However, these two witches, who should have a blood feud, only cared about other people’s thoughts on the surface, but they didn’t understand at all, nor did they care about other people’s feelings.
It is too unwise to communicate with abnormal people. He who thinks he is a normal person hesitated again and again, but he gave up talking to them…Now he doesn’t have that kind of leisure, and it is good for him. Of course he doesn’t to stop the need.
Before Emilia and Parker came back, the group reached the sanctuary in a blink of an eye under the power of Pandora, dragging the other two witches who didn’t want to be resurrected from the grave.
In just a short while, all the factors of the nine deadly sins were included by him.
Although laziness and lust are not complete, even if they are separated, he can use an invisible hand that is stronger than Petichius.
After all, they are also lazy, and their powers are invisible hands. Petichius’s power exposure is only at the level of a first-class master, and most of them rely on invisible bullying, but Sekhmet can beat the dragon head-on, expel Going to the Great Falls made him suffer enough to leave a psychological shadow, and achieved an overwhelming victory.
Echidna wanted to see how he used the Nine Almighty at the same time, but he resolutely refused to perform for others, and urged Pandora to go to the forest in those days.
The disaster left by the black snake here is almost impossible to be erased by time, and it will only become more and more serious, but in front of Pandora… it is still just a matter of one sentence.
The soil polluted by the black snake returned to its original appearance in the blink of an eye, and all the residents of the fairy village, which had been frozen until now, were also liberated from the ice.
The bewildered voice suddenly echoed around.
Everyone couldn’t figure it out, they were still facing the attack of the Witch Cult last moment, but now… what’s the situation?
But no one explained it, Emilia and the unconscious Fortuna were also brought, and then it was just a matter of one sentence… everything was torn off the false cover.
Emilia, whose memory had been distorted, just stood there blankly, and the past scene quickly unfolded in her mind, just like that.
What happened when he was young, what happened when his mother died in his arms, what happened when Petichius went crazy because of his broken heart, and… who caused these tragedies.
The recovered memory completely overturned her world view, and her life was pulled back to the starting point.
(When you meet me next time, what kind of smile will you wear?…I really look forward to this wonderful reunion.) At the end when the memory was distorted, Pandora whispered in her ear, making her Instinctively glared at the mother-killing enemy with astonishing anger.
“Is this the legendary kindness and revenge? But is this a new experience?” Pandora nodded slightly indifferently, Echidna also didn’t give Emilia any good looks, and she didn’t know what she had achieved with Pandora Agreement, standing directly on Pandora’s side, said coldly:
“As expected of a dirty whore-like lowly guy, it’s really eye-opening to see such an attitude after receiving help.”
“…you witches, what’s going on?” It’s not surprising that Echidna’s taunting behavior happened every now and then, but the inexplicable reconciliation between the two made Luo Mo a little at a loss as to what to say.
But Emilia didn’t care at this time. The two witches who lost if they really cared, rushed towards the woman who was still in handcuffs.
“—Mother Fortuna~ are you okay!”
A hundred years is nothing to a goblin. Fortuna, who still looks young and has recovered her memory, blinked blankly at Emilia who was hugging her tightly.
There is a big difference between when she was a child and now, but she is inexplicably sure that this is her niece, and she has always loved her “daughter”.
“It’s me! It’s Leah! I’m back! I’m back! Mama Fortuna!” Emilia couldn’t keep calm, and tears fell one by one on Fertuna’s face.
“Welcome back, Leah….are you grown?”
Fortuna slowly stretched out her hand, and stroked Emilia’s face, as if she was facing something she cherished, with the utmost gentleness.
Emilia also kept nodding with sobs, and held her hand tightly, as if she was afraid that she would leave her again.
Petichius who was sent was already knelt on the side, shouting Fortuna’s name in a state of sobbing.
It can even be said that he was crying loudly beside him, directly interpreting his past nickname of “crybaby” thoroughly.
The surrounding villagers couldn’t understand the situation, and were taken aback by the sudden wailing, and then teased that Petichius was such an adult, and even a man cried more exaggeratedly than Emilia.
But in any case, the only thing that is certain is that they do not have any malice, at least Luo Mo has no way to feel malice from them.
However, not far from the “family of three” surrounded by villagers, there is a unique atmosphere that is completely different from friendly emotions…
“Parent-child love, male-female love…true love, it’s really great~!”
“It’s not like that.”
Pandora looked appreciative, Echidna looked indifferent, and Luo Mo just stared at the family of three indifferently.
But he didn’t say anything, and didn’t want to say anything, he turned around silently and left.After leaving here, under the watchful eyes of Pandora who seemed to have noticed something, he walked into the depths of the dark forest alone.
He left letters and this peaceful and prosperous world, and left a restrictive contract for everyone, even Shenlong, but he didn’t take anything away.
“Before I left, I saw a good picture. It’s so beautiful, but…” Recalling the previous scene, there seemed to be a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, but in the end it seemed like he had killed all his emotions , lost the smile.
“—Even if it’s that kind of emotion, it will cool down one day. It’s pleasant and meaningless…it’s boring.”
Whispers in voices lost in the wind.
His figure followed, and the cool wind blowing the flowers and plants disappeared.
