After forcing Reinhardt back again, the front ends of Luo Mo’s hands gradually emerged, three 11-barreled muzzles.
Three huge H/PJ-11 11-barreled 30mm naval guns, referred to as 1130 near-anti-aircraft weapons, have strange shapes that make Reinhardt very puzzled.
But the shipboard short-range defense weapon did not hesitate at all, and the muzzle quickly locked on Reinhardt’s figure under the control of Luo Mo.
The next moment… the motor starts, and the three 11-tube near-anti-aircraft guns start to rotateverb: move.
Accompanied by the flashes of flame, bullets…or cannonballs emerged from the 11 muzzles at an exaggerated speed.
The anti-ship missiles, aircraft and other weapons that are enough to attack will quickly aim and shoot down the close-in anti-aircraft guns. The three guns fire 33,000 rounds per minute, and instantly build a dense metal storm, overwhelmingly attacking the stunned figure.
If it were another person, he would have died countless times in the blink of an eye, and he would not even be able to find a whole piece of flesh.
However, Reinhardt is also worthy of the title of the strongest. He is favored by the sword god, and he is fortunate to be able to pull out the supreme sword, standing proudly at the apex that thousands of warriors dream of.
He moved while dodging the slash, and the wildly dancing blade formed an insurmountable natural moat, which could easily shred the shells of the armed helicopter, but he was completely unable to leave any traces on the big sword.
Or rather, they didn’t touch the blade at all.
After all, normally, even Reinhardt would not be able to slash ten thousand swords in a minute, but he doesn’t need to cut one or several shells with every slash.
Instead, every blow is packed with tyrannical energy, allowing the blade to expand into a solid energy, that is, relying on the energy and the exaggerated impact of the attack to sweep away a large number of shells approaching.
“… Tsk, even the most exaggerated movie, don’t you dare to act like this? If this guy doesn’t have some restrictions, it’s too exaggerated, right?”
The continuous output of firepower, the dense metal storm is the result that even a “human being” with a “mortal body” cannot be destroyed, and Luo Mo can’t help but click his tongue.
Of course, even if he was surprised, he was actually just surprised by this scene, because he didn’t think that this level of strength could kill this monster.
After all, the near-anti-aircraft guns are used to shoot aircraft and missiles. This guy is a battleship, and the armor is so thick in different eras. How can normal near-anti-aircraft guns be used?
“Sure enough, I still have to add an attack—the Light Halberd Matrix!”
After the close combat ended, now that the distance was widened, Luo Mo was directly preparing for a long-distance fight.
In the seemingly endless rain of dense bullets, light halberds appeared one after another, and turned into meteors to join in suppressing the defenseless Sword Master.
Reinhardt, who was forced by the intensive offensive and worried about the hostages, even needed to ensure the integrity of the temple structure to avoid landslides, was miserable at this moment.
Two human-like but more monster-like existences, Luo Mo is just a normal monster, but the birth of Reinhardt is inevitable in the world, it can almost be said that the world was conceived and born, the world itself was born to prevent collapse, A super-spec existence that is even more monster than monster.
It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a manifestation of the will of the world, a symbol of peace, hope, and rules. It is such a theoretically invincible existence. Facing the masterpiece of the lustful witch, the final beast called permafrost by humans, it is completely invincible. Parker, who showed his strength, was only a matter of two swords, and it was impossible to defeat him with conventional tactics.
Therefore, despite showing a disadvantage, Reinhardt never looked like he was about to lose. Even though Luo Mo continued to attack repeatedly, Reinhardt resolved the offensive one by one and worked hard to maintain his undefeated.
Even when dragged so abruptly, Luo Mo began to get tired and breathe harder, becoming this place in the war zone, and then changed beyond recognition.
At the moment when the two sides maintained a strange balance… the masked man—— Theresia Van Astrea finally started to act.
The first action of the red-haired girl was not to attack, but to take off her mask, and then she broke into the shell of science and magic.
Like lightning, she passed through the gap between the halberd and the cannonball, and then made the long sword move smoothly and briskly, carrying a power that ordinary people could not imagine, and stabbing straight at the figure who seemed to never fall down.
However… Reinhardt just relied on the knife in his hand to bounce off the blade that could easily split through the granite of a person’s height.
