap in skills, Ley did not immediately attack the opponent .
But… all of Wilhelm’s attacks were evaded, blocked, and even suppressed a little by little by Ley’s dance-like movements.
Even though he was a sword ghost, he was at a disadvantage in sword skills, and Wilhelm couldn’t help showing a sour expression in this bitter battle.
Everyone at the scene could feel that Ley was dominating the situation. Even if it was just a competition of swordsmanship, it was only a matter of time before Ley won.
And within about two minutes, Ley was probably bored with Wilhelm who was fully defending, and the smile disappeared from the corner of his mouth:
“No new tricks, just like this… I’m tired of it!”
Before Wilhelm could react, the thin and small Ley exerted unbelievable strength and smashed through the ground in an instant.
The two people who had always maintained a certain distance were almost close together in a blink of an eye. Ley’s dagger directly stabbed Wilhelm’s waist, and he hung upside down at an astonishing speed. The golden hook flipped and kicked him in the chest.
Ley’s strength was exaggerated, the impact easily drove the old man, and his body slammed against the stone slab behind him with a muffled grunt.
“Knowledge is power! Memory is the bond! Use memories as stepping stones! We will grow taller! We are strong! Be mighty! Be great! Invincible~! Same~ We will remember you! Remember Your generosity—Sword Demon, Wilhelm Tolias.”
Ley saw that when he just stabbed Wilhelm, he touched Wilhelm’s right hand, as if performing some strange ritual, he licked his palm with his long tongue.
It was as if there was, there was the most precious thing of the old man Wilhelm, and he just felt it, licked it with incomparable affection, and finally—chewed it ruthlessly.
The “gluttony” meal is over.
The “name” entered the stomach of the blasphemer.
Everything will be replaced, and the traces of Wilhelm’s existence will disappear from the world… It should have been like this.
Ley, who was still complacent, suddenly groaned in pain and knelt on the ground, exaggerating and vomited directly on the ground.
With Regulus and the witches, Luo Mo, who has been playing the role of a crowd of onlookers who have nothing to do with himself, was ready and waiting for him to read the moment when Ley read Wilhelm’s name before he became famous and married. Wrong real name power can fail, and encounter backlash.
At this moment, Luo Mo naturally seized the opportunity, raised his hand and made the engraving formula on the back of his hand glow red, and at the same time——
“One way.”
In a state where time was accelerated, the Space Breaker silently pulled open, a long and slender space that couldn’t even fit a ball into it.
On the other side of the shattered space, it was behind Ley who was lying on the ground and even vomited gastric juice, and then…
The clear steel reflected the sunlight. During the accelerated time, in the space that Accelerator tore apart, he covered a distance of more than 50 meters, and at a speed that truly surpassed time and space, he swept past the defenseless boy silently. the nape of the neck.
The vomiting boy froze at the moment when the blade was attached to his body, and then–the head and body bid farewell, bright red splashed everywhere, painting the earth with amazing colors.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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