Luo Mo, who left alone at the last moment, is ready to go on to a world that is chaotic or about to be chaotic.
[As the compensation mentioned last time, in the end, individuals can rest in this world for a year to adjust their state. This world is generally at peace.
However, this machine suggests that try to understand the emotion defined as “happiness” according to the contract.
According to the analysis, it is a special power that can make people explode beyond the normal power, and it has the value of analysis and understanding. 】
He was extremely surprised…. The system didn’t forget the last time, when it dealt with the strong-willed bishop, it just appeared in a desolate mountain area, and told him that he could take a rest.
But… is the system broken? It’s obviously a thing of the rational school, but it actually plays a hero’s routine?
“It’s really ridiculous. I don’t believe in things that I don’t believe in, but a machine without emotion still believes in it? And don’t treat me like you, okay? I am a human being? Do you still need to understand what happiness is?”
ã€Analysis from the final individual situation…】
“Ah, shut up, I don’t need your analysis, don’t do unnecessary things.”
[This machine has never performed redundant actions, but only followed the mission to assist the final individual to become stronger. 】
“Let’s put that aside…. If you look at the content of your proposal from a purely relaxing point of view, it’s not unreasonable. Maybe it’s good as a game? Well, it might be good to find something new once in a while, so let me directly prove it to you. .â€
Standing on the wilderness talking to himself, he looked at the tall city wall at the end of the wilderness and walked over.
But even if the words are good, if he really wants to take action… He somehow doesn’t know where to start, and even begins to doubt whether to do it before doing anything.
He can control the fate of almost everyone in the previous world and give everyone the happiness they want, but he can’t control his own destiny alone, and also…can’t give himself that kind of emotion.
In other words, the current him is not sure whether he can correctly understand what happiness is.
Just because he can’t understand it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to try to get it…it’s just that he’s used to compromising reality in the past.
As long as he has the chance, he still hopes to live a good life and enjoy his daily life like ordinary people…probably.

(PS: The next volume is “The Witch’s Journey”, which is mainly about daily life, relieving the atmosphere, and easing the character of the protagonist~)
Chapter 1 The Value of Friends
——Looking for happiness.
Luo Mo feels that this kind of thing can be said to be the most unfavorable thing for him. After all, he didn’t have time, nor did he have the excessive emotion to waste on that kind of thing.
Moreover, this kind of behavior itself, when others say it, he finds it quite ridiculous.
And even though he said it was very simple just now, in reality he has no way to get started.
Let him kill a person, a country, and a world, perhaps even simpler than that kind of thing.
Therefore…. the emotionless voice of the system emerged from his mind again.
[According to the collected information, the richer and more powerful people are, the harder it is to obtain happiness. The probability of happiness for normal people is much higher than that of people who are looked up to.
Therefore, considering the probability, this machine suggests that the final individual, in this world, does not use force to solve the problem.
Behave as normal as possible, and in this way, you will definitely be able to analyze the emotion called “happiness” and gain the power of this emotion. 】
“…I don’t need you to tell me. I just want to act like a powerless person to eat soft rice? How can I do such a thing!”
[No, this machine has no such suggestion at all, it is all the personal thoughts of the final individual, and this machine does not think that the action of “eating soft food” will help analyze emotions. 】
“It’s fun to get something for nothing, isn’t it?”
々Unable to understand. 】
The system lost interest in continuing to talk to him, and went straight into a state of silence, not sure if it was speechless or what was going on.
“…Are even robots so temperamental these days? Really…but, are you happy? Well, how long does that kind of thing have a shelf life?”
Thinking of the scene where the mother and daughter reunited, he closed his eyes unconsciously and tried to integrate himself into that picture, but he only felt a sense of disobedience.
…really, right?
With such doubts, he walked in the direction of the city.
I don’t know if this is in some scenic area. It is obviously a deserted wilderness, but the scenery is surprisingly great.
What is reflected in the field of vision is a large area of ​​rich green and vast blue, and the wind caressing the face is also very gentle.
Around the winding road, there are blooming flowers and plants, full of original scenery.Ecological natural beauty.
Maybe it’s spring, the coolness brought by the breeze and the warm sun are so comfortable that people can’t help but want to lie on the lawn by the roadside and have a good sleep.
However, in this pleasant scenery and climate, the black-haired young man walking slowly… His very existence seems to destroy this scenery.
Although his face was only slightly perplexed and confused, his whole body was filled with a strong strange aura.
…Because of his existence itself, or the great sin factor in his body, he will unconsciously produce the miasma of the witch. To be precise, it will continuously pollute the magic power, making the surrounding magic power become polluted, which is the so-called miasma.
It is not even limited to magic power, all supernatural powers are being polluted, and the nine deadly sins together form an astonishing miasma, and no special perception is needed to detect abnormalities here.
Even though ordinary people would not be able to figure out what was going on, they would feel a chill rushing down their backs when they approached him, and shiver unconsciously.
But it didn’t take long for Luo Mo himself to realize the problem, so he tried his best to suppress the erosion of the world by the great sin factor, making himself harmless to humans and animals again, and he came under the high wall in a blink of an eye.
“…It’s strange, isn’t the city gate open in broad daylight? Or are the creatures in this world nocturnal? Only open the gate at night? No, wait? Is this gate fake?”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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