But just instinctively defended, Reinhardt wavered uncontrollably when he saw clearly who this person was.
Although he has never seen grandma’s youthful appearance, he has seen her figure on the photo spar countless times from his grandfather’s side.
This made him defend against the attack of Thearesia, who was as beautiful as before, and couldn’t help looking at the old man behind him out of the corner of his eye.
Wilhelm also stepped forward as he expected, and he couldn’t help but anxiously said: “—Master Grandfather! This place is very dangerous! Please hide behind me first and then look for opportunities!”
“….it is good.”
To his surprise, Wilhelm was really obedient and hid behind him.
In this way, he was bathed in the indiscriminate bombing attack, and met the sword attack that maintained the momentum of the wind.
Despite the more obvious disadvantages, he still held on… as it should have been.
But just as the slender body turned around in front of him, and the artillery fire intensified again… When he was determined to liberate this relative who was obviously dead but was still being manipulated and desecrated, Wilhelm who was hiding behind him suddenly pulled out. With two swords, he stabbed at his chest.
He clearly felt the premonition of death approaching from behind, but the attack was too sudden and unexpected, and he understood it too slowly, or could not understand what was going on.
Even… even the brain is refusing to understand this.
The twin swords that blew up the wind staggered, causing blood to splash out, and it came out of Reinhardt’s chest without a trace of accident.
All attacks stopped in an instant, and Reinhardt, who was also forced to stop all movements, turned around and murmured in amazement:
“…how…why….? ”
The blood spilling out of his mouth, the pain of muscle rupture, and the unimaginable situation made him feel like thunder was ringing in his head.
However, no matter how intense the physical pain is, it cannot cover the inner pain at this moment.
Wilhelm could see that the azure pupils, which never had a trace of haze, were shaken by grief, and the upright side face was even cast a shadow of despair.
“…Grandfather! Why?!…Why?! Why are you doing this! You just…hate me so much?!” Reinhardt seemed to be able to vomit blood in pain Shout.
“I’m sorry…” Wilhelm showed a very painful expression, lowered his gaze, and let go of his two swords.
This voice full of guilt made Reinhardt stunned, and turned to look at the red-haired girl who was manipulated like a puppet and stopped moving at this moment. Finally…he looked at He turned to Luo Mo.
Relying on his tenacious will and enthusiasm, he walked towards Luo Mo.
The untreated wound on the chest was squeezed, causing the blood to flow out unstoppably, and the broken stone bricks were dyed red in an instant.
“…What’s going on here! What the hell have you done!” Reinhardt walked up to Luo Mo, dragging a line of blood like this, and tried his best to reprimand: “—Is it you? What the hell? What did you do? Why did you do this?! Not only did you desecrate the corpse of your grandmother, but you also used your grandmother’s corpse! Forcing your grandfather to do such a thing… What do you think of people?! And what do you want to do with people? To what extent can you be willing to trample on it!?”
Reinhardt unleashes the most furious, murderous yet most feeble attack ever.
On his pitiful face, there is a sense of mortal awareness, however… just the so-called awareness cannot be the key to victory.
At the same time as the sparks flew, the high-pitched sound of the weapon’s humming sounded.
The dragon sword was easily bounced off, and even broke free from the hand of Reinhardt who lost his strength. After circling in mid-air for a while, it fell to the ground again.
“Don’t blame me for everything, okay? I didn’t summon this corpse in the first place, and I paid the price of my body to come here?” Luo Mo spread out innocently with a look of helplessness. Both hands: “And I didn’t force anyone, I just gave him a new choice…Of course, this is also a temptation he can’t refuse, that’s all.”
“What… temptation?”
“It’s nothing, just help him revive your grandma, which is Teresia.”
“They’ve been dead for so many years, that kind of thing…!”
“—Of course it can be done.” Luo Mo interrupted his denial: “Go with peace of mind, I will keep my promise and bring your grandma back to life.”
“….if so…..”
Reinhardt understands that these words are not lies. At the moment when the game is sure to win, Luo Mo has no need to deceive himself, and such an answer…he can accept it.
With the loss of blood, all the strength in his body was draining rapidly. At the moment when the anger disappeared, with two swords stuck in his back, his legs softened and he knelt on the ground on one knee, losing the strength to stand up again. He could barely keep himself from falling down.
The strongest defeat that could not be defeated by itself is really jaw-dropping, but at this time it is already an undoubted fact.
Because Reinhardt has too many burdens and has too many constraints.
Even the strongest is subject to huge constraints invisibly because of the things he is carrying. This is an opportunity… At least for Luo Mo, as long as he is cunning enough and not offline enough, he wants to win Such being the strongest is not impossible.
“…do you have any last words?” He looked at the young man who was having difficulty breathing, and slowly raised his sword: “I don’t actually hate you, and killing you is not my wish, so what are your last words?” Yes, I will still listen to it for the time being, and pass it on to you by the way, it is not impossible to help you achieve simple things.”
“It’s not what you want…? Then tell me… who is the person who forced you to do these things? Who is… who can force you?”
“It doesn’t make sense to tell you, because you don’t know it, and this can actually be called a deal in essence, not a coercion… just like the deal between Wilhelm and me.”
“…Then before that, fulfill your grandfather’s wish and let me see…the scene where the regrets caused by me are made up for?…my friend.”
Although he really wanted to ask who that person was, Reinhardt also understood that it was meaningless and gave up. After hesitating for a moment, he still regarded Luo Mo, a despicable perpetrator, as a friend.
“You are so naive, you still treat me as a friend at this time… Well, forget it, it’s okay.”
Looking at Reinhardt who wouldn’t live for too long even if he didn’t do anything, Luo Mo, who knew that there was no trace of lies in his words, was a little dumbfounded.
Although he felt that this was not in line with his principles, he still nodded hesitantly.
Because he doesn’t like to deceive people who trust him, and even hates this behavior extremely.
This is true even if it is self-trust and trust created by lies.
Reinhardt’s attitude made him feel very uncomfortable and guilty, so even though he wanted to blame this guy for being so nice that he made it difficult for him to do it, he still shook his head and agreed.
But on the surface, he pretended to be indifferent, looked at Wilhelm and asked:”It might be a bit troublesome to resurrect directly here. Let’s make a contract first. You have to promise not to disturb me. Your wife has to stop everything she wants, even if she is forced to die, is that okay? ”
“…Yes.” Wilhelm did not hesitate too much, looked at Reinhardt and lowered his head guiltily: “…Thearesia will definitely not forgive me…”
Perhaps he took this as his own punishment, and also felt guilty for betraying Reinhardt. Although he knew that his wife would not allow him to do this, let alone watched his grandson be killed, he still reached a contract with Luo Mo.
Thus, the magic circle unfolded.
Not long after, a gorgeous beam of light poured on Thearesia’s body.
The resurrection of the super magic level can be resurrected as long as the soul still exists. Although the corpse soldiers are the same as the dolls, they actually have their own souls… The most obvious feature is that the life of the corpse soldiers also disappears. At the end, you can regain consciousness for a short time, and you can speak a little bit.
Of course, if the corpse is too damaged, it will be directly turned into ashes.
And I don’t know if this super magic can be regarded as a side effect of side effects, that is, the restored appearance cannot be controlled, and it can only restore the appearance of the soul of the dead.
Therefore, the red-haired beautiful girl gradually becomes old, and turns into a middle-aged woman who is about to enter old age but still has a unique charm.
But just when Wilhelm rushed forward to support the woman…
The special barrier of the temple – collapsed.
Then two girls with pure white ghost horns protruding from their foreheads, a blonde loli, a silver-haired girl, a cat walking upright, and a middle-aged man with green hair appeared from the entrance together.
“This situation seems to be a bit bad, and this is simple and clear—is there a premeditated betrayal? Although it was expected a long time ago, I just didn’t expect this timing. Speaking of which, did you also sign some contract between you?”
Seeing Reinhardt whose back double swords were pulled out and whose wounds healed quickly, Luo Mo did not stop him meaninglessly. Facing this overwhelming disadvantage, he just glanced at it with a clear tone. People around.
Chapter 23 Ram’s Salvation・Sword Demon’s Salvation
The plan that had been carefully prepared was only one step away from being completed, but it was completely destroyed by the sudden backstab.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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